- shell (ssh) into your server, change to the project directory:
ssh deploy-host.net
cd ~/datacultures
There is a script for the simplest possible deploy. For it, a shell variable $DOCROOT must be set to where static assets are to be served from. Then run the script:
(this script has not yet been merged into master, it is at https://github.com/coyote/datacultures/blob/deploy_script/bin/deploy.sh ) Or you can do the steps one by one:
- Make sure there are no unstaged changes, or staged and not committed changes. Below 'origin' the git remote where the code to deploy is located:
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
- Pull the latest code:
git pull origin master
Git will print a summary of changes made since the last pull. If it responds with:
git pull origin master
From github.com:coyote/datacultures
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
Then you are already up to date. Here, "github.com:coyote/datacultures" is the remote reference.
If the Gemfile or Gemfile.lock has changed, it will be necessary to bundle (this cannot hurt, and won't take long at all if nothing has changed):
If there are migrations (when you did the git pull, if there are any files in the db/migration directory, there are migrations), then you must migrate the database. You will see something like this:
rake db:migrate
== 20141015203016 CreateMediaUrls: migrating ==================================
-- create_table(:media_urls)
-> 0.0387s
== 20141015203016 CreateMediaUrls: migrated (0.0388s) =========================
It won't hurt to run this if there are no migrations, it will produce no output.
If there are new assets, it is necessary to compile them. If your server has a different $DOCROOT and you are not serving static assets from the application server (which is the default and usual setup for production), you must copy the resulting assets into the $DOCROOT (as set in your web server's config [e.g., httpd.conf]):
rake assets:clobber
rake assets:precompile
cp -R public/assets/* $DOCROOT/assets