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File metadata and controls

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Deploy the Application

Code deployment

  • shell (ssh) into your server, change to the project directory:
    cd ~/datacultures

There is a script for the simplest possible deploy. For it, a shell variable $DOCROOT must be set to where static assets are to be served from. Then run the script:


(this script has not yet been merged into master, it is at ) Or you can do the steps one by one:

  • Make sure there are no unstaged changes, or staged and not committed changes. Below 'origin' the git remote where the code to deploy is located:
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
  1. Pull the latest code:
    git pull origin master

Git will print a summary of changes made since the last pull. If it responds with:

    git pull origin master
     * branch            master -> FETCH_HEAD
    Already up-to-date.

Then you are already up to date. Here, "" is the remote reference.

Bundle rubygems

If the Gemfile or Gemfile.lock has changed, it will be necessary to bundle (this cannot hurt, and won't take long at all if nothing has changed):


Migrate the DataBase

If there are migrations (when you did the git pull, if there are any files in the db/migration directory, there are migrations), then you must migrate the database. You will see something like this:

    rake db:migrate
    == 20141015203016 CreateMediaUrls: migrating ==================================
    -- create_table(:media_urls)
       -> 0.0387s
    == 20141015203016 CreateMediaUrls: migrated (0.0388s) =========================

It won't hurt to run this if there are no migrations, it will produce no output.

Compile (and copy if needed) any new assets

If there are new assets, it is necessary to compile them. If your server has a different $DOCROOT and you are not serving static assets from the application server (which is the default and usual setup for production), you must copy the resulting assets into the $DOCROOT (as set in your web server's config [e.g., httpd.conf]):

    rake assets:clobber
    rake assets:precompile
    cp -R public/assets/*  $DOCROOT/assets