[Rule Form V2] Action Connector Form for Rule Form V2 #181659
Issues related to the Rules Management UX
Label for the ResponseOps team (formerly the Cases and Alerting teams)
Parent Issue: #175634
Protoype: https://www.figma.com/proto/y6UZVXzF9IrKdYIjx9L2ax/Create-Rule-Flow-MS2?page-id=5669%3A627069&type=design&node-id=5669-627072&viewport=16400%2C759%2C1&t=Gj8Zv71Wat3mtN4F-1&scaling=scale-down-width&starting-point-node-id=5683%3A736578&show-proto-sidebar=1
The goal for this ticket is to create the action form for the new rule form V2. We will create new components for the new action creation form. This will help us in the future to have more maintainable code as the code right now is hard to reason about. Our strategy for pull requests is to have multiple PRs with individual components that can be merged separately.
Requirements (Definition of done):
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: