From 8490ee57cf4a3f153f67af819e3949347435708d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Florian Bernd Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 13:23:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Improve `.gitattributes` (#2600) --- .gitattributes | 236 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 236 insertions(+) diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index 10b2ef08b5..9a11e39750 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -1,3 +1,237 @@ +### Header ######################################################################################### + +# The filename patterns in '.gitattributes' are case-sensitive! + +### Line Endings ################################################################################### + +# Set default behavior to automatically normalize line endings +* text=auto + +# Force batch scripts to always use CRLF line endings +*.bat text eol=crlf +*.cmd text eol=crlf +*.ps1 text eol=crlf + +# Force bash scripts to always use LF line endings +*.bash text eol=lf +*.fish text eol=lf +*.sh text eol=lf +*.zsh text eol=lf + +# Text files where line endings should be preserved +*.patch -text + +### Common ######################################################################################### + +# Configs +.editorconfig text +.gitattributes text export-ignore +.gitignore text export-ignore +.gitkeep text export-ignore +*.json text +*.toml text +*.xml text +*.yaml text +*.yml text +*.cnf text +*.conf text +*.config text +*.ini text + +# Documents +*.markdown text diff=markdown +*.md text diff=markdown +*.mdwn text diff=markdown +*.mdown text diff=markdown +*.mkd text diff=markdown +*.mkdn text diff=markdown +*.mdtxt text +*.mdtext text +*.txt text +*.tex text diff=tex +*.adoc text +*.textile text +*.mustache text +*.csv text eol=crlf +*.tab text +*.tsv text +*.sql text +*.epub diff=astextplain +*.bibtex text diff=bibtex +*.doc diff=astextplain +*.docx diff=astextplain +*.dot diff=astextplain +*.pdf diff=astextplain +*.rtf diff=astextplain + +# Documentation +AUTHORS text +CHANGELOG text +CHANGES text +CONTRIBUTING text +COPYING text +copyright text +*COPYRIGHT* text +INSTALL text +license text +LICENSE text +NEWS text +readme text +*README* text +TODO text + +# Graphics +*.ai binary +*.bmp binary +*.eps binary +*.gif binary +*.gifv binary +*.ico binary +*.jng binary +*.jp2 binary +*.jpg binary +*.jpeg binary +*.jpx binary +*.jxr binary +*.pdf binary +*.png binary +*.psb binary +*.psd binary +*.svg text +*.svgz binary +*.tif binary +*.tiff binary +*.wbmp binary +*.webp binary + +# Audio +*.kar binary +*.m4a binary +*.mid binary +*.midi binary +*.mp3 binary +*.ogg binary +*.ra binary + +# Video +*.3gpp binary +*.3gp binary +*.as binary +*.asf binary +*.asx binary +*.avi binary +*.fla binary +*.flv binary +*.m4v binary +*.mng binary +*.mov binary +*.mp4 binary +*.mpeg binary +*.mpg binary +*.ogv binary +*.swc binary +*.swf binary +*.webm binary + +# Archives +*.7z binary +*.gz binary +*.jar binary +*.rar binary +*.tar binary +*.zip binary + +# Executables +*.exe binary +*.pyc binary + +# Misc +Makefile text +Dockerfile text + +### Web ############################################################################################ + +# Source code +*.coffee text +*.css text diff=css +*.htm text diff=html +*.html text diff=html +*.inc text +*.js text +*.mjs text +*.cjs text +*.jsx text +*.less text +*.ls text +*.map text -diff +*.od text +*.onlydata text +*.php text diff=php +*.pl text +*.py text diff=python +*.rb text diff=ruby +*.sass text +*.scm text +*.scss text diff=css +*.sh text eol=lf +.husky/* text eol=lf +*.styl text +*.tag text +*.ts text +*.tsx text +*.xml text +*.xhtml text diff=html + +# Configs +.env text +.htaccess text +*.lock text -diff +package.json text eol=lf +package-lock.json text eol=lf -diff +pnpm-lock.yaml text eol=lf -diff +.prettierrc text +yarn.lock text -diff +browserslist text +# Fixes syntax highlighting on GitHub to allow comments +tsconfig.json linguist-language=JSON-with-Comments + +# Templates +*.dot text +*.ejs text +*.erb text +*.haml text +*.handlebars text +*.hbs text +*.hbt text +*.jade text +*.latte text +*.mustache text +*.njk text +*.phtml text +*.svelte text +*.tmpl text +*.tpl text +*.twig text +*.vue text + +# Fonts +*.ttf binary +*.eot binary +*.otf binary +*.woff binary +*.woff2 binary + +# RC files (like .babelrc or .eslintrc) +*.*rc text + +# Ignore files (like .npmignore or .gitignore) +*.*ignore text + +# Prevents massive diffs from built files +dist/* binary + +### Linguist Overrides ############################################################################# + output/dangling-types/dangling.csv linguist-generated=true output/schema/schema.json linguist-generated=true output/openapi/elasticsearch-serverless-openapi.json linguist-generated=true @@ -6,3 +240,5 @@ output/schema/import-namespace-graph-compact.json linguist-generated=true output/schema/import-namespace-graph-expanded.json linguist-generated=true output/schema/validation-errors.json linguist-generated=true output/typescript/types.ts linguist-generated=true + +####################################################################################################