diff --git a/docs/reference.asciidoc b/docs/reference.asciidoc index 1ddd6e5f7..bb88c67fc 100644 --- a/docs/reference.asciidoc +++ b/docs/reference.asciidoc @@ -38,17 +38,21 @@ client.bulk({ ... }) ==== Arguments * *Request (object):* -** *`index` (Optional, string)*: Default index for items which don't provide one +** *`index` (Optional, string)*: Name of the data stream, index, or index alias to perform bulk actions on. ** *`operations` (Optional, { index, create, update, delete } | { detect_noop, doc, doc_as_upsert, script, scripted_upsert, _source, upsert } | object[])* -** *`pipeline` (Optional, string)*: The pipeline id to preprocess incoming documents with -** *`refresh` (Optional, Enum(true | false | "wait_for"))*: If `true` then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` (the default) then do nothing with refreshes. -** *`routing` (Optional, string)*: Specific routing value -** *`_source` (Optional, boolean | string | string[])*: True or false to return the _source field or not, or default list of fields to return, can be overridden on each sub-request -** *`_source_excludes` (Optional, string | string[])*: Default list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field, can be overridden on each sub-request -** *`_source_includes` (Optional, string | string[])*: Default list of fields to extract and return from the _source field, can be overridden on each sub-request -** *`timeout` (Optional, string | -1 | 0)*: Explicit operation timeout -** *`wait_for_active_shards` (Optional, number | Enum("all" | "index-setting"))*: Sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the bulk operation. Defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. Set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1) -** *`require_alias` (Optional, boolean)*: Sets require_alias for all incoming documents. Defaults to unset (false) +** *`pipeline` (Optional, string)*: ID of the pipeline to use to preprocess incoming documents. +If the index has a default ingest pipeline specified, then setting the value to `_none` disables the default ingest pipeline for this request. +If a final pipeline is configured it will always run, regardless of the value of this parameter. +** *`refresh` (Optional, Enum(true | false | "wait_for"))*: If `true`, Elasticsearch refreshes the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` do nothing with refreshes. +Valid values: `true`, `false`, `wait_for`. +** *`routing` (Optional, string)*: Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. +** *`_source` (Optional, boolean | string | string[])*: `true` or `false` to return the `_source` field or not, or a list of fields to return. +** *`_source_excludes` (Optional, string | string[])*: A list of source fields to exclude from the response. +** *`_source_includes` (Optional, string | string[])*: A list of source fields to include in the response. +** *`timeout` (Optional, string | -1 | 0)*: Period each action waits for the following operations: automatic index creation, dynamic mapping updates, waiting for active shards. +** *`wait_for_active_shards` (Optional, number | Enum("all" | "index-setting"))*: The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. +Set to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (`number_of_replicas+1`). +** *`require_alias` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the request’s actions must target an index alias. [discrete] === clear_scroll @@ -63,7 +67,8 @@ client.clearScroll({ ... }) ==== Arguments * *Request (object):* -** *`scroll_id` (Optional, string | string[])*: A list of scroll IDs to clear +** *`scroll_id` (Optional, string | string[])*: List of scroll IDs to clear. +To clear all scroll IDs, use `_all`. [discrete] === close_point_in_time @@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ client.closePointInTime({ id }) ==== Arguments * *Request (object):* -** *`id` (string)* +** *`id` (string)*: The ID of the point-in-time. [discrete] === count @@ -623,20 +628,22 @@ client.mtermvectors({ ... }) ==== Arguments * *Request (object):* -** *`index` (Optional, string)*: The index in which the document resides. -** *`docs` (Optional, { _id, _index, routing, _source, stored_fields, version, version_type }[])* -** *`ids` (Optional, string[])* -** *`fields` (Optional, string | string[])*: A list of fields to return. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs". -** *`field_statistics` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs". -** *`offsets` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if term offsets should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs". -** *`payloads` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if term payloads should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs". -** *`positions` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if term positions should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs". -** *`preference` (Optional, string)*: Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) .Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs". -** *`realtime` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if requests are real-time as opposed to near-real-time (default: true). -** *`routing` (Optional, string)*: Specific routing value. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs". -** *`term_statistics` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned. Applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs". -** *`version` (Optional, number)*: Explicit version number for concurrency control -** *`version_type` (Optional, Enum("internal" | "external" | "external_gte" | "force"))*: Specific version type +** *`index` (Optional, string)*: Name of the index that contains the documents. +** *`docs` (Optional, { _id, _index, routing, _source, stored_fields, version, version_type }[])*: Array of existing or artificial documents. +** *`ids` (Optional, string[])*: Simplified syntax to specify documents by their ID if they're in the same index. +** *`fields` (Optional, string | string[])*: List or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics. +Used as the default list unless a specific field list is provided in the `completion_fields` or `fielddata_fields` parameters. +** *`field_statistics` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes the document count, sum of document frequencies, and sum of total term frequencies. +** *`offsets` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes term offsets. +** *`payloads` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes term payloads. +** *`positions` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes term positions. +** *`preference` (Optional, string)*: Specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on. +Random by default. +** *`realtime` (Optional, boolean)*: If true, the request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time. +** *`routing` (Optional, string)*: Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. +** *`term_statistics` (Optional, boolean)*: If true, the response includes term frequency and document frequency. +** *`version` (Optional, number)*: If `true`, returns the document version as part of a hit. +** *`version_type` (Optional, Enum("internal" | "external" | "external_gte" | "force"))*: Specific version type. [discrete] === open_point_in_time @@ -1106,22 +1113,24 @@ client.termvectors({ index }) ==== Arguments * *Request (object):* -** *`index` (string)*: The index in which the document resides. -** *`id` (Optional, string)*: The id of the document, when not specified a doc param should be supplied. -** *`doc` (Optional, object)*: A document. -** *`filter` (Optional, { max_doc_freq, max_num_terms, max_term_freq, max_word_length, min_doc_freq, min_term_freq, min_word_length })* -** *`per_field_analyzer` (Optional, Record)* -** *`fields` (Optional, string | string[])*: A list of fields to return. -** *`field_statistics` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned. -** *`offsets` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if term offsets should be returned. -** *`payloads` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if term payloads should be returned. -** *`positions` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if term positions should be returned. -** *`preference` (Optional, string)*: Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random). -** *`realtime` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time (default: true). -** *`routing` (Optional, string)*: Specific routing value. -** *`term_statistics` (Optional, boolean)*: Specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned. -** *`version` (Optional, number)*: Explicit version number for concurrency control -** *`version_type` (Optional, Enum("internal" | "external" | "external_gte" | "force"))*: Specific version type +** *`index` (string)*: Name of the index that contains the document. +** *`id` (Optional, string)*: Unique identifier of the document. +** *`doc` (Optional, object)*: An artificial document (a document not present in the index) for which you want to retrieve term vectors. +** *`filter` (Optional, { max_doc_freq, max_num_terms, max_term_freq, max_word_length, min_doc_freq, min_term_freq, min_word_length })*: Filter terms based on their tf-idf scores. +** *`per_field_analyzer` (Optional, Record)*: Overrides the default per-field analyzer. +** *`fields` (Optional, string | string[])*: List or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics. +Used as the default list unless a specific field list is provided in the `completion_fields` or `fielddata_fields` parameters. +** *`field_statistics` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes the document count, sum of document frequencies, and sum of total term frequencies. +** *`offsets` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes term offsets. +** *`payloads` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes term payloads. +** *`positions` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes term positions. +** *`preference` (Optional, string)*: Specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on. +Random by default. +** *`realtime` (Optional, boolean)*: If true, the request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time. +** *`routing` (Optional, string)*: Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard. +** *`term_statistics` (Optional, boolean)*: If `true`, the response includes term frequency and document frequency. +** *`version` (Optional, number)*: If `true`, returns the document version as part of a hit. +** *`version_type` (Optional, Enum("internal" | "external" | "external_gte" | "force"))*: Specific version type. [discrete] === update