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Nathan Wolf edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 6 revisions

Magic has a custom version of exp4j built in for equation processing.

Equations can be used in any numeric configuration value. They are generally only evaluated at the start of a spell, though the UpdateParameters action can be used to re-process them on-demand during a spell.

Any variables (such as those created by the ModifyVariable action), builtin or custom attributes can be used inside of an equation.

Additionally, some actions and effects provide their own variables, such as the Modified effect providing t (the number of ticks passed) and i (the total number of ticks the effect will last).

Unfortunately the exp4j site is not actively maintained, so you may get a certificate warning when visiting. I will paste below the most relevant bits for reference:

Function Reference

  • abs: absolute value
  • acos: arc cosine
  • asin: arc sine
  • atan: arc tangent
  • cbrt: cubic root
  • ceil: nearest upper integer
  • cos: cosine
  • cosh: hyperbolic cosine
  • exp: euler's number raised to the power (e^x)
  • floor: nearest lower integer
  • log: logarithmus naturalis (base e)
  • log10: logarithm (base 10)
  • log2: logarithm (base 2)
  • sin: sine
  • sinh: hyperbolic sine
  • sqrt: square root
  • tan: tangent
  • tanh: hyperbolic tangent
  • signum: signum function

Custom Functions Added by Magic

  • rand(x,y): Generate a random number from x to y
  • prob(p,x,y): A random (p%) chance to return x, else return y
  • min(x,y): Return the minimum of x or y
  • max(x,y): Return the maximum of x or y
  • select(v,x,y,z): If v < -1, return x, if v = 0 return y, if v > 0 return z
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