This repository contains Python and R code for processing data, running analyses and plotting figures from the paper Rabbits and the Specious Origins of Domestication
If you reuse any of this code then please cite the paper:
Irving-Pease, E.K., Frantz, L.A.F., Sykes, N., Callou, C., Larson, G., 2018. Rabbits and the Specious Origins of Domestication. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33, 149–152.
To reproduce the analyses from the paper you will need to install the following dependencies.
Python ≥ 2.7 with the following modules:
pip install luigi matplotlib numpy
pip install git+
The full list of Python modules installed in the project environment can be
found in the requirement.txt
R ≥ 3.4 with the following modules:
install.packages(c("ape", "ggplot2", "mapdata", "maps", "reshape2", "scales", "splancs", "stringr"))
The pipeline is broken into two luigi modules.
- download the data from the SRA and Ensembl
- align the data with BWA
- sort and merge with Samtools
- deduplicate with Picard
- variant call and filter with GATK
- convert to Plink
- run ADMIXTURE and sNMF
- run FlashPCA
- plot NJ tree
luigi --module pipeline_gatk CustomGenomePipeline
- compute the SFS
- fit ∂a∂i models
luigi --module pipeline_dadi CustomDadiPipeline
Evan K. Irving-Pease, PalaeoBARN, University of Oxford
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details