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Deploying Applications Into Kubernetes Cluster

In this project, applications will be deployed on a K8s cluster. Kuberbetes has a lot of moving parts, it operates with several layers of abstraction between your application and host machines where it runs.

Kuberentes has a lot of resources abd capablities that it is not realistic to learn it all at once. Hence the following concepts will be inttoduced:

  • Pods
  • ReplicaSets
  • Deployments
  • StatefulSets
  • Services (ClusterIP, NodePort, Loadbalancer)

Getting Started

  1. Spin up EC2 Instance on AWS (i.e. used to create the cluster).

  2. On your AWS console, search and click on IAM.


  1. Click on the Roles tab and Create role button.

roles create role

  1. Select AWS Service and EC2 as the use case.


  1. Select Adminstrator Access permission policy.

add permissions

  1. Name the role EKSCTL_Role and click on Create role.

name eksctl role

  1. On your console home, search and click on EC2.


  1. Click on the EC2 instance you spun up and click on Actions, Security and Modify IAM role respectively to attach the EKSCTL_Role.

attach role to ec2 instance

  1. Select EKSCTL_Role and click on Update IAM role.

  2. SSH into the EC2 Instance.

  3. Install awscli using the code below:

curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

install awscli

  1. Verify the installation using:
aws --version

install awscli

  1. Install kubectl using the code below:
chmod +x kubectl
sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/
kubectl version --client

install kubectl

  1. Install eksctl using the code below:
curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
eksctl version

install eksctl

  1. Create a K8 cluster using eksctl.
eksctl create cluster \
  --name=my-cluster \
  --region=us-east-1 \
  --node-type=t3.medium \
  --nodes=2 \

create cluster

  1. Verify if the cluster has been setup correctly.
eksctl get cluster

eksctl get cluster

kubectl get nodes

kubectl get nodes

Deploying Containerized Applications Into a Kubernetes Cluster

The following steps are taken to deploy containerized applications on a K8s cluster:

Step 1: Deloying an Nginx Container into a Pod

  1. Create a Pod yaml manifest.
sudo cat <<EOF | sudo tee ./nginx-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-pod
  - image: nginx:latest
    name: nginx-pod
    - containerPort: 80
      protocol: TCP
  1. Apply the manifest with the help of kubectl.
kubectl apply -f nginx-pod.yaml

apply pod manifest

  1. Get an output of the pods running in the cluster.
kubectl get pods

get pods

  1. To see other fields introduced by kubernetes after you have deployed the resource, simply run below command, and examine the output. You will see other fields that kubernetes updates from time to time to represent the state of the resource within the cluster. -o simply means the output format.
kubectl get pod nginx-pod -o yaml 

get pod nginx-pod -o yaml

kubectl describe pod nginx-pod

describe pod

Step 2: Accessing the Application from the Browser

The ultimate goal of any solution is to access it either through a web portal or some application (e.g. mobile app). We have a Pod with Nginx container, so we need to access it from the browser. But all you have is a running Pod that has its own IP address which cannot be accessed through the browser. To achieve this, we need another Kubernetes object called Service to accept our request and pass it on to the Pod.

A service is an object that accepts requests on behalf of the Pods and forwards it to the Pod's IP address. If you run the command below, you will be able to see the Pod's IP address. But there is no way to reach it directly from the outside world.

kubectl get pod nginx-pod  -o wide 

get pod -o wide

  1. We need an image that already has curl software installed. You can check it out here.

  2. Run kubectl to connect inside the container.

kubectl run curl --image=dareyregistry/curl -i --tty

run curl

  1. Run curl and point to the IP address of the Nginx Pod (Use the IP address of your own Pod).
curl -v pod_id_address

curl -v pod ip

  1. If the use case for your solution is required for internal use ONLY, without public Internet requirement. Then, this should be OK. But in most cases, it is NOT!

Assuming that your requirement is to access the Nginx Pod internally, using the Pod's IP address directly as above is not a reliable choice because Pods are ephemeral. They are not designed to run forever. When they die and another Pod is brought back up, the IP address will change and any application that is using the previous IP address directly will break.

To solve this problem, kubernetes uses Service. An object that abstracts the underlining IP addresses of Pods. A service can serve as a load balancer, and a reverse proxy which basically takes the request using a human readable DNS name, resolves to a Pod IP that is running and forwards the request to it. This way, you do not need to use an IP address. Rather, you can simply refer to the service name directly.

Let us create a service to access the Nginx Pod.

  1. Create a Service yaml manifest file:
sudo cat <<EOF | sudo tee ./nginx-service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx-service
    app: nginx-pod 
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80

nginx-service yaml

  1. Create an nginx-service resource by applying your manifest.
kubectl apply -f nginx-service.yaml

apply nginx-service yaml

  1. Check the created service.
kubectl get service

get service

Obervation: The TYPE column in the output shows that there are different service types.

  • Cluster IP
  • NodePort
  • LoadBalancer
  • Headless Service

Since we did not specify any type, it is obvious that the default type is ClusterIP.

  1. Now that we have a service created, how can we access the app? Since there is no public IP address, we can leverage kubectl's port-forward functionality.
kubectl  port-forward svc/nginx-service 8089:80

8089 is an arbitrary port number on your laptop or client PC, and we want to tunnel traffic through it to the port number of the nginx-service 80.

Unfortunately, this will not work quite yet. Because there is no way the service will be able to select the actual Pod it is meant to route traffic to. If there are hundreds of Pods running, there must be a way to ensure that the service only forwards requests to the specific Pod it is intended for.

To make this work, you must reconfigure the Pod manifest and introduce labels to match the selectors key in the field section of the service manifest.

  1. Update the Pod manifest with the below and apply the manifest:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx-pod
    app: nginx-pod  
  - image: nginx:latest
    name: nginx-pod
    - containerPort: 80
      protocol: TCP

update pod manifest

Notice that under the metadata section, we have now introduced labels with a key field called app and its value nginx-pod. This matches exactly the selector key in the service manifest.

The key/value pairs can be anything you specify. These are not Kubernetes specific keywords. As long as it matches the selector, the service object will be able to route traffic to the Pod.

  1. Apply the manifest with:
kubectl apply -f nginx-pod.yaml

apply pod manifest update

  1. Run kubectl port-forward command again.
kubectl  port-forward svc/nginx-service 8089:80

port forward svc/nginx-service

  1. Then go to your vm, open another window and enter curl localhost:8089, you should now be able to see the nginx page.

curl localhost:8089

Let us try to understand a bit more about how the service object is able to route traffic to the Pod.

  1. If you run the below command:
kubectl get service nginx-service -o wide

get service nginx-service -o wide

As you already know, the service's type is ClusterIP, and in the above output, it has the IP address of This IP works just like an internal loadbalancer. It accepts requests and forwards it to an IP address of any Pod that has the respective selector label. In this case, it is app=nginx-pod.

If there is more than one Pod with that label, service will distribute the traffic to all theese pods in a Round Robin fashion.

  1. Now, let us have a look at what the Pod looks like:
kubectl get pod nginx-pod --show-labels

get pod show labels

Notice that the IP address of the Pod, is NOT the IP address of the server it is running on. Kubernetes, through the implementation of network plugins assigns virtual IP adrresses to each Pod.

kubectl get pod nginx-pod -o wide

Therefore, Service with IP takes request and forwards to Pod with IP

Step 3: Expose a Service on a Server's Public IP Address & Static Port

Sometimes, it may be needed to directly access the application using the public IP of the server (when we speak of a K8s cluster we can replace server with node) the Pod is running on. This is when the NodePort service type comes in handy.

A NodePort service type exposes the service on a static port on the node's IP address. NodePorts are in the 30000-32767 range by default, which means a NodePort is unlikely to match a service’s intended port (for example, 80 may be exposed as 30080).

  1. Update the nginx-service yaml to use a NodePort Service.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx-service
  type: NodePort
    app: nginx-pod
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      nodePort: 30080


What has changed is:

  • Specified the type of service (Nodeport)
  • Specified the NodePort number to use.
  1. Allow the inbound traffic in your EKS Cluster NodeGroup Security Group to the NodePort range 30000-32767.

update security group of nodegroup

  1. Get the public IP address of the node the Pod is running on, append the NodePort.
kubectl get nodes -o wide

get nodes to show ip to connect to nodeport

  1. Access the app through the browser.


How Kubernetes ensures desired number of Pods is always running? When we define a Pod manifest and apply it, we create a Pod that is running until it's terminated for some reason (e.g. error, Node reboot or some other reason), but what if we want to declare that we always need at least 3 replicas of the same Pod running at all times?

Then we must use an ReplicaSet (RS) object. It's purpose is to maintain a stable set of Pod replicas running at any given time. As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods.

Note: In some older books or documents you might find the old version of a similar object - ReplicationController (RC), it had similar purpose, but did not support set-base label selectors and it is now recommended to use ReplicaSets instead, since it is the next-generation RC.

  1. Let us delete our nginx-pod Pod:
kubectl delete -f nginx-pod.yaml

delete nginx-pod

  1. Let us create a rs.yaml manifest for a ReplicaSet object:
cat <<EOF | tee rs.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: nginx-rs
  replicas: 3
    app: nginx-pod
      name: nginx-pod
         app: nginx-pod
      - image: nginx:latest
        name: nginx-pod
        - containerPort: 80
          protocol: TCP
  1. Apply the rs.yaml manifest.
kubectl apply -f rs.yaml

apply -f rs.yaml

The manifest file of ReplicaSet consist of the following fields:

apiVersion: This field specifies the version of kubernetes Api to which the object belongs. ReplicaSet belongs to apps/v1 apiVersion.

kind: This field specify the type of object for which the manifest belongs to. Here, it is ReplicaSet.

metadata: This field includes the metadata for the object. It mainly includes two fields: name and labels of the ReplicaSet.

spec: This field specifies the label selector to be used to select the Pods, number of replicas of the Pod to be run and the container or list of containers which the Pod will run. In the above example, we are running 3 replicas of nginx container.

  1. Let us check what Pods have been created:
kubectl get pods

kubectl get pods

Here we see three ngix-pods with some random suffixes (e.g. -2z4ts). It means that these Pods were created and named automatically by some other object (higher level of abstraction) such as ReplicaSet.

  1. Delete one of the Pods:
kubectl delete pod nginx-rs-2z4ts

delete po nginx-pod-g44

kubectl get pods

get pods 2

You can see, that we still have all 3 Pods but one has been recreated.

  1. Explore the ReplicaSet created:
kubectl get rs -o wide

get rs -o wide

  1. To display detailed information about any Kubernetes object, you can use 2 different commands:
kubectl describe rs nginx-rs

describe rs

kubectl get rs nginx-rs -o yaml

get rs nginx-rs -o yaml

  1. We can easily scale our ReplicaSet up by specifying the desired number of replicas in an imperative command, like this:
kubectl scale rs nginx-rs --replicas=5

scale rs 5

Advanced label matching: As Kubernetes matures as a technology, so does its features and improvements to k8s objects. ReplicationControllers do not meet certain complex business requirements when it comes to using selectors. Imagine if you need to select Pods with multiple lables that represents things like:

  • Application tier: such as Frontend, or Backend
  • Environment: such as Dev, SIT, QA, Preprod, or Prod

So far, we used a simple selector that just matches a key-value pair and check only 'equality':

    app: nginx-pod

But in some cases, we want ReplicaSet to manage our existing containers that match certain criteria, we can use the same simple label matching or we can use some more complex conditions, such as:

 - in
 - not in
 - not equal
 - etc...
  1. Create an rs-yaml manifest with the advanced labels.
cat <<EOF | tee rs.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: nginx-rs
  replicas: 3
      env: prod
    - { key: tier, operator: In, values: [frontend] }
      name: nginx
        env: prod
        tier: frontend
      - name: nginx-container
        image: nginx:latest
        - containerPort: 80
          protocol: TCP

In the above spec file, under the selector, matchLabels and matchExpression are used to specify the key-value pair.

The matchLabel works exactly the same way as the equality-based selector and the matchExpression is used to specify the set based selectors. This feature is the main differentiator between ReplicaSet and previously mentioned obsolete ReplicationController.

  1. Get the replication set:
kubectl get rs nginx-rs -o wide

get rs nginx-rs -o wide

Step 4: Using AWS Load Balancer to access your service in Kubernetes

We have previously accessed the Nginx service through ClusterIP and NodePort, but there is another service type called Loadbalancer. This type of service does not only create a Service object in K8s, but also provisions a real external Load Balancer (e.g. Elastic Load Balancer - ELB in AWS).

  1. To get the experience of this service type, update your service manifest and use the LoadBalancer type. Also, ensure that the selector references the Pods in the replicaset.
cat <<EOF | tee nginx-service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx-service
  type: LoadBalancer
    tier: frontend
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80 # This is the port the Loadbalancer is listening at
      targetPort: 80 # This is the port the container is listening at
  1. Apply the configuration.
kubectl apply -f nginx-service.yaml

apply service loadbalancer

  1. Get the newly created service:
kubectl get service nginx-service

get service

An ELB resource will be created in your AWS console.

A Kubernetes component in the control plane called Cloud-controller-manager is responsible for triggeriong this action. It connects to your specific cloud provider's (AWS) APIs and create resources such as Load balancers. It will ensure that the resource is appropriately tagged:

elb on console

  1. Get the output of the entire yaml for the service. You will see some additional information about this service in which you did not define them in the yaml manifest. Kubernetes did this for you.
kubectl get service nginx-service -o yaml

get service -o yaml

  • A clusterIP key is updated in the manifest and assigned an IP address. Even though you have specified a LoadBalancer service type, internally it still requires a ClusterIP to route the external traffic through.

  • In the ports section, NodePort is still used. This is because Kubernetes still needs to use a dedicated port on the worker node to route the traffic through. Ensure that port range 30000-32767 is opened in your inbound Security Group configuration.

  • More information about the provisioned balancer is also published in the .status.loadBalancer field.

  1. Copy and paste the load balancer's address to the browser, and you will access the Nginx service.

Step 5: Do not Use Replication Controllers - Use Deployment Controllers Instead

A Deployment is another layer above ReplicaSets and Pods, newer and more advanced level concept than ReplicaSets. It manages the deployment of ReplicaSets and allows for easy updating of a ReplicaSet as well as the ability to roll back to a previous version of deployment. It is declarative and can be used for rolling updates of micro-services, ensuring there is no downtime.

Officially, it is highly recommended to use Deployments to manage replica sets rather than using replica sets directly.

Let us see Deployment in action.

  1. Delete the ReplicaSet.
kubectl delete rs nginx-rs

delete rs

  1. Create a deployment.yaml manifest.
cat <<EOF | tee deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    tier: frontend
  replicas: 3
      tier: frontend
        tier: frontend
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:latest
        - containerPort: 80

deployemnt yaml

  1. Apply the configuration.
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

apply deployment

  1. Get the Deployment.
kubectl get deployment

get deployment

  1. Get the ReplicaSet.
kubectl get rs

get rs

  1. Get the Pods.
kubectl get pods

get pods

  1. Scale the replicas in the Deployment to 15 Pods.
kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=15

scale deployment 15

  1. Exec into one of the Pod's container to run Linux commands.
kubectl exec -it nginx-deployment-fc79b9898-2bdsq -- bash

kubectl exec -it nginx-deployment

  1. List the files and folders in the Nginx directory.
ls -ltr /etc/nginx/

ls -ltr /etc/nginx

  1. Check the content of the default Nginx configuration file.
cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

Now we have got acquainted with most common Kubernetes workloads to deploy applications.

Deployments are stateless by design. Hence, any data stored inside the Pod's container does not persist when the Pod dies.

If you were to update the content of the index.html file inside the container, and the Pod dies, that content will be lost since a new Pod will replace the dead one.

Let us try that:

  1. Scale the Pods down to 1 replica.
kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=1

scale deployment 1

  1. Exec into the running container.
kubectl exec -it nginx-deployment-fc79b9898-8mmx5 -- bash
  1. Install vim so that you can edit the file.
apt-get update
apt-get install vim

install vim

  1. Update the content of the file and add the code below /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to EKEDONALD.IO!</title>
    body {
        width: 35em;
        margin: 0 auto;
        font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to EKEDONALD.IO!</h1>
<p>I love experiencing Kubernetes</p>

<p>Learning by doing is absolutely the best strategy at 
<a href=""></a>.<br/>
for skills acquisition
<a href=""></a>.</p>

<p><em>Thank you for learning from EKEDONALD.IO</em></p>

update index

  1. Go to your browser and paste the elb url.

alb url browswer

  1. Delete the only running Pod so that a new one is automatically recreated.
kubectl delete pod nginx-deployment-fc79b9898-8mmx5

delete pod

  1. Refresh the web page and you will see that the content you saved in the container is no longer there. That is because Pods do not store data when they are being recreated, that is why they are called ephemeral or stateless.

alb browser 2

Storage is a critical part of running containers and Kubernetes offers some powerful primitives for managing it.

Dynamic volume provisioning, a feature unique to Kubernetes, which allows storage volumes to be created on-demand. Without dynamic provisioning, DevOps engineers must manually make calls to the cloud or storage provider to create new storage volumes and then create PersistentVolume objects to represent them in Kubernetes.

The dynamic provisioning feature eliminates the need for DevOps to pre-provision storage. Instead, it automatically provisions storage when it is requested by users.

To make the data persist in case of a Pod's failure, you will need to configure the Pod to use Volumes:

  1. Clean up the Deployment.
kubectl delete deployment nginx-deployment

delete deployment