This is a repository
To clone this repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Currently this repository contains:
- Velocity Controller of a Kinova arm
- Image Processing of Digit images to estimate force
- Hybrid force-velocity controller using the digit sensor and the kinova arm
The Kinova arm control is build on top of the kinova-ros package for more information about installation and debugging look to their repo:
Connecting to the robot arm is established through the serial port and
roslaunch edge-following robot.launch
(Remember to run 'source devel/setup.bash' in catkin_ws first)
For viewing the link frames and robot arm in rviz run:
rviz -d rviz_setup.rviz
The DIGIT sensor code relies on the
To run the ROS connection to stream the digit data over ROS run
roslaunch edge-following digit.launch
To view the different data streams:
rqt --perspective-file rqt_plot.perspective
The hybrid force-velocity controller can be run through:
rosrun edge-following