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Newer Results on Different Hardware

Tommy Ettinger edited this page Feb 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

(The test platform data isn’t specific enough; this test was run on a Manjaro Linux laptop with an i7-8750H hexacore CPU @ 2.20GHz and 16GB DDR4 RAM, with the test run off of an SSD that also holds AdoptOpenJDK 8. Java versions newer than 8 seem to break Thrift and block compilation, so I am pretty sure I disabled it here… if Thrift is going to be broken on current Java releases then its performance is irrelevant. While Thrift files need to be compiled for jvm-serializers to build, it isn’t possible to run these tests with a newer JVM version.)

Test Platform

JVM:Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_222
CPU:null os-arch:null
Cores (incl HT):12


This test focusses on en/decoding of a cyclefree data structure, but the featureset of the libraries compared differs a lot:

  • some serializers support cycle detection/object sharing others just write non-cyclic tree structures

  • some include full metadata in serialized output, some don’t

  • some are cross platform, some are language specific

  • some are text based, some are binary,

  • some support versioning forward/backward, both, some don’t

(See ToolBehavior)
Other test data will yield different results (e.g. adding a non ascii char to every string :-) ). However the results give a raw estimation of library performance.

Serializers (no shared refs)

Benchmarks serializers

  • Only cycle free tree structures. An object referenced twice will be serialized twice.

  • no manual optimizations.

  • schema is known in advance (pre registration or even class generation). (Not all might make use of that)

Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  dfl
colfer 41 227 396 623 241 152
protostuff 68 352 634 986 242 153
json-array/dsl-json/databind 51 433 557 990 296 187
kryo-registered-flat 52 448 574 1023 218 138
fst-flat-pre 53 487 638 1125 254 168
protobuf 249 720 427 1147 242 152
json-array/fastjson/databind 50 648 701 1349 284 171
json/dsl-json/databind 52 480 878 1358 488 271
kryo-auto-flat 58 601 808 1409 274 183
smile-col/jackson/databind 52 689 962 1651 255 168
cbor-col/jackson/databind 52 682 1000 1682 252 165
msgpack/databind 51 735 983 1718 236 150
afterburner/databind 51 726 1007 1733 242 151
cbor/jackson+afterburner/databind 51 801 1045 1845 398 251
smile/jackson+afterburner/databind 52 811 1053 1864 355 259
json-col/jackson/databind 56 783 1164 1947 296 187
flatbuffers 50 1283 810 2093 424 234
smile/jackson/databind 56 848 1273 2121 341 248
protobuf/jackson/databind 53 900 1299 2199 242 151
json/fastjson/databind 51 1014 1190 2203 489 271
json/jackson+afterburner/databind 56 958 1299 2257 488 271
cbor/jackson/databind 57 958 1448 2406 398 251
capnproto 52 1605 919 2525 400 210
json/protostuff-runtime 51 1137 1532 2669 472 252
json/jackson-jr/databind 51 1124 1558 2682 471 263
json/jackson/databind 50 1088 1630 2717 488 271
xml/jackson/databind 51 2095 3826 5921 686 296
json/gson/databind 52 3725 3247 6971 489 268
xml/xstream+c 56 4174 10018 14192 490 253
json/javax-tree/glassfish 1050 6512 10060 16571 488 273
xml/exi-manual 52 9787 8818 18605 340 331
java-built-in 52 4375 19577 23952 892 520
json/protobuf 237 6077 43021 49098 500 262
json/json-lib/databind 51 21409 66142 87551 488 273

Full Object Graph Serializers

Contains serializer(-configurations)

  • supporting full object graph write/read. Object graph may contain cycles. If an Object is referenced twice, it will be so after deserialization.

  • nothing is known in advance, no class generation, no preregistering of classes. Everything is captured at runtime using e.g. reflection.

  • note this usually cannot be used cross language, however JSON/XML formats may enable cross language deserialization.

Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
protostuff-graph 68 513 655 1168 242 153
protostuff-graph-runtime 56 654 710 1364 244 154
kryo-registered 57 1037 894 1931 236 149
kryo-auto 51 1250 1220 2470 292 195
fst 52 1294 1257 2551 319 208
jboss-marshalling-river-ct 57 2173 1715 3888 301 203
hessian 53 2839 3799 6638 504 319
jboss-serialization 51 5013 5567 10580 935 587
xml/JAXB/aalto 57 3977 9417 13394 705 327
jboss-marshalling-river 52 3217 12756 15972 697 407
java-built-in-serializer 58 4188 19294 23482 892 520
stephenerialization 52 4891 19786 24678 1096 522
jboss-marshalling-serial 52 7600 17390 24991 859 503
json/flexjson/databind 51 10336 16249 26585 506 282
xml/JAXB 51 3780 104378 108157 722 338

Cross Lang Binary Serializers

Contains serializer(-configurations)

  • Only cycle free tree structures. An object referenced twice will be serialized twice.

  • schema is known in advance (pre registration, intermediate message description languages, class generation).

Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
colfer 41 227 396 623 241 152
protobuf/protostuff 68 344 634 978 242 152
protobuf/protostuff-runtime 57 498 608 1106 244 153
protobuf 249 720 427 1147 242 152
msgpack/databind 51 735 983 1718 236 150
flatbuffers 50 1283 810 2093 424 234
cbor/jackson/databind 57 958 1448 2406 398 251
capnproto 52 1605 919 2525 400 210
hessian 53 2839 3799 6638 504 319

XML/JSon Serializers

  • text format based. Usually can be read by anybody. Frequently inline schema inside data.
  • Mixed regarding required preparation, object graph awareness (references).

Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  dfl
json-array/dsl-json/databind 51 433 557 990 296 187
json-array/fastjson/databind 50 648 701 1349 284 171
json/dsl-json/databind 52 480 878 1358 488 271
smile-col/jackson/databind 52 689 962 1651 255 168
cbor-col/jackson/databind 52 682 1000 1682 252 165
json-col/jackson/databind 56 783 1164 1947 296 187
json/fastjson/databind 51 1014 1190 2203 489 271
json/protostuff-runtime 51 1137 1532 2669 472 252
json/jackson-jr/databind 51 1124 1558 2682 471 263
json/jackson/databind 50 1088 1630 2717 488 271
xml/jackson/databind 51 2095 3826 5921 686 296
json/gson/databind 52 3725 3247 6971 489 268
xml/JAXB/aalto 57 3977 9417 13394 705 327
c 56 4174 10018 14192 490 253
json/javax-tree/glassfish 1050 6512 10060 16571 488 273
xml/exi-manual 52 9787 8818 18605 340 331
json/flexjson/databind 51 10336 16249 26585 506 282
json/protobuf 237 6077 43021 49098 500 262
json/json-lib/databind 51 21409 66142 87551 488 273
xml/JAXB 51 3780 104378 108157 722 338

Manually optimized Serializers

all flavours of manually optimized serializers. Handcoded and hardwired to exactly the benchmark’s message structures.

  • illustrates what’s possible, at what level generic approaches can be optimized in case

Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  dfl
kryo-manual 53 330 454 784 211 133
protostuff-manual 50 337 644 981 242 153
kryo-opt 52 438 561 999 215 135
datakernel 58 548 497 1045 228 137
wobly 33 660 497 1156 254 155
java-manual 52 619 588 1207 258 151
wobly-compact 33 702 528 1231 228 143
smile/jackson/manual 50 686 872 1558 344 252
cbor/jackson/manual 56 696 934 1630 389 245
msgpack/manual 50 789 1010 1799 236 150
json/jackson/manual 52 832 1109 1941 471 262
jboss-marshalling-river-ct-manual 52 1202 1039 2242 292 171
json/protostuff-manual 56 1027 1376 2403 452 242
avro-generic 291 1597 875 2472 224 136
avro-specific 79 1561 1260 2821 224 136
xml/aalto-manual 57 1596 2119 3715 656 314
jboss-marshalling-river-manual 52 1445 3514 4959 486 244
json/gson/manual 51 2349 2787 5136 471 262
xml/woodstox-manual 57 2091 3230 5321 656 314
json/json-smart/manual-tree 53 3981 3209 7190 498 274
json/gson/manual-tree 51 3930 3980 7911 488 268
xml/fastinfo-manual 51 4476 3825 8301 380 290
bson/mongodb/manual 56 2067 6499 8566 498 286
c-aalto 51 2902 5904 8806 528 282
xml/javolution/manual 52 4532 5635 10167 507 273
xml/xstream+c-fastinfo 52 4890 5303 10194 348 271
xml/xstream+c-woodstox 52 3428 6962 10390 528 282
json/org.json/manual-tree 57 5217 5895 11111 488 268
json/json.simple/manual 51 5214 7058 12272 498 274
json/svenson/databind 52 3272 9671 12943 501 271
json/javax-stream/glassfish 51 4629 8600 13229 471 262
json/jsonij/manual-jpath 52 16723 8312 25035 484 264
json/argo/manual-tree 51 52499 10616 63115 488 273

Cost of features

shows performance vs convenience of manually-selected libs.

  • cycle free, schema known at compile time, manual optimization: kryo-manual, msgpack/manual

  • cycle free, schema known at compile time: protostuff, fst-flat-pre, kryo-flat-pre. (note: protostuff uses class generation while the other two just require a list of classes to be written)

  • cycle free, schema UNKNOWN at compile time: fst-flat, kryo-flat, protostuff-runtime, msgpack/databind

  • full object graph awareness, schema UNKNOWN at compile time: fst, kryo.

Ser Time+Deser Time (ns)

Size, Compressed size [light] in bytes

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
kryo-manual 53 330 454 784 211 133
protostuff 68 352 634 986 242 153
protostuff-runtime 51 483 629 1112 244 154
fst-flat-pre 53 487 638 1125 254 168
msgpack/databind 51 735 983 1718 236 150
fst-flat 51 751 1031 1782 317 207
msgpack/manual 50 789 1010 1799 236 150
fst 52 1294 1257 2551 319 208

Full data

                                   create     ser   deser   total   size  +dfl
colfer                                 41     227     396     623    241   152
kryo-manual                            53     330     454     784    211   133
protobuf/protostuff                    68     344     634     978    242   152
protostuff-manual                      50     337     644     981    242   153
protostuff                             68     352     634     986    242   153
json-array/dsl-json/databind           51     433     557     990    296   187
kryo-opt                               52     438     561     999    215   135
kryo-registered-flat                   52     448     574    1023    218   138
datakernel                             58     548     497    1045    228   137
protobuf/protostuff-runtime            57     498     608    1106    244   153
protostuff-runtime                     51     483     629    1112    244   154
fst-flat-pre                           53     487     638    1125    254   168
protobuf                              249     720     427    1147    242   152
wobly                                  33     660     497    1156    254   155
protostuff-graph                       68     513     655    1168    242   153
java-manual                            52     619     588    1207    258   151
wobly-compact                          33     702     528    1231    228   143
json-array/fastjson/databind           50     648     701    1349    284   171
json/dsl-json/databind                 52     480     878    1358    488   271
protostuff-graph-runtime               56     654     710    1364    244   154
kryo-auto-flat                         58     601     808    1409    274   183
smile/jackson/manual                   50     686     872    1558    344   252
cbor/jackson/manual                    56     696     934    1630    389   245
smile-col/jackson/databind             52     689     962    1651    255   168
cbor-col/jackson/databind              52     682    1000    1682    252   165
msgpack/databind                       51     735     983    1718    236   150
protobuf/jackson+afterburner/databind     51     726    1007    1733    242   151
fst-flat                               51     751    1031    1782    317   207
msgpack/manual                         50     789    1010    1799    236   150
cbor/jackson+afterburner/databind      51     801    1045    1845    398   251
smile/jackson+afterburner/databind     52     811    1053    1864    355   259
kryo-registered                        57    1037     894    1931    236   149
json/jackson/manual                    52     832    1109    1941    471   262
json-col/jackson/databind              56     783    1164    1947    296   187
flatbuffers                            50    1283     810    2093    424   234
smile/jackson/databind                 56     848    1273    2121    341   248
protobuf/jackson/databind              53     900    1299    2199    242   151
json/fastjson/databind                 51    1014    1190    2203    489   271
jboss-marshalling-river-ct-manual      52    1202    1039    2242    292   171
json/jackson+afterburner/databind      56     958    1299    2257    488   271
json/protostuff-manual                 56    1027    1376    2403    452   242
cbor/jackson/databind                  57     958    1448    2406    398   251
kryo-auto                              51    1250    1220    2470    292   195
avro-generic                          291    1597     875    2472    224   136
capnproto                              52    1605     919    2525    400   210
fst                                    52    1294    1257    2551    319   208
json/protostuff-runtime                51    1137    1532    2669    472   252
json/jackson-jr/databind               51    1124    1558    2682    471   263
json/jackson/databind                  50    1088    1630    2717    488   271
avro-specific                          79    1561    1260    2821    224   136
xml/aalto-manual                       57    1596    2119    3715    656   314
jboss-marshalling-river-ct             57    2173    1715    3888    301   203
jboss-marshalling-river-manual         52    1445    3514    4959    486   244
json/gson/manual                       51    2349    2787    5136    471   262
xml/woodstox-manual                    57    2091    3230    5321    656   314
xml/jackson/databind                   51    2095    3826    5921    686   296
hessian                                53    2839    3799    6638    504   319
json/gson/databind                     52    3725    3247    6971    489   268
json/json-smart/manual-tree            53    3981    3209    7190    498   274
json/gson/manual-tree                  51    3930    3980    7911    488   268
xml/fastinfo-manual                    51    4476    3825    8301    380   290
bson/mongodb/manual                    56    2067    6499    8566    498   286
xml/xstream+c-aalto                    51    2902    5904    8806    528   282
xml/javolution/manual                  52    4532    5635   10167    507   273
xml/xstream+c-fastinfo                 52    4890    5303   10194    348   271
xml/xstream+c-woodstox                 52    3428    6962   10390    528   282
jboss-serialization                    51    5013    5567   10580    935   587
json/org.json/manual-tree              57    5217    5895   11111    488   268
json/json.simple/manual                51    5214    7058   12272    498   274
json/svenson/databind                  52    3272    9671   12943    501   271
json/javax-stream/glassfish            51    4629    8600   13229    471   262
xml/JAXB/aalto                         57    3977    9417   13394    705   327
xml/xstream+c                          56    4174   10018   14192    490   253
jboss-marshalling-river                52    3217   12756   15972    697   407
json/javax-tree/glassfish            1050    6512   10060   16571    488   273
xml/exi-manual                         52    9787    8818   18605    340   331
java-built-in-serializer               58    4188   19294   23482    892   520
java-built-in                          52    4375   19577   23952    892   520
stephenerialization                    52    4891   19786   24678   1096   522
jboss-marshalling-serial               52    7600   17390   24991    859   503
json/jsonij/manual-jpath               52   16723    8312   25035    484   264
json/flexjson/databind                 51   10336   16249   26585    506   282
json/protobuf                         237    6077   43021   49098    500   262
json/argo/manual-tree                  51   52499   10616   63115    488   273
json/json-lib/databind                 51   21409   66142   87551    488   273
xml/JAXB                               51    3780  104378  108157    722   338
                                   Effort          Format         Structure  Misc
colfer                             CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  [] generated code                                           
kryo-manual                        MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] complete manual optimization                             
protobuf/protostuff                CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  [] protobuf + generated code                                
protostuff-manual                  MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] manual                                                   
protostuff                         CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] generated code                                           
json-array/dsl-json/databind       CLASSES_KNOWN   JSON           FLAT_TREE  [] JSON array format - all properties without names.        
kryo-opt                           MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] manual optimization                                      
kryo-registered-flat               CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] class registration, no references (typical usage)        
datakernel                         MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] manually optimized                                       
protobuf/protostuff-runtime        ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  [] protobuf + reflection                                    
protostuff-runtime                 ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] reflection                                               
fst-flat-pre                       CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] fst in unshared mode with preregistered classes          
protobuf                           CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
wobly                              MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
protostuff-graph                   CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] graph + generated code                                   
java-manual                        MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
wobly-compact                      MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json-array/fastjson/databind       ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/dsl-json/databind             CLASSES_KNOWN   JSON           FLAT_TREE  [] Serializes all properties with exact names.              
protostuff-graph-runtime           ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] graph + reflection                                       
kryo-auto-flat                     ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] no class registration, no references                     
smile/jackson/manual               MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
cbor/jackson/manual                MANUAL_OPT      BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
smile-col/jackson/databind         ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  [] uses positional (column) layout to eliminate use of names
cbor-col/jackson/databind          ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  [] uses positional (column) layout to eliminate use of names
msgpack/databind                   CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  [] uses positional (column) layout (instead of Maps std impl uses) to eliminate use of names
protobuf/jackson+afterburner/databind CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
fst-flat                           ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] fst default, but unshared mode                           
msgpack/manual                     MANUAL_OPT      BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  [] uses positional (column) layout (instead of Maps std impl uses) to eliminate use of names
cbor/jackson+afterburner/databind  ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] uses bytecode generation to reduce overhead              
smile/jackson+afterburner/databind ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] uses bytecode generation to reduce overhead              
kryo-registered                    CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] class registration, references (typical usage)           
json/jackson/manual                MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json-col/jackson/databind          ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  [] uses positional (column) layout to eliminate use of names
flatbuffers                        CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
smile/jackson/databind             ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
protobuf/jackson/databind          CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/fastjson/databind             ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
jboss-marshalling-river-ct-manual  MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] full graph preregistered classes, manual optimization    
json/jackson+afterburner/databind  ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  [] uses bytecode generation to reduce overhead              
json/protostuff-manual             MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  [] json + manual                                            
cbor/jackson/databind              ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
kryo-auto                          ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] no class registration, references                        
avro-generic                       MANUAL_OPT      BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
capnproto                          CLASSES_KNOWN   BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
fst                                ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] default: JDK serialization drop-in-replacement mode      
json/protostuff-runtime            ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  [] json + reflection                                        
json/jackson-jr/databind           ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/jackson/databind              ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
avro-specific                      MANUAL_OPT      BIN_CROSSLANG  UNKNOWN    []                                                          
xml/aalto-manual                   MANUAL_OPT      XML            UNKNOWN    []                                                          
jboss-marshalling-river-ct         CLASSES_KNOWN   BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] full graph with preregistered classes                    
jboss-marshalling-river-manual     MANUAL_OPT      BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] full graph with manual optimizations                     
json/gson/manual                   MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/woodstox-manual                MANUAL_OPT      XML            UNKNOWN    []                                                          
xml/jackson/databind               ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  XML            FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
hessian                            ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BIN_CROSSLANG  FULL_GRAPH []                                                          
json/gson/databind                 ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/json-smart/manual-tree        MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/gson/manual-tree              MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/fastinfo-manual                MANUAL_OPT      XML            UNKNOWN    []                                                          
bson/mongodb/manual                MANUAL_OPT      BIN_CROSSLANG  FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/xstream+c-aalto                MANUAL_OPT      XML            FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/javolution/manual              MANUAL_OPT      XML            FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/xstream+c-fastinfo             MANUAL_OPT      XML            FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/xstream+c-woodstox             MANUAL_OPT      XML            FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
jboss-serialization                ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH []                                                          
json/org.json/manual-tree          MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/json.simple/manual            MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/svenson/databind              MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/javax-stream/glassfish        MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/JAXB/aalto                     CLASSES_KNOWN   XML            FULL_GRAPH []                                                          
xml/xstream+c                      ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  XML            FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
jboss-marshalling-river            ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] full graph zero knowledge                                
json/javax-tree/glassfish          ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/exi-manual                     ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  XML            UNKNOWN    []                                                          
java-built-in-serializer           ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH []                                                          
java-built-in                      ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
stephenerialization                ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH [] null                                                     
jboss-marshalling-serial           ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  BINARY         FULL_GRAPH []                                                          
json/jsonij/manual-jpath           MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/flexjson/databind             ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FULL_GRAPH []                                                          
json/protobuf                      CLASSES_KNOWN   JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/argo/manual-tree              MANUAL_OPT      JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
json/json-lib/databind             ZERO_KNOWLEDGE  JSON           FLAT_TREE  []                                                          
xml/JAXB                           CLASSES_KNOWN   XML            FULL_GRAPH []                                                          
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