discord.js-embed-menu is a Node.js module based on discord.js-menu that allows you to easily create reaction embeds menu using discord.js.
- Channel and direct message menu
- Remove other users reactions
- Pagination system
- Mention user
- Timeout and auto delete
Node.js 14.0.0 or newer is required.
npm i discord.js-embed-menu --save
/* Import all the usual stuff. */
import { Client, MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js';
import { DiscordEmbedMenu } from 'discord.js-embed-menu';
const client = new Client();
/* Run this code every time a new message is sent. */
client.on('message', message => {
if (message.content === '!menu') {
* The menu class takes 3 mandatory parameters and 5 optional parameters.
* 1) A channel to send the menu to, it can be null so it will send DMs to the user.
* 2) A user to give control over the navigation or send DM if channel is null.
* 3) An array of Page objects or DiscordEmbedMenuPage, each being a unique page of the menu.
* 4) How long, in milliseconds, you want the menu to wait for new reactions, it can be null so it will wait for ever (not recommended).
* 5) If it shall or not delete the message on menu timeout.
* 6) If it shall mention menu's user on discord channels.
* 7) If it shall keep last user reaction when you call stop.
* 8) The message to be displayed when it's loading the menu page.
let menu = new DiscordEmbedMenu(message.channel, message.author, [
* A page object consists of three items:
* 1) A name. This is used as a unique destination name for reactions.
* 2) Some content. This is a rich embed. You can use {object: formatting} or .functionFormatting() for embeds. Whichever you prefer.
* 3) A set of reactions, linked to either a page destination or a function.* (See example pages)
* Reactions can be emojis or custom emote IDs, and reaction destinations can be either the names
* of pages, () => { functions }, or special destination names. See below for a list of these.
/* You can call pages whatever you like. The first in the array is always loaded first. */
name: 'main',
content: new MessageEmbed({
title: 'Main menu',
description: 'Please chose an action',
fields: [
name: "📝 Sub menu",
value: "Goes to another menu.",
inline: false
name: "✉️ Direct message",
value: "Sends a direct message.",
inline: false
name: "❌ Close",
value: "Close the menu.",
inline: false
reactions: {
'📝': 'sub-menu',
'✉️': async (menu) => {
menu.user.send(`Hello dear ${menu.user.username}.`);
'❌': 'delete'
name: 'sub-menu',
content: new MessageEmbed({
title: 'Sub menu',
description: 'This is another page.',
fields: [
name: "⬅️ Back",
value: "Go backwards.",
inline: false
name: "❌ Close",
value: "Close the menu.",
inline: false
reactions: {
'⬅️': 'main',
'❌': 'delete'
/* Run Menu.start() when you're ready to send the menu. */
/* The menu also has two events you can use.
* The "page-changing" event fires just before a new page is sent.
* The "page-changed" event fires after the new page is sent.
menu.on('page-changing', (oldPageIndex, oldPage, newPageIndex, newPage) => {
console.log(`Menu is going from "${oldPage.content.title}" (${oldPageIndex}) to "${newPage.content.title}" (${newPageIndex})`);
menu.on('page-changed', (pageIndex, page) => {
console.log(`Menu is now on "${page.content.title}" (${pageIndex})`);
client.login("Get your bot's oauth token at https://discord.com/developers/applications");
Discord.js-embed-menu comes with 6 pre-defined destinations with specific uses.
Destination | Function |
first | Goes to the first page in the array. |
last | Goes to the last page in the array. |
previous | Goes to the previous page in the array. |
next | Goes to the next page in the array. |
stop | Removes reactions from the embed and stops updating the menu. |
delete | Stops the menu and deletes the message. |
Calling a page one of these wouldn't work, it prioritizes special destinations.
Before creating an issue, please ensure that it hasn't already been reported/suggested.