"Mutations in Relay" by Laney Kuenzel
This talk introduced fetching & organizing data with Relay.
Here a mutation means a user action that causes data to change.
Previous situation
- Data hierarchy, where parents must know the data that its children need
- Server must fetch all data that might be needed on the client.
- Each feature had its own custom JS, endpoint, and data format.
Relay: data fetching & rendering together
GraphQL: data query language
JS-like object of properties and their hierarchy structure:
{ id, name, profile_picture: { uri, width, height } }
Relay composes queries, performs a fetch, and returns data to the renderer.
- Provide it with GraphQL with the type of mutation, any inputs, and a query for the desired after-update data
- Fills out the query's properties and returns the current values
- Auto-creates a query that intersects the properties of what the mutation can change + what has been stored
"Optimistic Updates"
- Provides the view with a mimic payload so it can update immediately instead of waiting on server.
- Handles server errors -- just removes the mimic from the OU queue
- Handles race conditions (e.g. liking and unliking a post multiple times in rapid succession)
New/soon: pubsub with the server, in case of outside changes
- Keeps the logic for data fetching and rendering inside the view
- Frees up time for actual UI work
- Eases scaling up of large apps & teams