There's a number of ways you can contribute to queue:
- Use it in your projects and let us know your experience
- Let others know about it
- Propose changes by posting issues
- Propose changes by creating PRs
- Help with issues labeled "help wanted"
If you have suggestions, open issues and do your best to describe your idea. We'll do our best to read and try to understand it. Just make sure to be clear about what you are proposing.
If you feel confident about the proposed change, and the proposed change require small changes to queue's package, feel free to open PRs directly.
We strongly encourage all changes to be benchmarked before sending PRs/merging. To check the impact of the changes to queue, please refer here.
A big part of the decision whether to accept suggestions and changes through PRs and issues are based on the feedback of the queue users. The rule we use to gather feedback is below:
- If you agree with a suggestion, thumb it up
- If you don't agree with a suggestion, thumb it down
- If you feel strongly about a suggestion, please consider leaving comments
We're 100% committed to below software development rules:
- Correctness
- Performance
- Efficiency
- Simplicity
- Testable code
- Tests, tests, tests!
- Strong test suite covering all code routes/branches
- Strong focus to achieve 100% code coverage everywhere
- Regression tests are a must