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This repository is meant to be a personal collection of implementations of the concepts from the TaPL(Types and Programming Languages) book.

(There are code samples available on TAPL's website(OCaml), but I chose to implement them from scratch on Haskell)


Implemented type systems

Each folder contains a parser+interpreter of a given type system. You just need to enter in the repository and cabal run tapl.

  1. Untyped lambda calculus(Chapter 5, 6, 7)
  2. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus(with extensions: records/tuples, variant/sum, etc.)(Chapter 9, 10, 11)
  3. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus with subtyping(Chapter 15, 16)
  4. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus with recursive types(Chapter 20, 21)
  5. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus with type reconstruction(type inference)(Chapter 22)
  6. System F(Chapter 23, 24, 25)
  7. System F with subtyping(Bounded Quantification)(Chapter 26, 28)
  8. System F omega(with type operators)(Chapter 29, 30)

Type Systems Features

The main type systems features covered on TaPL are:

  • Types: allows you to classify the possible runtime values of terms, e.g. a variable of type Nat, can only hold a natural number at runtime(e.g. 0, 1, 5, etc.).
  • Subtyping: allows you to have a more specific type than a more general one, i.e. given a type S, which is a subtype of the type T, all possible runtime values of S will be within all the possible runtime values of T, e.g. Nat(0, 1, 2, ...) is a subtype of Integer(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...). We can use this feature on functions and variables, e.g. a function that needs a Integer as an argument, can also take a variable of type Nat as an argument, because Nat is a subtype of Integer.
  • Recursive types: allows you to represent infinite data structures, e.g. a list of something(data NatList = Nil | Cons Nat NatList), a tree of something, etc.
  • Type inference: allows you to omit the type annotations on your code, the compiler will infer the type of each term, e.g. λn: succ (succ n)(instead of λn:Nat. succ n) n will be inferred to type Nat, because the compiler knows that n must be a natural number, since we're applying the succ function on it, likewise with λb: if b then 0 else 2, b will be inferred to Bool, with no added type annotations.
  • Polymorphism(or more formally "Parametric polymorphism"): allows you to write generic functions(that operate on any type), e.g. let id=(λT. λt:T. t), where the first argument is a type argument, and the second one is a term argument, with that we can use the same function on multiple types: id Nat 0 will be evaluated to 0, id Bool true will be evaluated to true, etc.
  • Higher-order polymorphism(or type operators): allows you to write generic functions on types, e.g. we can define the Pair type constructor(or kind), and we can feed this type constructor with two type arguments to yield a new type, e.g. Pair Nat Bool symbolizes the type of a pair of a natural number and a boolean value.


System subtyping recursive types type inference polymorphism(term expressions) higher-order polymorphism(type expressions)
S.T.(Simply Typed) - - - - -
S.T. w/ subtyping X - - - -
S.T. w/ recursive - X - - -
S.T. w/ reconstruction - - X - -
System F - - - X -
System F-sub X - - X -
System F-omega - - - X X