Printy is a light and cross-platform library that extends the functionalities of the
built-in functions print()
and input()
. Printy stands out for its
simplicity and for being and easy to use library, it lets you colorize and apply some standard formats
to your text with an intuitive and friendly API based on flags.
NOTE: Printy manages the most common and simple tasks when it comes to print text and to validate some input. If you want to have more control over the console output check out Rich by @willmcgugan, an amazing library that let's you do much more cool things!!
- Installation
- How to use it?
- What about input()?
- Curious?
- Changelog
- Dependencies
- Contributing
- Contributors
you can either clone this repository or install it via pip
pip install printy
Once you install printy, you can find a short but concise documentation about the available flags and the syntax by running the following command on your console:
python -m printy
This will print out some instructions right away.
First of all, import printy:
from printy import printy
Printy is still a 'print' statement, so you can use it as it is:
printy("text with no format")
You can use a global set of flags to specify a format you want to apply to the text, let's say we want to colorize a text with a bold blue and also adding an underline:
printy("Text with a bold blue color and underlined", 'bBU')
Although applying a global format is interesting, it is not as much as applying some specific format to some section of the text only. For that, printy uses a intuitive syntax to accomplish that goal. Use the [] to specify the flags to use for formatting the text, right before the text, and the @ to finish the formatting section:
printy("Predefined format [rI]This is red and with italic style@ also predefined format")
The text that is not surrounded by the format syntax will remain with the predefined format.
But you can always override this predefined format for inline format specifying the flags in the 'predefined' parameter
printy("Now this is blue [rI]Still red italic@ and also blue", predefined="b")
Or, you can override the whole format without changing the inline format with a global flag:
printy("Now i am still blue, [rI]and also me@, and me as well ", "b")
You can combine it with f-strings:
a = 60
printy(f"The day has [yB]{ 24 * a }@ minutes")
Printy also supports reading from a file, just pass the path to your file in the file parameter:
# NOTE: Here, it is necessary to specify the flags (if you want)
# in the 'flags' parameter
printy(file="/path/to/your/file/file.extension", flags="cU")
You can also pretty print your dictionaries, lists, tuples, sets, and objects:
my_dict = {'id': 71, 'zip_codes': ['050001', '050005', '050011', '050015', '050024'], 'code': '05001', 'country': {'code': 'co'}, 'city_translations': [{'language_code': 'es', 'name': 'Medellín'}], 'flag': None}
my_dict = {'id': 71, 'zip_codes': ['050001', '050005', '050011', '050015', '050024'], 'code': '05001', 'country': {'code': 'co'}, 'city_translations': [{'language_code': 'es', 'name': 'Medellín'}], 'flag': None}
printy(my_dict, indentation=2)
When dealing with untrusted sources, like, user input, we need to ensure the text is properly escaped
before we pass it to printy. For that, we can use the funtion escape
integrated with printy.
Let's say we have and email
variable that it's fill by an untrusted source:
from printy import printy, escape
# Comes from an untrusted source
email = '[email protected]'
# Without escaping it
printy(f'This is your email: [nB]{email}@')
# Escaping it
printy(f'This is your email: [nB]{escape(email)}@')
Now, we can define the background color of the text, either on inline formats or with global flags, we simply pass the color flag between two brackets:
from printy import printy
# Global format
printy('Green bold text over a red background', 'nB{r}')
# Inline format
printy('Normal Text [nB{r}]Green bold text over a red background@ Also normal')
Printy also includes an alternative function for the builtin input(), that, not only lets us applies formats to the prompted message (if passed), but also, we can force the user to enter a certain type of data.
from printy import inputy
Let's say we want to get an integer from the user's input, for that, we can set type='int' in the 'inputy' function (we can specify formats the same way we'd do with printy)
fruits = ["Apple", "Orange", "Pineapple"]
fruit = inputy("Select a fruit: ", options=fruits, condition="i")
qty = inputy("How many [yBU]%ss@ do you want?" % fruit, predefined="rB", type="int", condition="+")
confirmation = inputy("Are you sure you want [r]%d@ %ss?" % (qty, fruit), type="bool", options=["y", "n"], condition="i")
In all of the above examples, if the user enters a value with a type other than the one specified in 'type' (default is 'str'), the message will show again and will prompt also a warning (and so on until the user enters a valid value according to the type)
You can pass certain conditions to validate the input, for example, you can
pass condition="+"
on an input with type 'int' to force the user to enter
a positive integer (valid also for 'float'), check the complete options below
The best part is that the returned value's type is also the one of the specified type, therefore, from the above examples, both fruit will be str, qty will be integer, and confirmation will be a boolean, so, you're gonna get the information right as you need it.
You can also add some restriction for numbers: max_digits and max_decimals
If you want to know what's behind the scenes, you can get the text with all the ANSI escaped sequences,
for that, use the raw_format()
from printy import raw_format
raw_text = raw_format("Some [rB]formatted@ [yIU]text@")
For convenience, we have stored all colors and formats flags in list, in case you need them:
from printy import COLORS, FORMATS
Parameters | type | Description | |
value | str | required | Value to be formatted |
flags | str | optional | Global flags to be applied, they can be passed in the 'value' with the following syntax: [flags]value@ (check List 1 for more info) |
predefined | str | optional | A set of flags to apply to the value as its predefined value |
file | str | optional | A path to a file where we want to read the value from |
end | str | optional | A value to be appended to the value, default is '\n' |
pretty | bool | optional | True if we want to pretty print objects, False if we do not (default True) |
indentation | int | optional | Indentation when pretty printing dictionaries or any iterable (default 4) |
plus printy() parameters
Parameters | type | Description | |
type | str | optional | Type of value we want the user to enter (check List 2 for more info) |
options | list | optional | Valid only for types 'str' and 'bool', a list of options to scope the value |
render_options | bool | optional | Specify whether we want to display the options to the user or not |
default | str | optional | If no value is entered, this one will be taken, make sure that it belongs to the options list (if passed) |
condition | str | optional | A character that applies certain restrictions to the value (check List 3 for mor info |
max_digits | int | optional | Adds a restriction for numbers about the maximum number of digits that it should have |
max_decimals | int | optional | Adds a restriction for numbers about the maximum number of decimals that it should have |
- k - Applies a black color to the text
- g - Applies a grey color to the text
- w - Applies a white color to the text
- <r - Applies a darkred color to the text
- r - Applies a red color to the text
- r> - Applies a lightred color to the text
- <n - Applies a darkgreen color to the text
- n - Applies a green color to the text
- n> - Applies a lightgreen color to the text
- <y - Applies a darkyellow color to the text
- y - Applies a yellow color to the text
- y> - Applies a lightyellow color to the text
- <b - Applies a darkblue color to the text
- b - Applies a blue color to the text
- b> - Applies a lightblue color to the text
- <m - Applies a darkmagenta color to the text
- m - Applies a magenta color to the text
- m> - Applies a lightmagenta color to the text
- <c - Applies a darkcyan color to the text
- c - Applies a cyan color to the text
- c> - Applies a lightcyan color to the text
- <o - Applies a darkorange color to the text
- o - Applies a orange color to the text
- o> - Applies a lightorange color to the text
- <p - Applies a darkpurple color to the text
- p - Applies a purple color to the text
- p> - Applies a lightpurple color to the text
- B - Applies a bold font weight to the text
- U - Applies an underline to the text
- I - Applies an italic font type to the text
- H - Highlights the text
- S - Crosses out the text, aka Strike
- D - Dim effect
- 'int': Value must be an integer or a string that can be turn into an integer, returns the value as an integer
- 'float': Value must be a float or a string that can be turn into a float, returns the value as a float
- 'bool': A string matching 'True' or 'False' if no options are passed, otherwise, a string that matches one of the options, returns the value as a boolean
- 'str': The default type, if 'options' is passed, then the string must match one of the options or its item number.
- '+': Valid for 'int' and 'float' types only. The value must be a positive number
- '-': Valid for 'int' and 'float' types only. The value must be a negative number
- 'i': valid for 'str' and 'bool' types only. The value is case insensitive, by default it is case sensitive
Printy currently supports Python 3.5 and up. Printy is a cross-platform library
Please feel free to contact me if you want to be part of the project and contribute. Fork or clone, push to your fork, make a pull request, let's make this a better app every day!!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Edgardo Obregón 💻 |
farahduk 🤔 💻 🚧 |
Mihir Singh |
musicprogram 📓 |
Tanmay 🤔 |
Oliver Bentham 📓 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!