Authored by Jin Choi for EDAMAME
- This tutorial will contribute towards an understanding of quantitative analyses of metagenome data
- It focuses on estimating abundances of reads to an assembled reference.
- Understanding how to estimate abundances of reads in a representative gene reference
- Understanding read mapping
- Understanding mapping file formats
- Understanding how to use a mapping program (Bowtie2, samtools, bcftools)
- Apply reference mapping to assess read abundances and quantify gene presence
- If you want to detect SNPs
- If you want to estimate abundance of genes in metagenomic or metatranscriptomic data
Install mapping software for this tutorial, Bowtie2 and SamTools. BT2_HOME is the default name where Bowtie2 is installed.
Bowtie2 is a read mapping software.
mv bowtie2- BT2_HOME
Set up the path to installed software (you need to set up path again if you are logged in later):
export PATH
Install SamTools. SamTools is a software that we use to work with files that are outputted by Bowtie2. It is a software that is often used with mapping tools. Mapping files are generally very big and get unwieldy because of their size, SamTools helps us deal with these large files in a memory efficient approaches but sometimes it adds a lot of steps at a cost of speeding up analysis.
First, install library
sudo apt-get -y install libncurses5-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev
now install samtools
tar xvjf samtools-1.8.tar.bz2
cd samtools-1.8
Download assembled contigs.
To make everyone use same assembled file, let us download same assembled file.
cd ~/metagenome
curl -o assembled.contigs.fa -X GET ""
Now let’s map all of the reads to the reference. Start by indexing the reference genome. Indexing a reference stores in a memory efficient way on your computer:
cd ~/metagenome
bowtie2-build assembled.contigs.fa reference
Now, do the mapping of the raw reads to the reference genome (the -1 and -2 indicate the paired-end reads):
for x in SRR*;
do bowtie2 -x reference -1 $x -2 ${x%r1*} -S ${x%r1*}sam 2> ${x%r1*}out;
This file contains all of the information about where each read hits our reference assembly contigs.
First, index the reference genome with samtools. Another indexing step for memory efficiency for a different tool. In the mapping world, get used to indexing since the files are huge:
Second, Convert the SAM into a BAM file (What is the SAM/BAM?): To reduce the size of a SAM file, you can convert it to a BAM file (SAM to BAM!) - put simply, this compresses your giant SAM file.
Third, Sort the BAM file - again this is a memory saving and sometimes required step, we sort the data so its easy to query with our questions:
Last, And index the sorted BAM file:
~/samtools-1.8/samtools faidx assembled.contigs.fa
for x in *.sam;do ~/samtools-1.8/samtools import assembled.contigs.fa.fai $x $x.bam;done
mkdir tmp
for x in *.bam;do ~/samtools-1.8/samtools sort -T ./tmp/$x.sorted -o $x.sorted.bam $x;done
for x in *.sorted.bam;do ~/samtools-1.8/samtools index $x;done
This command:
~/samtools-1.8/samtools view -c -f 4 SRR492065.sam.bam.sorted.bam
Instead of printing the alignments, only count them and print the total number. All filter options, such as -f, -F, and -q, are taken into account. -f INT
Only output alignments with all bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with 0x (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with 0 (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].
Here is the link that you can find the specific hex index:
will count how many reads DID NOT align to the reference (63095).
This command:
~/samtools-1.8/samtools view -c -F 4 SRR492065.sam.bam.sorted.bam
Do not output alignments with any bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with 0x (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with 0 (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].
will count how many reads DID align to the reference (117723).
And this command:
will tell you how many lines there are in the FASTQ file (100,000). Reminder: there are four lines for each sequence.
This number give you idea how many sequences are mapped (%)
You can find this information in .out
file also.
for x in *.sorted.bam
do ~/samtools-1.8/samtools idxstats $x > $x.idxstats.txt
We have some scripts that we use to process this file.
git clone
python mapping_tools/ *.idxstats.txt > contig_counts.tsv
less contig_counts.tsv
And there you are - you've created an abundance table. Like an OTU count table, you can now use this file for statistical analyses when you do the mapping for multiple samples.
curl -o mgm4753635.3.350.genecalling.coding.faa -X GET ""
git clone
python mapping_tools/ mgm4753635.3.350.genecalling.coding.faa > assmbly.gtf
install requirements and install HTseq (This step takes time)
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential python2.7-dev python-numpy python-matplotlib python-pysam python-htseq
pip install HTSeq
for x in *.sorted.bam;do htseq-count -i gene_id -f bam $x assmbly.gtf > $x.htseq.count;done
python mapping_tools/ *.count > gene_count.tsv
head gene_count.tsv
curl -o -X GET ""