Authored by Jin Choi for EDAMAME2017
If you want to count for each gene, you can use HTSeq
- This tutorial will contribute towards an understanding of quantitative analyses of metagenome data
- It focuses on estimating abundances of reads to an assembled reference.
- Understanding how to estimate abundances of reads in a representative gene reference
- Understanding read mapping
- Understanding mapping file formats
- Understanding how to use a mapping program (Bowtie2, samtools, bcftools)
- Apply reference mapping to assess read abundances and quantify gene presence
- If you want to detect SNPs
- If you want to estimate abundance of genes in metagenomic or metatranscriptomic data
curl -o mgm4753635.3.350.genecalling.coding.faa -X GET "”
python dev/assembly_downstream/ mgm4753635.3.350.genecalling.coding.faa > assmbly.gtf
for x in *.sorted.bam;do htseq-count -i gene_id -f bam $x assmbly.gtf > $x.htseq.count;done
python dev/assembly_downstream/ *.count > final.table
curl -o -X GET ""