A Red Black Tree is a type of self-balanced binary search tree, where each node has an additional color attribute that can be Red or Black, useful for keeping the tree balanced.
A self-balanced tree is a type of tree that tries to minimize the number of levels used and does some operations during the insertions and deletions of nodes to maintain this property.
In addition to the requirements of a generic binary search tree, the following rules should also be applied:
- Each node has a color, either Black or Red
- Every node has a children, or a NULL leaf node.
- All NULL leaf nodes are Black.
- If a node is Red, then both children must be Black.
- The root node is Black (optional rule).
- Every path from to a node descendant must contain the same number of Black nodes.
The time complexity in this data structure, if N
is the number of element already present, is
The new node insertion, usually a Red node, require different actions, depending on the state of the tree:
- Insert the Root Node: if we adhere to the Black root node rule, we need to change the color, and add two NULL children.
- Insert the node at a Black Parent: we need only to add two NULL children.
- Parent and Sibling are both Red: we switch the parent and sibling color to Black, and the grand parent color to Red. We should also check all the other nodes, to see if we violated some rule now for other nodes.
- Parent is Red and Sibling is NULL Black: we need to perform a rotation. If the node is a right child, and the parent is a left child, we perform a CCW rotation.
- Parent and Child are both Red and on the same side of their parent: we perform a right rotation and change the children colors.
Python3 implementation: red_black_tree.py
Other than the new color attribute, we should have also a reference to the parent, so we can easily check if the parent node is Red or Black, and do rotation.
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value, parent, color):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.parent = parent
self.color = color
The Red Black Tree implementation need different helper function for work:
: used for get the parent of a parent of a node.pibling()
: used for getting the node's parent's sibling.insert_helper()
: for insert in the right place the node using recursion.rebalance()
: for rebalancing the tree after the insertion and removing of a node.
class RedBlackTree(object):
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = Node(root, None, 'red')
def insert(self, new_val):
new_node = self.insert_helper(self.root, new_val)
def insert_helper(self, current, new_val):
if current.value < new_val:
if current.right:
return self.insert_helper(current.right, new_val)
current.right = Node(new_val, current, 'red')
return current.right
if current.left:
return self.insert_helper(current.left, new_val)
current.left = Node(new_val, current, 'red')
return current.left
def rebalance(self, node):
# Case 1: Insert the Root Node
if node.parent == None:
# Case 2: Insert the node at a Black Parent
if node.parent.color == 'black':
# Case 3: Parent and Sibling are both Red
if self._pibling(node) and self._pibling(node).color == 'red':
self._pibling(node).color = 'black'
node.parent.color = 'black'
self._grandparent(node).color = 'red'
return self.rebalance(self._grandparent(node))
# If there is no gp, we have done
gp = self._grandparent(node)
if gp == None:
# Case 4: Parent is Red and Sibling is NULL Black
if gp.left and node == gp.left.right:
node = node.left
elif gp.right and node == gp.right.left:
node = node.right
# Case 5: Parent and Child are both Red and on the same side of
# their parent
p = node.parent
gp = p.parent
if node == p.left:
p.color = 'black'
gp.color = 'red'
def search(self, find_val):
return False