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2021 08 05 Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Michael Pöhnl edited this page Aug 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Date: 2021/08/05

Time: 17:00 CET



  • Michael Pöhnl, Apex.AI
  • Indra, Avin Systems
  • Victor Lee, bright dream robotics
  • Vamsi, Lear Corp.
  • Simon, Apex.AI
  • Matthias Killat, Apex.AI
  • Mathias "Bob" Kraus, Apex.AI


  1. General: Are there other agenda points?, 2 mins
  2. Shared memory messages for ROS 2 link
  3. Communication between two threads in one process, Vamsi
  4. Multiple parameters for request/response, Indra


  1. Shared memory messages for ROS 2
  • First version for fixed-size image and point cloud messages
  • Introduced a fixed string with 256 characters
  • Different message types for point clouds defined, these are zero-copy capable but breaks the current idea of ROS where the community can reuse on message type for a lot of nodes. We would now have a lot of different messages
  • RViz would need to be adapted
  1. Communication between two threads in one process
  • single_process example was used, this already contains a RouDi, so if it is started also as separate application there are two of them which is a problem
  • a better starting point would maybe be to copy example code from publisher and subscriber application into one main(). CAUTION, only one runtime is needed then.
  1. Multiple parameters for request/response
  • For ara::com the parameters for a request have to be copied in the memory chunk that is sent with the request
  • There is no allocate() for ara::com methods, so no way to have zero-copy as the parameter will come from the stack of the user
  • ara::com is not efficient if large data like images are sent as parameters for methods. A change would be needed in the ara::com specification
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