Written by Austin Zhou
I found this hashed password dqcxxkgegmrunaue
and its hashing algorithm hash1.py. Can you find the password?
Maybe there's more than 1 password that works...
When inspecting the algorithm we can see that each letter is generated one at a time. So the first letter affects the first letter in the hash and the second letter affects the second letter in the hash etc. So an easy brute force algorithm can be written.
text = "dqcxxkgegmrunaue"
flag= ""
for a in range(len(text)):
for b in [chr(i) for i in range(97,97+26)]:
if hash1(b)[0] == text[a]:
flag += b
print flag
One possible answer then would be kxjeernlntybuhbl
But the original string was actually xxxXXX_nobody123will123evar123know234this345flag_XXXxxx
(Several possible answers)