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dsub backend providers

The "ideal" dsub user scenario is one in which you can develop and test code on your local system (your own laptop or workstation) and then with just a few changes to command-line parameters, run at scale in a Cloud environment or on-premesis compute cluster.

To this end, dsub supports multiple "backend providers", each of which implements a consistent runtime environment. The current supported providers are:

  • local
  • google

Runtime environment

Each provider supports the following elements in your Docker container's runtime environment:

Environment variables point to your --input files

When you write your commands that run in your Docker container, you shoud always access your input files through the environment variables that are set for them. You may observe that providers consistently place input files under /mnt/data/input, but there is no requirement that providers do so. Use the environment variables described in Input and Output File Handling documentation.

Environment variables point to where to write --output files

When you write your commands that run in your Docker container, you shoud always write output files to the locations specified by the environment variables that are set for them. You may observe that providers consistently expect output files to be written to /mnt/data/output, but there is no requirement that providers do so. Use the environment variables described in Input and Output File Handling documentation.

User script name is preserved and the directory is "world-writeable"

The script that you specify for the --script flag will be written to a writeable directory within your Docker container, and the name of your script will be preserved.

Directory writeability means that you can write to that directory if you need to. To get the directory name, get it from argv[0]. For example:

In Bash:

readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$0")"

In Python:

import os
import sys
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))

The script name is preserved (and executable file permissions set) such that your script can be directly executed. For example if your script name is, then so long as your Docker image supports direct execution of .py files, your script will be able to run.

TMPDIR will be set to reference a directory on your "data disk"

The google provider depends on the Google Genomics Pipelines API which puts the Docker container's /tmp directory on the Compute Engine VM's boot disk, rather than the data disk that is created for dsub. To avoid users needing to separately size both the boot disk and the data disk, the google provider creates a tmp directory and sets the TMPDIR environment variable (supported by many tools) to point to it.

The separation of boot vs. data disk does not hold for the local provider, but the local provider still sets TMPDIR. dsub scripts that need large temporary space should write to ${TMPDIR} rather than /tmp

An empty "working directory" is created

When your script runs in your Docker container, the current working directory will be empty and writeable. You can get the working directory when your script starts in many different ways, typically:

In Bash:

readonly WORKING_DIR="$(pwd)"

In Python:

import os
WORKING_DIR = os.getcwd()

Provider details

Details of the runtime environments are provided here to aid in the day-to-day use of and debugging of problems you may encounter. The specifics of where temporary directories and files are created are subject to change. Your script code should access elements of the runtime environment through environment variables as described above.

Local provider

The local provider creates a runtime workspace on the Docker host (your local workstation or laptop) to execute the following sequence of events:

  1. Create a directory to store task metadata.
  2. Create a data directory to mount into the task's Docker container.
  3. Copy files from the local file system or Google Cloud Storage to the task data directory.
  4. Run a Docker container and execute your --script or --command.
  5. Copy files from the data directory to the local file system or Google Cloud Storage.


The local provider starts a task, it creates and executes a script called which orchestrates copying input files, running Docker, and copying output files.

File copying

The copying of files is performed in the host environment, not inside the Docker container. This means that for copying to/from Google Cloud Storage, the host environment requires a copy of gsutil to be installed.

Container runtime environment

The local provider creates a workspace directory under:

  • /tmp/dsub-local/<job-id>/task

If dsub is called with --task then the word task at the end of the path is replaced by the task id, for example:

  • /tmp/dsub-local/<job-id>/0
  • /tmp/dsub-local/<job-id>/1
  • /tmp/dsub-local/<job-id>/2

for a job with 3 tasks.

Each task folder contains a data folder that is mounted by Docker. The data folder contains:

  • input: location of automatically localized --input and --input-recursive parameter values.
  • output: location for script to write automatically delocalized --output and --output-recursive parameter values.
  • script: location of the your dsub --script or --command script.
  • tmp: temporary directory for the user script. TMPDIR is set to this directory.
  • workingdir: the working directory set before the user script runs.

Task state and logging

The local runner supports the following "operation status" values:


Execution of the dsub task is orchestrated by a script,, which the local provider writes to the task directory.

During execution, writes the following files to record task state:

  • log.txt: log generated by, listing the high-level events (eg. "starting Docker").
  • stdout.txt: stdout from your Docker container.
  • stderr.txt: stderr from your Docker container.
  • runner-log.txt: stdout and stderr of Errors copying from/to GCS would show up here (ie. for localization/delocalization). Otherwise only useful for debugging dsub itself.
  • meta.yaml: metadata about the job (used by dstat) such as job-id, job-name, task-id, envs, inputs, and outputs.

Resource requirements

The local provider does not support resource-related flags such as --min-cpu, --min-ram, --boot-disk-size, or --disk-size.

Google provider

The google provider utilizes the Google Genomics Pipelines API to queue a request for the following sequence of events:

  1. Create a Google Compute Engine Virtual Machine (VM) instance.
  2. Create a Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk and mount it as a "data disk".
  3. Localize files from Google Cloud Storage to the data disk.
  4. Run a Docker container and execute your --script or --command.
  5. Delocalize files from the data disk to Google Cloud Storage.
  6. Destroy the VM


When the API is called, it creates an operation. The Pipelines API service will then create the VM and disk when the your Cloud Project has sufficient Compute Engine quota.

When the VM starts, it runs a Compute Engine startup script to launch the Pipelines API "controller" which orchestrates input localization, Docker execution, and output delocalization.

When the controller exits, the startup script destroys the VM and disk.

While the Pipelines API provides the core infrastructure for job queuing, VM creation, and Docker command execution, several features of dsub are not directly supported by the Pipelines API. These features are implemented by wrapping the user --script or --command with code that runs inside the Docker container.

The Docker command submitted to the Pipelines API for a dsub does the following:

  1. Create runtime directories (script, tmp, workingdir) described above.
  2. Write the user --script or --command to a file and make it executable.
  3. Install gsutil if there are recursive copies to do.
  4. Set environment variables for --input parameters with wildcards.
  5. Set environment variables for --input-recursive parameters.
  6. Perform copy for --input-recursive parameters.
  7. Create the directories for --output parameters.
  8. Set environment variables for --output-recursive parameters.
  9. Set TMPDIR.
  10. Set the working directory.
  11. Run the user --script or --command.
  12. Perform copy for --output-recursive parameters.

File copying

Note that for the --input-recursive and --output-recursive features, dsub does not get direct support from the Pipelines API. Instead, it injects the necessary code into the Docker command to set the environment variables and perform the recursive copies.

As a getting started convenience, if --input-recursive or --output-recursive are used with the google provider, dsub will automatically check for and install the Google Cloud SDK in the Docker container at runtime (before your script executes).

If you use the recursive copy features, install the Cloud SDK in your Docker image when you build it to avoid the installation at runtime.

Container runtime environment

The data disk path is the same on the host VM as it is in the Docker container:

  • /mnt/data

The /mnt/data folder contains:

  • input: location of automatically localized --input and --input-recursive parameter values.
  • output: location for script to write automatically delocalized --output and --output-recursive parameter values.
  • script: location of the your dsub --script or --command script.
  • tmp: temporary directory for the user script. TMPDIR is set to this directory.
  • workingdir: the working directory set before the user script runs.

Task state and logging

The Genomics API supports the following "operation status" values:


Note that while an operation is queued for execution its status is RUNNING.

The Pipelines API controller maintains 3 log files, which are uploaded every 5 minutes to the --logging location specified to dsub:

  • [prefix].log: log generated by the controller as it executes
  • [prefix]-stdout.log: stdout from your Docker container
  • [prefix]-stderr.log: stderr from your Docker container

The [prefix] will be either the Google Genomics operation name or a string that you can specify as described here:

Resource requirements

The google provider supports resource-related flags such as --min-cpu, --min-ram, --boot-disk-size, or --disk-size.

Machine type

By default, the Compute Engine VM that runs will be an n1-standard-1. If you specify --min-cpu and/or --min-ram, the Pipelines API will choose the smallest predefined machine type that satisfies your requested minimums.

Disk allocation

The Docker container launched by the Pipelines API will use the host VM boot disk for system paths. All other directories set up by dsub will be on the data disk, including the TMPDIR (as discussed abovec). Thus you should only ever need to change the --disk-size.