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Compiling lmms (On Windows)

Tres Finocchiaro edited this page Sep 11, 2015 · 58 revisions

#Compiling LMMS on Windows ###Building LMMS Using MSYS2 and mingw-w64 on Windows 64-bit

  • LMMS complied and running on Windows 7 64-bit


  • Note: This tutorial was created in an effort to enable code debugging on Windows. This tutorial is not yet supported. Please find our official Windows build tutorial here: Compiling-lmms-(Windows)

  • Note: The pacman mirrors that come default with msys2 rely heavily on mirrors. If you are having problems with pacman, first make sure sourceforge isn't experiencing downtime.

###Install Dependencies

  1. Download and install 64-bit msys2 from

  2. Launch MSYS2 Shell, update (about 16MB):

Sync your local database:

pacman -Sy

Update essential packages:

pacman --needed -S bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime

Restart MSYS2 (important), and update the rest of your packages:

pacman -Su

Note: If at any time you receive the message Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded, try again.

  1. Download and install the 32-bit and 64-bit toolchains (about 85MB)
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-i686-gcc
  1. Download and install dependencies (about 726MB, 3.3GB installed)
pacman -S git pkgconfig make cmake wget p7zip gzip tar binutils mingw-w64-x86_64-qt4 mingw-w64-i686-qt4 gdb
  1. Close msys2.

  2. Open Mingw-w64

  3. Download helper script

#FIXME: Change this URL to[...]
wget --no-check-certificate
  1. Run the helper script. This will automatically:
  • Download, extract and install the mingw ppa (400MB)
  • Download, compile and install fluid.exe
  • Configure git for use with msys

Note: You will eventually receive some messages cp: cannot create regular file, these are safe to ignore.

Note2: Fluid may show warnings during build, these are generally safe to ignore as well.

  1. Create symbolic links for CMD-style paths (workaround msys2's moc.exe issue)
  • Open CMD as administrator (Start, "CMD", CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER)

  • Run the following commands:

    mklink /d %SystemDrive%\mingw64 %SystemDrive%\msys64\mingw64
    mklink /d %SystemDrive%\mingw32 %SystemDrive%\msys64\mingw32
    mklink /d %SystemDrive%\home %SystemDrive%\msys64\home
  • Note: If you installed msys2 to a non-standard location, these commands will need to be adjusted to reflect your install location. %SystemDrive% generally is C:\, so you can adjust to D:\, E:\ as needed.


  1. Run configure
cd ~/lmms
mkdir build target
cd build
  1. Build
make VERBOSE=1

Note: mallets are broken on 32-bit. Edit CMakeLists.txt change WANT_STK OFF

Note: win32 builds need fluid to be rebuilt by the 32-bit compiler. The easiest way to do this is open MinGW-w64 Win32-Shell:

rm -rf /usr/local/bin/fluid.exe
. ~/


  1. Run
  1. (TODO) Fix artwork directory. Installing and running the Windows desktop version will help resolve artwork.


  1. Enable debug symbols to be passed to mingw script

  2. Add manual reference to QtCore4.dll

    Note: FIXME: Can we add this automatically via IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug")

    • src/CMakeLists.txt:115

          ${LMMS_REQUIRED_LIBS} QtCore4
          # Fix debug builds ---^
    • plugins/zynaddsubfx/CMakeLists.txt:112

      TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ZynAddSubFxCore zynaddsubfx_nio ${FFTW3F_LIBRARIES} 
      ${QT_LIBRARIES} -lz -lpthread QtCore4)
      #         Fix debug builds ---^
  3. Add the Following line to lmms/CMakeLists.txt between ln 144 145

SET(QT_LIBRARIES optimized;/mingw64/bin/QtGui4.dll;debug;/mingw64/bin/QtGui4.dll$ )

Note, this is a Hack that need to be cleaned, but gets win64 debug build working

 1. Add the Following line to cmake/modules/BuildPlugin.cmake ln 34  
```` SET(QT_LIBRARIES        optimized;/mingw64/bin/QtGui4.dll;debug;/mingw64/bin/QtGui4.dll;optimized;/mingw64/bin/QtXml4.dll;debug;/mingw64/bin/QtXml4.dll;optimized;/mingw64/bin/QtCore4.dll;debug;/mingw64/bin/QtCore4.dll
 1.   Edit `CMakeLists.txt` change `WANT_STK`, `WANT_SWH`, and `WANT_GIG` `OFF`
 1. Remove the build directory and run the appropriate build script again
 1. To debug the lmms.exe process

    gdb lmms.exe


 1. Install NSIS from

 1. Add NSIS to Windows PATH
     * Navigate to View Advanced System Settings, Environment Variables
     * Add this to the very end of the System PATH

    ;c:\Program Files (x86)\nsis\

 1. Create the package

    make package