Given a real-world problem to scale the applications to read and save products inside a controlled environment I decided to create a POC (Prove of Concepts) about the approach to delivering a good performance and high availability design.
This application backend is responsible by save and read products over the HTTP protocol using a RESTFull approach, the user makes a read or write request, the service does processing, stores data, then returns the results.
The service needs to envolve from serving a small amount of requests to millions of requests.
Its a POC that you can test it in your development enviroment. To init the application you need to have a docker and docker-compose installed in your computer.
docker-compose up -d
With the all containers running you can call the request to use the application:
To create a new product execute a POST in our API:
"description": "string",
"value": "float"
Execute the below command to create with 201 status:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "description": "Awesome Product", "value": 10.0}' http://localhost/products
Route only available to get all:
curl -X GET http://localhost/products
Returns 200 status:
"products": [
"description": "Awesome Product",
"id": 6,
"tax": 12.5,
"value": 12.5
To create a new comment to product execute a POST in our API:
"comment": "string",
"author": "string",
"id_product": "int"
Execute the below command to create with 201 status:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "id_product": 1, "comment": "Hello!!!", "author": "Hattori" } ' http://localhost/comments
- Client using a brower, mobile, or any device to access to application
- DNS translate a domain name to an IP address
- Web Server is a proxy that centralizes internal services and provides unifield inrterfaces
- The Application Servers Product_Write and Product_Read handling the requets, with this separation we can scale both layers independently, the Product_Write is reponsable for insert new data while Product_Read read all data from storage.
- Tax is a small microservice responsable by calculate all tax to some product, as a internal service that use over gRPC protocol to communicate with others.
- The database choised was the Postgres and Redis as cache the Comments_Worker uses as queue broker too, in production enviroment it's not a good approach.
- Comments_Write_Async is a bach service that is responsable by create asynchronously Comments, the client send request to async API than pubisher messase to Redis broker, the Comments_Worker receive message and process to save to No-SQL database(MongoDB)