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Building uChmViewer

Dependencies and Tools

Mandatory requirements

  • C++11 compiler which is supported by the Qt SDK.
  • Qt tools such as moc and the resource packer.
  • CMake or Qmake to generate the build scripts. For builds I recommend CMake, and Qmake is mainly used as a Qt Creator project.
  • SDK for Qt5 or Qt6. Note that with Qt6 you need an additional Core5Compat module.
  • The CHMLib library for handling chm files. You can choose dynamic or static linking. In the first case, you need a library and headers for development. In the second case you need to download the repository submodule and specify USE_STATIC_CHMLIB flag when generating the build script.
  • The libzip library and headers for software development. When building this library from source you will need the zlib library.

Optional requirements

  • I recommend using Git to retrieve the source code. Although you can download and unpack the archive with the sources, this option is not covered here. Also, Git is more convenient if you want to use a submodule with CHMLib.
  • GNU Gettext is required to translate the user interface.
  • KDELibs4Support and ECM to build with KDE support.

Getting sources

Use the git clone command to retrieve the sources. If you need static linking to CHMLib, use --recursive options to download the CHMLib submodule.

# Getting the repository together with the submodule
# and switching to the release branch
git clone --recursive

Usage CMake

A modern cmake generates an build system script and also can be used as a build and installation driver.

# Generate build system
cmake [<options>] ../
# Bbilding mode
cmake --build . [<options>]
# Installation mode
cmake --install . [<options>]

Options of build system generation

  • -G - specifies a build system generator. This option is not necessary when using the default toolkit.

  • --install-prefix <prefix> - specifies a root folder for install application. By defaults to /usr/local on UNIX and c:/Program Files/uchmviewer on Windows. Note, that the installation prefix can be overridden when CMake is run in installation mode (cmake --install) with the --prefix option. Cpack ignores the installation prefix.

  • -D <var>=<value> - specifies the initial value of the CMake script variable.

    Project-specific variables

    • USE_KF5=<ON | OFF> - build application with KDE support.
    • USE_STATIC_CHMLIB=<ON | OFF> - choosing static linking with CHMLib, default is OFF. For static linking, the library is compiled from source in the lib/CHMLib folder. This folder can be obtained along with the sources of the application using the command git clone --recursive.
    • USE_WEBENGINE=<ON | OFF> - choosing WebEngine instead of WebKit, default is OFF. WebEngine requires Qt version 5.9 or higher.
    • USE_GETTEXT=<ON | OFF> - enabling translation of the application, default is ON. If Gettext is not available, this option will be ignored.
    • USE_DEPLOY_RUNTIME=<ON | OFF> - copying runtime dependencies for deployment, default is OFF.
    • USE_MACOS_BUNDLE=<ON | OFF> - install as macOS bundle, default is ON.
    • USE_MAC_APP=<ON | OFF> - use derived QApplication, default to ON on macOS.
    • USE_DBUS=<ON | OFF> - use D-Bus integration, default to ON on Linux.
    • chmlib_ROOT=<path/to/chmlib>- specifies an additional folder to look up the library and headers for CHMLib. The chm_lib.h file is expected either in the root folder or the include folder. The chm library must be either in the root folder or in the lib folder.
    • libzip_ROOT=<path/to/libzip>- specifies an additional folder to look up the library and headers for libzip. The zip.h file is expected either in the root folder or the include folder. The zip library must be either in the root folder or in the lib folder.

    CMake-specific variables

    • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path/to/qt> is the path to the Qt development package if it is simply unpacked or builds without installation. In my case, Qt version 5.5 is in /home/user/Qt and I use -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.5/gcc.
    • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Debug | Release | RelWithDebInfo | MinSizeRel>

    For example, configure cmake to build which Qt 5.15 and WebEngine

    cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/5.15/gcc -DUSE_WEBENGINE=ON ../


CMake comes with a cpack utility for generating installers. The build scripts have basic cpack support, but in some cases additional options and variables may need to be specified. The generator must be specified in any case.

Building in Debian

In GNU/Linux with package manager DEB-based you need the following packages and their dependencies:

  • build-essential cmake git libzip-dev
  • libqt5webkit5-dev or qtwebengine5-dev
  • libkf5kdelibs4support-dev if you choose build with KDE support.
  • libchm-dev
  • gettext

Build with WebKit

apt install build-essential cmake git libzip-dev libchm-dev\
 gettext libqt5webkit5-dev
git clone --recursive
mkdir uchmviewer/build
cd uchmviewer/build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
cmake --build . --config Release
# Optional generate package

Build with WebEngine

apt install build-essential cmake git libzip-dev libchm-dev\
 gettext qtwebengine5-dev
git clone --recursive
mkdir uchmviewer/build
cd uchmviewer/build
cmake --build . --config Release
# Optional generate package

Build with KF5

apt install build-essential cmake git libzip-dev libchm-dev\
 gettext libqt5webkit5-dev libkf5kdelibs4support-dev
git clone --recursive
mkdir uchmviewer/build
cd uchmviewer/build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DUSE_KF5=ON ../
cmake --build . --config Release
# Optional generate package

Qmake options

The project options for qmake are the similar to those for cmake.

  • USE_STATIC_CHMLIB=1 if defined, use static CHMLib from git submodule.
  • USE_WEBENGINE=1 if defined, use QtWebEngine.
  • CHMLIB_ROOT=<path/to/chmlib> folder to look up the library and headers for CHMLib.
  • LIBZIP_ROOT=<path/to/libzip>folder to look up the library and headers for libzip.