To install all dependencies with yarn (npm install -g yarn
) run:
yarn install
This user-auth-service requires a running relational database MariaDB has been used for testing. To run it locally using docker, you can run:
docker run --detach --name user-auth-db \
--env MARIADB_PASSWORD=mariadb-root-password \
--env MARIADB_DATABASE=my_database \
-p 3306:3306 \
And then update the environment variables for the user-auth-service to fit:
export MARIADB_PASSWORD=mariadb-root-password
export MARIADB_SERVICE=$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' user-auth-db)
It is also recommended having a Jaeger agent running for reporting traces.
Adjust the following environment variables if you are running the two other microservices on different ports/hosts:
Name | Example Value | Description |
SERVER_PORT | 9091 | The port that the server will run on |
JAEGER_AGENT_HOST | localhost | Change to hostname/IP of your Jaeger agent |
JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME | user-auth-service | Name that will be used for the service in the Jaeger traces |
JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE | const | (optional) Set to const to get all traces |
JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM | 1 | (optional) Set to 1 while sampler is const to get all traces |
MARIADB_SERVICE | localhost | Address of MariaDB database |
MARIADB_PASSWORD | mariadb-root-password | Password of MariaDB database |
To run the user-auth-service use:
yarn start
When developing, to have the server auto-restart on change of a file and use local .env variable, use:
yarn run dev