- Finish sprae 10
- no-caret (0 focus) play bug
- space repeat
- head of audio is boosted for some reason
- [~] discrepancy of caret with sound -> can't reproduce
- click on time must not reload anything
- loading link with time should navigate to the line
- Automatic tests
- Shift play button to the left
- Display current time
- All editing operations
- delete
- ctrl+C / ctrl+V
- Undo/redo history (separate from browser history)
- Save result
- Adjustable view
- block size
- color theme
- player backends
- Audio
- Drag-n-drop
- Separate by fragments (scenes) via enter
- Playback bar with current time, play/stop, more
- Position: bottom floating/appearing, bottom fixed, balloon next to cursor, no (melded into UI)
- Operations
- Normalize audio (from playback bar?)
- Revolume selected fragments
- Noise-gate plugin
- Speedup silences (plugin?)
- Change number of channels
- 11labs integration: generate speech of length
- Switchable main-thread / worker / GPU processing
- display audio
- play audio
- caret indication
- Don't update caret in raf: update only on playback and time change
- Don't track caret on every focus: only when user selects by mouse
- Make playback within the selection
- Fix safari
- loses caret on play, like insert silence, press play etc
- serialize file in url: ?src=path/to/url/file/to/fetch
- sprae :onfile-attachment-accepted
- add preloader (sprae mount-unmount)
- delete fragments -> updates audio
- create silence by space
- download
- caret must be able to be reoriented during the playback
- Safari: wrong current time positioning
- BUG: stopping drops focus
- Make 'Enter' create segments
- time codes next to lines
- br
- del
- fix deleting tail properly
- normalize
- BUG: setting caret to the beginning of segment (a bit from the left of segment) doesn't start playback properly
- faster encoder by just copying changed subbuffer data, opposed to full rerender
- fix playback multiple segments
- Add vertical shift of average
- Shift + select
interleaved buffers pointing to chunks of wav file, rather than audiobufferssame as below -
immediate audio ops via copy- saves 15ms, takes a lot in terms of losing AudioBuffer primitive - worker processor
- actions via beforeinput inputType
Make delete:
signature instead offrom-count
Debounce delete better
"Open audio"
"Generate speech" or "Pick random audio" intro screen. (+ button at the right)-> use more complete sources config
Reflect operations in URL
Backspace-deleting from the beginning of segment doesn't remove break but deletes tail of prev segment instead
- join operation that serializes as removing break
take source from URL.
- if there's none - take random source
support dropping files
- save dropped files to storage
Make history of changes with undo/redo
Time-codes of following segments are messed up: make them href-able
Bug: insert silence at the beginning of new segment -> feature
Save local file edits to kv-storage- saved in history -
BUG: 0:60 in timing
OPTIMIZATION: use onbeforeinput/oninput for handling operations
BUG: deleting from left & then from right of caret is different
BUG: fix playback from caret
Alt-Space for start/stop
Loop play selection
Outsource audio-decode, add missing codecs
Outsource media loopStart / loopEnd
Better selection logic: must be immediate
Display open/loading status
Display + for newlines
. for silence
Empty URL shows "Open file"
Loads source from url on init
Display loading status in playbacknot sure still if we need playback -
Show average line in samplesuse dots instead -
Deleting, changing caret, deleting again causes UI waveform assertion fail
Small screens wrongly wrap waveform timing
Deleting part of audio screws up play button position
End of file caret positioning is wrong
Delete-all case doesn't get saved
Big file editing generates tons of error logs : must be good
Big files break caret line at the end (see bvg)
Loaded file misses offset
Played waveform update on big files is very slow. Use overlap technique or virtual list via intersection observer
Safari: smooth audio currentTime (opposed to glitchy now)
A way to download / reverse / etc selected fragment (... at the right)
Stopping playback causes glitch
Bug with assets/1s.wav playback - end line caret shifts down
Problematic mobile rendering
Mobile playback doesn't start from selection
Bug: renavigating during play
Bug: mobile safari play button sticks glitchly (alternative to intersection observer?)
Bug: multiline selection is damaged
Bug: empty head starts playing something non-silence
Bug: needs enhanced lines calculation, ideally chars-per-line
Bug: playback with space is glitchy (resets caret)
Bug: deleting is broken
Bug: doesn't renavigate by click
Bug: doesn't scroll on caret offset
Bug: loop playback selection is broken
Make play always cover the time, then it leaves space for "record" button
Render only visible part (virtual) - must reduce rendering load significantly
Resize throttle
Autoplay, loop, current line - can be navigatable from URL
Add info icon: support, github, brahman
- tips, generate theme
- adjust settings: audio loudness metric, block size
support paste fragment of itself
Mark loop selection
Mark fragments
Detect characters per line via ranges method: https://www.bennadel.com/blog/4310-detecting-rendered-line-breaks-in-a-text-node-in-javascript.htm
Separate audio-decode module with all codecs...
Make play button clickable area big
Recent files
use media-offset for looping -> own function play-loop
detect cmd/ctrl key depending on platform
make player responsive in mobile as bottom play button with overlay
make playback sticky to avoid hiding playback (intersection observer + position change)
use plain (interleaved?) arrays instead of audio buffers - faster decoding, faster transfering to worker- limited maintainability, no need to transfer to worker -
use decodeAudioData main thread "worker" for faster decode, detect supported native codecs & video
Loudness weighting
Better loudness display: it is inadequate now
Display left/right channels with half-transparent blacks, and black is their intersection
time codes as # hrefs
- make navigatable
Faster updates: maybe no point rerendering/encoding full waveform, or parallelize, or faster wav encoder (wasm?)
- ? should we work straight on wav buffer maybe instead of audio buffers?
Highlight of playable/playing region via diff color
use audio-buffer-list for faster ops?-> use own implementation -
theme selector: color gradientish, inverse, cool, hot, dynamic, bw, font style
move loading/decoding/encoding to worker
random phrase player (from URL - like thetamath) via free speech api
broken sprae condition of
:if :ref
convert ops units to h/s/ms
replace file selector with + under caret?
open file
Make nicer playback UI (bottom of page player)-> not proved to be the best- Errors and loading state must be indicated there
- Precise current playback time
delete file fully -> displays open file again
save file in storage? -> can be done via browser caching
Safari: initial audio loading state displays Error (show silent buffer) -
scroll must follow the current caret position
save edits in URL, so that any audio URL can be opened, edited, played.
More audio transforms
Make reusable (web-) component
- Textarea mode: no-line-breaks simple renderer on any textarea, no autosizer
- Adjustable timecodes
- Adjustable menu
- Adjustable theme
- Adjustable line breaks / ops
Think of embeddable links
Recording capability
Add tests (playwright?)
Measure via LUFS and other methods
Process audio with lino?
Vary color based on spectrum
?Use timing object https://github.com/chrisguttandin/timing-object-> nah -
Editable labeling / phrases