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FAQ For Computer Organisation's Assembly

Table of contents

  1. Registers
    1. Table
    2. Layout
  2. Opcode Table
  3. Stackframes
  4. Addressing Modes
  5. Assembler Directives
  6. sections
  7. X86 Calling Convention
  8. Handy Links
  9. GDB
  10. command line arguments


Registers Table

64-bit register Lower 32 bits Lower 16 bits Lower 8 bits
rax eax ax al
rbx ebx bx bl
rcx ecx cx cl
rdx edx dx dl
rsi esi si sil
rdi edi di dil
rbp ebp bp bpl
rsp esp sp spl
r8 r8d r8w r8b
r9 r9d r9w r9b
r10 r10d r10w r10b
r11 r11d r11w r11b
r12 r12d r12w r12b
r13 r13d r13w r13b
r14 r14d r14w r14b
r15 r15d r15w r15b

Other important registers: RIP = instruction pointer, points to the next instruction to be executed. changing this register is the same as a jumps
RFLAGS = register that stores information about the last calculation (flags) to use for conditional jumps

Source/More Info

Register Memory Layout

Registers work like this, meaning every row in the above table is actually the same register but parts of it as shown below:

8 bits
8 bits
16 bits
32 bits
64 bits

Opcode Table

opcode operands function description
mov src,dst dst = src copy
push dst (%rsp) = dst, %rsp -= 8 pushes a value onto the stack
pop src %rsp += 8,src=(%rsp) pops a value off the stack
xchg A,B A,B = B,A switches the contents of A and B
--- --- --- ---
addq src,dst dst = dst + src adds src to dst
subq src,dst dst = dst - src subtracts src from dst
inc dst dst = dst + 1 adds 1 to dst
dec dst dst = dst - 1 subtracts 1 from dst
mulq src rdx:rax = rax * src multiplies rax by src (UNSIGNED)
imulq src rdx:rax = rax * src multiplies rax by src (SIGNED)
divq src rdx:rax = rax / src divides rax by src (SIGNED)
idivq src rdx:rax = rax / src divides rax by src (SIGNED)
--- --- --- ---
jmp label jumps to label (unconditional)
je label jumps to label (if equal)
jne label jumps to label (if not equal)
jg label jumps to label (if greater than)
jl label jumps to label (if less than)
jle label jumps to label (if less than or equal)
jge label jumps to label (if greater than or equal)
call label push <current adress + 1>, jmp label calls a function
ret jmp (%rsp) returns to caller
loop label dec %rcx, jnz label
--- --- --- ---
cmp A,B A - B (answer not stored but flags set) compares 2 numbers. jump instruction follows
xorq src,dst src = src xor dst bitwise xor
orq src,dst src = src and dst bitwise and
andq src,dst src = src or dst bitwise and
shlq A,dst src = src << A shift left
shrq A,dst src = src >> A shift right
not dst dst = 1111111- dst bitwise inversion of dst
neg dst dst = 0 - dst 2's complement, result of not and add 1
leaq A, dst dst = &A load effective adress (& means adress of)
int int_no software interrupt (see linux system calls above, used together with int 0x80)


Generally, to initialize a stackframe use:

	push %rbx #save necessary registers
	push %r12
	push %r13
	push %r14
	push %r15

	push %rbp #generate stackframe
	movq %rsp, %rbp

And to destroy it again use:

	movq %rbp, %rsp #restore last stackframe
	pop %rbp

	pop %r15 #restore necessary registers
	pop %r14	
	pop %r13	
	pop %r12	
	pop %rbx	


Addressing Modes

example name description
movq $label,%rax immediate (pointer) loads the location of the label into rax
movq label,%rax immediate loads the quadword at the location of the label into rax
movq (%rbx),%rax indirect loads the quadword at the location pointed to by rbx into rax
movq 8(%rbx),%rax indirect offset (positive) loads the quadword 8 after the location pointed to by rbx into rax
movq -8(%rbx),%rax indirect offset (negative) loads the quadword 8 before the location pointed to by rbx into rax
movq (%rbx,%rcx),%rax indirect variable offset loads the quadword at %rcx after the location pointed to by rbx into rax
movq (%rbx,%rcx,8),%rax indirect variable scaled offset (negative) loads the quadword at %rcx*8 after the location pointed to by rbx into rax
movq 8(%rbx,%rcx,8),%rax indirect variable scaled offset (negative) +constant loads the quadword at 8 after %rcx*8 after the location pointed to by rbx into rax

Assembler Directives

Assembler directives are notes for the assembler which tell it how to do the compiling.

directive explaination
.quad reserves space for a 64 bit number to be stored
.long reserves space for a 32 bit number to be stored
.word reserves space for a 16 bit number to be stored
.byte reserves space for a 8 bit number to be stored
.asciz reserves space for a string of text to be stored, automatically terminated by a 0 (NULL )
.ascii reserves space for a string of text to be stored, not automatically terminated by a 0 (NULL )
.skip n skips n bytes. useful for defining arrays of data. This should normally only be used in the .bss section


The 4 sections of an assembly program are

using linker scripts (google if you want to know more) more sections can be added. this is done in the gamelib for assignment 7

note that any part of assembly can be in any section. sections are just for optimalization. This means you can put data in text, and text in bss. the only 'restrictive' section is rodata because it can only store read only data. note: using GDB works only if code is in .text

defining a section is easy. just put a . plus the name of the section (like .bss or .text) and then everything after that in the file is part of that section. you can make multiple instances of the same section in different parts of your program (for example two .data sections) and the assembler (gcc) will make sure everything is combined into one.


in .text code is stored. you write your program in this section. make sure you do this for GDB to work.


in .data small variables (integers, text) is stored to be used in your program


in .bss data can also be stored. the difference is that bss data must be uninitialized. this is the case because all of the other sections will actually become a part of the executable file, while the bss section is only a 'promise' for the os. when the program runs the space is created in ram by the os. if you define large arrays of data this should be done in bss to keep the executable small


rodata should be used (and is optimized for) storing constant data. this section can only be read from.

X86 Calling Convention

The calling convention (System V AMD64 ABI) that is used on *nix systems is as follows. for 64 bit programs only The first six integer or pointer arguments passed in the registers in this order:

  1. RDI
  2. RSI
  3. RDX
  4. RCX
  5. R8
  6. R9
  7. (with sometimes R10 as a static chain pointer in case of nested functions)
  8. Additional arguments are to be passed on to the stack

The return values are stored in RAX (In case of a 64 bit number) and in RDX:RAX (MSB:LSB) in case of 128 bit numbers.

Source (x86 Calling Conventions Wikipedia)

An illustration of how C functions are called in respect to the x86_64 SysV calling convention: args


GDB is a debugger which can help find segfaults or find other mistakes in your program. to use it compile it using the -g option (put it directly after "gcc") and then instead of running it like ./, you run it as gdb ./. this should launch you into a gdb environment. in this environment you can use the following commands:

  • b n (or breakpoint). this sets a breakpoint on line n
  • print code. this prints whatever you specify in code. this can be a full c expression, or a register name (e.g. $rdi or $rax)
  • x/nx p print n 32 bit words after p. p can be an adress or register. this is useful for reading whats on the stack (e.g. x/10x $rbp)
  • n (or next) steps ahead one instruction. when it finds a function call it will not step into instructions inside this function. useful to skip large functions like c stdlib function like printf
  • s (or step) steps ahead one instruction. this one does go into large functions
  • r (or run) runs the program until the next breakpoint or the end
  • c (or continue) after a breakpoint, continue restarts execution like run did until it encounters another breakpoint or the program ends. useful if a breakpoint is in a loop and you want to go to the next iteration
  • start starts the program, places a breakpoint on line one so you can imediately start using s and n

when using GDB your program must be compiled with -g and your code must be in a .text section

command line arguments

Getting command line arguments is easy in assembly. basically it works the same as in C. The main function/label is actually called with 2 arguments in rdi and rsi. rdi is the ammount of arguments, and rsi is a pointer to an array of strings which holds the arguments. you know where the array ends with argc/rdi.

Handy Links