diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 28a3f03..5160586 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ The amount of free resources that we can find today on the internet is often ove [Leet Code](https://leetcode.com/) | It's a website where people–mostly software engineers–practice their coding skills. There are 800+ questions (and growing), each with multiple solutions. Questions are ranked by level of difficulty: easy, medium, and hard. Similar websites include HackerRank, Topcoder, InterviewBit, among others. [Challenge Rocket](https://challengerocket.com/hackathons-and-challenges.html) | ChallengeRocket is a platform to run online tech challenges and creatives hackathons. It's a great way for brands worldwide to: run employer branding, discover new candidates for tech positions and assess programming talents. [Code Forces](https://codeforces.com/) | Codeforces is a competitve programming website. Contests are regularly hosted here. Competitive coding enthusiasts from all over the world participate in these contests.It also contains a rich set of problems from previous contests which are awesome to improve ones algorithm skills. +[PrepBytes] Competitive Coding | https://mycode.prepbytes.com/competitive-coding/practice ## Web-Development-and-UX-UI