Adds different payment gateways for Mollie gateways
Currently supported gateways:
- Ideal
- Creditcard
- Paypal
Dont forget to enable these methode's in the Mollie Settings.
#installation Add the plugin and install it.
After this you need to make a change to Commerce_PaymentsService.php found in plugins > commerce > services
Add $handle == 'MollieDirect_PayPal' || $handle == 'MollieDirect_Ideal' || $handle == 'MollieDirect_CreditCard'
to the if
// If MOLLIE, the transactionReference will be theirs
// Netbanx Hosted requires the transactionReference is the same
// SIM
// TODO: Move this into the gateway adapter.
$handle = $transaction->paymentMethod->getGatewayAdapter()->handle();
if ($handle == 'Mollie_Ideal' || $handle == 'Mollie' || $handle == 'MollieDirect_PayPal' || $handle == 'MollieDirect_Ideal' || $handle == 'MollieDirect_CreditCard' || $handle == 'NetBanx_Hosted' || $handle == 'AuthorizeNet_SIM') {
$params['transactionReference'] = $transaction->reference;