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Solving the EEG and MEG forward problem using the finite element method

Solving the EEG and MEG forward problem using the finite element method


The aim of this tutorial is to solve the EEG and MEG forward problems using the Finite Element Method (FEM).


{% include /shared/tutorial/ %}


As already mentioned, the goal of this session is to solve the EEG and MEG forward problem, more precisely we want to compute EEG and MEG leadfields so that the inverse problem can be solved in the next session (inverse problem). In order to compute leadfields, there are five main steps that have to be followed.

  1. create the mesh: in this step the MRI is loaded and processed, the segmentation is performed and finally the mesh is generated;
  2. create the head-model: in this step the geometrical (mesh) and electrical (tissue conductivities) features are merged together;
  3. create the source-model: in this step a grid of source positions in the gray matter is created;
  4. handle the sensors: loading the electrodes and the gradiometers and aligning the electrodes to the scalp surface if needed;
  5. compute the leadfield, i.e., solve the forward problem: this steps consists of two procedures. First, the so-called transfer matrix is computed; second, the leadfield matrix is estimated.

The first step is the same for solving both the EEG and MEG forward problem, the other four have to be executed separately for EEG and MEG. See Figure1.

{% include image src="/assets/img/workshop/ohbm2018/forward/scheme_fem.png" %} Figure1: pipeline for forward computation using FEM, in the orange box there are the steps which differ between EEG and MEG

In particular, the EEG forward solution is computed via the method so-called simbio which relies on the code that you can find here, while the MEG forward solution calls the duneuro method, which makes use of the code developed in the University of Münster, visit this for further details.

{% include markup/warning %} The integration of SimBio with FieldTrip is described in the reference below. Please cite this reference if you use the FieldTrip-SimBio pipeline in your research.

Vorwerk, J., Oostenveld, R., Piastra, M.C., Magyari, L., & Wolters, C. H. The FieldTrip‐SimBio pipeline for EEG forward solutions. BioMed Eng OnLine (2018) 17:37. DOI: 10.1186/s12938-018-0463-y. {% include markup/end %}

1. Create the mesh

This procedure consists in six steps. The input is a T1 weighted MRI and the output is a volumetric mesh with five compartments, i.e., scalp, skull, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), gray and white matter.

a. load the MRI

mri_orig = ft_read_mri('subject01.nii');

Visualize the MRI

cfg = [];

{% include image src="/assets/img/workshop/ohbm2018/forward/mri_orig.png" %} Figure2: visualization of the MRI

b. realign the MRI

In this step we will interactively align the MRI to the CTF space. We will be asked to identify the three CTF landmarks (nasion, NAS; right pre-auricular point, RPA; left pre-auricular point, LPA) in the MRI.

cfg           = [];
cfg.method    = 'interactive';
cfg.coordsys  = 'ctf';
mri_realigned = ft_volumerealign(cfg, mri_orig);

We can visualize the realigned MRI

cfg = [];
ft_sourceplot(cfg, mri_realigned);

c. reslice the MRI

cfg          = [];
mri_resliced = ft_volumereslice(cfg, mri_realigned);

We can visualize the resliced MRI

cfg = [];
ft_sourceplot(cfg, mri_resliced);

{% include image src="/assets/img/workshop/ohbm2018/forward/mri_resliced.png" %} Figure3: visualization of the replaced MRI

d. create surface meshes

For visualization purposes, we produce surface meshes for three compartments: scalp, skull and brain. In order to do that, we first have to segment the MRI into the three compartments.

cfg                         = [];
cfg.output                  = {'scalp','skull', 'brain'};
mri_segmented_3_compartment = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri_resliced);

Visualize the segmentation

seg_i = ft_datatype_segmentation(mri_segmented_3_compartment,'segmentationstyle','indexed');

cfg              = [];
cfg.funparameter = 'seg';
cfg.funcolormap  = gray(4); % distinct color per tissue
cfg.location     = 'center';
cfg.atlas        = seg_i;
ft_sourceplot(cfg, seg_i);

{% include image src="/assets/img/workshop/ohbm2018/forward/mri_segmented_bem.png" %} Figure4: 3 compartment segmentation output

Once the segmentation is completed, the three surface meshes can be computed.

cfg  =[];
cfg.tissue      = {'scalp','skull','brain'};
cfg.numvertices = [3000 2000 1000];
mesh_surf       = ft_prepare_mesh(cfg,mri_segmented_3_compartment);

We can save the mesh obtained

save mesh_surf mesh_surf

e. segment the MRI

cfg                         = [];
cfg.output                  = {'scalp','skull','csf','gray','white'};
cfg.brainsmooth             = 2;
cfg.skullsmooth             = 2;
cfg.scalpsmooth             = 2;
mri_segmented_5_compartment = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri_resliced);

Visualize the segmentation result

seg_i = ft_datatype_segmentation(mri_segmented_5_compartment,'segmentationstyle','indexed');

seg_i = ft_datatype_segmentation(mri_segmented_5_compartment,'segmentationstyle','indexed');

cfg              = [];
cfg.funparameter = 'seg';
cfg.funcolormap  = gray(6); % distinct color per tissue (air is included)
cfg.location     = 'center';
cfg.atlas        = seg_i;    % the segmentation can also be used as atlas
ft_sourceplot(cfg, seg_i);

{% include image src="/assets/img/workshop/ohbm2018/forward/ohbm_segmentation5.png" %} Figure 8: 5 compartment segmentation output.

f. create the mesh

cfg            = [];
cfg.shift      = 0.3;
cfg.method     = 'hexahedral';
cfg.resolution = 2; % this is in mm
cfg.tissue     = {'scalp', 'skull', 'csf', 'gray','white'};
mesh_fem       = ft_prepare_mesh(cfg,mri_segmented_5_compartment);

For this tutorial we downsample the mesh to 2mm resolution, in order to reduce the computation time of the following steps.

EEG and MEG forward solution computation

Once the volumetric mesh has been created, the forward solution can be computed. In the following, steps 2-5 are described for EEG and MEG separately.

{% include markup/warning %} Currently, the pipeline for computing the MEG forward problem solution has been tested on Ubuntu systems, where MATLAB should be started with the following command:


{% include markup/end %}

2(EEG). Create the head-model

cfg               = [];
cfg.method        = 'simbio';
cfg.conductivity  = [0.43 0.01 1.79 0.33 14];
cfg.tissuelabel   = {'scalp', 'skull', 'csf', 'gray','white'};
headmodel_fem_eeg = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, mesh_fem);

Visualize the headmodel and the electrodes (it might take time and memory)

% scalp: 1, skull: 2, csf: 3, gray: 4, wm: 5
ts = 1;
mesh2 =[];
mesh2.hex = headmodel_fem_eeg.hex(headmodel_fem_eeg.tissue==ts,:); %mesh2.hex(1:size(mesh2.hex),:);
mesh2.pos =  headmodel_fem_eeg.pos;
mesh2.tissue =  headmodel_fem_eeg.tissue(headmodel_fem_eeg.tissue==ts,:); %mesh.tissue(1:size(mesh2.hex),:);

mesh_ed = mesh2edge(mesh2);
  'FaceColor',[1 1 1],...

axis on;

ft_plot_sens(elec, 'style', '*g');

{% include image src="/assets/img/workshop/ohbm2018/forward/mesh_fem_elec.png" %} Figure9: visualization of headmodel_fem_eeg and electrodes

3(EEG). Create the source-model

In this phase, source locations are selected within the gray matter compartment. During this tutorial we recommend to create a rather coarse grid (cfg.resolution = 5;), in order to be able to compute the forward solution in the time available in this course.

cfg                 = [];
cfg.resolution = 5; %in mm
cfg.headmodel       = headmodel_fem_eeg;
cfg.inwardshift     = 1; %shifts dipoles away from surfaces
sourcemodel         = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(cfg, headmodel_fem_eeg);

We can visualize the sources and the scalp surface mes

figure, ft_plot_mesh(sourcemodel.pos(sourcemodel.inside,:))
hold on, ft_plot_mesh(mesh_surf(1),'surfaceonly','yes','vertexcolor','none','facecolor',...

{% include image src="/assets/img/workshop/ohbm2018/forward/sourcemodel_inside_head.png" %}

Figure9: visualization of the source model

4(EEG). Handle the sensors

In case the electrodes are not aligned to the MRI (i.e., CTF space), we can use the interactive function as follows

cfg           = [];
cfg.method    = 'interactive';
cfg.elec      = elec;
cfg.headshape = mesh_surf(1);
elec  = ft_electroderealign(cfg);

{% include image src="/assets/img/workshop/ohbm2018/forward/ft_electroderealign_figure.png" %} Figure9: visualization of headmodel_fem_eeg and electrodes

5(EEG). Compute the leadfield

{% include markup/danger %} Please DO NOT run ft_prepare_vol_sens in this tutorial session! It will take too much time and memory. Load "headmodel_fem_eeg_tr". {% include markup/end %}

%% compute the transfer matrix
[headmodel_fem_eeg_tr, elec] = ft_prepare_vol_sens(headmodel_fem_eeg, elec);

%% compute the leadfield
cfg               = [];
cfg.grid          = sourcemodel;
cfg.headmodel     = headmodel_fem_eeg_tr;
cfg.elec          = elec;
cfg.reducerank    = 3;
leadfield_fem_eeg = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);

2(MEG). Create the head-model

cfg               = [];
cfg.method        = 'duneuro';
cfg.conductivity  = [0.43 0.01 1.79 0.33 0.14]; % check that the order is the same as the one i the mesh_fem
headmodel_fem_meg = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, mesh_fem);

3(MEG). Create the source-model

If the source-model was already created at the step 3(EEG), it can be simply loaded for this step.

cfg                 = [];
cfg.resolution = 5; %in mm
cfg.headmodel       = headmodel_fem_meg;
cfg.inwardshift     = 1; %shifts dipoles away from surfaces
sourcemodel         = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(cfg, headmodel_fem_meg);

We can visualize the sources and the scalp surface mes

figure, ft_plot_mesh(sourcemodel.pos(sourcemodel.inside,:))
hold on, ft_plot_mesh(mesh_surf(1),'surfaceonly','yes','vertexcolor','none','facecolor',...

4(MEG). Handle the sensors

As already mentioned, the MRI was realigned to the CTF space, therefore there is no need to realign the sensors. We load them from the data.

hdr     = ft_read_header('subject01.ds','headerformat', 'ctf_ds');
grad_cm = hdr.grad;
grad    = ft_convert_units(grad_cm,'mm');

We can visualize both EEG and MEG sensors, together with the scalp surface mesh

hold on
ft_plot_mesh(mesh_fem,'surfaceonly','yes','vertexcolor','none','edgecolor','none','facecolor',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'facealpha',0.1, 'edgealpha', 0.1);
axis on
ft_plot_sens(grad,'style', 'sr', 'coil', 'yes');

5(MEG). Compute the leadfield

{% include markup/danger %} Please DO NOT run ft_prepare_vol_sens in this tutorial session! It will take too much time and memory. Load "headmodel_fem_eeg_tr". {% include markup/end %}

%% compute the transfer matrix
[headmodel_fem_meg_tr, grad] = ft_prepare_vol_sens(headmodel_fem_meg, grad, 'channel', MEG_avg.label);

load headmodel_fem_meg_tr
meg_transfer = headmodel_fem_meg_tr.meg_transfer;
headmodel_fem_meg_tr =headmodel_fem_meg;
headmodel_fem_meg_tr.meg_transfer = meg_transfer;

%% compute the leadfield
cfg                = [];
cfg.grid           = sourcemodel;
cfg.headmodel      = headmodel_fem_meg_tr;
cfg.grad           = grad;
cfg.reducerank     = 2;
leadfield_fem_meg  = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);


Exercise 1

{% include markup/info %} Realign the electrodes in the file elec_shifted.mat to the head-model you created. {% include markup/end %}

Exercise 2

{% include markup/info %} [NOT NOW!] Compute a finer sourcemodel, e.g., 2 mm resolution and compute the respective EEG and MEG forward solutions. {% include markup/end %}

Exercise 3

{% include markup/info %} Compute the EEG and MEG forward solution using the Boundary Element Method (BEM), e.g., following this tutorial. {% include markup/end %}

Summary and Comments

This tutorial was about the computation of leadfields that could be feed into the inverse problem which will be explain i Inverse problem.

This tutorial was last tested on 14-06-2018 by Simon Homölle on Mac, Matlab 2015b.