title | tags | ||||
Check the quality of the anatomical coregistration |
The following code makes a number of figures that can be used as quality control for the procedure to coregister the MRI with the MEG.
{% include markup/danger %} Please note that this is an example where the coregistration was not completely correct. The head is tilted to the left. {% include markup/end %}
%% load the required data
load headmodel_mri.mat
load headshapeMEG.mat % from the fiff file
load mri_resliced.mat % resliced
load mri_segmented.mat
load sens.mat
%% figure 1
ft_plot_sens(sens, 'unit', 'mm')
ft_plot_headshape(headshapeMEG, 'unit', 'mm')
ft_plot_headmodel(headmodel_mri, 'unit', 'mm')
ft_plot_axes([], 'unit', 'mm');
{% include image src="/assets/img/example/coregistration_quality_control/coreg_qc_fig1.png" width="400" %}
%% figure 2, MRI anatomy and brain segmentation
cfg = [];
cfg.anaparameter = 'anatomy';
cfg.funparameter = 'brain';
cfg.location = [0 0 60];
ft_sourceplot(cfg, mri_segmented)
{% include image src="/assets/img/example/coregistration_quality_control/coreg_qc_fig2.png" width="400" %}
%% figure 3 and 4, MRI anatomy and headmodel
location = [0 0 60];
ft_plot_ortho(mri_resliced.anatomy, 'transform', mri_resliced.transform, 'location', location, 'intersectmesh', headmodel_mri.bnd)
ft_plot_montage(mri_resliced.anatomy, 'transform', mri_resliced.transform, 'intersectmesh', headmodel_mri.bnd)
{% include image src="/assets/img/example/coregistration_quality_control/coreg_qc_fig3.png" width="400" %} {% include image src="/assets/img/example/coregistration_quality_control/coreg_qc_fig4.png" width="400" %}
%% figure 5, MRI scalp surface and polhemus headshape
cfg = [];
cfg.tissue = 'scalp';
cfg.method = 'isosurface';
cfg.numvertices = 10000;
scalp = ft_prepare_mesh(cfg, mri_segmented);
ft_plot_mesh(scalp, 'facecolor', 'skin')
lighting phong
camlight left
camlight right
material dull
alpha 0.5
ft_plot_headshape(headshapeMEG, 'vertexcolor', 'k');
{% include image src="/assets/img/example/coregistration_quality_control/coreg_qc_fig5.png" width="400" %}
%% figure 6, MRI and anatomical landmarks
for i=1:3
location = headshapeMEG.fid.pos(i,:);
ft_plot_ortho(mri_resliced.anatomy, 'transform', mri_resliced.transform, 'style', 'intersect', 'location', location, 'plotmarker', location, 'markersize', 5, 'markercolor', 'y')
{% include image src="/assets/img/example/coregistration_quality_control/coreg_qc_fig6.png" width="400" %}
%% figure 7, MRI scalp surface and anatomical landmarks
ft_plot_mesh(scalp, 'facecolor', 'skin')
lighting phong
camlight left
camlight right
material dull
alpha 0.3
ft_plot_mesh(headshapeMEG.fid, 'vertexcolor', 'k', 'vertexsize', 10);
{% include image src="/assets/img/example/coregistration_quality_control/coreg_qc_fig7.png" width="400" %}