A Facebook\GraphNode\GraphNode
is a collection that represents a node returned by the Graph API.
This base class has several subclasses:
GraphUser GraphPage GraphAlbum GraphLocation GraphPicture GraphAchievement
s are obtained from a Facebook\Response
object which represents an HTTP response from the Graph API.
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook(\* *\);
// Returns a `Facebook\Response` object
$response = $fb->get('/something');
// Get the base class GraphNode from the response
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
// Get the response typed as a GraphUser
$user = $response->getGraphUser();
// Get the response typed as a GraphPage
$page = $response->getGraphPage();
// User example
echo $graphNode->getField('name'); // From GraphNode
echo $user->getName(); // From GraphUser
// Location example
echo $graphNode->getField('country'); // From GraphNode
echo $location->getCountry(); // From GraphLocation
The GraphNode
collection and its subclasses implement several SPL libraries and predefined PHP interfaces and classes which make it convenient to work with the object in PHP. The supported libraries are ArrayAccess
, ArrayIterator
, Countable
, and IteratorAggregate
All of the following operations are possible on a GraphNode
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
// Array access
$id = $graphNode['id'];
// Iteration
foreach ($graphNode as $key => $value) {
// . . .
// Counting
$total = count($graphNode);
Returns the raw representation (associative arrays, nested) of the node's underlying data.
Returns the data as a JSON string.
getField(string $name, string $default = 'foo')
Gets the value from the field of a Graph node. If the value is a scalar (string, number, etc.) it will be returned. If it's an associative array, it will be returned as a GraphNode.
The second argument lets you define a default value to return if the field doesn't exist.
Returns an array with the names of all fields present on the graph node.
map(Closure $callback)
Provides a way to map over the data within the collection just like array_map()
The GraphUser
collection represents a User Graph node.
The following properties on the GraphUser
collection will get automatically cast as GraphNode
Property | GraphNode subtype |
hometown |
Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage |
location |
Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage |
significant_other |
Facebook\GraphNode\GraphUser |
All getter methods return null
if the property does not exist on the node.
public string|null getId()
Returns the id
property for the user as a string if present.
public string|null getName()
Returns the name
property for the user as a string if present.
public string|null getFirstName()
Returns the first_name
property for the user as a string if present.
public string|null getMiddleName()
Returns the middle_name
property for the user as a string if present.
public string|null getLastName()
Returns the last_name
property for the user as a string if present.
public string|null getLink()
Returns the link
property for the user as a string if present.
public \Facebook\GraphNode\Birthday|null getBirthday()
Returns the birthday
property for the user as a Facebook\GraphNode\Birthday
if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage|null getLocation()
Returns the location
property for the user as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage
if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage|null getHometown()
Returns the hometown
property for the user as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage
if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphUser|null getSignificantOther()
Returns the significant_other
property for the user as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphUser
if present.
The GraphPage
collection represents a Page Graph node.
The following properties on the GraphPage
collection will get automatically cast as GraphNode
Property | GraphNode subtype |
best_page |
Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage |
global_brand_parent_page |
Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage |
location |
Facebook\GraphNode\GraphLocation |
All getter methods return null
if the property does not exist on the node.
public string|null getId()
Returns the id
property for the page as a string if present.
public string|null getName()
Returns the name
property for the page as a string if present.
public string|null getCategory()
Returns the category
property for the page as a string if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage|null getBestPage()
Returns the best_page
property for the page as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage
if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage|null getGlobalBrandParentPage()
Returns the global_brand_parent_page
property for the page as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage
if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphLocation|null getLocation()
Returns the location
property for the page as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphLocation
if present.
public string|null getAccessToken()
Returns the access_token
property for the page if present. (Only available in the /me/accounts
public array|null getAccessToken()
Returns the perms
property for the page as an array
if present. (Only available in the /me/accounts
The GraphAlbum
collection represents an Album Graph node.
The following properties on the GraphAlbum
collection will get automatically cast as GraphNode
Property | GraphNode subtype |
from |
Facebook\GraphNode\GraphUser |
place |
Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage |
All getter methods return null
if the property does not exist on the node.
public string|null getId()
Returns the id
property for the album as a string if present.
public string|null getName()
Returns the name
property for the album as a string if present.
public boolean|null getCanUpload()
Returns the can_upload
property for the album as a boolean if present.
public int|null getCount()
Returns the count
property for the album as an integer if present.
public string|null getCoverPhoto()
Returns the cover_photo
property for the album as a string if present.
public \DateTime|null getCreatedTime()
Returns the created_time
property for the album as a \DateTime
if present.
public \DateTime|null getUpdatedTime()
Returns the updated_time
property for the album as a \DateTime
if present.
public string|null getDescription()
Returns the description
property for the album as a string if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphUser|null getFrom()
Returns the from
property for the album as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphUser
if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage|null getPlace()
Returns the place
property for the album as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphPage
if present.
public string|null getLink()
Returns the link
property for the album as a string if present.
public Facebook\GraphNode\GraphNode|string|null getLocation()
Returns the location
property for the album as a Facebook\GraphNode\GraphNode
or string if present.
public string|null getPrivacy()
Returns the privacy
property for the album as a string if present.
public string|null getType()
Returns the type
property for the album as a string (profile
, mobile
, wall
, normal
or album
) if present.
All getter methods return null
if the property does not exist on the node.
public string|null getStreet()
Returns the street
property for the location as a string if present.
public string|null getCity()
Returns the city
property for the location as a string if present.
public string|null getCountry()
Returns the country
property for the location as a string if present.
public string|null getZip()
Returns the zip
property for the location as a string if present.
public float|null getLatitude()
Returns the latitude
property for the location as a float if present.
public float|null getLongitude()
Returns the longitude
property for the location as a float if present.
All getter methods return null
if the property does not exist on the node.
public string|null getUrl()
Returns the url
property for the picture as a string if present.
All getter methods return null
if the property does not exist on the node.
public string|null getId()
Returns the id
property for the achievement as a string if present.
All getter methods return null
if the property does not exist on the node.
public string|null getId()
Returns the id
property (The event ID) for the event as a string if present.
public GraphCoverPhoto|null getCover()
Returns the cover
property (Cover picture) for the event as a GraphCoverPhoto if present.
public string|null getDescription()
Returns the description
property (Long-form description) for the event as a string if present.
public DateTime|null getEndTime()
Returns the end_time
property (End time, if one has been set) for the event as a DateTime if present.
public bool|null getIsDateOnly()
Returns the is_date_only
property (Whether the event only has a date specified, but no time) for the event as a bool if present.
public string|null getName()
Returns the name
property (Event name) for the event as a string if present.
public GraphNode|null getOwner()
Returns the owner
property (The profile that created the event) for the event as a GraphNode if present.
public GraphGroup|null getParentGroup()
Returns the parent_group
property (The group the event belongs to) for the event as a GraphGroup if present.
public GraphPage|null getPlace()
Returns the place
property (Event Place information) for the event as a GraphPage if present.
public string|null getPrivacy()
Returns the privacy
property (Who can see the event) for the event as a string if present.
public DateTime|null getStartTime()
Returns the start_time
property (Start time) for the event as a DateTime if present.
public string|null getTicketUri()
Returns the ticket_uri
property (The link users can visit to buy a ticket to this event) for the event as a string if present.
public string|null getTimezone()
Returns the timezone
property (Timezone) for the event as a string if present.
public DateTime|null getUpdatedTime()
Returns the updated_time
property (Last update time) for the event as a DateTime if present.
public GraphPicture|null getPicture()
Returns the picture
property (Event picture) for the event as a GraphPicture if present.
public int|null getAttendingCount()
Returns the attending_count
property (Number of people attending the event) for the event as a int if present.
public int|null getDeclinedCount()
Returns the declined_count
property (Number of people who declined the event) for the event as a int if present.
public int|null getMaybeCount()
Returns the maybe_count
property (Number of people who maybe going to the event) for the event as a int if present.
public int|null getNoreplyCount()
Returns the noreply_count
property (Number of people who did not reply to the event) for the event as a int if present.
public int|null getInvitedCount()
Returns the invited_count
property (Number of people invited to the event) for the event as a int if present.
All getter methods return null
if the field does not exist on the node.
public string|null getId()
Returns the id
field (The Group ID) for the group as a string if present.
public GraphCoverPhoto|null getCover()
Returns the cover
field (The cover photo of the Group) for the group as a GraphCoverPhoto if present.
public string|null getDescription()
Returns the description
field (A brief description of the Group) for the group as a string if present.
public string|null getEmail()
Returns the email
field (The email address to upload content to the Group. Only current members of the Group can use this) for the group as a string if present.
public string|null getIcon()
Returns the icon
field (The URL for the Group's icon) for the group as a string if present.
public string|null getLink()
Returns the link
field (The Group's website) for the group as a string if present.
public string|null getName()
Returns the name
field (The name of the Group) for the group as a string if present.
public int|null getMemberRequestCount()
Returns the member_request_count
field (Number of people asking to join the group.) for the group as a int if present.
public GraphNode|null getOwner()
Returns the owner
field (The profile that created this Group) for the group as a GraphNode if present.
public GraphNode|null getParent()
Returns the parent
field (The parent Group of this Group, if it exists) for the group as a GraphNode if present.
public string|null getPrivacy()
Returns the privacy
field (The privacy setting of the Group) for the group as a string if present.
public DateTime|null getUpdatedTime()
Returns the updated_time
field (The last time the Group was updated (this includes changes in the Group's properties and changes in posts and comments if user can see them)) for the group as a DateTime if present.
public GraphLocation|null getVenue()
Returns the venue
field (The location for the Group) for the group as a GraphLocation if present.