MyCakes - Assignment
Achieved objectives from the requirements.
- When the app is started, load and display a list of cakes (Completed) a. Remove duplicate entries (Completed) b. Order entries by name (Completed) c. Display image and title for each entry (Completed) d. Display a divider between each entry (Achieved using CardView to create a distinction between rows. RecyclerView's item decorator does not have that good ui effect)
- Display the cake description in some kind of popup when a cake entry is clicked (Completed)
- Provide some kind of refresh option that reloads the list (Completed)
- Display an error message if the list cannot be loaded (e.g. no network) (Completed)
Extra credit
- Handle orientation changes, ideally without reloading the list (Completed)
- Provide an option to retry when an error is presented (Completed)
- Animate in list items (e.g. fade in or fall down animations) (Completed)
- With more time we could have used Dagger2 or Koin for dependency injection
- We could have used databinding along with Navigation Components