-Developers implementing this API will be issued with the following security credentials by Dashboard Technology:
Developer username
Developer password
- GET api/v1/authenticate
## Response
-200 Response will be an object containing the token. Tokens are only valid for 7 days.
{"token": $2a$10$ySdGj9aAcTwu9ia7sSWdHuFffnqbx5zGXXOtS43oVwuDm2D8M/C96}
-401 Invalid security credentials supplied
{"error":"Invalid credentials."}
Developer token that are valid for 7 days
Client specific id(optional)
default: 0
Ex. page=20
- The page number of results to return based on limit
- limit
default: 20
- Limit the number of rows/response
Ex. limit=25
default: id, others available fields(:name)
- sorting the rows/response specify on sort value
Ex. sort=name
- GET api/v1/clients
## Response
-200 Response will be an client object.
"id": 13,
"name": "Brentford FC CST"
## Header Response
x-page → 2 (the current page number)
x-per-page → 20 (total records per page)
x-total → 325 (total number of records)
-401 Invalid token supplied
"error": "Invalid token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Token expired
"error": "Expired token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
Developer token that are valid for 7 days
the football club the data is requested for, the developer must have access to the client
Location specific id(optional)
default: 0
Ex. page=20
- The page number of results to return based on limit
- limit
default: 20
- Limit the number of rows/response
Ex. limit=25
default: id, others available fields(:name)
- sorting the rows/response specify on sort value
Ex. sort=name
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:created_at)
Ex. created_at>='2012-02-01', created_at<='2012-02-31'
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:updated_at)
Ex. updated_at>='2012-02-01', updated_at<='2012-02-31'
- GET api/v1/locations
## Body Response
-200 Response will be an location object.
"id": 247,
"name": "Demo Location",
"address1": "39 - 51 Highgate Road",
"address2": "",
"address3": "London",
"postcode": "NW5 1RT",
"created_at": "2012-02-19T15:02:20.813Z",
"updated_at": "2016-02-19T12:10:38.989Z",
"full_name": "Jo Bloggs",
"contact_number": "02076654432"
"id": 247,
"name": "Demo Location",
"address1": "39 - 51 Highgate Road",
"address2": "",
"address3": "London",
"postcode": "NW5 1RT",
"created_at": "2012-02-19T15:02:20.813Z",
"updated_at": "2016-02-19T12:10:38.989Z",
"full_name": "Henry Peters",
"contact_number": "07793111622"
## Header Response
x-page → 2 (the current page number)
x-per-page → 20 (total records per page)
x-total → 325 (total number of records)
-401 Invalid token supplied
"error": "Invalid token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Token expired
"error": "Expired token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Developer doesn't have access to clients
"error": "API account doesn't have access to any clients"
Developer token that are valid for 7 days
the football club the data is requested for, the developer must have access to the client
Booking specific id(optional)
default: 0
Ex. page=20
- The page number of results to return based on limit
- limit
default: 20
- Limit the number of rows/response
Ex. limit=25
default: id, others available fields(:name)
- sorting the rows/response specify on sort value
Ex. sort=name
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:created_at)
Ex. created_at>='2012-02-01', created_at<='2012-02-31'
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:updated_at)
Ex. updated_at>='2012-02-01', updated_at<='2012-02-31'
- GET api/v1/bookings
## Body Response
-200 Response will be an client object.
"id": 34822,
"booking_id": null,
"student_id": 778,
"booking_type": null,
"cancellationCode": null,
"hoursBooked": null,
"date_booked": null,
"created_at": "2012-02-19T15:11:47.596Z",
"updated_at": "2012-02-19T15:13:21.003Z",
"startDate": "2012-02-19",
"starttime": "16:00:00",
"student_firstname": "Coach1",
"student_surname": "DemoDT",
"reason_description": null
"id": 34823,
"booking_id": null,
"student_id": 778,
"booking_type": null,
"cancellationCode": null,
"hoursBooked": null,
"date_booked": null,
"created_at": "2012-02-19T15:12:02.173Z",
"updated_at": "2012-02-19T15:13:28.579Z",
"startDate": "2012-02-19",
"starttime": "17:00:00",
"student_firstname": "Coach1",
"student_surname": "DemoDT",
"reason_description": null
## Header Response
x-page → 2 (the current page number)
x-per-page → 20 (total records per page)
x-total → 325 (total number of records)
-401 Invalid token supplied
"error": "Invalid token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Token expired
"error": "Expired token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Developer doesn't have access to clients
"error": "API account doesn't have access to any clients"
Developer token that are valid for 7 days
the football club the data is requested for, the developer must have access to the client
Student specific id(optional)
default: 0
Ex. page=20
- The page number of results to return based on limit
- limit
default: 20
- Limit the number of rows/response
Ex. limit=25
default: id, others available fields(:name)
- sorting the rows/response specify on sort value
Ex. sort=name
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:created_at)
Ex. created_at>='2012-02-01', created_at<='2012-02-31'
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:updated_at)
Ex. updated_at>='2012-02-01', updated_at<='2012-02-31'
- GET api/v1/students
## Body Response
-200 Response will be an client object.
"id": 773,
"user_id": 901,
"surname": "User",
"firstname": "Admin",
"mobileNo": null,
"DOB": null,
"sex": null,
"created_at": "2012-02-19T14:29:53.689Z",
"updated_at": "2012-02-19T14:29:53.689Z",
"ethnicity_id": null,
"disability": false,
"ethnicity_value": null,
"address1": null,
"address2": null,
"address3": null,
"postcode": null,
"email": "[email protected]"
"id": 774,
"user_id": 902,
"surname": "User",
"firstname": "Admin",
"mobileNo": null,
"DOB": null,
"sex": null,
"created_at": "2012-02-19T14:39:32.406Z",
"updated_at": "2012-02-19T14:39:32.406Z",
"ethnicity_id": null,
"disability": false,
"ethnicity_value": null,
"address1": null,
"address2": null,
"address3": null,
"postcode": null,
"email": "[email protected]_rm"
## Header Response
x-page → 2 (the current page number)
x-per-page → 20 (total records per page)
x-total → 325 (total number of records)
-401 Invalid token supplied
"error": "Invalid token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Token expired
"error": "Expired token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Developer doesn't have access to clients
"error": "API account doesn't have access to any clients"
Developer token that are valid for 7 days
the football club the data is requested for, the developer must have access to the client
Timesheet specific id(optional)
the booking that the timesheets relate to(optional)
default: 0
Ex. page=20
- The page number of results to return based on limit
- limit
default: 20
- Limit the number of rows/response
Ex. limit=25
default: id, others available fields(:name)
- sorting the rows/response specify on sort value
Ex. sort=name
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:created_at)
Ex. created_at>='2012-02-01', created_at<='2012-02-31'
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:updated_at)
Ex. updated_at>='2012-02-01', updated_at<='2012-02-31'
- GET api/v1/timesheets
## Body Response
-200 Response will be an client object.
"id": 345,
"booking_id": 2516,
"contactName": "Mr Brandreth (SCH)-01895671990",
"bookingType": "Curriculum Coaching",
"which_employer_approved": null,
"comment": null,
"pay_grade_title_id": null
## Header Response
x-page → 2 (the current page number)
x-per-page → 20 (total records per page)
x-total → 325 (total number of records)
-401 Invalid token supplied
"error": "Invalid token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Token expired
"error": "Expired token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Developer doesn't have access to clients
"error": "API account doesn't have access to any clients"
Developer token that are valid for 7 days
the football club the data is requested for, the developer must have access to the client
the agency project id(optional)
default: 0
Ex. page=20
- The page number of results to return based on limit
- limit
default: 20
- Limit the number of rows/response
Ex. limit=25
default: id, others available fields(:name)
- sorting the rows/response specify on sort value
Ex. sort=name
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:created_at)
Ex. created_at>='2012-02-01', created_at<='2012-02-31'
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:updated_at)
Ex. updated_at>='2012-02-01', updated_at<='2012-02-31'
- GET api/v1/agency_projects
## Body Response
-200 Response will be an agency project object.
"id": 1,
"name": "New agency",
"description": "description",
"status": "A",
"position": 1,
"created_at": "2018-05-03T10:51:10.966Z",
"updated_at": "2018-05-03T10:51:10.966Z"
## Header Response
x-page → 2 (the current page number)
x-per-page → 20 (total records per page)
x-total → 325 (total number of records)
-401 Invalid token supplied
"error": "Invalid token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Token expired
"error": "Expired token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Developer doesn't have access to clients
"error": "API account doesn't have access to any clients"
Developer token that are valid for 7 days
the football club the data is requested for, the developer must have access to the client
the session group id(optional)
default: 0
Ex. page=20
- The page number of results to return based on limit
- limit
default: 20
- Limit the number of rows/response
Ex. limit=25
default: id, others available fields(:name)
- sorting the rows/response specify on sort value
Ex. sort=name
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:created_at)
Ex. created_at>='2012-02-01', created_at<='2012-02-31'
default: nil
- querying to locations table by date range(:updated_at)
Ex. updated_at>='2012-02-01', updated_at<='2012-02-31'
- GET api/v1/agency_projects
## Body Response
-200 Response will be an session group object.
"id": 1,
"name": "session group",
"description": "description",
"status": "A",
"position": 1,
"created_at": "2018-05-03T10:51:29.613Z",
"updated_at": "2018-05-03T10:51:29.613Z"
## Header Response
x-page → 2 (the current page number)
x-per-page → 20 (total records per page)
x-total → 325 (total number of records)
-401 Invalid token supplied
"error": "Invalid token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Token expired
"error": "Expired token, please re-authenticate to generate a new token"
-401 Developer doesn't have access to clients
"error": "API account doesn't have access to any clients"