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DT One DVS Client Library


Language: Java

Latest Release: v2.0.2

An Open Source Client Library for Java applications to integrate and interact with the Digital Value Services (DVS) API of DT One

This library takes care of handling the API requests/responses to allow developers to focus on the business logic offered by the integration with DT One's DVS API. The goal of this client is to ensure that the integration with DT One is seamless and hassle-free. Drop us a line in the issue tracker if you feel that it can be improved!


  • Ready-to-use interfaces to consume DT One's DVS API
  • Pagination and Filtering support on API Responses
  • Common response object
  • Unit and functional testing with mocked responses from the API.

Domain Objects

This library deals with the following list of domain objects from the DVS API:

  • Services
  • Countries
  • Operators
  • Benefit Types
  • Promotions
  • Products
  • Transactions
  • Balances

Installation & Usage

  • Requires Java 1.8 or later

  • The library is available to be installed as a Maven Dependency or Standalone Java ARchive. Please contact us if you are looking for a different option.

    1. Maven Dependency

      • Add the following dependency in your pom.xml

      • Ensure that DT One maven repository is included in your pom.xml

                <name>Github DTOne Apache Maven Packages</name>
    2. Standalone JAR

      • Feel free to download the latest JAR with the dependencies directly from the repository here and add the jar to the classpath of your project.
  • Create an instance from DtoneHttpClient with your basic auth keys.

    import com.dtone.dvs.DvsApiClient;
    DvsClient dvsClient = new DvsClient(String baseUrl,
            String apiKey, String apiSecret)
  • Start calling the DVS API!

Available endpoints

  • Service (Only GET operations)

    Page<ApiResponse<List<Service>>> getServices() throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Service>> getServices(int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<Service> getService(Long serviceId) throws DvsApiException

  • Country (Only GET operations)

    Page<ApiResponse<List<Country>>> getCountries() throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Country>> getCountries(int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<Country> getCountry(String countryIsoCode) throws DvsApiException

  • Operator (Only GET operations)

    ApiResponse<List<Operator>> lookupOperators(String mobileNumber) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Operator>> lookupOperators(String mobileNumber, int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Operator>> lookupOperators(LookupOperatorRequest lookupOperatorRequest) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Operator>> lookupOperators(LookupOperatorRequest lookupOperatorRequest, int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

  • Lookup operators for a mobile number (Only GET and POST operations)

    GET ApiResponse<List<Operator>> lookupOperators(String mobileNumber) throws DvsApiException

    GET ApiResponse<List<Operator>> lookupOperators(String mobileNumber, int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    POST ApiResponse<List<Operator>> lookupOperators(LookupOperatorRequest lookupOperatorRequest) throws DvsApiException

    POST ApiResponse<List<Operator>> lookupOperators(LookupOperatorRequest lookupOperatorRequest, int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

  • Benefit Type (Only GET operations)

    Page<ApiResponse<List<BenefitType>>> getBenefitTypes() throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<BenefitType>> getBenefitTypes(int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

  • Promotion (Only GET operations)

    Page<ApiResponse<List<Promotion>>> getPromotions() throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Promotion>> getPromotions(int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Promotion>> getPromotions(PromotionFilter promotionFilter) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Promotion>> getPromotions(PromotionFilter promotionFilter, int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<Promotion> getPromotion(Long promotionId) throws DvsApiException

  • Product (Only GET operations)

    Page<ApiResponse<List<Product>>> getProducts() throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Product>> getProducts(int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Product>> getProducts(ProductFilter productFilter) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Product>> getProducts(ProductFilter productFilter, int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<Product> getProduct(Long productId) throws DvsApiException

  • Transaction (Only GET & POST operations)

    POST ApiResponse<Transaction> createTransaction(TransactionRequest transactionRequest) throws DvsApiException

    POST ApiResponse<Transaction> confirmTransaction(Long transactionId) throws DvsApiException

    POST ApiResponse<Transaction> cancelTransaction(Long transactionId) throws DvsApiException

    GET Page<ApiResponse<List<Transaction>>> getTransactions() throws DvsApiException

    GET ApiResponse<List<Transaction>> getTransactions(int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    GET ApiResponse<List<Transaction>> getTransactions(TransactionFilter transactionFilter) throws DvsApiException

    GET ApiResponse<List<Transaction>> getTransactions(TransactionFilter transactionFilter, int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    GET ApiResponse<Transaction> getTransaction(Long transactionId) throws DvsApiException

  • Balance (Only GET operations)

    Page<ApiResponse<List<Balance>>> getBalances() throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Balance>> getBalances(int pageNumber, int recordsPerPage) throws DvsApiException

    ApiResponse<List<Balance>> getBalances(BalanceFilter balanceFilter) throws DvsApiException

  • List of products with inbuilt pagination:

    • All APIs which support pagination, return Page instance.

      DvsApiClient dvsApiClient = new DvsApiClient("", "apiKey", "apiSecret");
      Page<ApiResponse<List<Product>>> pagedProductsResponse = dvsApiClient.getProducts();
      int totalPages = pagedProductsResponse.getTotalPages();
      int totalRecords = pagedProductsResponse.getTotalRecords();
      int CurrentPage = pagedProductsResponse.getCurrentPage();
      int recordsPerPage = pagedProductsResponse.getRecordsPerPage(); 
      int nextPage = pagedProductsResponse.getNextPage();
      int previousPage = pagedProductsResponse.getPreviousPage();
      // Alternatively, page info can be retrieved as PageInfo instance as below.
      PageInfo pageInfo = pagedProductsResponse.getPageInfo();
      ApiResponse<List<Product>> productsResponse = pagedProductsResponse.first();
      List<Product> productList = productsResponse.getResult();
      for (Product product : productList) {
          Boolean isFixedTypeProduct = ProductUtils.isFixedType(product.getType());
      	if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isFixedTypeProduct)) {
              ProductFixed productFixed = (ProductFixed)product;
              Long id = productFixed.getId();
              List<BenefitFixed> benefitList = productFixed.getBenefits();
              SourceFixed source = productFixed.getSource();
              SourceFixed destination = productFixed.getDestination();
              ProductPricesFixed prices = productFixed.getPrices();
          } else {
              ProductRanged productRanged = (ProductRanged)product;
              Long id = productRanged.getId();
              List<BenefitRanged> benefitList = productRanged.getBenefits();
              SourceRanged source = productRanged.getSource();
              SourceRanged destination = productRanged.getDestination();
              ProductPricesRanged prices = productRanged.getPrices();
    • Fetch the first page records

      ApiResponse<List<Product>> productsApiResponse = pagedProductsResponse.first();
      List<Product> productList = productsApiResponse.getResult();
    • Fetch the next page records

          ApiResponse<List<Product>> productsApiResponse =;
          List<Product> productList = productsApiResponse.getResult();
    • Fetch the previous page records

          ApiResponse<List<Product>> productsApiResponse = pagedProductsResponse.previous();
          List<Product> productList = productsApiResponse.getResult();
    • Fetch the last page records

      ApiResponse<List<Product>> productsApiResponse = pagedProductsResponse.last();
      List<Product> productList = productsApiResponse.getResult();
  • List of products with custom pagination

    ApiResponse<List<Product>> productsApiResponse = dvsApiClient.getProducts(1, 100);
    boolean success = productsApiResponse.isSuccess();
    int code = productsApiResponse.getCode();
    List<ApiError> errorList = productsApiResponse.getErrors(); //(Error(String code, String message))
    List<Product> productList = productsApiResponse.getResult();
    int totalPages = productsApiResponse.getTotalPages(); 
    int totalRecords = productsApiResponse.getTotalRecords();
    int CurrentPage = productsApiResponse.getCurrentPage();
    int recordsPerPage = productsApiResponse.getRecordsPerPage(); 
    int nextPage = productsApiResponse.getNextPage();
    int previousPage = productsApiResponse.getPreviousPage();
    //  Alternatively, page info can be retrieved as PageInfo instance as below.
    PageInfo pageInfo = productsApiResponse.getPageInfo();
  • Get a product by id

    ApiResponse<Product> productByIdResponse = dvsApiClient.getProduct(123L);
    boolean success = productByIdResponse.isSuccess();
    int code = productByIdResponse.getCode();
    List<ApiError> errorList = productByIdResponse.getErrors();
    Product product = productByIdResponse.getResult();
  • Get list of products with filters

    ProductFilter productFilter = new ProductFilter();
    List<BenefitTypes> benefitTypes = new ArrayList<BenefitTypes>();
    ApiResponse<List<Product>> getProducts(ProductFilter productFilter);
    boolean success = productsApiResponse.isSuccess()
    int code = productsApiResponse.getCode();
    List<ApiError> errorList = productsApiResponse.getErrors(); //(Error(String code, String message))
    List<Product> productList = productsApiResponse.getResult();
    PageInfo pageInfo = productsApiResponse.getPageInfo();

HTTP POST operation Examples:

  • Create Transaction with Auto Confirmation
    • Create transaction (auto_confirm = true)

      TransactionRequest transactionRequest = new TransactionRequest();
      transactionRequest.setExternalId("<String External Id>");
      transactionRequest.setCreditPartyIdentifier(new PartyIdentifier("+919962589100"));
      transactionRequest.setCallbackUrl("<Callback URL>");
      ApiResponse<Transaction> transactionAsyncResponse = dvsApiClient.createTransaction(transactionRequest);
      boolean success = transactionAsyncResponse.isSuccess();
      int code = transactionAsyncResponse.getCode();
      List<ApiError> errorList = transactionAsyncResponse.getErrors();
      Transaction Transaction = transactionAsyncResponse.getResult();
      Transaction transaction = transactionSyncResponse.getResult();
      Product product = transaction.getProduct();
      if(null != product) {
      	Boolean isFixedTypeProduct = ProductUtils.isFixedType(product.getType());
      	if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isFixedTypeProduct)) {
      		TransactionFixed transaction = (TransactionFixed)transaction;
      		List<BenefitFixed> benefit = transaction.getBenefits();
      		Long transactionId = transaction.getId();
      	} else {
      		TransactionRanged transaction = (TransactionRanged)transaction;
      		List<BenefitRanged> benefit = transaction.getBenefits();
      		Long transactionId = transaction.getId();
  • Create Transaction with Manual Confirmation/Cancellation:
    • Create transaction (auto_confirm = false)

      TransactionRequest transactionRequest = new TransactionRequest();
      transactionRequest.setExternalId("<String External Id>");
      transactionRequest.setCreditPartyIdentifier(new PartyIdentifier("+919962589100"));
      transactionRequest.setCallbackUrl("<Callback URL>");
      ApiResponse<Transaction> transactionAsyncResponse = dvsApiClient.createTransaction(transactionRequest);
      boolean success = transactionAsyncResponse.isSuccess();
      int code = transactionAsyncResponse.getCode();
      List<ApiError> errorList = transactionAsyncResponse.getErrors();
      Transaction Transaction = transactionAsyncResponse.getResult();
      Long transactionId = transactionAsyncResponse.getResult().getId();
    • Confirm Transaction:

      ApiResponse<Transaction> confirmTransactionResponse = dvsApiClient.confirmTransaction(transactionId);

    • Cancel Transaction:

      ApiResponse<Transaction> cancelTransactionResponse = dvsApiClient.cancelTransaction(transactionId);

Basic Troubleshooting and frequently asked questions:

  • Should an application create more than one DvsApiClient?

    There should be no need to do that in a single application.

  • Is it mandatory to set all values in a filter instance?





Easily integrate DT One's DVS API ( to your Java application







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