!!! Before reporting issue read this aloud: !!!
I solemnly swear that the issue I am going to report is reproducible on the latest QA version which was downloaded today from http://dl.sitecore.net/updater/qa/sim
!!! delete this line and all lines above, and modify template below !!!
Importance: Critical (I need this issue to be fixed) or Normal (I have a workaround, but it would be nice to fix it) or FYI (I only wanted to let you know)
Description: The issue is...
Scenario: 1. 2. 3.
Attachments: Please find attached latest log files from this folders:
%APPDATA%\..\Roaming\Sitecore\Sitecore Instance Management\logs
%APPDATA%\..\Roaming\Sitecore\Sitecore Instance Manager-QA\logs