Lua for Elixir, based on Luerl.
[42.0] = |> Lua.eval!("return 6 * 7")
|> Lua.set_global(:a, 6)
|> Lua.set_global(:b, 7)
|> Lua.set_global(:mul, fn st, [a, b] -> {st, [a * b]} end)
|> Lua.eval!("return {a = a, b = b, c = mul(a, b)}")
ExLua (Elixir) | Luerl (Erlang) | Lua |
nil |
'nil' |
nil |
true , false |
'true' , 'false' |
true , false |
integer | integer | number |
float | float | number |
string (binary) | binary | string |
{:function, ...} |
#function{...} |
function |
{:userdata, ...} |
#userdata{...} |
userdata |
{:thread, ...} |
#thread{...} |
thread |
{:table, ...} |
#table{...} |
table |
ExLua (Elixir) | Luerl (Erlang) | Lua (C) |
Lua.Error |
{:error, ...} |
luaL_error | |
luerl:init |
luaL_newstate |
Lua.call_chunk! |
luerl:call_chunk |
lua_pcall |
Lua.call_function! |
luerl:call_function |
lua_pcall |
Lua.eval |
luerl:eval |
luaL_dostring |
Lua.eval! |
luerl:eval |
luaL_dostring |
Lua.eval_file |
luerl:evalfile |
luaL_dofile |
Lua.eval_file! |
luerl:evalfile |
luaL_dofile |
Lua.exec! |
luerl:do |
luaL_dostring |
Lua.exec_file! |
luerl:dofile |
luaL_dofile |
Lua.gc |
luerl:gc |
lua_gc |
Lua.get_global |
luerl:get_global_key |
lua_getglobal |
Lua.get_table |
luerl:get_table |
lua_gettable |
Lua.load |
luerl:load |
luaL_loadstring |
Lua.load! |
luerl:load |
luaL_loadstring |
Lua.load_file |
luerl:loadfile |
luaL_loadfile |
Lua.load_file! |
luerl:loadfile |
luaL_loadfile |
Lua.require! |
- | luaL_requiref |
Lua.set_global |
luerl:set_global_key |
lua_setglobal |
Lua.set_table |
luerl:set_table |
lua_settable |
Add exlua
to your list of dependencies in your project's mix.exs
defp deps do
[{:exlua, "~> 0.3.0"},
{:luerl, github: "bendiken/luerl", branch: "exlua",
compile: "make && cp src/ ebin/"}]
Alternatively, to pull in the dependency directly from a Git tag:
defp deps do
[{:exlua, github: "bendiken/exlua", tag: "0.3.0"},
{:luerl, github: "bendiken/luerl", branch: "exlua",
compile: "make && cp src/ ebin/"}]
Alternatively, to pull in the dependency directly from a Git branch:
defp deps do
[{:exlua, github: "bendiken/exlua", branch: "master"},
{:luerl, github: "bendiken/luerl", branch: "exlua",
compile: "make && cp src/ ebin/"}]