Matthew van Eerde's blog Project Blog posts acmenum How to enumerate Audio Compression Manager (ACM) drivers on your system (spot the bug!) apoenum How to enumerate WASAPI Audio Processing Objects (APOs) on your system audioendpoints How to enumerate audio endpoint (IMMDevice) properties on your system beep Beep sample defaultaudiodevice Troubleshooting default audio device heuristics desktopwallpaper Changing the desktop wallpaper using IDesktopWallpaper, Command-line app to set the desktop wallpaper devenum How to enumerate DirectShow filters on your system devicetopology Walking the IDeviceTopology tree to see audio driver settings dmoenum How to enumerate DirectSound DirectX Media Objects (DMOs) on your system dow-jones-by-president Some Dow Jones Industrial Average statistics, by United States President inactive-volume-sessions Enumerating inactive volume sessions install - inplacehostingmanager Pulling ClickOnce applications from the client using a script listen Using the Speech API to convert speech to text, Implementing a "listen" command using ISpRecoContext from the Microsoft Speech API loopback-capture Draining the WASAPI capture buffer fully, Sample - WASAPI loopback capture (record what you hear) meters Getting peak meters and volume settings for all apps and audio devices on the system, Getting the package full name of a Windows Store app, given the process ID, More on IAudioSessionControl and IAudioSessionControl2, plus: how to log a GUID, Getting audio peak meter values for all active audio sessions mftenum How to enumerate Media Foundation transforms on your system midienum Enumerating MIDI devices mixerenum Enumerating mixer devices, mixer lines, and mixer controls mute-all-outputs Muting all audio outputs with IAudioEndpointVolume play-exclusive Sample - WASAPI exclusive-mode event-driven playback app, including the HD Audio alignment dance primes Generating primes using the Sieve of Eratosthenes plus a few optimizations ReadMe - rijndael Perl scripts to encrypting and decrypt text using Rijndael, Expressing a function f: GF(2⁸) → GF(2⁸) as a polynomial using a Lagrange polynomial, Generating the Rijndael S-box, Sieving irreducible monic polynomials over a finite field rects Sample app for RECT functions say Grabbing the output of the Microsoft Speech API text-to-speech engine as audio data, Implementing a "say" command using ISpVoice from the Microsoft Speech API screengrab Programmatically grabbing a screenshot of the primary display scripts Programmatically setting a local user account to never expire its password, Generating sample first names, How to create a shortcut from the command line, Perl script to parse ADTS audio header, Perl script to parse MPEG audio header, xargs start, Extracting GUIDs from a bunch of text shelllibrary Programmatically adding a folder to a shell library (e.g., the Music library) shellproperty shellproperty.exe v2: read all properties on a file; set properties of certain non-VT_LPWSTR types, shellproperty.exe - set/read string properties on a file from the command line shellsort Using StrCmpLogicalW to sort strings the way the shell does silence Sample - playing silence via WASAPI event-driven (pull) mode smart_pointers Riffing on Raymond - incrementing the reference count on a smart pointer speech-attributes How to dump Speech API object properties swapmonitors Programmatically rearranging displays trustedaudiodrivers2 How to turn on HDCP or SCMS in an audio playback app volume-linearity Linearity of Windows volume APIs - IAudioMeterInformation and full-scale signals waveenum Sample: how to enumerate waveIn and waveOut devices on your system