This file implements a tangle program for a literate programming style where the code is tangled from markdown code blocks. There is no corresponding weave, because the markdown itself can already be read as the documentation, either through a text editor or through an online system that already renders markdown such as GitHub.
Literate programming is a style of programming where, instead of directly writing source code, the programmer writes their reasoning in human prose, and intersperses fragments of code which can be extracted into the compilable source code with one tool (called "tangle"), and conversely can be converted to a human readable document explaining the code with another (called "weave").
Markdown is a plaintextish format popular with programmers. It's simple, easy to write and already has support for embedding code blocks using triple backticks (```), mostly for the purposes of syntax highlighting in documentation.
The existing literate programming for markdown tools seem too heavyweight for me, and too much like learning a new domain specific language which defeats the purpose of using markdown.
The tool is written in Go, because the Go tooling (notably go fmt
) lends itself well
to writing in this paradigm.
To be useful for literate programming code blocks need a few features that don't exist in standard markdown:
- The ability to embed macros, which will get expanded upon tangle.
- The ability to denote code blocks as the macro to be expanded when referenced.
- The ability to either append to or replace code blocks/macros, so that we can expand on our train of thought incrementally.
- The ability to redirect a code block into a file (while expanding macros.)
Since markdown codeblocks will already let you specify the language of the block for syntax highlighting purposes by naming the language after the three backticks, we can extend that by adding the file/codeblock name on the same line, after the language name.
For a convention, we'll say that a string with quotations denotes the name of a
code block, and a string without quotations denotes a filename to put the code
block into. If a code block header ends in +=
it'll mean "append to the named
code block", otherwise it'll mean "create or replace the existing code block."
We'll use a line inside of a code block containing nothing but a title inside
and >>>
(with optional whitespace) as a macro to expand, because it's a
convention that's unlikely to be used otherwise inside of source code in any
The above paragraph fully defines our spec. So, an example of a file code block might look like this:
package main
import (
<<<main.go imports>>>
<<<global variables>>>
<<<other functions>>>
func main() {
<<<main implementation>>>
For our implementation, we'll need to parse the markdown file one line at a time, starting from the top to ensure we replace code blocks in the right order (which file? We'll use the arguments from the command line). If there are multiple files, we'll process them in the order they were passed on the command line.
For now, we don't need to process any command line arguments, we'll just assume everything passed is a file.
So an example of a named code block is like this:
files := os.Args
for _, file := range files {
<<<process file>>>
How do we process a file? We'll need to keep 2 maps: one for named macros, and
one for file output content. We won't do any expansion until all the files have
been processed, because a block might refer to another block that either hasn't
been defined yet, or later has its definition changed. Let's define our maps,
define a stub of a process file
function, and redefine our
main implementation
to take that into account.
Let's define our maps, with some types defined for good measure:
(Note: we start by adding a new macro reference to our "global variables" macro so that it can be redefined in further patches without overwriting other content that was appended.)
<<<global block variables>>>
Let's really define the "global block variables"
types and maps, now:
type File string
type CodeBlock string
type BlockName string
var blocks map[BlockName]CodeBlock
var files map[File]CodeBlock
We'll similarly add a "ProcessFile Declaration"
macro to our
"other functions"
macro, so that it can be redefined in later
<<<ProcessFile Declaration>>>
And then define the function prototype, leaving the implementation to a macro for now.
// Updates the blocks and files map for the markdown read from r.
func ProcessFile(r io.Reader) error {
<<<process file implementation>>>
Our main function, recall, is going to initialize the program, process each command line argument in order, and then output files.
// os.Args[0] is the command name, "lmt". We don't want to process it.
for _, file := range os.Args[1:] {
<<<Open and process file>>>
<<<Output files>>>
We used a few standard library packages, so let's import them before declaring the blocks we just used.
Initializing the maps is pretty straight forward (note: the source names the
following block "Initialize"
// Initialize the maps
blocks = make(map[BlockName]CodeBlock)
files = make(map[File]CodeBlock)
Opening and processing files is fairly straight forward as well, since we
already declared the ProcessFile function and we just need to open the
file to turn it into an io.Reader
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error: ", err)
if err := ProcessFile(f); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error: ", err)
// Don't defer since we're in a loop, we don't want to wait until the function
// exits.
Now that we've got the obvious overhead out of the way, we need to begin implementing the code which parses a file.
We'll start by scanning each line. The Go bufio
package has a Reader which
has a ReadString
method that will stop at a delimiter (in our case, '\n')
We can use this bufio Reader to iterate through lines like so:
scanner := bufio.NewReader(r)
var err error
var line string
for {
line, err = scanner.ReadString('\n')
switch err {
case io.EOF:
return nil
case nil:
// Nothing special
return err
<<<Handle file line>>>
We'll need to import the bufio
package which we just used too, by
appending it to "main.go imports"
How do we handle a line? We'll need to keep track of a little state:
- Are we in a code block?
- If so, what name or file is it for?
- Are we ending a code block? If so, update the map (either replace or append.)
So let's add a little state to our implementation:
scanner := bufio.NewReader(r)
var err error
var line string
var inBlock, appending bool
var bname BlockName
var fname File
var block CodeBlock
for {
line, err = scanner.ReadString('\n')
switch err {
case io.EOF:
return nil
case nil:
// Nothing special
return err
<<<Handle file line>>>
We'll replace all of the variables with their zero value when we're not in a block.
The flow of handling a line will be something like:
if inBlock {
if line == "```\n" {
<<<Handle block ending>>>
} else {
<<<Handle block line>>>
} else {
<<<Handle nonblock line>>>
Handling a code block line is easy, we just add it to the block
if it's not
a block ending, and update the map/reset all the variables if it is.
"Handle Block line
block += CodeBlock(line)
"Handle block ending"
// Update the files map if it's a file.
if fname != "" {
if appending {
files[fname] += block
} else {
files[fname] = block
// Update the named block map if it's a named block.
if bname != "" {
if appending {
blocks[bname] += block
} else {
blocks[bname] = block
<<<Reset block flags>>>
Since we've used a "Reset block flags"
macro, we need to define
it. We said we were going to reset our state variables to their zero
inBlock = false
appending = false
bname = ""
fname = ""
block = ""
Processing non-block lines is easy, and we don't have to do anything since we are only concerned with code blocks.
We don't need to care and can just reset the flags. Otherwise, for triple backticks, we can just check the first three characters of the line (we don't care if there's a language specified or not).
if line == "" {
switch line[0] {
case '`':
<<<Check block start>>>
<<<Reset block flags>>>
When a code block is reached we will need to reset the flags and parse the line for the following information:
- a filename
- a block name/label
- an append flag
"Check block start"
if len(line) >= 3 && line[0:3] == "```" {
inBlock = true
<<<Check block header>>>
Parsing headers is a little more difficult, but shouldn't be too hard with a regular expression. There's four potential components:
- 3 or more '`' characters. We don't care how many there are.
- 0 or more non-whitespace characters, which will be the language type.
- 0 or more alphanumeric characters, which can be a file name.
- 0 or 1 string enclosed in quotation marks.
- It may or may not end in the string literal
So the regex will look something like /^(`+)([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*)("[.*]"){0,1}(+=){0,1}$/
(there are more characters that might be in a file name, but to keep the regex simple
we'll just assume letters, numbers, and dots.)
That regex is already starting to look hairy, so instead let's split it up into two: one for checking if it's a named block, and if that fails one for checking if it's a file name. It means we can't have a block which is both a named block and also goes into a filename, but that's probably not a very useful case and can always be done with two blocks (one named, and a file which only contains a macro expanding to the named block.)
In fact, we'll put the whole thing into a function to make it easier to debug and write tests if we want to.
fname, bname, appending = parseHeader(line)
// We're outside of a block, so just blindly reset it.
block = ""
Then we need to define our parseHeader function:
"other functions"
<<<ParseHeader Declaration>>>
"ParseHeader Declaration"
func parseHeader(line string) (File, BlockName, bool) {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
<<<parseHeader implementation>>>
Our implementation is going to use a regex for a namedBlock, and compare the line against it, so let's start by importing the regex package.
namedBlockRe := regexp.MustCompile("^([`]+\\s?)[\\w\\+]*[\\s]*\"(.+)\"[\\s]*([+][=])?$")
matches := namedBlockRe.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if matches != nil {
return "", BlockName(matches[2]), (matches[3] == "+=")
<<<Check filename header>>>
return "", "", false
There's no reason to constantly be re-compiling the namedBlockRe, we can just make it global and compile it once on initialization.
"global variables" +=
var namedBlockRe *regexp.Regexp
"Initialize" +=
<<<Namedblock Regex>>>
"Named block Regex"
namedBlockRe = regexp.MustCompile("^([`]+\\s?)[\\w\\+]+[\\s]+\"(.+)\"[\\s]*([+][=])?$")
Then our parse implementation without the MustCompile is:
"parseHeader implementation"
matches := namedBlockRe.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if matches != nil {
return "", BlockName(matches[2]), (matches[3] == "+=")
<<<Check filename header>>>
return "", "", false
Checking a filename header is fairly simple: just make sure there's alphanumeric characters or dots and no spaces. If it's neither, we can just return the zero value, since the header must immediately preceed the code block according to our specification.
This time, we'll just go straight to declaring the regex as a global.
"global variables" +=
var fileBlockRe *regexp.Regexp
"Initialize" +=
<<<Fileblock Regex>>>
"File block Regex"
fileBlockRe = regexp.MustCompile("^([`]+\\s?)[\\w\\+]+[\\s]+([\\w\\.\\-\\/]+)[\\s]*([+][=])?$")
"Check filename header"
matches = fileBlockRe.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if matches != nil {
return File(matches[2]), "", (matches[3] == "+=")
Now, we've finally finished processing the file, all that remains is going through
the output files that were declared, expanding the macros, and writing them to
disk. Since our files is a map[File]CodeBlock
, we can define methods on
as needed for things like expanding the macros.
Let's start by just ranging through our files map, and assuming there's a method
on code block which does the replacing for "Output files"
for filename, codeblock := range files {
f, err := os.Create(string(filename))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%s", codeblock.Replace())
// We don't defer this so that it'll get closed before the loop finishes.
Now, we'll have to declare the Replace() method that we just used. The Replace() will operate on a codeblock, go through it line by line, check if the current line is a macro, and if so replace the content (recursively). We can use another regex to determine if it's a macro line, and we can use a scanner similar to our markdown line scanner to our previous one,
"other functions" +=
<<<Replace Declaration>>>
"Replace Declaration"
// Replace expands all macros in a CodeBlock and returns a CodeBlock with no
// references to macros.
func (c CodeBlock) Replace() (ret CodeBlock) {
<<<Replace codeblock implementation>>>
"Replace codeblock implementation"
, as described above:
scanner := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(string(c)))
for {
line, err := scanner.ReadString('\n')
// ReadString will eventually return io.EOF and this will return.
if err != nil {
<<<Handle replace line>>>
We'll have to import the strings package we just used to convert our CodeBlock into an io.Reader:
Now, our replacement regex should be fairly simple:
"global variables" +=
var replaceRe *regexp.Regexp
"Initialize" +=
<<<Replace Regex>>>
"Replace Regex"
replaceRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[\s]*<<<(.+)>>>[\s]*$`)
Okay, so let's do the actual line handling. If it doesn't match, add it to ret
and go on to the next line. If it matches, look up the part that matched in
and include the replaced CodeBlock from there. (If it doesn't exist,
we'll add the line unexpanded and print a warning.)
matches := replaceRe.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if matches == nil {
ret += CodeBlock(line)
<<<Lookup replacement and add to ret>>>
Looking up a replacement is fairly straight forward, since we have a map by the time this is called.
bname := BlockName(matches[1])
if val, ok := blocks[bname]; ok {
ret += val.Replace()
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: Block named %s referenced but not defined.\n", bname)
ret += CodeBlock(line)
And now, our tool is finally done! We've implemented our lmt
tangle tool,
and can use it to write other literate markdown style programs with the
same syntax.
The output of running it on itself (including patches) and then running go fmt
is in this repo to make it a go-gettable executable for bootstrapping purposes.
If you're not familiar with go get
, see the README for installation
instructions and a simple non-Go example.