Laravel CRUD Generator, Make a Web Application Just In Minutes, Even With Less Code and fewer Steps !
CRUDBooster is a Laravel CRUD Generator. With a new concept of scaffolding, very easy for the beginner and professional. It's easy to use, easy to custom, and very flexible. Don't limit your mind, CRUDBooster gives us a true flexibility to develop an app. You can utilize its built in CRUD Generator or even you just need for your master data only.
- CRUD Generator With GUI
- Rich HTML input types
- API Generator
- API Documentation Generator
- Export & Import Data In Each Module
- Advanced Filter & Sorter
- Graphic / Statistic Designer
- Multiple Privileges
- Responsive Template By AdminLTE
- Many more...
All issues, bugs or help are in one place, in CRUDBoster Issues. To request help or report a problem, centralize everything in the CRUDBoster Issues. Follow the guidelines in the "Using CRUDBooster Issues Page" session.
All ways to contribute are welcome.
You can make a monetary contribution to the project. Help with whatever value you want or judge. To do this, just click the button below in the Donation session.
To contribute directly to the source code:
- Fork the repository
- Clone your forked repo to your machine
git clone
- Make your changes, corrections, or improvements
- Make the commits to your local machine
- Push the commits to your forked repo on github
- Create a pull request
- When you submit your code, you are automatically accepting that it will not be exclusively yours, and that CRUDBooster may use it in any context, as it deems appropriate.
- If you use a third-party code, it must be licensed as open-source.
- Contributions will only be accepted through a Pull Request.
- Your contribution can not contain execution errors.
Do you have any doubt? Are you having some difficulty? Did you find a translation error, a bug, or any problem? Before posting, search on CRUDBoster Issues and make sure if anyone has not reported the same or similar problem.
To post you should detail the most about what happened. Specify in detail:
- operating system (name, version and architecture)
- server (name, version and architecture)
- browser (name, version and architecture)
- CRUDBooster version
- what is the problem?
- how should it happen? what was the expected behavior?
- tell how to reproduce the problem step by step
- if possible, take screenshots or send snippets of code
- Laravel Export HTML to Excel by Maatwebsite
- Laravel DOM PDF by Barryvdh
- Admin Theme by AdminLTE Almsaeed Studio
- Laravel Framework by Taylor Otwell
- Thanks To All Developers
- Thanks To All Funders
CRUDBooster is under MIT License