diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb b/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb index 1171e4c2..aaece1c9 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_ca.arb @@ -1,1118 +1,1084 @@ { - "@@locale": "ca", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Cartera d'Efectiu", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Targeta de crèdit", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Compte d'actius per defecte", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Compte d'estalvis", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Compte d'actius compartit", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Comptes d'Actius", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Comptes de Despeses", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Passius", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Comptes d'Ingressos", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% d'interès per {period, select, weekly{setmana} monthly{mes} quarterly{quadrimestre} halfyear{mig any} yearly{any} other{desconegut}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "Afegeix factura", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Factures de transaccions entre {minValue} i {maxvalue}. Es repeteixen {frequency, select, weekly{setmanalment} monthly{mensualment} quarterly{quadrimestralment} halfyear{bianualment} yearly{anualment} other{en altres freqüències}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, salta a partir de {skip}}}.", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Canvia la disposició", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Canvia l'ordenació", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "Disposició de vista de factures", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "Ordena la llista per", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "Edita la factura", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "Error carregant les factures.", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Factures de transaccions {value}. Es repeteixen {frequency, select, weekly{setmanalment} monthly{mensualment} quarterly{quadrimestralment} halfyear{bianualment} yearly{anualment} other{en altres freqüències}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, salta a partir de {skip}}}.", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "Data estimada {date}", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Setmanal} monthly{Mensual} quarterly{Quadrimestral} halfyear{Bianual} yearly{Anual} other{Altres}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Setmanal} monthly{Mensual} quarterly{Qaudrimestral} halfyear{Bianual} yearly{Anual} other{Altres}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, salta a partir de {skip}}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "Inactiva", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "Factura activa", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Factures mostrades als seus grups assignats.", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Grup", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Factures ordenades segons algun criteri.", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "Llista", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "La llista es troba actualment buida.", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Pròxima coincidència esperada", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "Factura inactiva", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "No s'espera aquest periode", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "No s'ha trobat cap transacció.", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "Pagada a {date}", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alfabètic", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Per període de temps", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{Ascendent} descending{Descendent} other{Indiferent}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "Freqüència", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "Nom", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "Sense grup", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "N'estàs segur que vols esborrar aquesta categoria? Les transaccions no s'esborraran, però ja no tindran cap categoria assignada.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Error al carregar les categories.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Inclou a la suma mensual", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "Nom de la categoria", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Mes següent", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Mes anterior", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "exclosa", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Afegeix Categoria", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Esborra la categoria", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Edita la categoria", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "Altres", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Resposta de l'API invàlida: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API no disponible", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Aquest camp és obligatori.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Certificat SSL invàlid", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "URL invàlida", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Cal disposar com a mínim de la versió v{requiredVersion} de Firefly. Per favor, actualitza.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Codi d'Estat: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Error desconegut.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Ajuda", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Accedir", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Tanca la Sessió", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Elimina", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Reinicia l'inici de sessió", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Afegir Transacció", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Torna a provar", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Compte", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Actius", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Balanç", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Balanç el {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Factura", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Pressupost", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Categoria", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Moneda", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "per defecte", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Ignora", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Guanyat", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Error", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Despeses", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Ingressos", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Passius", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "múltiples", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "mai", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Consolidat", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Restableix", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Gastat", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Suma", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Destí", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Desconegut", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{setmanalment} monthly{mensualment} quarterly{quatrimestralment} halfyear{semestralment} yearly{anualment} other{desconegut}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Factures per a la pròxima setmana", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} fins a {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} fins a {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{per damunt de} other{queden de}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Pressupostos per al mes actual", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Resum del Compte", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Resum de la Categoria per a aquest mes", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Mitjana de 7 dies", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Resum Diari", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Ingressos Nets", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Valor Net", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Estalvia/Gasta Diners", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Data d'inici: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Data objectiu: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Enllaçada a {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "No s'ha configurat cap guardiola.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Crea'n una a la interfície web!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Queda per estalviar: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Has estalviat: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Quantitat objectiu: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Fulla de Balanços", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Principal", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Guardioles", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaccions", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Llista de filtres", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Mostra transaccions futures", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Cerca un terme", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Selecciona filtres", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "No s'ha trobat cap transacció.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} categories", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Mostra les etiquetes a la llista de transaccions", - "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { - "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Se'm deu aquest deute", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Dec aquest deute", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Deute", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Préstec", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hipoteca", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "Per a fer servir Waterfly III adequadament cal que tingues el teu propi servidor de Firefly III o l'add-on de Firefly III a Home Assistant.\n\nPer favor, introdueix la URL completa a més del token d'accés (Configuració -> Perfil -> OAuth -> Token d'Accés Personal) a sota.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Clau d'API vàlida", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "URL d'allotjament", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Benvingut/da a Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Segur que vols tancar la sessió?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Comptes", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "Factures", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Categories", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Tauler de control Principal", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Configuració", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "No", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "ca", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Cartera d'Efectiu", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Targeta de crèdit", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Compte d'actius per defecte", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Compte d'estalvis", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Compte d'actius compartit", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Comptes d'Actius", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Comptes de Despeses", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Passius", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Comptes d'Ingressos", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% d'interès per {period, select, weekly{setmana} monthly{mes} quarterly{quadrimestre} halfyear{mig any} yearly{any} other{desconegut}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} de {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Factures de transaccions entre {minValue} i {maxvalue}. Es repeteixen {frequency, select, weekly{setmanalment} monthly{mensualment} quarterly{quadrimestralment} halfyear{bianualment} yearly{anualment} other{en altres freqüències}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, salta a partir de {skip}}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Pots habilitar i enviar registres des d'ací. Aquests poden tenir un impacte sobre el rendiment de l'aplicació, així que no ho actives si no se t'ha demanat. Deshabilitar els registres eliminarà els que hi puguin haver desats.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Crear correu electrònic", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ADVERTIMENT: s'obrirà un esborrany de correu amb el fitxer de registre adjunt (en format de text). Els registres poden contenir informació sensible, com ara el nom d'amfitrió de la vostra instància de Firefly (tot i que intento evitar el registre de qualsevol secret, com ara la clau API). Si us plau, llegiu atentament el registre i censureu qualsevol informació que no vulgueu compartir i/o que no sigui rellevant per al problema que voleu informar.\n\nSi us plau, no envieu registres sense un acord previ per correu electrònic/GitHub per fer-ho. Suprimiré tots els registres enviats sense context per motius de privadesa. No carregueu mai el registre sense censura a GitHub ni a cap altre lloc.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Envia registres per Correu Electrònic", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Registres de depuració", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Selecciona un idioma", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Selecciona un Tema", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Idioma", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Pantalla de Bloqueig", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Requereix autenticació en iniciar l'aplicació", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Per favor, autentica't per habilitar la pantalla de bloqueig.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Compte per Defecte", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Afegir Aplicació", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Toca per afegir una aplicació a la qual escoltar. Només es mostraran les aplicacions compatibles.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Fes algunes transaccions de les aplicacions on rebis notificacions per afegir-les a la llista. Si encara no es mostren, per favor informa app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Aquest servei et permet obtenir detalls de transaccions a partir de notificacions. Addicionalment, pots seleccionar un compte per defecte al qual assignar les transaccions - si no s'estableix cap valor, s'intenta extreure el compte de la notificació.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Toca per a donar permís.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permís no concedit.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Eliminar permís?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Per a deshabilitar aquest servei, toca en l'app i elimina els permisos a la pantalla següent.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Emplena automàticament el títol de la transacció amb el títol de la notificació", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Comprovant l'estat…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "No s'ha pogut comprovar l'estat: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "El servei s'està executant.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Estat del Servei", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "El servei s'ha detingut.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Servei d'escolta de notificacions", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Tema de l'aplicació", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Colors Dinàmics", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Tema Obscur} light{Tema Clar} other{Per defecte}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Utilitza la zona horària del servidor", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Mostra totes les hores a la zona horària del servidor. Això mimetitza el comportament de la interfície web.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Versió de l'aplicació", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "comprovant…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Adjunts", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Segur que vols eliminar aquesta transacció?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Elimina l'adjunt", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Segur que vols eliminar aquest adjunt?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "No s'ha pogut baixar el fitxer.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "No s'ha pogut penjar el fitxer: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Canvia la disposició", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Canvia l'ordenació", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "Error carregant les factures.", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Factures de transaccions {value}. Es repeteixen {frequency, select, weekly{setmanalment} monthly{mensualment} quarterly{quadrimestralment} halfyear{bianualment} yearly{anualment} other{en altres freqüències}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, salta a partir de {skip}}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "Data estimada {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Setmanal} monthly{Mensual} quarterly{Quadrimestral} halfyear{Bianual} yearly{Anual} other{Altres}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Setmanal} monthly{Mensual} quarterly{Qaudrimestral} halfyear{Bianual} yearly{Anual} other{Altres}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, salta a partir de {skip}}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "Inactiva", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "Factura activa", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Factures mostrades als seus grups assignats.", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Grup", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Factures ordenades segons algun criteri.", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "Llista", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "La llista es troba actualment buida.", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Pròxima coincidència esperada", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "Factura inactiva", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "No s'espera aquest periode", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "No s'ha trobat cap transacció.", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "Pagada a {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alfabètic", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Per període de temps", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "Freqüència", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "Nom", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "Sense grup", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "N'estàs segur que vols esborrar aquesta categoria? Les transaccions no s'esborraran, però ja no tindran cap categoria assignada.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Error al carregar les categories.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Inclou a la suma mensual", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "Nom de la categoria", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Mes següent", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Mes anterior", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "exclosa", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Afegeix Categoria", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Esborra la categoria", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Edita la categoria", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "Altres", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Resposta de l'API invàlida: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API no disponible", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Aquest camp és obligatori.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "URL invàlida", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Cal disposar com a mínim de la versió v{requiredVersion} de Firefly. Per favor, actualitza.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Codi d'Estat: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Error desconegut.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Ajuda", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Accedir", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Tanca la Sessió", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Elimina", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Reinicia l'inici de sessió", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Afegir Transacció", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Torna a provar", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Compte", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Actius", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Balanç", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Balanç el {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Factura", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Pressupost", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Categoria", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Moneda", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "per defecte", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Ignora", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Guanyat", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Error", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Despeses", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Ingressos", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Passius", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "múltiples", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "mai", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Consolidat", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Restableix", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Gastat", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Suma", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Destí", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Desconegut", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{setmanalment} monthly{mensualment} quarterly{quatrimestralment} halfyear{semestralment} yearly{anualment} other{desconegut}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Factures per a la pròxima setmana", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} fins a {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} fins a {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{per damunt de} other{queden de}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Pressupostos per al mes actual", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Resum del Compte", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Resum de la Categoria per a aquest mes", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Mitjana de 7 dies", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Resum Diari", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Ingressos Nets", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Valor Net", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Estalvia/Gasta Diners", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Data d'inici: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Data objectiu: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Enllaçada a {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "No s'ha configurat cap guardiola.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Crea'n una a la interfície web!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Queda per estalviar: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Has estalviat: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Quantitat objectiu: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Fulla de Balanços", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Principal", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Guardioles", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaccions", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Llista de filtres", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Mostra transaccions futures", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Cerca un terme", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Selecciona filtres", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "No s'ha trobat cap transacció.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} categories", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Mostra les etiquetes a la llista de transaccions", + "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { + "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Se'm deu aquest deute", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Dec aquest deute", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Deute", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Préstec", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hipoteca", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "Per a fer servir Waterfly III adequadament cal que tingues el teu propi servidor de Firefly III o l'add-on de Firefly III a Home Assistant.\n\nPer favor, introdueix la URL completa a més del token d'accés (Configuració -> Perfil -> OAuth -> Token d'Accés Personal) a sota.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Clau d'API vàlida", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "URL d'allotjament", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Benvingut/da a Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Segur que vols tancar la sessió?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Comptes", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "Factures", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Categories", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Tauler de control Principal", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Configuració", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "No", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} de {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Pots habilitar i enviar registres des d'ací. Aquests poden tenir un impacte sobre el rendiment de l'aplicació, així que no ho actives si no se t'ha demanat. Deshabilitar els registres eliminarà els que hi puguin haver desats.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Crear correu electrònic", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ADVERTIMENT: s'obrirà un esborrany de correu amb el fitxer de registre adjunt (en format de text). Els registres poden contenir informació sensible, com ara el nom d'amfitrió de la vostra instància de Firefly (tot i que intento evitar el registre de qualsevol secret, com ara la clau API). Si us plau, llegiu atentament el registre i censureu qualsevol informació que no vulgueu compartir i/o que no sigui rellevant per al problema que voleu informar.\n\nSi us plau, no envieu registres sense un acord previ per correu electrònic/GitHub per fer-ho. Suprimiré tots els registres enviats sense context per motius de privadesa. No carregueu mai el registre sense censura a GitHub ni a cap altre lloc.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Envia registres per Correu Electrònic", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Registres de depuració", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Selecciona un idioma", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Selecciona un Tema", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Idioma", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Pantalla de Bloqueig", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Requereix autenticació en iniciar l'aplicació", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Per favor, autentica't per habilitar la pantalla de bloqueig.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Compte per Defecte", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Afegir Aplicació", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Toca per afegir una aplicació a la qual escoltar. Només es mostraran les aplicacions compatibles.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Fes algunes transaccions de les aplicacions on rebis notificacions per afegir-les a la llista. Si encara no es mostren, per favor informa app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Aquest servei et permet obtenir detalls de transaccions a partir de notificacions. Addicionalment, pots seleccionar un compte per defecte al qual assignar les transaccions - si no s'estableix cap valor, s'intenta extreure el compte de la notificació.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Toca per a donar permís.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permís no concedit.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Eliminar permís?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Per a deshabilitar aquest servei, toca en l'app i elimina els permisos a la pantalla següent.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Emplena automàticament el títol de la transacció amb el títol de la notificació", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Comprovant l'estat…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "No s'ha pogut comprovar l'estat: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "El servei s'està executant.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Estat del Servei", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "El servei s'ha detingut.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Servei d'escolta de notificacions", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Tema de l'aplicació", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Colors Dinàmics", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Tema Obscur} light{Tema Clar} other{Per defecte}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Utilitza la zona horària del servidor", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Mostra totes les hores a la zona horària del servidor. Això mimetitza el comportament de la interfície web.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Versió de l'aplicació", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "comprovant…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Adjunts", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Segur que vols eliminar aquesta transacció?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Elimina l'adjunt", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Segur que vols eliminar aquest adjunt?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "No s'ha pogut baixar el fitxer.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "No s'ha pogut penjar el fitxer: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Adjunts", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Cap factura", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Enllaça a una factura", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Tria una Moneda", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Afegir Etiqueta", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Cerca/Afegeix una Etiqueta", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Selecciona Etiquetes", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Duplicada", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Compte Invàlid", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Pressupost Invàlid", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Per favor, introdueix un títol.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Compte de destí", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Compte estranger", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Compte propi", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Compte d'origen", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notes", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Etiquetes", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Títol de la Transacció", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Afegeix una transacció dividida", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Canvia la moneda de la divisió", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Canvia el compte destí de la divisió", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Elimina la divisió", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Afegir Transacció", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Elimina la Transacció", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Edita la Transacció", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Ingrés", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Transferència", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Retirada", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Adjunts", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Cap factura", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Enllaça a una factura", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Tria una Moneda", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Afegir Etiqueta", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Cerca/Afegeix una Etiqueta", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Selecciona Etiquetes", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Duplicada", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Compte Invàlid", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Pressupost Invàlid", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Per favor, introdueix un títol.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Compte de destí", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Compte estranger", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Compte propi", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Compte d'origen", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notes", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Etiquetes", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Títol de la Transacció", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Afegeix una transacció dividida", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Canvia la moneda de la divisió", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Canvia el compte destí de la divisió", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Elimina la divisió", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Afegir Transacció", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Elimina la Transacció", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Edita la Transacció", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Ingrés", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Transferència", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Retirada", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "Sí", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb b/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb index 2bc108b8..622caca2 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_cs.arb @@ -1,866 +1,854 @@ { - "@@locale": "cs", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Peněženka", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditní karta", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Výchozí účet majetku", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Spořicí účet", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Sdílený účet aktiv", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Účty majetku", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Výdajové účty", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Závazky", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Příjmové účty", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% úrok za {period, select, weekly{týden} monthly{měsíc} quarterly{čtvrtletí} halfyear{půlrok} yearly{rok} other{neznámé}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "catOther": "Ostatní", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Neplatná odpověď z API: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API není dostupné", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Toto pole je povinné.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Neplatný SSL certifikát", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Neplatná URL adresa", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Je vyžadováno minimálně Firefly API verze {requiredVersion}. Prosíme proveďte aktualizaci.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Stavový kód: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Neznámá chyba.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Nápověda", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Přihlásit se", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Odhlásit se", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Odstranit", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Resetovat přihlášení", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Přidat transakci", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Zkusit znovu", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Účet", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Aktiva", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Zůstatek", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Zůstatek k {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Účtenka", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Rozpočet", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Kategorie", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Měna", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "výchozí", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Zrušit", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalError": "Chyba", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Výdaje", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Příjmy", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Závazky", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "několik", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "nikdy", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Ověřeno", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Resetovat", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSum": "Součet", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Cíl", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Neznámý", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{týdně} monthly{měsíčně} quarterly{čtvrtletně} halfyear{půlročně} yearly{ročně} other{neznámé}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Účty na příští týden", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} do {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} do {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{přes} other{zbývá z}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Rozpočty na aktuální měsíc", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Souhrn účtu", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Souhrn kategorie pro aktuální měsíc", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Průměr za 7 dní", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Denní souhrn", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Čisté příjmy", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Čisté jmění", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Uložit/utratit peníze", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Datum začátku: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Datum cíle: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Připojeno k {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Nebyly vytvořeny žádné pokladničky.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Vytvořte si nějaké pokladničky ve webovém rozhraní!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Zbývá našetřit: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Dosud našetřeno: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Cílová částka: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Zůstatek", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Hlavní", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Pokladničky", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transakce", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Seznam filtrů", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "<Žádný účet není nastaven>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "<Žádná kategorie není nastavena>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Zobrazit budoucí transakce", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Hledaný výraz", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Vybrat filtry", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Nebyly nalezeny žádné transakce.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorií", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Je mi dlužen tento dluh", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Já dlužím tento dluh", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Dluh", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Půjčka", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hypotéka", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "Pro používání Waterfly III potřebujete Váš server s instancí Firefly III nebo doplněk Firefly III v rámci Home Assistant.\n\nZadejte celou adresu URL spolu s Vašim osobním přístupovým tokenem (Settings -> Profile -> OAuth -> Personal Access Token) níže.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Platný klíč API", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "URL serveru", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Vítejte ve Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Opravdu se chcete odhlásit?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Účty", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationMain": "Přehled", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Nastavení", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "cs", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Peněženka", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditní karta", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Výchozí účet majetku", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Spořicí účet", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Sdílený účet aktiv", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Účty majetku", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Výdajové účty", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Závazky", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Příjmové účty", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% úrok za {period, select, weekly{týden} monthly{měsíc} quarterly{čtvrtletí} halfyear{půlrok} yearly{rok} other{neznámé}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} z {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "catOther": "Ostatní", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Neplatná odpověď z API: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Zde můžete povolit a odeslat protokoly ladění. Toto nastavení má negativní dopad na výkon aplikace, proto je prosím nepovolujte pokud to není nutné. Zakázáním logování bude odstraněn uložený protokol.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Vytvořit e-mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "VAROVÁNÍ: Bude otevřen koncept e-mailu s přiloženým log souborem (v textovém formátu). Protokoly mohou obsahovat citlivé informace, například název a doménu Vaší instance Firefly (přestože se snažím zabránit logování jakýchkoliv citlivých informací, jako je API klíč). Prosím přečtěte si pečlivě přiložený log a odeberte jakékoliv informace, které nechcete sdílet a/nebo nejsou relevantní pro problém, který chcete nahlásit.\n\nNeposílejte prosím žádné logy bez předchozí domluvy prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo GitHub. Z důvodů ochrany osobních údajů smažu všechny protokoly odeslané bez kontextu. Nikdy nenahrávejte necenzurovaný log na GitHub nebo kamkoliv jinam.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Poslat protokoly přes e-mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Protokoly ladění", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Vyberte jazyk", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Vyberte motiv", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Jazyk", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Obrazovka uzamčení", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Při spuštění aplikace požadovat ověření", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Pro povolení zamykací obrazovky se prosím ověřte.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Výchozí účet", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Přidat aplikaci", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Kliknutím přidáte aplikaci, které má aplikace poslouchat. V seznamu se zobrazí pouze podporované aplikace.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Proveďte transakce při kterých dostáváte notifikaci v telefonu pro přidání aplikací do tohoto seznamu. Pokud se přesto aplikace nezobrazí, prosíme nahlašte to na app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Tato služba umožňuje načíst detaily transakce z příchozích push notifikací. Kromě toho si můžete vybrat výchozí účet, ke kterému by měla být transakce přiřazena - pokud není nastavena žádná hodnota, služba se snaží získat účet z textu notifikace.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Klepnutím udělte oprávnění.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Oprávnění nebylo uděleno.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Odstranit oprávnění?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Chcete-li zakázat tuto službu, klikněte na aplikaci a odeberte oprávnění na další obrazovce.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Doplnit název transakce pomocí nadpisu nofikace", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Kontroluji stav…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Chyba při kontrole stavu: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Služba je spuštěna.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Stav služby", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Služba je zastavena.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Služba pro čtení notifikací", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Motiv aplikace", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamické barvy", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Tmavý motiv} light{Světlý motiv} other{Výchozí systému}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Použít časové pásmo serveru", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Zobrazit všechny časy v časovém pásmu serveru. Toto napodobuje chování webového rozhraní.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Verze aplikace", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "kontroluji…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Vlastní SSL certifikát", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Soubor s certifikátem (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Přílohy", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Opravdu chcete tuto transakci smazat?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Smazat přílohu", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Opravdu chcete tuto přílohu smazat?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Soubor se nepodařilo stáhnout.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Nepodařilo se otevřít soubor: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Nepodařilo se nahrát soubor: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API není dostupné", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Toto pole je povinné.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Neplatná URL adresa", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Je vyžadováno minimálně Firefly API verze {requiredVersion}. Prosíme proveďte aktualizaci.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Stavový kód: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Neznámá chyba.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Nápověda", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Přihlásit se", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Odhlásit se", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Odstranit", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Resetovat přihlášení", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Přidat transakci", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Zkusit znovu", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Účet", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Aktiva", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Zůstatek", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Zůstatek k {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Účtenka", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Rozpočet", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Kategorie", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Měna", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "výchozí", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Zrušit", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalError": "Chyba", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Výdaje", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Příjmy", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Závazky", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "několik", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "nikdy", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Ověřeno", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Resetovat", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSum": "Součet", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Cíl", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Neznámý", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{týdně} monthly{měsíčně} quarterly{čtvrtletně} halfyear{půlročně} yearly{ročně} other{neznámé}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Účty na příští týden", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} do {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} do {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{přes} other{zbývá z}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Rozpočty na aktuální měsíc", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Souhrn účtu", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Souhrn kategorie pro aktuální měsíc", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Průměr za 7 dní", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Denní souhrn", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Čisté příjmy", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Čisté jmění", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Uložit/utratit peníze", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Datum začátku: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Datum cíle: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Připojeno k {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Nebyly vytvořeny žádné pokladničky.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Vytvořte si nějaké pokladničky ve webovém rozhraní!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Zbývá našetřit: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Dosud našetřeno: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Cílová částka: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Zůstatek", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Hlavní", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Pokladničky", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transakce", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Seznam filtrů", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "<Žádný účet není nastaven>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "<Žádná kategorie není nastavena>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Zobrazit budoucí transakce", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Hledaný výraz", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Vybrat filtry", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Nebyly nalezeny žádné transakce.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorií", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Je mi dlužen tento dluh", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Já dlužím tento dluh", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Dluh", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Půjčka", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hypotéka", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "Pro používání Waterfly III potřebujete Váš server s instancí Firefly III nebo doplněk Firefly III v rámci Home Assistant.\n\nZadejte celou adresu URL spolu s Vašim osobním přístupovým tokenem (Settings -> Profile -> OAuth -> Personal Access Token) níže.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Platný klíč API", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "URL serveru", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Vítejte ve Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Opravdu se chcete odhlásit?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Účty", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationMain": "Přehled", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Nastavení", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} z {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Zde můžete povolit a odeslat protokoly ladění. Toto nastavení má negativní dopad na výkon aplikace, proto je prosím nepovolujte pokud to není nutné. Zakázáním logování bude odstraněn uložený protokol.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Vytvořit e-mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "VAROVÁNÍ: Bude otevřen koncept e-mailu s přiloženým log souborem (v textovém formátu). Protokoly mohou obsahovat citlivé informace, například název a doménu Vaší instance Firefly (přestože se snažím zabránit logování jakýchkoliv citlivých informací, jako je API klíč). Prosím přečtěte si pečlivě přiložený log a odeberte jakékoliv informace, které nechcete sdílet a/nebo nejsou relevantní pro problém, který chcete nahlásit.\n\nNeposílejte prosím žádné logy bez předchozí domluvy prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo GitHub. Z důvodů ochrany osobních údajů smažu všechny protokoly odeslané bez kontextu. Nikdy nenahrávejte necenzurovaný log na GitHub nebo kamkoliv jinam.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Poslat protokoly přes e-mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Protokoly ladění", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Vyberte jazyk", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Vyberte motiv", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Jazyk", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Obrazovka uzamčení", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Při spuštění aplikace požadovat ověření", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Pro povolení zamykací obrazovky se prosím ověřte.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Výchozí účet", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Přidat aplikaci", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Kliknutím přidáte aplikaci, které má aplikace poslouchat. V seznamu se zobrazí pouze podporované aplikace.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Proveďte transakce při kterých dostáváte notifikaci v telefonu pro přidání aplikací do tohoto seznamu. Pokud se přesto aplikace nezobrazí, prosíme nahlašte to na app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Tato služba umožňuje načíst detaily transakce z příchozích push notifikací. Kromě toho si můžete vybrat výchozí účet, ke kterému by měla být transakce přiřazena - pokud není nastavena žádná hodnota, služba se snaží získat účet z textu notifikace.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Klepnutím udělte oprávnění.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Oprávnění nebylo uděleno.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Odstranit oprávnění?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Chcete-li zakázat tuto službu, klikněte na aplikaci a odeberte oprávnění na další obrazovce.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Doplnit název transakce pomocí nadpisu nofikace", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Kontroluji stav…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Chyba při kontrole stavu: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Služba je spuštěna.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Stav služby", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Služba je zastavena.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Služba pro čtení notifikací", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Motiv aplikace", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamické barvy", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Tmavý motiv} light{Světlý motiv} other{Výchozí systému}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Použít časové pásmo serveru", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Zobrazit všechny časy v časovém pásmu serveru. Toto napodobuje chování webového rozhraní.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Verze aplikace", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "kontroluji…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Přílohy", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Opravdu chcete tuto transakci smazat?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Smazat přílohu", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Opravdu chcete tuto přílohu smazat?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Soubor se nepodařilo stáhnout.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Nepodařilo se otevřít soubor: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Nepodařilo se nahrát soubor: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Přílohy", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Žádný účet", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Odkaz na účet", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Vybrat měnu", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Přidat štítek", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Hledat/Přidat štítek", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Vybrat štítky", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Duplikovat", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Neplatný účet", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Neplatný rozpočet", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Zadejte prosím název.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Cílový účet", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Zahraniční účet", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Vlastní účet", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Zdrojový účet", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Poznámky", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Štítky", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Název transakce", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Přidat rozdělenou transakci", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Změnit rozdělenou měnu", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Změnit cílový účet rozdělení", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Odstranit rozdělení", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Přidat transakci", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Smazat transakci", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Upravit transakci", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Vklad", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Převod", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Výběr", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Přílohy", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Žádný účet", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Odkaz na účet", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Vybrat měnu", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Přidat štítek", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Hledat/Přidat štítek", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Vybrat štítky", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Duplikovat", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Neplatný účet", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Neplatný rozpočet", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Zadejte prosím název.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Cílový účet", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Zahraniční účet", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Vlastní účet", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Zdrojový účet", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Poznámky", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Štítky", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Název transakce", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Přidat rozdělenou transakci", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Změnit rozdělenou měnu", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Změnit cílový účet rozdělení", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Odstranit rozdělení", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Přidat transakci", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Smazat transakci", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Upravit transakci", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Vklad", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Převod", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Výběr", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_da.arb b/lib/l10n/app_da.arb index b9d1cfdb..15aaf9c3 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_da.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_da.arb @@ -1,910 +1,898 @@ { - "@@locale": "da", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Kontantstegnebog", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditkort", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Standard aktivkonto", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Opsparingskonto", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Delt aktivkonto", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Aktivkonti", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Udgiftskonti", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Gældsforpligtelser", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Indtægtskonti", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% renter per {period, select, weekly{uge} monthly{måned} quarterly{kvartal} halfyear{halvår} yearly{år} other{ukendt}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne kategori? Transaktionerne vil ikke blive slettet, men vil ikke længere have en kategori.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Fejl ved indlæsning af kategorier.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Tilføj kategori", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Næste måned", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Sidste måned", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Slet kategori", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Redigér kategori", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catOther": "Andet", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Ugyldigt svar fra API: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API utilgængelig", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Dette felt er påkrævet.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Ugyldigt SSL-certifikat", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Ugyldig URL", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minimum Firefly API-version v{requiredVersion} påkrævet. Opgradér venligst.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Statuskode: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Ukendt fejl.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Hjælp", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Log ind", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Log ud", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Fjern", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Nulstil login", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Tilføj transaktion", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Prøv igen", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Konto", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Aktiver", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Saldo", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo på {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Regning", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Budget", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Kategori", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Valuta", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "standard", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Afvis", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Optjent", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Fejl", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Udgifter", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Indtægter", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Gældsforpligtelser", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "flere", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "aldrig", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Afstemt", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Nulstil", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Brugt", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "I alt", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Mål", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Ukendt", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": "({period, select, weekly{ugentligt} monthly{månedligt} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{halvårligt} yearly{årligt} other{ukendt}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Regninger for næste uge", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": "({from} til {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": "({from} til {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current}{status, select, over{over} other{tilbage af}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgetter for denne måned", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Kontooversigt", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategorioversigt for denne måned", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 dages-gennemsnit", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Dagsoversigt", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Nettoindtjening", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettoværdi", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Gem/brug penge", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Startdato: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Måldato: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Knyttet til {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Ingen sparegris er sat op.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Opret nogle i webgrænsefladen!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Mangler at spare: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Gemt indtil videre: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Målbeløb: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Balance", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Primær", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Sparegrise", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaktioner", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Filterliste", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Vis fremtidige transaktioner", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Søgeord", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Vælg filtre", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Ingen transaktion fundet.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorier", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Jeg er skyldt denne gæld", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Jeg skylder denne gæld", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Gæld", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Lån", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Boliglån", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "For at bruge Waterfly III produktivt har du brug for din egen server med en Firefly III-instans eller Firefly II-add-on til Home Assistant.\n\nIndtast venligst det fulde URL samt en personlig adgangstoken (Indstillinger -> Profil -> OAuth -> Personlig adgangstoken) nedenfor.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Gyldig API-nøgle", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "Værts-URL", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Velkommen til Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Er du sikker på, at du vil logge ud?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Konti", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Kategorier", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Hoveddashboard", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Indstillinger", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "da", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Kontantstegnebog", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditkort", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Standard aktivkonto", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Opsparingskonto", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Delt aktivkonto", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Aktivkonti", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Udgiftskonti", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Gældsforpligtelser", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Indtægtskonti", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% renter per {period, select, weekly{uge} monthly{måned} quarterly{kvartal} halfyear{halvår} yearly{år} other{ukendt}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} af {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne kategori? Transaktionerne vil ikke blive slettet, men vil ikke længere have en kategori.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Fejl ved indlæsning af kategorier.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Tilføj kategori", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Næste måned", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Sidste måned", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Slet kategori", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Redigér kategori", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catOther": "Andet", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Ugyldigt svar fra API: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Du kan aktivere og sende fejfindingslogs her. Disse har en dårlig indvirkning på ydeevnen, så du skal venligst ikke aktivere dem, medmindre du rådes til at gøre det. Deaktivering af logning vil slette den gemte log.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Opret mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ADVARSEL: En mailkladde åbnes med logfilen vedhæftet (i tekstformat). Logfilerne kan indeholdet følsomme oplysninger, såsom værtsnavnet på din Firefly instans (selvom jeg forsøger at undgå logning af eventuelle hemmeligheder, såsom api-nøgle). Læs venligst loggen grundigt og censurér alle oplysninger, du ikke ønsker at dele og/eller ikke er relevante for det problem, du ønsker at rapportere.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Send logfiler via e-mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Fejlfindingslogs", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Vælg sprog", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Vælg tema", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Sprog", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Låst skærm", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Kræv godkendelse ved opstart af app", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Godkend venligst for at aktivere skærmlåsning.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Standard konto", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Tilføj app", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Klik for at tilføje en app til at lytte til. Kun kvalificerede apps vil dukke op på listen.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Foretag nogle transaktioner, hvor du modtager telefonmeddelelser for at tilføje apps til denne liste. Hvis appen stadig ikke dukker op, bedes du rapportere den til app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Denne tjeneste giver dig mulighed for at hente transaktionsoplysninger fra indgående push-notifikationer. Derudover kan du vælge en standardkonto, som transaktionen skal tildeles til - hvis ingen værdi er angivet, vil den prøve at udtrække en konto fra notifikationen.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tryk for at give tilladelse.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Tilladelse ikke givet.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Fjern tilladelse?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Klik på appen for at deaktivere denne tjeneste og fjern tilladelserne på den næste skærm.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Forudfyld transaktionstitel med nofikationstitel", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Tjekker status…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Fejl under kontrol af status: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Tjenesten kører.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Tjenestestatus", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Tjenesten er stoppet.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Notifikationslytter-service", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "App tema", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamisk farve", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select,dark{Mørk tilstand} light{Lys tilstand} other{Systemstandard}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Brug serverens tidszone", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Vis alle gange i serverens tidszone. Dette efterligner webgrænsefladens opførsel.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Appversion", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "tjekker…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Brugerdefineret SSL-certifikat", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Certifikatfil (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Bilag", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne transaktion?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Slet bilag", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dette bilag?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Kunne ikke downloade fil.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Kunne ikke åbne fil: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Kunne ikke uploade fil: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API utilgængelig", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Dette felt er påkrævet.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Ugyldig URL", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minimum Firefly API-version v{requiredVersion} påkrævet. Opgradér venligst.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Statuskode: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Ukendt fejl.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Hjælp", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Log ind", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Log ud", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Fjern", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Nulstil login", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Tilføj transaktion", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Prøv igen", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Konto", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Aktiver", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Saldo", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo på {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Regning", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Budget", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Kategori", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Valuta", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "standard", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Afvis", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Optjent", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Fejl", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Udgifter", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Indtægter", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Gældsforpligtelser", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "flere", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "aldrig", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Afstemt", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Nulstil", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Brugt", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "I alt", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Mål", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Ukendt", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": "({period, select, weekly{ugentligt} monthly{månedligt} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{halvårligt} yearly{årligt} other{ukendt}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Regninger for næste uge", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": "({from} til {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": "({from} til {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current}{status, select, over{over} other{tilbage af}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgetter for denne måned", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Kontooversigt", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategorioversigt for denne måned", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 dages-gennemsnit", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Dagsoversigt", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Nettoindtjening", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettoværdi", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Gem/brug penge", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Startdato: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Måldato: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Knyttet til {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Ingen sparegris er sat op.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Opret nogle i webgrænsefladen!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Mangler at spare: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Gemt indtil videre: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Målbeløb: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Balance", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Primær", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Sparegrise", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaktioner", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Filterliste", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Vis fremtidige transaktioner", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Søgeord", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Vælg filtre", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Ingen transaktion fundet.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorier", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Jeg er skyldt denne gæld", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Jeg skylder denne gæld", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Gæld", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Lån", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Boliglån", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "For at bruge Waterfly III produktivt har du brug for din egen server med en Firefly III-instans eller Firefly II-add-on til Home Assistant.\n\nIndtast venligst det fulde URL samt en personlig adgangstoken (Indstillinger -> Profil -> OAuth -> Personlig adgangstoken) nedenfor.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Gyldig API-nøgle", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "Værts-URL", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Velkommen til Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Er du sikker på, at du vil logge ud?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Konti", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Kategorier", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Hoveddashboard", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Indstillinger", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} af {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Du kan aktivere og sende fejfindingslogs her. Disse har en dårlig indvirkning på ydeevnen, så du skal venligst ikke aktivere dem, medmindre du rådes til at gøre det. Deaktivering af logning vil slette den gemte log.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Opret mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ADVARSEL: En mailkladde åbnes med logfilen vedhæftet (i tekstformat). Logfilerne kan indeholdet følsomme oplysninger, såsom værtsnavnet på din Firefly instans (selvom jeg forsøger at undgå logning af eventuelle hemmeligheder, såsom api-nøgle). Læs venligst loggen grundigt og censurér alle oplysninger, du ikke ønsker at dele og/eller ikke er relevante for det problem, du ønsker at rapportere.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Send logfiler via e-mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Fejlfindingslogs", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Vælg sprog", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Vælg tema", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Sprog", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Låst skærm", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Kræv godkendelse ved opstart af app", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Godkend venligst for at aktivere skærmlåsning.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Standard konto", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Tilføj app", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Klik for at tilføje en app til at lytte til. Kun kvalificerede apps vil dukke op på listen.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Foretag nogle transaktioner, hvor du modtager telefonmeddelelser for at tilføje apps til denne liste. Hvis appen stadig ikke dukker op, bedes du rapportere den til app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Denne tjeneste giver dig mulighed for at hente transaktionsoplysninger fra indgående push-notifikationer. Derudover kan du vælge en standardkonto, som transaktionen skal tildeles til - hvis ingen værdi er angivet, vil den prøve at udtrække en konto fra notifikationen.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tryk for at give tilladelse.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Tilladelse ikke givet.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Fjern tilladelse?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Klik på appen for at deaktivere denne tjeneste og fjern tilladelserne på den næste skærm.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Forudfyld transaktionstitel med nofikationstitel", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Tjekker status…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Fejl under kontrol af status: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Tjenesten kører.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Tjenestestatus", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Tjenesten er stoppet.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Notifikationslytter-service", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "App tema", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamisk farve", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select,dark{Mørk tilstand} light{Lys tilstand} other{Systemstandard}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Brug serverens tidszone", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Vis alle gange i serverens tidszone. Dette efterligner webgrænsefladens opførsel.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Appversion", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "tjekker…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Bilag", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne transaktion?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Slet bilag", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dette bilag?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Kunne ikke downloade fil.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Kunne ikke åbne fil: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Kunne ikke uploade fil: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Bilag", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ingen regning", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Link til regning", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Vælg valuta", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Tilføj etiket", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Søg/Tilføj Tag", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Vælg etiketter", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Duplikér", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Ugyldig konto", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Ugyldigt Budget", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Angiv venligst en titel.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Destinationskonto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Fremmed konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Egen konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Fra konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Noter", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Etiketter", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Transaktionstitel", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Tilføj delt transaktion", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Ændr delt valuta", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Ændr delt målkonto", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Slet split", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Tilføj transaktion", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Slet transaktion", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Redigér transaktion", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Indbetal", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Overfør", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Hævning", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Bilag", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ingen regning", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Link til regning", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Vælg valuta", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Tilføj etiket", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Søg/Tilføj Tag", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Vælg etiketter", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Duplikér", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Ugyldig konto", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Ugyldigt Budget", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Angiv venligst en titel.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Destinationskonto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Fremmed konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Egen konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Fra konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Noter", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Etiketter", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Transaktionstitel", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Tilføj delt transaktion", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Ændr delt valuta", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Ændr delt målkonto", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Slet split", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Tilføj transaktion", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Slet transaktion", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Redigér transaktion", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Indbetal", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Overfør", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Hævning", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_de.arb b/lib/l10n/app_de.arb index 4c40b2d3..d1e8b1f6 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_de.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_de.arb @@ -1,1118 +1,1084 @@ { - "@@locale": "de", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Geldbörse", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditkarte", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Standard-Bestandskonto", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Sparkonto", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Gemeinsames Bestandskonto", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Bestandskonten", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Ausgabekonten", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Verbindlichkeiten", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Einnahmekonten", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% Zinsen pro {period, select, weekly{Woche} monthly{Monat} quarterly{Quartal} halfyear{halbes Jahr} yearly{Jahr} other{Unbekannt}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "Neue Rechnung hinzufügen", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Rechnung passt zu Transaktionen zwischen {minValue} und {maxvalue}. Wiederholt sich {frequency, select, weekly{wöchentlich} monthly{monatlich} quarterly{vierteljährlich} halfyear{halbjährlich} yearly{jährlich} other{unbekannt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, überspringt {skip}}}.", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Layout ändern", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Sortierung ändern", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "Rechnungsansicht-Layout", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "Sortieren nach", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "Rechnung bearbeiten", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "Fehler beim Laden der Rechnungen.", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Rechnung passt zu Transaktionen mit {value}. Wiederholt sich {frequency, select, weekly{wöchentlich} monthly{monatlich} quarterly{vierteljährlich} halfyear{halbjährlich} yearly{jährlich} other{unbekannt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, überspringt {skip}}}.", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "Voraussichtlich {date}", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Wöchentlich} monthly{Monatlich} quarterly{Vierteljährlich} halfyear{Halbjährlich} yearly{Jährlich} other{Unbekannt}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Wöchentlich} monthly{Monatlich} quarterly{Vierteljährlich} halfyear{Halbjährlich} yearly{Jährlich} other{Unbekannt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, überspringt {skip}}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "Inaktiv", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "Rechnung ist aktiv", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Rechnungen werden in ihrer Gruppe angezeigt.", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Gruppe", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Rechnungen werden sortiert in einer Liste angezeigt.", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "Liste", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "Diese Liste ist momentan leer.", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Nächste erwartete Übereinstimmung", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "Rechnung ist inaktiv", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "In diesem Zeitraum nicht erwartet", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "Keine Transaktionen gefunden.", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "Bezahlt am {date}", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alphabetisch", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Nach Zeitraum", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{Aufsteigend} descending{Absteigend} other{Unbekannt}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "Häufigkeit", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "Name", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "Keine Gruppe", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Möchtest du diese Kategorie wirklich löschen? Die Transaktionen werden nicht gelöscht, werden aber keine Kategorie mehr haben.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Fehler beim Laden der Kategorien.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "In Monatssumme einbeziehen", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "Kategoriename", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Nächster Monat", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Voriger Monat", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "ausgenommen", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Kategorie hinzufügen", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Kategorie löschen", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Kategorie bearbeiten", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "Andere", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Ungültige API-Antwort: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API nicht verfügbar", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Dies ist ein Pflichtfeld.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Ungültiges SSL-Zertifikat", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Ungültige URL", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Mindestens Firefly API-Version v{requiredVersion} benötigt. Bitte updaten.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Status-Code: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Unbekannter Fehler.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Hilfe", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Login", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Logout", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Entfernen", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Login zurücksetzen", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Transaktion hinzufügen", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Nochmals versuchen", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Konten", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Vermögen", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Kontostand", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Kontostand am {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Rechnung", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Budget", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Kategorie", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Währung", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "Standard", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Verwerfen", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Verdient", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Fehler", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Ausgaben", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Einnahmen", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Verbindlichkeiten", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "mehrere", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "nie", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Abgeglichen", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Zurücksetzen", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Ausgegeben", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Summe", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Ziel", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Unbekannt", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{wöchentlich} monthly{monatlich} quarterly{vierteljährlich} halfyear{halbjährlich} yearly{jährlich} other{unbekannt}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Rechnungen in der nächsten Woche", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} bis {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} bis {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{über} other{bis}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgets für diesen Monat", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Konten-Übersicht", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategorie-Übersicht für diesen Monat", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7-Tage-Durchschnitt", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Tägliche Zusammenfassung", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Überschuss", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettovermögen", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Geld sparen/ausgeben", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Startdatum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Zieldatum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Verknüpft mit {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Keine Sparschweine vorhanden.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Erstelle welche im Webinterface!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Noch zu sparen: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Bereits gespart: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Sparziel: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Kontostände", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Übersicht", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Sparschweine", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaktionen", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Liste filtern", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Zeige zukünftige Transaktionen", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Suchbegriff", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Filter auswählen", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Keine Transaktionen gefunden.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} Kategorien", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Schlagwörter in der Transaktionsliste anzeigen", - "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { - "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Mir wird dies geschuldet", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Ich schulde dies jemandem", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Schulden", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Darlehen", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hypothek", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "Um Waterfly III nutzen zu können, wird ein eigener Server mit Firefly III oder das Firefly III Add-on für Home Assistant benötigt.\n\nBitte gebe den kompletten Link und den persönlichen Zugangs-Token (Einstellungen → Profil → OAuth → Persönliche Zugangs-Tokens) ein.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Gültiger API-Schlüssel", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "Server URL", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Willkommen zu Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Wirklich ausloggen?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Konten", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "Rechnungen", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Kategorien", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Übersicht", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Einstellungen", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "Nein", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "de", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Geldbörse", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditkarte", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Standard-Bestandskonto", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Sparkonto", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Gemeinsames Bestandskonto", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Bestandskonten", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Ausgabekonten", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Verbindlichkeiten", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Einnahmekonten", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% Zinsen pro {period, select, weekly{Woche} monthly{Monat} quarterly{Quartal} halfyear{halbes Jahr} yearly{Jahr} other{Unbekannt}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} von {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Rechnung passt zu Transaktionen zwischen {minValue} und {maxvalue}. Wiederholt sich {frequency, select, weekly{wöchentlich} monthly{monatlich} quarterly{vierteljährlich} halfyear{halbjährlich} yearly{jährlich} other{unbekannt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, überspringt {skip}}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Hier kann die Fehlerprotokollierung aktiviert werden. Die Protokollierung hat einen negativen Einfluss auf die App-Performance, deshalb aktiviere sie bitte nur nach Absprache. Beim Deaktivieren werden die gespeicherten Protokolle gelöscht.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "E-Mail erstellen", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ACHTUNG: Ein E-Mail Entwurf wird mit angehängtem Fehlerprotokoll erstellt. Das Fehlerprotokoll kann sensitive Informationen wie zum Beispiel die URL deiner Firefly-Instanz enthalten (auch wenn ich versuche geheime Informationen wie den API-Schlüssel nicht zu protokollieren). Bitte lese vor dem Senden der Mail das Protokoll durch und zensiere alle Informationen, die du nicht teilen möchtest.\n\nBitte sende keine Fehlerprotokolle ohne vorherige Absprache mit mir via Mail/GitHub. Ich werde alle ohne Kontext eingesendete Protokolle aus Datenschutzgründen löschen. Lade die Protokolle nie auf GitHub oder anderswo hoch.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Protokoll via Mail schicken", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Fehlerprotokolle", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Sprache auswählen", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Erscheinungsbild auswählen", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Sprache", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "App-Sperre", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Authentifizierung beim Start der App erzwingen", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Bitte authentifiziere dich, um die App-Sperre zu aktivieren.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Standard-Konto", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "App hinzufügen", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Füge eine neue App hinzu. Nur qualifizierte Apps werden gelistet.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Führe eine Zahlung durch, bei der die gewünschte Benachrichtigung erscheint, um eine App zu dieser Liste hinzuzufügen. Wenn die App trotzdem nicht erscheint, bitte melde dies an app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Dieser Dienst erlaubt dir, Transaktionen aus Benachrichtigungen zu erstellen. Außerdem kannst du das Standard-Konto auswählen, zu dem die Transaktion zugeordnet wird - ansonsten wird dynamisch versucht, ein Konto zu ermitteln.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Klicke, um die Berechtigung zu erteilen.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Berechtigung nicht erteilt.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Berechtigung löschen?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Um den Dienst zu deaktivieren, klicke auf die App und entferne die Berechtigungen im nächsten Bildschirm.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Transaktionstitel mit Benachrichtigungstitel befüllen", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Status wird geprüft…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Fehler beim Status prüfen: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Dienst läuft.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Dienst-Status", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Dienst ist gestoppt.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Dienst zum Auslesen von Benachrichtigungen", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Erscheinungsbild", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dyn. Farben", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Dunkel} light{Hell} other{Systemeinstellung}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Server-Zeitzone benutzen", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Zeigt alle Zeiten in der Server-Zeitzone an. Dies entspricht dem Verhalten des Webinterfaces.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "App-Version", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "Überprüfe…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Anhänge", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Soll diese Transaktion wirklich gelöscht werden?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Anhang löschen", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Soll dieser Anhang wirklich gelöscht werden?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Datei konnte nicht geladen werden.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Layout ändern", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Sortierung ändern", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "Fehler beim Laden der Rechnungen.", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Rechnung passt zu Transaktionen mit {value}. Wiederholt sich {frequency, select, weekly{wöchentlich} monthly{monatlich} quarterly{vierteljährlich} halfyear{halbjährlich} yearly{jährlich} other{unbekannt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, überspringt {skip}}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "Voraussichtlich {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Wöchentlich} monthly{Monatlich} quarterly{Vierteljährlich} halfyear{Halbjährlich} yearly{Jährlich} other{Unbekannt}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Wöchentlich} monthly{Monatlich} quarterly{Vierteljährlich} halfyear{Halbjährlich} yearly{Jährlich} other{Unbekannt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, überspringt {skip}}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "Inaktiv", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "Rechnung ist aktiv", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Rechnungen werden in ihrer Gruppe angezeigt.", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Gruppe", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Rechnungen werden sortiert in einer Liste angezeigt.", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "Liste", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "Diese Liste ist momentan leer.", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Nächste erwartete Übereinstimmung", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "Rechnung ist inaktiv", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "In diesem Zeitraum nicht erwartet", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "Keine Transaktionen gefunden.", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "Bezahlt am {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alphabetisch", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Nach Zeitraum", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "Häufigkeit", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "Name", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "Keine Gruppe", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Möchtest du diese Kategorie wirklich löschen? Die Transaktionen werden nicht gelöscht, werden aber keine Kategorie mehr haben.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Fehler beim Laden der Kategorien.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "In Monatssumme einbeziehen", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "Kategoriename", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Nächster Monat", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Voriger Monat", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "ausgenommen", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Kategorie hinzufügen", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Kategorie löschen", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Kategorie bearbeiten", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "Andere", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Ungültige API-Antwort: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API nicht verfügbar", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Dies ist ein Pflichtfeld.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Ungültige URL", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Mindestens Firefly API-Version v{requiredVersion} benötigt. Bitte updaten.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Status-Code: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Unbekannter Fehler.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Hilfe", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Login", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Logout", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Entfernen", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Login zurücksetzen", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Transaktion hinzufügen", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Nochmals versuchen", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Konten", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Vermögen", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Kontostand", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Kontostand am {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Rechnung", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Budget", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Kategorie", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Währung", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "Standard", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Verwerfen", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Verdient", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Fehler", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Ausgaben", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Einnahmen", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Verbindlichkeiten", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "mehrere", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "nie", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Abgeglichen", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Zurücksetzen", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Ausgegeben", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Summe", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Ziel", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Unbekannt", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{wöchentlich} monthly{monatlich} quarterly{vierteljährlich} halfyear{halbjährlich} yearly{jährlich} other{unbekannt}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Rechnungen in der nächsten Woche", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} bis {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} bis {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{über} other{bis}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgets für diesen Monat", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Konten-Übersicht", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategorie-Übersicht für diesen Monat", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7-Tage-Durchschnitt", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Tägliche Zusammenfassung", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Überschuss", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettovermögen", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Geld sparen/ausgeben", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Startdatum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Zieldatum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Verknüpft mit {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Keine Sparschweine vorhanden.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Erstelle welche im Webinterface!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Noch zu sparen: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Bereits gespart: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Sparziel: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Kontostände", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Übersicht", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Sparschweine", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaktionen", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Liste filtern", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Zeige zukünftige Transaktionen", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Suchbegriff", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Filter auswählen", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Keine Transaktionen gefunden.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} Kategorien", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Schlagwörter in der Transaktionsliste anzeigen", + "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { + "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Mir wird dies geschuldet", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Ich schulde dies jemandem", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Schulden", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Darlehen", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hypothek", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "Um Waterfly III nutzen zu können, wird ein eigener Server mit Firefly III oder das Firefly III Add-on für Home Assistant benötigt.\n\nBitte gebe den kompletten Link und den persönlichen Zugangs-Token (Einstellungen → Profil → OAuth → Persönliche Zugangs-Tokens) ein.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Gültiger API-Schlüssel", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "Server URL", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Willkommen zu Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Wirklich ausloggen?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Konten", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "Rechnungen", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Kategorien", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Übersicht", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Einstellungen", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "Nein", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} von {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Hier kann die Fehlerprotokollierung aktiviert werden. Die Protokollierung hat einen negativen Einfluss auf die App-Performance, deshalb aktiviere sie bitte nur nach Absprache. Beim Deaktivieren werden die gespeicherten Protokolle gelöscht.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "E-Mail erstellen", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ACHTUNG: Ein E-Mail Entwurf wird mit angehängtem Fehlerprotokoll erstellt. Das Fehlerprotokoll kann sensitive Informationen wie zum Beispiel die URL deiner Firefly-Instanz enthalten (auch wenn ich versuche geheime Informationen wie den API-Schlüssel nicht zu protokollieren). Bitte lese vor dem Senden der Mail das Protokoll durch und zensiere alle Informationen, die du nicht teilen möchtest.\n\nBitte sende keine Fehlerprotokolle ohne vorherige Absprache mit mir via Mail/GitHub. Ich werde alle ohne Kontext eingesendete Protokolle aus Datenschutzgründen löschen. Lade die Protokolle nie auf GitHub oder anderswo hoch.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Protokoll via Mail schicken", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Fehlerprotokolle", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Sprache auswählen", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Erscheinungsbild auswählen", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Sprache", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "App-Sperre", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Authentifizierung beim Start der App erzwingen", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Bitte authentifiziere dich, um die App-Sperre zu aktivieren.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Standard-Konto", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "App hinzufügen", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Füge eine neue App hinzu. Nur qualifizierte Apps werden gelistet.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Führe eine Zahlung durch, bei der die gewünschte Benachrichtigung erscheint, um eine App zu dieser Liste hinzuzufügen. Wenn die App trotzdem nicht erscheint, bitte melde dies an app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Dieser Dienst erlaubt dir, Transaktionen aus Benachrichtigungen zu erstellen. Außerdem kannst du das Standard-Konto auswählen, zu dem die Transaktion zugeordnet wird - ansonsten wird dynamisch versucht, ein Konto zu ermitteln.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Klicke, um die Berechtigung zu erteilen.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Berechtigung nicht erteilt.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Berechtigung löschen?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Um den Dienst zu deaktivieren, klicke auf die App und entferne die Berechtigungen im nächsten Bildschirm.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Transaktionstitel mit Benachrichtigungstitel befüllen", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Status wird geprüft…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Fehler beim Status prüfen: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Dienst läuft.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Dienst-Status", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Dienst ist gestoppt.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Dienst zum Auslesen von Benachrichtigungen", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Erscheinungsbild", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dyn. Farben", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Dunkel} light{Hell} other{Systemeinstellung}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Server-Zeitzone benutzen", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Zeigt alle Zeiten in der Server-Zeitzone an. Dies entspricht dem Verhalten des Webinterfaces.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "App-Version", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "Überprüfe…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Anhänge", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Soll diese Transaktion wirklich gelöscht werden?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Anhang löschen", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Soll dieser Anhang wirklich gelöscht werden?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Datei konnte nicht geladen werden.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Anhänge", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ohne Rechnung", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Mit Rechnung verknüpfen", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Währung auswählen", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Schlagwort hinzufügen", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Schlagwort suchen/hinzufügen", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Schlagwörter auswählen", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Duplizieren", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Ungültiges Konto", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Ungültiges Budget", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Bitte gebe einen Titel an.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Ziel-Konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Fremdes Konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Eigenes Konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Quell-Konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notizen", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Schlagwörter", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Titel der Transaktion", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Aufteilung hinzufügen", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Währung der Aufteilung ändern", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Zielkonto der Aufteilung ändern", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Aufteilung löschen", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Transaktion hinzufügen", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Transaktion löschen", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Transaktion bearbeiten", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Einnahme", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Umbuchung", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Ausgabe", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Anhänge", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ohne Rechnung", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Mit Rechnung verknüpfen", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Währung auswählen", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Schlagwort hinzufügen", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Schlagwort suchen/hinzufügen", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Schlagwörter auswählen", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Duplizieren", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Ungültiges Konto", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Ungültiges Budget", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Bitte gebe einen Titel an.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Ziel-Konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Fremdes Konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Eigenes Konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Quell-Konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notizen", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Schlagwörter", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Titel der Transaktion", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Aufteilung hinzufügen", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Währung der Aufteilung ändern", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Zielkonto der Aufteilung ändern", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Aufteilung löschen", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Transaktion hinzufügen", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Transaktion löschen", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Transaktion bearbeiten", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Einnahme", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Umbuchung", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Ausgabe", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "Ja", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_en.arb b/lib/l10n/app_en.arb index ff63c092..0ea727ac 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_en.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_en.arb @@ -1,1118 +1,1084 @@ { - "@@locale": "en", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Cash Wallet", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Credit card", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Default asset account", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Savings account", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Shared asset account", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Asset Accounts", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Expense Accounts", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Liabilities", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Revenue Accounts", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% interest per {period, select, weekly{week} monthly{month} quarterly{quarter} halfyear{half-year} yearly{year} other{unknown}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "Add new bill", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Bill matches transactions between {minValue} and {maxvalue}. Repeats {frequency, select, weekly{weekly} monthly{monthly} quarterly{quarterly} halfyear{half-yearly} yearly{yearly} other{unknown}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, skips over {skip}}}.", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Change layout", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Change sort order", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "Bills view layout", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "Sort list by", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "Edit bill", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "Error loading bills.", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Bill matches transactions of {value}. Repeats {frequency, select, weekly{weekly} monthly{monthly} quarterly{quarterly} halfyear{half-yearly} yearly{yearly} other{unknown}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, skips over {skip}}}.", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "Expected {date}", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Weekly} monthly{Monthly} quarterly{Quarterly} halfyear{Half-yearly} yearly{Yearly} other{Unknown}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Weekly} monthly{Monthly} quarterly{Quarterly} halfyear{Half-yearly} yearly{Yearly} other{Unknown}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, skips over {skip}}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "Inactive", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "Bill is active", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Bills displayed in their assigned groups.", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Group", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Bills displayed in a list sorted by certain criteria.", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "List", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "The list is currently empty.", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Next expected match", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "Bill is inactive", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "Not expected this period", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "No transactions found.", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "Paid {date}", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alphabetical", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "By time period", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{Ascending} descending{Descending} other{Unknown}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "Frequency", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "Name", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "Ungrouped", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this category? The transactions will not be deleted, but will not have a category anymore.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Error loading categories.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Include in monthly sum", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "Category Name", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Next Month", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Previous Month", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "excluded", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Add Category", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Delete Category", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Edit Category", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "Other", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Invalid Response from API: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API unavailable", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "This field is required.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Invalid SSL Certificate", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Invalid URL", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minimum Firefly API Version v{requiredVersion} required. Please upgrade.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Status Code: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Unknown error.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Help", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Login", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Logout", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Remove", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Reset login", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Add Transaction", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Try again", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Account", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Assets", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Balance", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Balance on {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Bill", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Budget", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Category", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Currency", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "default", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Dismiss", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Earned", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Error", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Expenses", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Income", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Liabilities", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "multiple", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "never", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Reconciled", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Reset", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Spent", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Sum", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Target", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Unknown", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{weekly} monthly{monthly} quarterly{quarterly} halfyear{half-year} yearly{yearly} other{unknown}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Bills for the next week", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} to {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} to {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{over} other{left from}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgets for current month", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Account Summary", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Category Summary for current month", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 days average", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Daily Summary", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Net Earnings", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Net Worth", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Save/Spend Money", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Start date: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Target date: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Linked to {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "No piggy banks set up.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Create some in the webinterface!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Left to save: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Saved so far: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Target amount: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Balance Sheet", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Main", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Piggy Banks", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transactions", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Filter List", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Show future transactions", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Search Term", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Select filters", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "No transactions found.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} categories", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Show tags in transaction list", - "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { - "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "I am owed this debt", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "I owe this debt", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Debt", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Loan", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Mortgage", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "To use Waterfly III productively you need your own server with a Firefly III instance or the Firefly III add-on for Home Assistant.\n\nPlease enter the full URL as well as a personal access token (Settings -> Profile -> OAuth -> Personal Access Token) below.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Valid API Key", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "Host URL", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Welcome to Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to log out?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Accounts", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "Bills", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Categories", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Main Dashboard", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Settings", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "No", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "en", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Cash Wallet", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Credit card", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Default asset account", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Savings account", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Shared asset account", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Asset Accounts", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Expense Accounts", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Liabilities", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Revenue Accounts", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% interest per {period, select, weekly{week} monthly{month} quarterly{quarter} halfyear{half-year} yearly{year} other{unknown}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} of {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Bill matches transactions between {minValue} and {maxvalue}. Repeats {frequency, select, weekly{weekly} monthly{monthly} quarterly{quarterly} halfyear{half-yearly} yearly{yearly} other{unknown}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, skips over {skip}}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "You can enable & send debug logs here. These have a bad impact on performance, so please don't enable them unless you're advised to do so. Disabling logging will delete the stored log.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Create Mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "WARNING: A mail draft will open with the log file attached (in text format). The logs might contain sensitive information, such as the host name of your Firefly instance (though I try to avoid logging of any secrets, such as the api key). Please read through the log carefully and censor out any information you don't want to share and/or is not relevant to the problem you want to report.\n\nPlease do not send in logs without prior agreement via mail/GitHub to do so. I will delete any logs sent without context for privacy reasons. Never upload the log uncensored to GitHub or elsewhere.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Send Logs via Mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Debug Logs", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Select Language", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Select Theme", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Language", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Lockscreen", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Require authenticiation on app startup", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Please authenticate to enable the lock screen.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Default Account", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Add App", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Click to add an app to listen to. Only eligible apps will show up in the list.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Make some transactions where you receive phone notifications to add apps to this list. If the app still doesn't show up, please report it to app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "This service allows you to fetch transaction details from incoming push notifications. Additionally, you can select a default account which the transaction should be assigned to - if no value is set, it tries to extract an account from the notification.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tap to grant permission.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permission not granted.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Remove permission?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "To disable this service, click on the app and remove the permissions in the next screen.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Prefill transaction title with notification title", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Checking status…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Error checking status: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Service is running.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Service Status", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Service is stopped.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Notification Listener Service", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "App Theme", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamic Colors", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Dark Mode} light{Light Mode} other{System Default}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Use server timezone", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Show all times in the server timezone. This mimics the behavior of the webinterface.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "App Version", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "checking…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Attachments", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this transaction?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Delete Attachment", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Could not download file.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Could not open file: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Could not upload file: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Change layout", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Change sort order", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "Error loading bills.", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Bill matches transactions of {value}. Repeats {frequency, select, weekly{weekly} monthly{monthly} quarterly{quarterly} halfyear{half-yearly} yearly{yearly} other{unknown}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, skips over {skip}}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "Expected {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Weekly} monthly{Monthly} quarterly{Quarterly} halfyear{Half-yearly} yearly{Yearly} other{Unknown}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Weekly} monthly{Monthly} quarterly{Quarterly} halfyear{Half-yearly} yearly{Yearly} other{Unknown}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, skips over {skip}}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "Inactive", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "Bill is active", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Bills displayed in their assigned groups.", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Group", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Bills displayed in a list sorted by certain criteria.", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "List", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "The list is currently empty.", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Next expected match", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "Bill is inactive", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "Not expected this period", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "No transactions found.", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "Paid {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alphabetical", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "By time period", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "Frequency", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "Name", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "Ungrouped", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this category? The transactions will not be deleted, but will not have a category anymore.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Error loading categories.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Include in monthly sum", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "Category Name", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Next Month", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Previous Month", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "excluded", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Add Category", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Delete Category", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Edit Category", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "Other", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Invalid Response from API: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API unavailable", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "This field is required.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Invalid URL", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minimum Firefly API Version v{requiredVersion} required. Please upgrade.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Status Code: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Unknown error.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Help", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Login", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Logout", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Remove", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Reset login", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Add Transaction", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Try again", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Account", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Assets", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Balance", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Balance on {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Bill", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Budget", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Category", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Currency", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "default", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Dismiss", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Earned", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Error", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Expenses", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Income", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Liabilities", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "multiple", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "never", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Reconciled", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Reset", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Spent", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Sum", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Target", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Unknown", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{weekly} monthly{monthly} quarterly{quarterly} halfyear{half-year} yearly{yearly} other{unknown}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Bills for the next week", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} to {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} to {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{over} other{left from}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgets for current month", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Account Summary", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Category Summary for current month", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 days average", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Daily Summary", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Net Earnings", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Net Worth", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Save/Spend Money", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Start date: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Target date: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Linked to {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "No piggy banks set up.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Create some in the webinterface!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Left to save: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Saved so far: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Target amount: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Balance Sheet", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Main", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Piggy Banks", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transactions", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Filter List", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Show future transactions", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Search Term", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Select filters", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "No transactions found.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} categories", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Show tags in transaction list", + "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { + "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "I am owed this debt", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "I owe this debt", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Debt", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Loan", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Mortgage", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "To use Waterfly III productively you need your own server with a Firefly III instance or the Firefly III add-on for Home Assistant.\n\nPlease enter the full URL as well as a personal access token (Settings -> Profile -> OAuth -> Personal Access Token) below.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Valid API Key", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "Host URL", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Welcome to Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to log out?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Accounts", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "Bills", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Categories", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Main Dashboard", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Settings", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "No", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} of {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "You can enable & send debug logs here. These have a bad impact on performance, so please don't enable them unless you're advised to do so. Disabling logging will delete the stored log.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Create Mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "WARNING: A mail draft will open with the log file attached (in text format). The logs might contain sensitive information, such as the host name of your Firefly instance (though I try to avoid logging of any secrets, such as the api key). Please read through the log carefully and censor out any information you don't want to share and/or is not relevant to the problem you want to report.\n\nPlease do not send in logs without prior agreement via mail/GitHub to do so. I will delete any logs sent without context for privacy reasons. Never upload the log uncensored to GitHub or elsewhere.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Send Logs via Mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Debug Logs", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Select Language", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Select Theme", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Language", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Lockscreen", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Require authenticiation on app startup", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Please authenticate to enable the lock screen.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Default Account", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Add App", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Click to add an app to listen to. Only eligible apps will show up in the list.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Make some transactions where you receive phone notifications to add apps to this list. If the app still doesn't show up, please report it to app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "This service allows you to fetch transaction details from incoming push notifications. Additionally, you can select a default account which the transaction should be assigned to - if no value is set, it tries to extract an account from the notification.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tap to grant permission.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permission not granted.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Remove permission?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "To disable this service, click on the app and remove the permissions in the next screen.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Prefill transaction title with notification title", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Checking status…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Error checking status: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Service is running.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Service Status", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Service is stopped.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Notification Listener Service", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "App Theme", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamic Colors", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Dark Mode} light{Light Mode} other{System Default}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Use server timezone", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Show all times in the server timezone. This mimics the behavior of the webinterface.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "App Version", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "checking…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Attachments", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this transaction?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Delete Attachment", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Could not download file.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Could not open file: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Could not upload file: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Attachments", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "No bill", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Link to Bill", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Select currency", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Add Tag", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Search/Add Tag", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Select tags", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Duplicate", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Invalid Account", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Invalid Budget", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Please provide a title.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Destination account", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Foreign account", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Own account", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Source account", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notes", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Tags", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Transaction Title", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Add split transaction", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Change Split Currency", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Change Split Target Account", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Delete split", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Add Transaction", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Delete Transaction", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Edit Transaction", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Deposit", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Transfer", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Withdrawal", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Attachments", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "No bill", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Link to Bill", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Select currency", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Add Tag", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Search/Add Tag", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Select tags", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Duplicate", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Invalid Account", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Invalid Budget", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Please provide a title.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Destination account", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Foreign account", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Own account", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Source account", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notes", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Tags", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Transaction Title", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Add split transaction", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Change Split Currency", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Change Split Target Account", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Delete split", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Add Transaction", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Delete Transaction", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Edit Transaction", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Deposit", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Transfer", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Withdrawal", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "Yes", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_es.arb b/lib/l10n/app_es.arb index c9bdd866..24696112 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_es.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_es.arb @@ -1,910 +1,898 @@ { - "@@locale": "es", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Billetera de efectivo", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Tarjeta de crédito", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Cuenta de activos por defecto", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Cuenta de ahorros", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Cuenta de activos compartida", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Cuentas de activos", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Cuentas de gastos", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Pasivos", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Cuentas de ingresos", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% de interés por {period, select, weekly{semana} monthly{mes} quarterly{trimestre} halfyear{semestre} yearly{año} other{desconocido}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar esta categoría? Las transacciones no serán eliminadas, pero ya no tendrán categoría.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Error cargando categorías.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Agregar categoría", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Próximo Mes", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Mes anterior", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Eliminar categoría", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Editar categoría", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catOther": "Otros", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "catNone": "(sin categoría)", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Respuesta inválida de la API: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API no disponible", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Certificado SSL inválido", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "URL inválida", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Se requiere una versión mínima de la API Firefly -{requiredVersion} Por favor, actualice.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Código de estado: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Error desconocido.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Ayuda", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Iniciar Sesión", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Cerrar sesión", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Eliminar", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Restablecer inicio de sesión", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Añadir Transacción", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Inténtalo de nuevo", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Cuenta", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Activos", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Balance", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo a {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Factura", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Presupuesto", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Categoría", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Divisa", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "por defecto", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Descartar", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Ingresado", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Error", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Gastos", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Ingresos", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Pasivos", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "múltiple", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "nunca", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Reconciliado", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Restablecer", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Gastado", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Suma", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Objetivo", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Desconocido", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{weekly} monthly{monthly} quarterly{quarterly} halfyear{half-year} yearly{yearly} other{unknown}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Facturas para la próxima semana", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} hasta {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} hasta {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{más de} other{restante}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Presupuestos para el mes actual", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Resumen de la cuenta", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Resumen de categoría para el mes actual", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "promedio de 7 días", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Resumen diario", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Beneficio", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Valor neto", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Ahorrar/Gastar dinero", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Fecha de inicio: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Fecha objetivo: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Vinculado a {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "No se han creado huchas.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "¡Cree alguna en la interfaz web!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Pendiente de ahorrar: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Ahorrado hasta ahora: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Objetivo de ahorro: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Hoja de balance", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Principal", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Huchas", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transacciones", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Listado de filtros", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Mostrar transacciones futuras", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Término de búsqueda", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Seleccionar filtros", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "No se encontraron transacciones.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} categorías", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Se me debe esta deuda", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Le debo esta deuda a otra persona", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Deuda", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Préstamo", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hipoteca", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "Para usar Waterfly III es necesario disponer de un servidor con una instancia de Firefly III o del add-on de Firefly III para Home Assistant.\n\nPor favor, introduzca la URL completa y el token de acceso personal (Ajustes -> Perfil -> OAuth -> Token de Acceso Personal) debajo.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Clave API válida", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "URL del servidor", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Bienvenido a Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas cerrar sesión?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Cuentas", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Categorías", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Panel principal", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Ajustes", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "es", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Billetera de efectivo", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Tarjeta de crédito", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Cuenta de activos por defecto", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Cuenta de ahorros", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Cuenta de activos compartida", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Cuentas de activos", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Cuentas de gastos", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Pasivos", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Cuentas de ingresos", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% de interés por {period, select, weekly{semana} monthly{mes} quarterly{trimestre} halfyear{semestre} yearly{año} other{desconocido}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} de {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar esta categoría? Las transacciones no serán eliminadas, pero ya no tendrán categoría.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Error cargando categorías.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Agregar categoría", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Próximo Mes", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Mes anterior", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Eliminar categoría", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Editar categoría", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catOther": "Otros", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "catNone": "(sin categoría)", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Respuesta inválida de la API: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Puede activar y enviar los registros de depuración desde aquí. Su activación tiene un impacto perjudicial en el rendimiento, así que no los active a no ser que se le haya recomendado. Desactivar los registros elimina los guardados anteriormente.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Crear email", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ATENCIÓN: Se abrirá un borrador de email con los registros de depuración como archivo adjunto (en formato de texto). Los registros pueden contener información sensible, como el nombre del anfitrión de su instancia de Firefly (aunque se ha tratado de no registrar secretos, como la clave API). Por favor, revise los registros cuidadosamente y censure cualquier información que no desea compartir y/o no es relevante para el problema sobre el que quiere informar.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Enviar registros por correo", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Registros de depuración", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Seleccionar idioma", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Seleccionar tema", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Idioma", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Pantalla de bloqueo", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Requerir autenticación al iniciar la aplicación", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Por favor, autentíquese para activar la pantalla de bloqueo.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Cuenta por defecto", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Añadir aplicación", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Haga clic para añadir una aplicación para escuchar. Sólo las aplicaciones elegibles aparecerán en la lista.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Haga algunas transacciones que generen notificaciones en el teléfono para añadir aplicaciones a esta lista. Si la aplicación todavía no aparece, por favor, informe a app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Este servicio permite obtener detalles de la transacción a partir de notificaciones entrantes. Además, puede seleccionar una cuenta por defecto a la que asignar la transacción. Si no se establece ningún valor, trata de extraer la información de la notificación.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Toque para conceder permiso.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permiso no concedido.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Quitar el permiso?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Para desactivar este servicio, haga clic en la aplicación y elimine los permisos en la siguiente pantalla.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Rellenar el título de la transacción con el título de la notificación", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Comprobando estado…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Error comprobando estado: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "El servicio se está ejecutando.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Estado del servicio", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "El servicio está detenido.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Servicio de escucha de notificaciones", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Tema de la aplicación", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Colores dinámicos", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Modo Oscuro} light{Modo Luz} other{Predeterminado del sistema}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Usar la zona horaria del servidor", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Mostrar todas las horas en la zona horaria del servidor. Esto imita el comportamiento de la interfaz web.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Versión de la aplicación", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "comprobando…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Certificado SSL personalizado", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Archivo de certificado (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Archivos adjuntos", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "¿Seguro que desea eliminar esta transacción?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Eliminar archivo adjunto", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el archivo adjunto?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "No se pudo descargar el archivo.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "No se pudo abrir el archivo: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "No se pudo subir el archivo: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API no disponible", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Este campo es obligatorio.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "URL inválida", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Se requiere una versión mínima de la API Firefly -{requiredVersion} Por favor, actualice.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Código de estado: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Error desconocido.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Ayuda", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Iniciar Sesión", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Cerrar sesión", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Eliminar", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Restablecer inicio de sesión", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Añadir Transacción", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Inténtalo de nuevo", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Cuenta", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Activos", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Balance", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo a {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Factura", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Presupuesto", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Categoría", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Divisa", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "por defecto", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Descartar", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Ingresado", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Error", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Gastos", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Ingresos", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Pasivos", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "múltiple", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "nunca", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Reconciliado", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Restablecer", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Gastado", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Suma", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Objetivo", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Desconocido", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{weekly} monthly{monthly} quarterly{quarterly} halfyear{half-year} yearly{yearly} other{unknown}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Facturas para la próxima semana", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} hasta {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} hasta {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{más de} other{restante}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Presupuestos para el mes actual", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Resumen de la cuenta", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Resumen de categoría para el mes actual", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "promedio de 7 días", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Resumen diario", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Beneficio", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Valor neto", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Ahorrar/Gastar dinero", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Fecha de inicio: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Fecha objetivo: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Vinculado a {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "No se han creado huchas.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "¡Cree alguna en la interfaz web!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Pendiente de ahorrar: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Ahorrado hasta ahora: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Objetivo de ahorro: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Hoja de balance", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Principal", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Huchas", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transacciones", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Listado de filtros", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Mostrar transacciones futuras", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Término de búsqueda", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Seleccionar filtros", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "No se encontraron transacciones.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} categorías", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Se me debe esta deuda", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Le debo esta deuda a otra persona", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Deuda", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Préstamo", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hipoteca", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "Para usar Waterfly III es necesario disponer de un servidor con una instancia de Firefly III o del add-on de Firefly III para Home Assistant.\n\nPor favor, introduzca la URL completa y el token de acceso personal (Ajustes -> Perfil -> OAuth -> Token de Acceso Personal) debajo.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Clave API válida", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "URL del servidor", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Bienvenido a Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas cerrar sesión?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Cuentas", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Categorías", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Panel principal", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Ajustes", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} de {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Puede activar y enviar los registros de depuración desde aquí. Su activación tiene un impacto perjudicial en el rendimiento, así que no los active a no ser que se le haya recomendado. Desactivar los registros elimina los guardados anteriormente.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Crear email", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ATENCIÓN: Se abrirá un borrador de email con los registros de depuración como archivo adjunto (en formato de texto). Los registros pueden contener información sensible, como el nombre del anfitrión de su instancia de Firefly (aunque se ha tratado de no registrar secretos, como la clave API). Por favor, revise los registros cuidadosamente y censure cualquier información que no desea compartir y/o no es relevante para el problema sobre el que quiere informar.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Enviar registros por correo", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Registros de depuración", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Seleccionar idioma", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Seleccionar tema", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Idioma", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Pantalla de bloqueo", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Requerir autenticación al iniciar la aplicación", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Por favor, autentíquese para activar la pantalla de bloqueo.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Cuenta por defecto", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Añadir aplicación", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Haga clic para añadir una aplicación para escuchar. Sólo las aplicaciones elegibles aparecerán en la lista.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Haga algunas transacciones que generen notificaciones en el teléfono para añadir aplicaciones a esta lista. Si la aplicación todavía no aparece, por favor, informe a app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Este servicio permite obtener detalles de la transacción a partir de notificaciones entrantes. Además, puede seleccionar una cuenta por defecto a la que asignar la transacción. Si no se establece ningún valor, trata de extraer la información de la notificación.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Toque para conceder permiso.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permiso no concedido.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Quitar el permiso?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Para desactivar este servicio, haga clic en la aplicación y elimine los permisos en la siguiente pantalla.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Rellenar el título de la transacción con el título de la notificación", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Comprobando estado…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Error comprobando estado: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "El servicio se está ejecutando.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Estado del servicio", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "El servicio está detenido.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Servicio de escucha de notificaciones", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Tema de la aplicación", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Colores dinámicos", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Modo Oscuro} light{Modo Luz} other{Predeterminado del sistema}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Usar la zona horaria del servidor", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Mostrar todas las horas en la zona horaria del servidor. Esto imita el comportamiento de la interfaz web.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Versión de la aplicación", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "comprobando…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Archivos adjuntos", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "¿Seguro que desea eliminar esta transacción?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Eliminar archivo adjunto", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el archivo adjunto?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "No se pudo descargar el archivo.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "No se pudo abrir el archivo: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "No se pudo subir el archivo: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Archivos adjuntos", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Sin factura", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Enlace a la factura", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Seleccionar divisa", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Añadir etiqueta", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Buscar/Añadir etiqueta", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Seleccionar etiquetas", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Duplicado", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Cuenta inválida", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Presupuesto inválido", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Por favor, proporcione un título.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Cuenta de destino", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Cuenta extranjera", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Cuenta propia", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Cuenta de origen", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notas", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Etiquetas", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Título de la transacción", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Añadir transacción dividida", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Cambiar moneda dividida", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Cambiar cuenta de destina dividida", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Eliminar división", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Añadir Transacción", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Eliminar transacción", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Editar Transacción", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Ingreso", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Transferencia", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Retirada", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Archivos adjuntos", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Sin factura", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Enlace a la factura", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Seleccionar divisa", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Añadir etiqueta", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Buscar/Añadir etiqueta", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Seleccionar etiquetas", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Duplicado", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Cuenta inválida", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Presupuesto inválido", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Por favor, proporcione un título.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Cuenta de destino", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Cuenta extranjera", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Cuenta propia", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Cuenta de origen", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notas", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Etiquetas", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Título de la transacción", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Añadir transacción dividida", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Cambiar moneda dividida", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Cambiar cuenta de destina dividida", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Eliminar división", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Añadir Transacción", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Eliminar transacción", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Editar Transacción", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Ingreso", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Transferencia", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Retirada", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb b/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb index d321616a..0e16fd54 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_fa.arb @@ -1,1122 +1,1080 @@ { - "@@locale": "fa", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "کیف پول نقد\n", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "کارت اعتباری", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "حساب دارایی پیش فرض\n", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "حساب پس انداز", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "حساب دارایی مشترک\n", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "حساب های دارایی", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "حساب‌های هزینه", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "بدهی ها", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "حساب‌های درآمد", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% سود به ازای هر {period, select, weekly{هفته} monthly{ماه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سال} other{نامشخص}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "افزودن صورتحساب جدید", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "قبض مطابق با تراکنش‌ها بین {minValue} و {maxvalue} است. تکرارها {frequency, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{، از {skip} گذر می‌کند}}.", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "تغییر چیدمان", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "تغییر ترتیب مرتب‌سازی\n", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "طرح نمای صورتحساب‌ها\n", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "مرتب‌سازی لیست بر اساس", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "ویرایش صورتحساب", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "خطا در بارگیری صورتحساب.\n", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "قبض با تراکنش‌های مبلغ {value} مطابقت دارد. تکرارها {frequency, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{، از {skip} گذر می‌کند}}.", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "تاریخ مورد انتظار: :date\n\n\n\n\n\n", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{، از {skip} گذر می‌کند}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "غیر فعال", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "قبض فعال است\n\n\n\n\n\n", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "صورت‌حساب‌ها در گروه‌های اختصاص داده شده نمایش داده می‌شوند.\n", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "گروه", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "صورت‌حساب‌ها در فهرستی که بر اساس معیارهای خاصی مرتب شده‌اند نمایش داده می‌شوند.\n", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "لیست", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "لیست در حال حاضر خالی است.\n", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "مسابقه بعدی مورد انتظار\n", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "قبض غیرفعال است\n\n\n\n\n\n", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "این دوره انتظار نمی رود\n", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "هیچ تراکنشی یافت نشد", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "پرداخت شده {date}\n", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "الفبایی", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "بر اساس دوره زمانی\n", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{صعودی} descending{نزولی} other{نامشخص}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "فرکانس", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "نام", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "گروه‌بندی نشده", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید این دسته را حذف کنید؟ تراکنش ها حذف نمی شوند، اما دیگر دسته بندی نخواهند داشت.\n", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "خطا در بارگیری دسته‌ها.\n", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "در جمع ماهیانه لحاظ شود\n", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "نام دسته", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "ماه آینده", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "ماه قبل", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "مستثتی شده", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "افزودن دسته", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "حذف دسته", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "ویرایش دسته‌ بندی", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "دیگر", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "پاسخ نامعتبر از API: {message}\n", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API در دسترس نیست\n", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "این فیلد الزامی است.\n", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "گواهی SSL نامعتبر است\n", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "آدرس نامعتبر", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "حداقل نسخه Firefly API v{requiredVersion} مورد نیاز است. لطفا ارتقا دهید.\n", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "کد وضعیت: {code}\n", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "خطای ناشناخته.\n", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "راهنما", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "ورود", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "خروج از سیستم", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "پاک کردن", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "بازنشانی ورود به سیستم\n", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "افزودن تراکنش", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "دوباره سعی کنید", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "حساب", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "دارایی ها", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "مانده حساب", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "موجودی در تاریخ {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "صورت حساب", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "بودجه", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "دسته‌بندی", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "واحدپول", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "پیش فرض", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "نادیده گرفتن", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "به دست آورده", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "خطا", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "هزینه ها", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "درآمد", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "بدهی ها", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "چندتایی", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "هرگز", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "مغایرت گیری شده", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "تنظیم مجدد", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "خرج شده", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "مجموع", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "هدف", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "ناشناخته", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": "({period, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "صورت حساب های هفته آینده\n", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": "({from} تا {to}، {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": "({from} تا {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{از} other{باقیمانده از}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "بودجه ماه جاری", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "خلاصه حساب\n", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "خلاصه دسته برای ماه جاری\n", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "میانگین 7 روز\n", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "خلاصه روزانه", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "دریافتی خالص", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "ارزش خالص\n", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "پس انداز/خرج پول\n", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "تاریخ شروع: {date}\n", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "تاریخ هدف: {date}\n", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "لینک به {account}\n", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "هیچ پس‌اندازی تنظیم نشده است.\n\n", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "مقداری در رابط وب ایجاد کنید!\n", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "باقی مانده برای ذخیره: {amount}\n", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "ذخیره شده تا کنون: {amount}\n", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "مقدار هدف: {amount}\n", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "ترازنامه", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "اصلی", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "صندوق پس‌انداز\n\n\n\n\n\n", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "تراکنش‌ها", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "لیست فیلتر", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "<همه حساب‌ها>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "<همه قبوض>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "<بدون تنظیم صورت حساب>\n", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "<همه بودجه‌ها>\n", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "<بدون تنظیم بودجه>\n", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "<همه دسته‌ها>\n", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "<بدون دسته بندی>\n", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "<همه ارزها>\n", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "نمایش معاملات آتی\n", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "عبارت جستجو", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "فیلترها را انتخاب کنید", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "هیچ تراکنشی یافت نشد", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} دسته\n", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "این بدهی متعلق به من است", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "این بدهی را بدهکارم\n", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "بدهی", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "وام", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "رهن", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "برای استفاده مؤثر از Waterfly III به سرور خود با نمونه Firefly III یا افزونه Firefly III برای Home Assistant نیاز دارید.\n\nلطفاً URL کامل و همچنین یک نشانه دسترسی شخصی (تنظیمات -> نمایه -> OAuth -> رمز دسترسی شخصی) را در زیر وارد کنید.\n", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "کلید API معتبر\n", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "URL میزبان\n", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "به Waterfly III خوش آمدید\n", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "آیا برای خارج شدن مطمئن هستید؟\n", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "حساب‌ها", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "صورت حساب", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "دسته\n", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "داشبورد اصلی\n", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "تنظیمات", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "نه", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "fa", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "کیف پول نقد\n", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "کارت اعتباری", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "حساب دارایی پیش فرض\n", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "حساب پس انداز", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "حساب دارایی مشترک\n", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "حساب های دارایی", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "حساب‌های هزینه", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "بدهی ها", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "حساب‌های درآمد", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% سود به ازای هر {period, select, weekly{هفته} monthly{ماه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سال} other{نامشخص}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} از {of}\n\n\n\n\n\n", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "قبض مطابق با تراکنش‌ها بین {minValue} و {maxvalue} است. تکرارها {frequency, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{، از {skip} گذر می‌کند}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "می‌توانید گزارش‌های اشکال‌زدایی را در اینجا فعال و ارسال کنید. اینها تأثیر بدی بر عملکرد دارند، بنابراین لطفاً آنها را فعال نکنید مگر اینکه به شما توصیه شده باشد. غیرفعال کردن گزارش، گزارش ذخیره شده را حذف می کند.\n", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "ایجاد ایمیل\n", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "\nهشدار: یک پیش‌نویس ایمیل با پیوست فایل گزارش (به فرمت متنی) باز می‌شود. گزارش‌ها ممکن است اطلاعات حساسی را مانند نام میزبان نمونه Firefly شما (هرچند که سعی در ثبت اطلاعات محرمانه مانند کلید API نداریم) شامل شوند. لطفاً با دقت گزارش را مطالعه کرده و هرگونه اطلاعاتی که نمی‌خواهید به اشتراک بگذارید و/یا با موضوع گزارش مرتبط نیست را سانسور کنید.\n\nلطفاً قبل از ارسال هرگونه گزارش، توافق قبلی را از طریق ایمیل/گیت‌هاب برای انجام این کار داشته باشید. هرگونه گزارشی که بدون در نظر گرفتن متن مناسبی برای حریم خصوصی ارسال شود، توسط من به دلایل حفظ حریم خصوصی حذف خواهد شد.هرگز گزارش را بدون سانسور مطلق به گیت‌هاب یا جای دیگری آپلود نکنید.\n\n\n\n\n", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "ارسال گزارش از طریق ایمیل\n", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "گزارش اشکالات", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "انتخاب زبان", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "انتخاب تم", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "زبان", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "صفحه قفل", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "نیاز به احراز هویت در راه اندازی برنامه\n", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "لطفاً برای فعال کردن صفحه قفل، احراز هویت کنید.\n", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "حساب پیش فرض", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "افزودن برنامه\n", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "برای افزودن یک برنامه برای گوش دادن کلیک کنید. فقط برنامه های واجد شرایط در لیست نمایش داده می شوند.\n", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "برخی از تراکنش‌ها را در جایی که اعلان‌های تلفن دریافت می‌کنید انجام دهید تا برنامه‌ها را به این فهرست اضافه کنید. اگر برنامه همچنان نمایش داده نشد، لطفاً آن را به app@vogt.pw گزارش دهید.\n", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "این سرویس به شما امکان می‌دهد جزئیات تراکنش را از اعلان‌های فشار دریافتی دریافت کنید. علاوه بر این، می‌توانید یک حساب پیش فرض را انتخاب کنید که تراکنش باید به آن اختصاص یابد - اگر مقداری تنظیم نشده باشد، سعی می‌کند یک حساب از اعلان استخراج کند.\n", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "برای اعطای مجوز ضربه بزنید.\n", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "مجوز داده نشد", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "مجوز حذف شود؟\n", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "برای غیرفعال کردن این سرویس، روی برنامه کلیک کنید و مجوزها را در صفحه بعدی حذف کنید.\n", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "عنوان تراکنش را با عنوان اعلان از قبل پر کنید\n", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "در حال بررسی وضعیت...", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "خطا در بررسی وضعیت: {error}\n", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "سرویس در حال اجرا است.\n", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "وضعیت سرویس\n", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "سرویس متوقف شده است.\n", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "سرویس شنونده اعلان\n", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "تم برنامه\n", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "رنگ‌های پویا", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{حالت تاریک} light{حالت روشن} other{پیش‌فرض سیستم}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "از منطقه زمانی سرور استفاده کنید\n", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "نمایش همه زمان‌ها در منطقه زمانی سرور. این رفتار رابط وب را تقلید می کند.\n", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "نسخه نرم افزاز", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "چک کردن…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "گواهی SSL سفارشی\n", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "فایل گواهی (PEM)\n", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "پیوست ها", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این تراکنش را حذف کنید؟\n", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "حذف پیوست\n", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیوست را حذف کنید؟\n", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "فایل دانلود نشد\n", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "فایل باز نشد: {error}\n", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "فایل آپلود نشد: {error}\n", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "تغییر چیدمان", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "تغییر ترتیب مرتب‌سازی\n", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "خطا در بارگیری صورتحساب.\n", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "قبض با تراکنش‌های مبلغ {value} مطابقت دارد. تکرارها {frequency, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{، از {skip} گذر می‌کند}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "تاریخ مورد انتظار: :date\n\n\n\n\n\n", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{، از {skip} گذر می‌کند}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "غیر فعال", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "قبض فعال است\n\n\n\n\n\n", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "صورت‌حساب‌ها در گروه‌های اختصاص داده شده نمایش داده می‌شوند.\n", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "گروه", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "صورت‌حساب‌ها در فهرستی که بر اساس معیارهای خاصی مرتب شده‌اند نمایش داده می‌شوند.\n", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "لیست", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "لیست در حال حاضر خالی است.\n", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "مسابقه بعدی مورد انتظار\n", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "قبض غیرفعال است\n\n\n\n\n\n", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "این دوره انتظار نمی رود\n", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "هیچ تراکنشی یافت نشد", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "پرداخت شده {date}\n", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "الفبایی", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "بر اساس دوره زمانی\n", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "فرکانس", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "نام", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "گروه‌بندی نشده", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید این دسته را حذف کنید؟ تراکنش ها حذف نمی شوند، اما دیگر دسته بندی نخواهند داشت.\n", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "خطا در بارگیری دسته‌ها.\n", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "در جمع ماهیانه لحاظ شود\n", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "نام دسته", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "ماه آینده", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "ماه قبل", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "مستثتی شده", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "افزودن دسته", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "حذف دسته", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "ویرایش دسته‌ بندی", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "دیگر", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "پاسخ نامعتبر از API: {message}\n", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API در دسترس نیست\n", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "این فیلد الزامی است.\n", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "آدرس نامعتبر", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "حداقل نسخه Firefly API v{requiredVersion} مورد نیاز است. لطفا ارتقا دهید.\n", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "کد وضعیت: {code}\n", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "خطای ناشناخته.\n", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "راهنما", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "ورود", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "خروج از سیستم", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "پاک کردن", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "بازنشانی ورود به سیستم\n", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "افزودن تراکنش", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "دوباره سعی کنید", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "حساب", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "دارایی ها", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "مانده حساب", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "موجودی در تاریخ {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "صورت حساب", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "بودجه", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "دسته‌بندی", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "واحدپول", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "پیش فرض", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "نادیده گرفتن", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "به دست آورده", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "خطا", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "هزینه ها", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "درآمد", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "بدهی ها", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "چندتایی", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "هرگز", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "مغایرت گیری شده", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "تنظیم مجدد", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "خرج شده", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "مجموع", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "هدف", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "ناشناخته", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": "({period, select, weekly{هفتگی} monthly{ماهیانه} quarterly{سه‌ماهه} halfyear{نیم‌ساله} yearly{سالیانه} other{نامشخص}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "صورت حساب های هفته آینده\n", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": "({from} تا {to}، {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": "({from} تا {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{از} other{باقیمانده از}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "بودجه ماه جاری", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "خلاصه حساب\n", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "خلاصه دسته برای ماه جاری\n", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "میانگین 7 روز\n", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "خلاصه روزانه", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "دریافتی خالص", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "ارزش خالص\n", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "پس انداز/خرج پول\n", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "تاریخ شروع: {date}\n", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "تاریخ هدف: {date}\n", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "لینک به {account}\n", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "هیچ پس‌اندازی تنظیم نشده است.\n\n", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "مقداری در رابط وب ایجاد کنید!\n", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "باقی مانده برای ذخیره: {amount}\n", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "ذخیره شده تا کنون: {amount}\n", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "مقدار هدف: {amount}\n", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "ترازنامه", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "اصلی", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "صندوق پس‌انداز\n\n\n\n\n\n", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "تراکنش‌ها", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "لیست فیلتر", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "<همه حساب‌ها>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "<همه قبوض>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "<بدون تنظیم صورت حساب>\n", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "<همه بودجه‌ها>\n", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "<بدون تنظیم بودجه>\n", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "<همه دسته‌ها>\n", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "<بدون دسته بندی>\n", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "<همه ارزها>\n", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "نمایش معاملات آتی\n", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "عبارت جستجو", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "فیلترها را انتخاب کنید", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "هیچ تراکنشی یافت نشد", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} دسته\n", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "این بدهی متعلق به من است", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "این بدهی را بدهکارم\n", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "بدهی", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "وام", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "رهن", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "برای استفاده مؤثر از Waterfly III به سرور خود با نمونه Firefly III یا افزونه Firefly III برای Home Assistant نیاز دارید.\n\nلطفاً URL کامل و همچنین یک نشانه دسترسی شخصی (تنظیمات -> نمایه -> OAuth -> رمز دسترسی شخصی) را در زیر وارد کنید.\n", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "کلید API معتبر\n", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "URL میزبان\n", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "به Waterfly III خوش آمدید\n", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "آیا برای خارج شدن مطمئن هستید؟\n", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "حساب‌ها", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "صورت حساب", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "دسته\n", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "داشبورد اصلی\n", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "تنظیمات", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "نه", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} از {of}\n\n\n\n\n\n", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "می‌توانید گزارش‌های اشکال‌زدایی را در اینجا فعال و ارسال کنید. اینها تأثیر بدی بر عملکرد دارند، بنابراین لطفاً آنها را فعال نکنید مگر اینکه به شما توصیه شده باشد. غیرفعال کردن گزارش، گزارش ذخیره شده را حذف می کند.\n", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "ایجاد ایمیل\n", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "\nهشدار: یک پیش‌نویس ایمیل با پیوست فایل گزارش (به فرمت متنی) باز می‌شود. گزارش‌ها ممکن است اطلاعات حساسی را مانند نام میزبان نمونه Firefly شما (هرچند که سعی در ثبت اطلاعات محرمانه مانند کلید API نداریم) شامل شوند. لطفاً با دقت گزارش را مطالعه کرده و هرگونه اطلاعاتی که نمی‌خواهید به اشتراک بگذارید و/یا با موضوع گزارش مرتبط نیست را سانسور کنید.\n\nلطفاً قبل از ارسال هرگونه گزارش، توافق قبلی را از طریق ایمیل/گیت‌هاب برای انجام این کار داشته باشید. هرگونه گزارشی که بدون در نظر گرفتن متن مناسبی برای حریم خصوصی ارسال شود، توسط من به دلایل حفظ حریم خصوصی حذف خواهد شد.هرگز گزارش را بدون سانسور مطلق به گیت‌هاب یا جای دیگری آپلود نکنید.\n\n\n\n\n", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "ارسال گزارش از طریق ایمیل\n", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "گزارش اشکالات", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "انتخاب زبان", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "انتخاب تم", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "زبان", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "صفحه قفل", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "نیاز به احراز هویت در راه اندازی برنامه\n", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "لطفاً برای فعال کردن صفحه قفل، احراز هویت کنید.\n", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "حساب پیش فرض", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "افزودن برنامه\n", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "برای افزودن یک برنامه برای گوش دادن کلیک کنید. فقط برنامه های واجد شرایط در لیست نمایش داده می شوند.\n", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "برخی از تراکنش‌ها را در جایی که اعلان‌های تلفن دریافت می‌کنید انجام دهید تا برنامه‌ها را به این فهرست اضافه کنید. اگر برنامه همچنان نمایش داده نشد، لطفاً آن را به app@vogt.pw گزارش دهید.\n", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "این سرویس به شما امکان می‌دهد جزئیات تراکنش را از اعلان‌های فشار دریافتی دریافت کنید. علاوه بر این، می‌توانید یک حساب پیش فرض را انتخاب کنید که تراکنش باید به آن اختصاص یابد - اگر مقداری تنظیم نشده باشد، سعی می‌کند یک حساب از اعلان استخراج کند.\n", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "برای اعطای مجوز ضربه بزنید.\n", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "مجوز داده نشد", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "مجوز حذف شود؟\n", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "برای غیرفعال کردن این سرویس، روی برنامه کلیک کنید و مجوزها را در صفحه بعدی حذف کنید.\n", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "عنوان تراکنش را با عنوان اعلان از قبل پر کنید\n", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "در حال بررسی وضعیت...", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "خطا در بررسی وضعیت: {error}\n", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "سرویس در حال اجرا است.\n", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "وضعیت سرویس\n", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "سرویس متوقف شده است.\n", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "سرویس شنونده اعلان\n", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "تم برنامه\n", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "رنگ‌های پویا", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{حالت تاریک} light{حالت روشن} other{پیش‌فرض سیستم}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "از منطقه زمانی سرور استفاده کنید\n", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "نمایش همه زمان‌ها در منطقه زمانی سرور. این رفتار رابط وب را تقلید می کند.\n", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "نسخه نرم افزاز", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "چک کردن…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "پیوست ها", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این تراکنش را حذف کنید؟\n", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "حذف پیوست\n", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیوست را حذف کنید؟\n", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "فایل دانلود نشد\n", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "فایل باز نشد: {error}\n", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "فایل آپلود نشد: {error}\n", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "پیوست ها", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "بدون صورتحساب\n", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "پیوند به بیل\n", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "واحد پول را انتخاب کنید\n", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "افزودن برچسب", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "جستجو/افزودن برچسب\n", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "برچسب ها را انتخاب کنید", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "کپی کردن", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "حساب نامعتبر", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "بودجه نامعتبر\n", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "لطفا عنوان بفرمایید\n", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "حساب مقصد\n", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "حساب خارجی\n", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "حساب شخصی\n", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "حساب منبع\n", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "یادداشت", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "برچسب ها", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "عنوان معامله\n", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "اضافه کردن تراکنش تقسیم\n", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "ارز تقسیم شده را تغییر دهید\n", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "تغییر حساب هدف تقسیم شده\n", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "حذف تقسیم\n", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "افزودن تراکنش", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "حذف تراکنش\n", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "ویرایش تراکنش\n", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "سپرده", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "انتقال", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "درخواست برداشت", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "پیوست ها", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "بدون صورتحساب\n", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "پیوند به بیل\n", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "واحد پول را انتخاب کنید\n", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "افزودن برچسب", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "جستجو/افزودن برچسب\n", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "برچسب ها را انتخاب کنید", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "کپی کردن", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "حساب نامعتبر", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "بودجه نامعتبر\n", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "لطفا عنوان بفرمایید\n", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "حساب مقصد\n", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "حساب خارجی\n", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "حساب شخصی\n", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "حساب منبع\n", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "یادداشت", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "برچسب ها", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "عنوان معامله\n", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "اضافه کردن تراکنش تقسیم\n", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "ارز تقسیم شده را تغییر دهید\n", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "تغییر حساب هدف تقسیم شده\n", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "حذف تقسیم\n", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "افزودن تراکنش", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "حذف تراکنش\n", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "ویرایش تراکنش\n", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "سپرده", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "انتقال", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "درخواست برداشت", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "بله", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb b/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb index dcd62fde..5de0a118 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_fr.arb @@ -1,1118 +1,1084 @@ { - "@@locale": "fr", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Porte-monnaie", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Carte de crédit", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Compte d'actif par défaut", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Compte d'épargne", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Compte d'actif partagé", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Comptes d'actifs", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Comptes de dépenses", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Passifs", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Comptes de recettes", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% d'intérêts par {period, select, weekly{semaine} monthly{mois} quarterly{trimestre} halfyear{semestre} yearly{année} other{inconnue}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "Ajouter une nouvelle facture", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "La facture correspond aux transactions entre {minValue} et {maxvalue}. Se répète {frequency, select, weekly{toutes les semaines} monthly{tous les mois} quarterly{tous les trimestres} halfyear{tous les six mois} yearly{tous les ans} other{autre}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, ignorer {skip} répétitions}}.", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Modifier la mise en page", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Changer l'ordre de tri", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "Affichage des factures", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "Trier la liste par", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "Modifier la facture", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "Erreur lors du chargement des factures.", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "La facture correspond à des transactions de {value}. Se répète {frequency, select, weekly{toutes les semaines} monthly{tous les mois} quarterly{tous les trimestres} halfyear{tous les six mois} yearly{tous les ans} other{autre}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, ignorer {skip} répétitions}}.", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "Prévu le {date}", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Hebdomadaire} monthly{Mensuelle} quarterly{Trimestrielle} halfyear{Semestrielle} yearly{Annuelle} other{Autre}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Hebdomadaire} monthly{Mensuelle} quarterly{Trimestrielle} halfyear{Semestrielle} yearly{Annuelle} other{Autre}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, ignorer {skip} répétitions}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "Inactive", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "Facture active", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Factures affichées par groupe assigné.", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Groupe", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Factures affichées dans une liste triée selon certains critères.", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "Liste", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "La liste est actuellement vide.", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Prochaine association attendue", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "Facture inactive", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "Non attendu cette période", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "Aucune transaction trouvée.", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "Payée le {date}", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alphabétique", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Par période", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{Ascendant} descending{Descendant} other{Inconnu}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "Fréquence", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "Nom", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "Sans groupe", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie ? Les transactions ne seront pas supprimées, mais n'auront plus de catégorie.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Erreur de chargement des catégories.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Inclure dans le montant mensuel", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "Nom de catégorie", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Le mois prochain", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Le mois précédent", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "exclue", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Ajouter une catégorie", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Supprimer la catégorie", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Modifier la catégorie", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "Autre", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Réponse invalide de l'API : {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API indisponible", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Ce champ est obligatoire.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Certificat SSL invalide", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "URL invalide", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Version minimale de l'API Firefly v{requiredVersion} requise. Veuillez mettre à niveau.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Code d'état : {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Erreur inconnue.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Aide", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Se connecter", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Se déconnecter", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Retirer", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Réinitialiser l'authentification", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Ajouter une opération", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Réessayer", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Compte", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Actifs", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Solde", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Solde au {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Facture", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Budget", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Catégorie", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Devise", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "par défaut", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Annuler", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Gagné", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Erreur", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Dépenses", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Revenus", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Passifs", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "plusieurs", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "jamais", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Rapproché", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Réinitialiser", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Dépensé", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Total", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Objectif", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Inconnu", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{hebdomadaire} monthly{mensuel} quarterly{trimestriel} halfyear{semestriel} yearly{annuel} other{inconnu}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Factures pour la semaine prochaine", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} au {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} au {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{au-dessus de} other{restant sur}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgets du mois en cours", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Résumé des comptes", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Résumé des catégories pour le mois en cours", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Moyenne sur 7 jours", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Résumé quotidien", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Revenus nets", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Avoir net", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Économiser/Dépenser de l'argent", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Date de début : {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Date cible : {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Liée à {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Aucune tirelire n'a été créée.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Créez-en une depuis l'interface Web !", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Reste à économiser : {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Économisé jusqu'à présent : {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Montant cible : {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Bilan", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Accueil", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Tirelires", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Opérations", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Liste de filtres", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Afficher les futures transactions", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Terme de recherche", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Sélectionnez les filtres", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Aucune transaction trouvée.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} catégories", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Afficher les étiquettes dans la liste des transactions", - "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { - "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "On me doit cette dette", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Je dois cette dette", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Dette", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Prêt", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Emprunts", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "Pour utiliser Waterfly III, vous avez besoin de votre propre serveur avec une instance Firefly III ou le module complémentaire Firefly III pour Home Assistant.\n\nVeuillez renseigner l'URL complète ainsi qu'un jeton d'accès personnel (Options -> Profil -> OAuth -> Jetons d'accès personnel) ci-dessous.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Clé API valide", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "URL du serveur", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Bienvenue sur Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Comptes", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "Factures", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Catégories", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Tableau de bord", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Options", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "Non", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "fr", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Porte-monnaie", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Carte de crédit", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Compte d'actif par défaut", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Compte d'épargne", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Compte d'actif partagé", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Comptes d'actifs", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Comptes de dépenses", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Passifs", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Comptes de recettes", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% d'intérêts par {period, select, weekly{semaine} monthly{mois} quarterly{trimestre} halfyear{semestre} yearly{année} other{inconnue}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} sur {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "La facture correspond aux transactions entre {minValue} et {maxvalue}. Se répète {frequency, select, weekly{toutes les semaines} monthly{tous les mois} quarterly{tous les trimestres} halfyear{tous les six mois} yearly{tous les ans} other{autre}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, ignorer {skip} répétitions}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Vous pouvez activer et envoyer les journaux de débogage ici. Ces derniers ont un impact négatif sur les performances, veuillez ne pas les activer à moins que cela ne vous soit demandé. La désactivation de la journalisation supprimera le journal stocké.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Créer un e-mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "AVERTISSEMENT : Un brouillon d'e-mail s'ouvrira avec le fichier journal en pièce jointe (au format texte). Les journaux peuvent contenir des informations sensibles, telles que le nom d'hôte de votre instance Firefly (bien que j'essaie d'éviter de consigner des éléments confidentiels, tels que la clé API). Veuillez lire attentivement le journal et censurer toute information que vous ne souhaitez pas partager et/ou qui n'est pas pertinente par rapport au problème que vous souhaitez signaler.\n\nVeuillez ne pas envoyer de journaux sans accord préalable via e-mail/GitHub. Je supprimerai tous les journaux envoyés sans contexte pour des raisons de confidentialité. N'envoyez jamais de journal non censuré sur GitHub ou ailleurs.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Envoyer les journaux par e-mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Journaux de débogage", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Choisir la langue", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Choisir un thème", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Langage", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Écran de verrouillage", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Exiger une authentification au démarrage de l'application", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Veuillez vous authentifier pour activer l'écran de verrouillage.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Compte par défaut", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Ajouter appli", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Cliquez pour ajouter une application à écouter. Seules les applications éligibles apparaîtront dans la liste.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Effectuez des opérations pour lesquelles vous recevez des notifications sur votre téléphone afin d'ajouter des applications à cette liste. Si l'application ne s'affiche toujours pas, veuillez le signaler à app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Ce service vous permet de récupérer les détails des opérations à partir des notifications push entrantes. De plus, vous pouvez sélectionner un compte par défaut auquel l'opération doit être affectée - si aucune valeur n'est définie, il essaie d'extraire un compte de la notification.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Appuyez pour accorder la permission.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permission non accordée.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Supprimer la permission ?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Pour désactiver ce service, cliquez sur l'application et supprimez les autorisations dans l'écran suivant.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Pré-remplir le titre de la transaction avec le titre de la notification", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Vérification de l'état…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Erreur lors de la vérification de l'état : {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Service en cours d'exécution.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "État du service", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Le service est arrêté.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Service d'écoute des notifications", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Thème de l'appli", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Couleurs dyn.", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Sombre} light{Clair} other{Système}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Utiliser le fuseau horaire du serveur", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Afficher tous les horaires dans le fuseau horaire du serveur. Cela reproduit le comportement de l'interface web.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Version de l’appli", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "vérification…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Pièces jointes", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette opération ?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Supprimer la pièce jointe", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette pièce jointe ?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Impossible de télécharger le fichier.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier : {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Impossible d'envoyer le fichier : {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Modifier la mise en page", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Changer l'ordre de tri", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "Erreur lors du chargement des factures.", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "La facture correspond à des transactions de {value}. Se répète {frequency, select, weekly{toutes les semaines} monthly{tous les mois} quarterly{tous les trimestres} halfyear{tous les six mois} yearly{tous les ans} other{autre}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, ignorer {skip} répétitions}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "Prévu le {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Hebdomadaire} monthly{Mensuelle} quarterly{Trimestrielle} halfyear{Semestrielle} yearly{Annuelle} other{Autre}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Hebdomadaire} monthly{Mensuelle} quarterly{Trimestrielle} halfyear{Semestrielle} yearly{Annuelle} other{Autre}}{skip, plural, one {}=0{} other{, ignorer {skip} répétitions}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "Inactive", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "Facture active", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Factures affichées par groupe assigné.", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Groupe", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Factures affichées dans une liste triée selon certains critères.", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "Liste", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "La liste est actuellement vide.", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Prochaine association attendue", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "Facture inactive", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "Non attendu cette période", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "Aucune transaction trouvée.", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "Payée le {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alphabétique", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Par période", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "Fréquence", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "Nom", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "Sans groupe", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie ? Les transactions ne seront pas supprimées, mais n'auront plus de catégorie.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Erreur de chargement des catégories.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Inclure dans le montant mensuel", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "Nom de catégorie", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Le mois prochain", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Le mois précédent", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "exclue", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Ajouter une catégorie", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Supprimer la catégorie", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Modifier la catégorie", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "Autre", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Réponse invalide de l'API : {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API indisponible", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Ce champ est obligatoire.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "URL invalide", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Version minimale de l'API Firefly v{requiredVersion} requise. Veuillez mettre à niveau.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Code d'état : {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Erreur inconnue.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Aide", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Se connecter", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Se déconnecter", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Retirer", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Réinitialiser l'authentification", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Ajouter une opération", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Réessayer", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Compte", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Actifs", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Solde", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Solde au {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Facture", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Budget", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Catégorie", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Devise", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "par défaut", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Annuler", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Gagné", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Erreur", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Dépenses", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Revenus", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Passifs", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "plusieurs", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "jamais", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Rapproché", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Réinitialiser", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Dépensé", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Total", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Objectif", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Inconnu", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{hebdomadaire} monthly{mensuel} quarterly{trimestriel} halfyear{semestriel} yearly{annuel} other{inconnu}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Factures pour la semaine prochaine", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} au {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} au {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{au-dessus de} other{restant sur}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgets du mois en cours", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Résumé des comptes", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Résumé des catégories pour le mois en cours", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Moyenne sur 7 jours", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Résumé quotidien", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Revenus nets", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Avoir net", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Économiser/Dépenser de l'argent", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Date de début : {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Date cible : {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Liée à {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Aucune tirelire n'a été créée.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Créez-en une depuis l'interface Web !", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Reste à économiser : {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Économisé jusqu'à présent : {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Montant cible : {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Bilan", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Accueil", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Tirelires", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Opérations", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Liste de filtres", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Afficher les futures transactions", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Terme de recherche", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Sélectionnez les filtres", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Aucune transaction trouvée.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} catégories", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Afficher les étiquettes dans la liste des transactions", + "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { + "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "On me doit cette dette", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Je dois cette dette", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Dette", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Prêt", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Emprunts", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "Pour utiliser Waterfly III, vous avez besoin de votre propre serveur avec une instance Firefly III ou le module complémentaire Firefly III pour Home Assistant.\n\nVeuillez renseigner l'URL complète ainsi qu'un jeton d'accès personnel (Options -> Profil -> OAuth -> Jetons d'accès personnel) ci-dessous.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Clé API valide", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "URL du serveur", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Bienvenue sur Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Comptes", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "Factures", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Catégories", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Tableau de bord", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Options", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "Non", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} sur {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Vous pouvez activer et envoyer les journaux de débogage ici. Ces derniers ont un impact négatif sur les performances, veuillez ne pas les activer à moins que cela ne vous soit demandé. La désactivation de la journalisation supprimera le journal stocké.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Créer un e-mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "AVERTISSEMENT : Un brouillon d'e-mail s'ouvrira avec le fichier journal en pièce jointe (au format texte). Les journaux peuvent contenir des informations sensibles, telles que le nom d'hôte de votre instance Firefly (bien que j'essaie d'éviter de consigner des éléments confidentiels, tels que la clé API). Veuillez lire attentivement le journal et censurer toute information que vous ne souhaitez pas partager et/ou qui n'est pas pertinente par rapport au problème que vous souhaitez signaler.\n\nVeuillez ne pas envoyer de journaux sans accord préalable via e-mail/GitHub. Je supprimerai tous les journaux envoyés sans contexte pour des raisons de confidentialité. N'envoyez jamais de journal non censuré sur GitHub ou ailleurs.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Envoyer les journaux par e-mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Journaux de débogage", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Choisir la langue", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Choisir un thème", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Langage", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Écran de verrouillage", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Exiger une authentification au démarrage de l'application", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Veuillez vous authentifier pour activer l'écran de verrouillage.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Compte par défaut", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Ajouter appli", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Cliquez pour ajouter une application à écouter. Seules les applications éligibles apparaîtront dans la liste.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Effectuez des opérations pour lesquelles vous recevez des notifications sur votre téléphone afin d'ajouter des applications à cette liste. Si l'application ne s'affiche toujours pas, veuillez le signaler à app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Ce service vous permet de récupérer les détails des opérations à partir des notifications push entrantes. De plus, vous pouvez sélectionner un compte par défaut auquel l'opération doit être affectée - si aucune valeur n'est définie, il essaie d'extraire un compte de la notification.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Appuyez pour accorder la permission.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permission non accordée.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Supprimer la permission ?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Pour désactiver ce service, cliquez sur l'application et supprimez les autorisations dans l'écran suivant.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Pré-remplir le titre de la transaction avec le titre de la notification", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Vérification de l'état…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Erreur lors de la vérification de l'état : {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Service en cours d'exécution.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "État du service", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Le service est arrêté.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Service d'écoute des notifications", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Thème de l'appli", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Couleurs dyn.", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Sombre} light{Clair} other{Système}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Utiliser le fuseau horaire du serveur", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Afficher tous les horaires dans le fuseau horaire du serveur. Cela reproduit le comportement de l'interface web.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Version de l’appli", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "vérification…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Pièces jointes", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette opération ?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Supprimer la pièce jointe", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette pièce jointe ?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Impossible de télécharger le fichier.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier : {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Impossible d'envoyer le fichier : {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Pièces jointes", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Aucune facture", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Lien vers la facture", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Sélectionnez la devise", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Ajouter une étiquette", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Rechercher/Ajouter une étiquette", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Sélectionnez des étiquettes", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Dupliquer", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Compte non valide", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Budget non valide", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Veuillez indiquer un titre.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Compte destinataire", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Compte externe", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Compte personnel", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Compte source", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notes", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Étiquettes", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Titre de l'opération", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Ajouter une opération fractionnée", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Changer de devise", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Changer de compte cible", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Supprimer l'opération fractionnée", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Ajouter une opération", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Supprimer l'opération", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Modifier l'opération", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Dépôt", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Transfert", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Dépense", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Pièces jointes", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Aucune facture", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Lien vers la facture", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Sélectionnez la devise", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Ajouter une étiquette", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Rechercher/Ajouter une étiquette", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Sélectionnez des étiquettes", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Dupliquer", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Compte non valide", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Budget non valide", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Veuillez indiquer un titre.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Compte destinataire", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Compte externe", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Compte personnel", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Compte source", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Notes", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Étiquettes", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Titre de l'opération", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Ajouter une opération fractionnée", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Changer de devise", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Changer de compte cible", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Supprimer l'opération fractionnée", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Ajouter une opération", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Supprimer l'opération", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Modifier l'opération", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Dépôt", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Transfert", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Dépense", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "Oui", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb b/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb index 58a17cbd..518297a9 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_hu.arb @@ -1,1118 +1,1084 @@ { - "@@locale": "hu", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Készpénz", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Hitelkártya", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Alapértelmezett vagyon számla", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Megtakarítási számla", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Megosztott vagyon számla", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Eszközszámlák", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Költségszámlák", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Kötelezettségek", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Bevételi Számlák", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% kamat per {period, select, weekly{hét} monthly{hónap} quarterly{negyedév} halfyear{félév} yearly{év} other{ismeretlen}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "Új számla létrehozása", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "A számla {minValue} és {maxvalue} közötti értékű tranzakcióknak felel meg. {frequency, select, weekly{Heti} monthly{Havi} quarterly{Negyedéves} halfyear{Féléves} yearly{Éves} other{Ismeretlen}} ismétlődésű{skip, plural, =0{} other{, {skip} ismétlést átugorva}}.", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Elrendezés módosítása", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Rendezési sorrend módosítása", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "Számal nézet elrendezése", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "Listarendezési mód", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "Számla szerkesztése", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "Hiba a számla betöltése során.", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "A számla {value} értékű tranzakcióknak felel meg. {frequency, select, weekly{Heti} monthly{Havi} quarterly{Negyedéves} halfyear{Féléves} yearly{Éves} other{Ismeretlen}} ismétlődésű{skip, plural, =0{} other{, {skip} ismétlést átugorva}}.", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "Várható dátum {date}", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Heti} monthly{Havi} quarterly{Negyedéves} halfyear{Féléves} yearly{Éves} other{Ismeretlen}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Heti} monthly{Havi} quarterly{Negyedéves} halfyear{Féléves} yearly{Éves} other{Ismeretlen}} ismétlődésű{skip, plural, =0{} other{, {skip} ismétlést átugorva}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "Inaktív", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "Aktív számla", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Számlák megjelenítése a hozzájuk rendelt csoportokban.", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Csoport", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Számlák megjelenítése egy listában bizonyos kritériumok szerint rendezve.", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "Lista", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "A lista jelenleg üres.", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Következő várható egyezés", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "Inaktív számla", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "Nem várható ebben az időszakban", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "Nem található tranzakció.", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "Kifizetés dátuma {date}", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "Betűrendi", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Időszak szerint", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{Növekedő} descending{Csökkenő} other{Ismeretlen}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "Gyakoriság", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "Név", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "Csoportosítatlan", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Biztosan törli ezt a kategóriát? A tranzakciók nem kerülnek törlésre, ugyanakkor nem lesznek kategóriához rendelve.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Hiba a kategóriák betöltése során.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Beleszámítani a havi összegbe", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "Kategória neve", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Következő hónap", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Előző hónap", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "nem számított", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Kategória hozzáadása", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Kategória törlése", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Kategória szerkesztése", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "Egyéb", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Érvénytelen válasz az API-tól: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API nem érhető el", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "A mező kitöltése kötelező.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Érvénytelen SSL tanúsítvány", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Érvénytelen URL", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minimális támogatott Firefly API-verzió: v{requiredVersion}. Kérjük, frissítsen.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Státusz kód: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Ismeretlen hiba.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Súgó", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Bejelentkezés", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Kijelentkezés", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Eltávolítás", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "A bejelentkezés visszaállítása", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Tranzakció Hozzáadása", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Próbálja újra", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Számla", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Vagyonok", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Egyenleg", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Egyenleg ekkor: {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Számla", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Költségkeret", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Kategória", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Pénznem", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "alapértelmezett", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Elvetés", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Megkeresett", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Hiba", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Kiadások", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Bevétel", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Kötelezettségek", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "több", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "soha", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Egyeztetve", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Visszaállítás", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Elköltött", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Összesen", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Cél", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Ismeretlen", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{heti} monthly{havi} quarterly{negyedéves} halfyear{féléves} yearly{éves} other{ismeretlen}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Számlák a következő hétre", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " (Ettől: {from} eddig: {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " (Ettől: {from} eddig: {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{többletköltség a} other{maradt a}} {available} {status, select, over{limithez képest} other{limitből}}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Költségkeretek erre a hónapra", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Számla Áttekintése", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategória összefoglaló az aktuális hónapra", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 napi átlag", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Napi Összefoglaló", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Nettó Kereset", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettó Érték", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Pénz megtakarítása/költése", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Kezdés dátuma: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Céldátum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Összekapcsolva a következővel: {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Még nincsenek malacperselyek.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Hozzon létre néhányat a webes felületen!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Megtakarításra váró összeg: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Eddig megtakarított összeg: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Célösszeg: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Mérleg", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Kezdőlap", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Malacperselyek", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Tranzakciók", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Szűrő lista", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "<Összes Számla>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "<Összes Számla>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "<Összes Költségkeret>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "<Összes Kategória>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "<Összes Pénznem>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Jövőbeli tranzakciók megjelenítése", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Keresési Kifejezés", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Szűrők kiválasztása", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Nem található tranzakció.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategória", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Címkék megjelenítése a tranzakciós listában", - "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { - "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Tartoznak nekem ezzel az adóssággal", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Tartozom ezzel az adóssággal", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Adósság", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Kölcsön", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Jelzálog", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "A Waterfly III hatékony használatához saját szerveren futtatott Firefly III-ra vagy Firefly III kiegészítővel ellátott Home Assistant-re van szükség.\n\nKérjük, adja meg alább a teljes URL-t, valamint egy személyes hozzáférési tokent (Beállítások -> Profil -> OAuth -> Személyes hozzáférési tokenek).", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Érvényes API kulcs", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "Szerver URL", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Üdvözöljük a Waterfly III-ban", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Biztos, hogy ki szeretne jelentkezni?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Fiókok", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "Számlák", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Kategóriák", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Főoldal", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Beállítások", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "Nem", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "hu", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Készpénz", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Hitelkártya", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Alapértelmezett vagyon számla", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Megtakarítási számla", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Megosztott vagyon számla", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Eszközszámlák", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Költségszámlák", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Kötelezettségek", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Bevételi Számlák", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% kamat per {period, select, weekly{hét} monthly{hónap} quarterly{negyedév} halfyear{félév} yearly{év} other{ismeretlen}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{of} {perc}-a", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "A számla {minValue} és {maxvalue} közötti értékű tranzakcióknak felel meg. {frequency, select, weekly{Heti} monthly{Havi} quarterly{Negyedéves} halfyear{Féléves} yearly{Éves} other{Ismeretlen}} ismétlődésű{skip, plural, =0{} other{, {skip} ismétlést átugorva}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Itt engedélyezheti és küldheti el a hibakeresési naplókat. A naplók gyűjtése rossz hatással van a teljesítményre, ezért kérjük, ne engedélyezze őket, hacsak nem kapott erre javaslatot. A naplózás letiltása törli a tárolt naplót.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Levél Létrehozása", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "FIGYELMEZTETÉS: Egy levél piszkozat fog megnyílni a csatolt naplófájllal (szöveg formátumban). A naplók érzékeny információkat tartalmazhatnak, például a Firefly-példány gazdagépnevét (bár igyekszem elkerülni a titkok, például az API-kulcs naplózását). Kérjük, figyelmesen olvassa el a naplót, és cenzúrázzon minden olyan információt, amelyet nem szeretne megosztani, és/vagy nem kapcsolódik a jelenteni kívánt problémához.\n\nKérjük, ne küldjön naplókat előzetes egyeztetés nélkül e-mailben/GitHubon keresztül. Adatvédelmi okokból törlöm a kontextus nélkül küldött naplókat. Soha ne töltse fel a naplót cenzúrázatlanul a GitHub-ra vagy máshová.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Naplók küldése e-mailben", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Hibakeresési Naplók", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Nyelv Kiválasztása", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Téma Kiválasztása", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Nyelv", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Zárképernyő", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Hitelesítés szükséges az alkalmazás indításakor", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "A lezárási képernyő engedélyezéséhez hitelesítsen.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Alapértelmezett Számla", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Alkalmazás Hozzáadása", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Kattintson a figyelni kívánt alkalmazás hozzáadásához. Csak az erre jogosult alkalmazások jelennek meg a listában.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Egy alkalmazás ezen listához adásához indítson olyan tranzakciókat amelyek telefonértesítéseket generálnak. Ha az alkalmazás továbbra sem jelenik meg, kérjük, jelentse az app@vogt.pw email címre írva.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Ez a szolgáltatás lehetővé teszi a tranzakció részleteinek lekérését a bejövő értesítésekből. Továbbá kiválaszthat egy alapértelmezett számlát, amelyhez a tranzakciót hozzá kívánja rendelni - amennyiben ez nincs beállítva, akkor a szolgáltatás az értesítés szövegéből kisérli meg annak kinyerését.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Koppintson az engedélyezéshez.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Hozzáférés megtagadva.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Eltávolítja a jogosultságot?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "A szolgáltatás letiltásához kattintson az alkalmazásra, majd távolítsa el az engedélyeket a következő képernyőn.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "A tranzakció leírásának előzetes kitöltése az értesítés címével", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Állapot ellenőrzése…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Hibaellenőrzés állapota: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "A szolgáltatás fut.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Szolgáltatás Állapota", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "A szolgáltatás leállt.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Értesítés Figyelő Szolgáltatás", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Alkalmazás Téma", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dinamikus Színek", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Sötét} light{Világos} other{Alapértelmezett}}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Használja a szerver időzónáját", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Minden időpont megjelenítése a szerver időzónájában. Ez a webes felület viselkedését utánozza.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Alkalmazás Verzió", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "ellenőrzés…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Mellékletek", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Biztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a tranzakciót?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Melléklet Törlése", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Biztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a mellékletet?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Nem sikerült letölteni a fájlt.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Nem sikerült megnyitni a fájlt: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Nem sikerült feltölteni a fájlt: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Elrendezés módosítása", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Rendezési sorrend módosítása", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "Hiba a számla betöltése során.", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "A számla {value} értékű tranzakcióknak felel meg. {frequency, select, weekly{Heti} monthly{Havi} quarterly{Negyedéves} halfyear{Féléves} yearly{Éves} other{Ismeretlen}} ismétlődésű{skip, plural, =0{} other{, {skip} ismétlést átugorva}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "Várható dátum {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Heti} monthly{Havi} quarterly{Negyedéves} halfyear{Féléves} yearly{Éves} other{Ismeretlen}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Heti} monthly{Havi} quarterly{Negyedéves} halfyear{Féléves} yearly{Éves} other{Ismeretlen}} ismétlődésű{skip, plural, =0{} other{, {skip} ismétlést átugorva}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "Inaktív", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "Aktív számla", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Számlák megjelenítése a hozzájuk rendelt csoportokban.", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Csoport", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Számlák megjelenítése egy listában bizonyos kritériumok szerint rendezve.", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "Lista", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "A lista jelenleg üres.", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Következő várható egyezés", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "Inaktív számla", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "Nem várható ebben az időszakban", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "Nem található tranzakció.", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "Kifizetés dátuma {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "Betűrendi", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Időszak szerint", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "Gyakoriság", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "Név", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "Csoportosítatlan", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Biztosan törli ezt a kategóriát? A tranzakciók nem kerülnek törlésre, ugyanakkor nem lesznek kategóriához rendelve.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Hiba a kategóriák betöltése során.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Beleszámítani a havi összegbe", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "Kategória neve", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Következő hónap", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Előző hónap", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "nem számított", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Kategória hozzáadása", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Kategória törlése", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Kategória szerkesztése", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "Egyéb", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Érvénytelen válasz az API-tól: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API nem érhető el", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "A mező kitöltése kötelező.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Érvénytelen URL", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minimális támogatott Firefly API-verzió: v{requiredVersion}. Kérjük, frissítsen.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Státusz kód: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Ismeretlen hiba.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Súgó", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Bejelentkezés", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Kijelentkezés", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Eltávolítás", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "A bejelentkezés visszaállítása", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Tranzakció Hozzáadása", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Próbálja újra", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Számla", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Vagyonok", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Egyenleg", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Egyenleg ekkor: {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Számla", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Költségkeret", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Kategória", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Pénznem", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "alapértelmezett", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Elvetés", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Megkeresett", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Hiba", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Kiadások", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Bevétel", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Kötelezettségek", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "több", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "soha", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Egyeztetve", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Visszaállítás", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Elköltött", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Összesen", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Cél", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Ismeretlen", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{heti} monthly{havi} quarterly{negyedéves} halfyear{féléves} yearly{éves} other{ismeretlen}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Számlák a következő hétre", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " (Ettől: {from} eddig: {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " (Ettől: {from} eddig: {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{többletköltség a} other{maradt a}} {available} {status, select, over{limithez képest} other{limitből}}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Költségkeretek erre a hónapra", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Számla Áttekintése", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategória összefoglaló az aktuális hónapra", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 napi átlag", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Napi Összefoglaló", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Nettó Kereset", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettó Érték", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Pénz megtakarítása/költése", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Kezdés dátuma: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Céldátum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Összekapcsolva a következővel: {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Még nincsenek malacperselyek.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Hozzon létre néhányat a webes felületen!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Megtakarításra váró összeg: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Eddig megtakarított összeg: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Célösszeg: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Mérleg", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Kezdőlap", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Malacperselyek", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Tranzakciók", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Szűrő lista", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "<Összes Számla>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "<Összes Számla>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "<Összes Költségkeret>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "<Összes Kategória>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "<Összes Pénznem>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Jövőbeli tranzakciók megjelenítése", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Keresési Kifejezés", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Szűrők kiválasztása", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Nem található tranzakció.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategória", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Címkék megjelenítése a tranzakciós listában", + "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { + "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Tartoznak nekem ezzel az adóssággal", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Tartozom ezzel az adóssággal", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Adósság", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Kölcsön", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Jelzálog", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "A Waterfly III hatékony használatához saját szerveren futtatott Firefly III-ra vagy Firefly III kiegészítővel ellátott Home Assistant-re van szükség.\n\nKérjük, adja meg alább a teljes URL-t, valamint egy személyes hozzáférési tokent (Beállítások -> Profil -> OAuth -> Személyes hozzáférési tokenek).", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Érvényes API kulcs", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "Szerver URL", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Üdvözöljük a Waterfly III-ban", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Biztos, hogy ki szeretne jelentkezni?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Fiókok", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "Számlák", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Kategóriák", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Főoldal", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Beállítások", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "Nem", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{of} {perc}-a", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Itt engedélyezheti és küldheti el a hibakeresési naplókat. A naplók gyűjtése rossz hatással van a teljesítményre, ezért kérjük, ne engedélyezze őket, hacsak nem kapott erre javaslatot. A naplózás letiltása törli a tárolt naplót.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Levél Létrehozása", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "FIGYELMEZTETÉS: Egy levél piszkozat fog megnyílni a csatolt naplófájllal (szöveg formátumban). A naplók érzékeny információkat tartalmazhatnak, például a Firefly-példány gazdagépnevét (bár igyekszem elkerülni a titkok, például az API-kulcs naplózását). Kérjük, figyelmesen olvassa el a naplót, és cenzúrázzon minden olyan információt, amelyet nem szeretne megosztani, és/vagy nem kapcsolódik a jelenteni kívánt problémához.\n\nKérjük, ne küldjön naplókat előzetes egyeztetés nélkül e-mailben/GitHubon keresztül. Adatvédelmi okokból törlöm a kontextus nélkül küldött naplókat. Soha ne töltse fel a naplót cenzúrázatlanul a GitHub-ra vagy máshová.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Naplók küldése e-mailben", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Hibakeresési Naplók", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Nyelv Kiválasztása", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Téma Kiválasztása", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Nyelv", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Zárképernyő", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Hitelesítés szükséges az alkalmazás indításakor", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "A lezárási képernyő engedélyezéséhez hitelesítsen.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Alapértelmezett Számla", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Alkalmazás Hozzáadása", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Kattintson a figyelni kívánt alkalmazás hozzáadásához. Csak az erre jogosult alkalmazások jelennek meg a listában.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Egy alkalmazás ezen listához adásához indítson olyan tranzakciókat amelyek telefonértesítéseket generálnak. Ha az alkalmazás továbbra sem jelenik meg, kérjük, jelentse az app@vogt.pw email címre írva.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Ez a szolgáltatás lehetővé teszi a tranzakció részleteinek lekérését a bejövő értesítésekből. Továbbá kiválaszthat egy alapértelmezett számlát, amelyhez a tranzakciót hozzá kívánja rendelni - amennyiben ez nincs beállítva, akkor a szolgáltatás az értesítés szövegéből kisérli meg annak kinyerését.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Koppintson az engedélyezéshez.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Hozzáférés megtagadva.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Eltávolítja a jogosultságot?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "A szolgáltatás letiltásához kattintson az alkalmazásra, majd távolítsa el az engedélyeket a következő képernyőn.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "A tranzakció leírásának előzetes kitöltése az értesítés címével", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Állapot ellenőrzése…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Hibaellenőrzés állapota: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "A szolgáltatás fut.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Szolgáltatás Állapota", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "A szolgáltatás leállt.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Értesítés Figyelő Szolgáltatás", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Alkalmazás Téma", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dinamikus Színek", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Sötét} light{Világos} other{Alapértelmezett}}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Használja a szerver időzónáját", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Minden időpont megjelenítése a szerver időzónájában. Ez a webes felület viselkedését utánozza.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Alkalmazás Verzió", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "ellenőrzés…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Mellékletek", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Biztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a tranzakciót?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Melléklet Törlése", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Biztos benne, hogy törölni szeretné ezt a mellékletet?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Nem sikerült letölteni a fájlt.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Nem sikerült megnyitni a fájlt: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Nem sikerült feltölteni a fájlt: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Mellékletek", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Nincs számla", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Számlához Rendelés", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Pénznem kiválasztása", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Címke hozzáadása", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Címke keresése/hozzáadása", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Címke kiválasztása", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Duplikálás", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Érvénytelen Számla", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Érvénytelen Költségkeret", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Kérjük, adjon meg egy leírást.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Célszámla", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Külföldi számla", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Saját számla", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Forrás számla", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Jegyzetek", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Címkék", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Tranzakció Leírása", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Osztott tranzakció hozzáadása", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Felosztás Pénznemének Megváltoztatása", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Felosztás Célszámlájának Megváltoztatása", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Felosztás törlése", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Tranzakció Hozzáadása", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Tranzakció Törlése", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Tranzakció Szerkesztése", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Bevétel", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Átvezetés", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Költség", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Mellékletek", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Nincs számla", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Számlához Rendelés", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Pénznem kiválasztása", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Címke hozzáadása", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Címke keresése/hozzáadása", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Címke kiválasztása", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Duplikálás", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Érvénytelen Számla", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Érvénytelen Költségkeret", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Kérjük, adjon meg egy leírást.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Célszámla", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Külföldi számla", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Saját számla", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Forrás számla", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Jegyzetek", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Címkék", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Tranzakció Leírása", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Osztott tranzakció hozzáadása", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Felosztás Pénznemének Megváltoztatása", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Felosztás Célszámlájának Megváltoztatása", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Felosztás törlése", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Tranzakció Hozzáadása", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Tranzakció Törlése", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Tranzakció Szerkesztése", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Bevétel", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Átvezetés", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Költség", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "Igen", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_id.arb b/lib/l10n/app_id.arb index 945b1d67..ebb1d36b 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_id.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_id.arb @@ -73,10 +73,6 @@ "@errorFieldRequired": { "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Sertifikat SSL tidak Valid", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, "errorInvalidURL": "URL tidak Valid", "@errorInvalidURL": { "description": "Error: URL is invalid" @@ -659,14 +655,6 @@ "@settingsVersionChecking": { "description": "Shown while checking for app version" }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Sertifikat SSL Kustom", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "File Sertifikat (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, "transactionAttachments": "Lampiran", "@transactionAttachments": { "description": "Button Label: Attachments" diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_it.arb b/lib/l10n/app_it.arb index 14ef21a3..3edf6c4a 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_it.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_it.arb @@ -1,866 +1,854 @@ { - "@@locale": "it", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Portafoglio contanti", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Carta di credito", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Conto attività predefinito", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Conto risparmi", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Conto attività condiviso", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Conti attività", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Conti uscite", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Passività", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Conti entrate", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% di interesse per {period, select, weekly{settimana} monthly{mese} quarterly{trimestre} halfyear{semestre} yearly{anno} other{sconosciuto}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "catOther": "Altro", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Risposta non valida dall'API: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API non raggiungibile", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Questo campo è obbligatorio.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Certificato SSL non valido", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "URL non valido", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "È richiesta almeno la versione API v{requiredVersion} su Firefly. Per favore, aggiornare.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Codice di stato: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Errore sconosciuto.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Aiuto", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Accedi", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Esci", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Rimuovi", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Reimposta accesso", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Aggiungi transazione", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Riprova", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Conto", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Attività", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Saldo", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo al {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Bolletta", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Bilancio", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Categoria", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Valuta", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "predefinito", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Ignora", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalError": "Errore", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Spese", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Entrate", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Passività", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "molteplice", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "mai", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Contabilizzato", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Reimposta", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSum": "Totale", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Obiettivo", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Sconosciuto", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{settimanale} monthly{mensile} quarterly{trimestrale} halfyear{semestrale} yearly{annuale} other{sconosciuto}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Bollette per la prossima settimana", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " (da {from} a {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " (da {from} al {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{su} other{rimanente da}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Bilanci per il mese corrente", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Riepilogo conti", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Riepilogo categorie per il mese corrente", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Media di 7 giorni", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Riepilogo giornaliero", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Utili netti", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Patrimonio", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Risparmia/Spendi Denaro", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Data inizio: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Data termine: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Collegato a {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Nessun salvadanaio impostato.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Creane alcuni dall'interfaccia web!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Da risparmiare: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Risparmiato finora: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Importo obiettivo: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Bilancio", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Principale", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Salvadanai", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transazioni", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Elenco Filtri", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Mostra transazioni future", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Termine di ricerca", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Seleziona filtri", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Nessuna transazione trovata.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} categorie", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Questo debito mi è dovuto", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Ho questo debito", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Debito", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Prestito", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Mutuo", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "Per utilizzare Waterfly III produttivamente è necessario il proprio server con un'istanza di Firefly III o l'add-on di Firefly III per Home Assistant.\n\nInserisci l'URL completo e un token di accesso personale (Opzioni -> Profilo -> OAuth -> Token di accesso personale) qui sotto.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Chiave API valida", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "URL del server", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Benvenuto su Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Sei sicuro di volerti disconnettere?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Conti", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationMain": "Dashboard principale", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Impostazioni", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "it", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Portafoglio contanti", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Carta di credito", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Conto attività predefinito", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Conto risparmi", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Conto attività condiviso", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Conti attività", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Conti uscite", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Passività", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Conti entrate", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% di interesse per {period, select, weekly{settimana} monthly{mese} quarterly{trimestre} halfyear{semestre} yearly{anno} other{sconosciuto}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} di {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "catOther": "Altro", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Risposta non valida dall'API: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Qui puoi abilitare il registro di debug e inviarlo. Questo ha un impatto significativo sulle prestazioni, quindi non attivarlo a meno che non venga suggerito di farlo. Disabilitare il registro cancellerà quello memorizzato in precedenza.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Crea E-mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ATTENZIONE: Si aprirà una bozza di e-mail con il file di registro allegato (in formato testuale). I registri potrebbero contenere informazioni sensibili, come il nome host della tua istanza di Firefly (anche se cerco di evitare la registrazione di qualsiasi segreto, come la chiave API). Si prega di leggere attentamente il registro e censurare qualsiasi informazione che non si desidera condividere e/o non è rilevante per il problema che si desidera segnalare.\n\nPer favore non inviare il registro senza previo accordo via e-mail/GitHub. Eliminerò tutti i registri inviati senza contesto per motivi di privacy. Non caricare mai il registro senza censura su GitHub o altrove.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Invia registro via e-mail", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Registro di debug", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Seleziona Lingua", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Seleziona Tema", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Lingua", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Schermata di blocco", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Richiedi l'autenticazione all'avvio dell'app", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Si prega di autenticarsi per abilitare la schermata di blocco.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Conto Predefinito", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Aggiungi App", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Tocca per aggiungere un'app di cui leggere le notifiche. Solo le app idonee verranno visualizzate nella lista.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Effettua alcune transazioni per le quali ricevi notifiche sullo smartphone per aggiungere app a questo elenco. Se l'app che cerchi non è comunque presente, si prega di segnalarla ad app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Questo servizio consente di recuperare i dettagli delle transazioni dalle notifiche push che ricevi. Inoltre, è possibile selezionare un account predefinito a cui la transazione dovrebbe essere assegnata - se non è impostato alcun valore, il servizio cerca di estrarre un account dal testo della notifica.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tocca per concedere i permessi.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permesso non concesso.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Rimuovere il permesso?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Per disabilitare questo servizio, fare clic sull'app e rimuovi i permessi nella schermata successiva.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Compila il titolo della transazione con il titolo della notifica", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Controllo dello stato…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Errore nel controllo dello stato: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Servizio in esecuzione.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Stato del Servizio", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Il servizio è interrotto.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Servizio di Lettura Notifiche", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Tema App", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Colori Dinamici", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Modalità Scura} light{Modalità Chiara} other{Predefinito di sistema}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Usa fuso orario del server", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Mostra tutti gli orari nel fuso orario del server. Questo simula il comportamento dell'interfaccia web.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Versione App", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "verifica…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Certificato SSL personalizzato", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "File del Certificato (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Allegati", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Confermare l'eliminazione della transazione?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Elimina Allegato", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Confermare l'eliminazione dell'allegato?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Impossibile scaricare il file.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Impossibile aprire il file: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Impossibile caricare il file: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API non raggiungibile", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Questo campo è obbligatorio.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "URL non valido", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "È richiesta almeno la versione API v{requiredVersion} su Firefly. Per favore, aggiornare.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Codice di stato: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Errore sconosciuto.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Aiuto", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Accedi", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Esci", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Rimuovi", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Reimposta accesso", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Aggiungi transazione", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Riprova", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Conto", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Attività", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Saldo", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo al {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Bolletta", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Bilancio", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Categoria", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Valuta", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "predefinito", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Ignora", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalError": "Errore", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Spese", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Entrate", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Passività", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "molteplice", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "mai", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Contabilizzato", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Reimposta", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSum": "Totale", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Obiettivo", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Sconosciuto", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{settimanale} monthly{mensile} quarterly{trimestrale} halfyear{semestrale} yearly{annuale} other{sconosciuto}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Bollette per la prossima settimana", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " (da {from} a {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " (da {from} al {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{su} other{rimanente da}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Bilanci per il mese corrente", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Riepilogo conti", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Riepilogo categorie per il mese corrente", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Media di 7 giorni", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Riepilogo giornaliero", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Utili netti", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Patrimonio", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Risparmia/Spendi Denaro", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Data inizio: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Data termine: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Collegato a {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Nessun salvadanaio impostato.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Creane alcuni dall'interfaccia web!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Da risparmiare: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Risparmiato finora: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Importo obiettivo: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Bilancio", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Principale", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Salvadanai", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transazioni", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Elenco Filtri", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Mostra transazioni future", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Termine di ricerca", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Seleziona filtri", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Nessuna transazione trovata.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} categorie", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Questo debito mi è dovuto", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Ho questo debito", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Debito", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Prestito", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Mutuo", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "Per utilizzare Waterfly III produttivamente è necessario il proprio server con un'istanza di Firefly III o l'add-on di Firefly III per Home Assistant.\n\nInserisci l'URL completo e un token di accesso personale (Opzioni -> Profilo -> OAuth -> Token di accesso personale) qui sotto.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Chiave API valida", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "URL del server", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Benvenuto su Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Sei sicuro di volerti disconnettere?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Conti", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationMain": "Dashboard principale", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Impostazioni", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} di {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Qui puoi abilitare il registro di debug e inviarlo. Questo ha un impatto significativo sulle prestazioni, quindi non attivarlo a meno che non venga suggerito di farlo. Disabilitare il registro cancellerà quello memorizzato in precedenza.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Crea E-mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ATTENZIONE: Si aprirà una bozza di e-mail con il file di registro allegato (in formato testuale). I registri potrebbero contenere informazioni sensibili, come il nome host della tua istanza di Firefly (anche se cerco di evitare la registrazione di qualsiasi segreto, come la chiave API). Si prega di leggere attentamente il registro e censurare qualsiasi informazione che non si desidera condividere e/o non è rilevante per il problema che si desidera segnalare.\n\nPer favore non inviare il registro senza previo accordo via e-mail/GitHub. Eliminerò tutti i registri inviati senza contesto per motivi di privacy. Non caricare mai il registro senza censura su GitHub o altrove.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Invia registro via e-mail", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Registro di debug", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Seleziona Lingua", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Seleziona Tema", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Lingua", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Schermata di blocco", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Richiedi l'autenticazione all'avvio dell'app", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Si prega di autenticarsi per abilitare la schermata di blocco.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Conto Predefinito", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Aggiungi App", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Tocca per aggiungere un'app di cui leggere le notifiche. Solo le app idonee verranno visualizzate nella lista.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Effettua alcune transazioni per le quali ricevi notifiche sullo smartphone per aggiungere app a questo elenco. Se l'app che cerchi non è comunque presente, si prega di segnalarla ad app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Questo servizio consente di recuperare i dettagli delle transazioni dalle notifiche push che ricevi. Inoltre, è possibile selezionare un account predefinito a cui la transazione dovrebbe essere assegnata - se non è impostato alcun valore, il servizio cerca di estrarre un account dal testo della notifica.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tocca per concedere i permessi.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Permesso non concesso.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Rimuovere il permesso?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Per disabilitare questo servizio, fare clic sull'app e rimuovi i permessi nella schermata successiva.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Compila il titolo della transazione con il titolo della notifica", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Controllo dello stato…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Errore nel controllo dello stato: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Servizio in esecuzione.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Stato del Servizio", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Il servizio è interrotto.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Servizio di Lettura Notifiche", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Tema App", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Colori Dinamici", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Modalità Scura} light{Modalità Chiara} other{Predefinito di sistema}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Usa fuso orario del server", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Mostra tutti gli orari nel fuso orario del server. Questo simula il comportamento dell'interfaccia web.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Versione App", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "verifica…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Allegati", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Confermare l'eliminazione della transazione?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Elimina Allegato", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Confermare l'eliminazione dell'allegato?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Impossibile scaricare il file.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Impossibile aprire il file: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Impossibile caricare il file: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Allegati", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Nessuna bolletta", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Collega a bolletta", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Seleziona la valuta", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Aggiungi Etichetta", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Ricerca/Aggiungi Etichetta", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Seleziona etichette", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Duplica", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Conto non valido", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Bilancio non valido", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Si prega di fornire un titolo.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Conto di destinazione", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Conto esterno", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Conto personale", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Conto di origine", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Note", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Etichette", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Titolo Transazione", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Aggiungi transazione suddivisa", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Modifica Valuta Suddivisa", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Modifica conto destinazione suddivisa", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Elimina suddivisione", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Aggiungi transazione", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Elimina Transazione", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Modifica Transazione", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Deposito", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Trasferimento", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Prelievo", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Allegati", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Nessuna bolletta", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Collega a bolletta", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Seleziona la valuta", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Aggiungi Etichetta", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Ricerca/Aggiungi Etichetta", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Seleziona etichette", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Duplica", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Conto non valido", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Bilancio non valido", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Si prega di fornire un titolo.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Conto di destinazione", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Conto esterno", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Conto personale", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Conto di origine", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Note", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Etichette", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Titolo Transazione", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Aggiungi transazione suddivisa", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Modifica Valuta Suddivisa", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Modifica conto destinazione suddivisa", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Elimina suddivisione", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Aggiungi transazione", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Elimina Transazione", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Modifica Transazione", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Deposito", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Trasferimento", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Prelievo", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb b/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb index e09082f8..1780c538 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_pl.arb @@ -73,10 +73,6 @@ "@errorFieldRequired": { "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Nieprawidłowy Certyfikat SSL", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, "errorInvalidURL": "Nieprawidłowy adres URL", "@errorInvalidURL": { "description": "Error: URL is invalid" @@ -633,14 +629,6 @@ "@settingsVersionChecking": { "description": "Shown while checking for app version" }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Niestandardowy certyfikat SSL", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Plik certyfikatu (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, "transactionAttachments": "Załączniki", "@transactionAttachments": { "description": "Button Label: Attachments" diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb b/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb index 8c37bd91..bb57a57e 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_pt.arb @@ -72,10 +72,6 @@ "@errorFieldRequired": { "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Certificado SSL Inválido", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, "errorInvalidURL": "URL inválida", "@errorInvalidURL": { "description": "Error: URL is invalid" @@ -584,14 +580,6 @@ "@settingsVersionChecking": { "description": "Shown while checking for app version" }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Certificado SSL personalizado", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Arquivo de Certificado (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, "transactionAttachments": "Anexos", "@transactionAttachments": { "description": "Button Label: Attachments" diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb b/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb index bdfc18fb..b4a40b1c 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_ro.arb @@ -72,10 +72,6 @@ "@errorFieldRequired": { "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Certificat SSL invalid", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, "errorInvalidURL": "URL invalid", "@errorInvalidURL": { "description": "Error: URL is invalid" @@ -580,14 +576,6 @@ "@settingsVersionChecking": { "description": "Shown while checking for app version" }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Certificat SSL personalizat", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Fișier certificat (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, "transactionAttachments": "Atașamente", "@transactionAttachments": { "description": "Button Label: Attachments" diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb b/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb index 9a9ee90f..80ad436d 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_ru.arb @@ -1,910 +1,898 @@ { - "@@locale": "ru", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Денежный кошелек", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Кредитная карта", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Счёт по умолчанию", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Сберегательный счет", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Общий основной счёт", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Счета активов", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Счета расходов", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Обязательства", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Счета учета доходов", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% за {period, select, weekly{неделя} monthly{месяц} quarterly{квартал} halfyear{полугодие} yearly{год} other{неизвестно}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить категорию? Транзакции, входящие в нее, удалены не будут, они просто останутся без категории.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Ошибка загрузки категорий.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Добавить категорию", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "След. месяц", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Пред. месяц", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Удалить категорию", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Изменить категорию", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catOther": "Прочее", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "catNone": "<без категории>", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Неверный ответ API: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API недоступен", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Обязательное поле.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Неверный SSL сертификат", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Неверный URL-адрес", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Минимально требуемая версия Firefly API {requiredVersion}. Пожалуйста, выполните обновление.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Код ошибки: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Неизвестная ошибка.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Помощь", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Вход", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Выход", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Убрать", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Сбросить логин", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Добавить транзакцию", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Попробовать снова", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Аккаунт", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Активы", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Баланс", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Баланс на {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Счет", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Бюджет", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Категория", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Валюта", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "по умолчанию", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Отмена", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Заработано", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Ошибка", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Расходы", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Доходы", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Обязательства", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "множественные", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "никогда", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Согласованный", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Сбросить", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Потрачено", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Сумма", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Цель", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Неизвестно", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select,weekly{еженедельно} monthly{ежемесячно} quarterly{ежеквартально} halfyear{каждые полгода} yearly{ежегодно} other{неизвестно}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Счета на следующую неделю", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} до {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": "С {from} до {to}", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{over} other{left from}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Бюджеты за текущий месяц", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Сведения об аккаунте", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Сводка по категории за текущий месяц", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Среднее за 7 дней", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Ежедневная сводка", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Чистый доход", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Общая средства", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Сохранить/потратить деньги", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Начальная дата: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Целевая дата: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Привязано к {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Копилки не созданы.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Создайте в веб-интерфейсе!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Осталось накопить: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Накоплено: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Целевая сумма: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Балансовая ведомость", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Главная", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Копилки", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Транзакции", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Фильтровать список", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Показать предстоящие транзакции", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Искать термин", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Выбрать фильтры", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Транзакций не найдено.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} категории", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Мне причитается этот долг", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Я в долгу", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Долг", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Заём", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Ипотека", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "Для эффективного использования Waterfly III Вам необходим собственный сервер с установленным Firefly III или аддоном Firefly III для Home Assistant.\n\nПожалуйста, введите полный URL-адрес и персональный ключ доступа (Настройки -> Профиль -> OAuth -> Персональный ключ доступа).", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Действительный ключ API", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "URL-адрес хоста", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Добро пожаловать в Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите выйти?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Аккаунты", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Категории", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Главное табло", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Настройки", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "ru", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Денежный кошелек", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Кредитная карта", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Счёт по умолчанию", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Сберегательный счет", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Общий основной счёт", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Счета активов", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Счета расходов", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Обязательства", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Счета учета доходов", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% за {period, select, weekly{неделя} monthly{месяц} quarterly{квартал} halfyear{полугодие} yearly{год} other{неизвестно}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} из {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить категорию? Транзакции, входящие в нее, удалены не будут, они просто останутся без категории.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Ошибка загрузки категорий.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Добавить категорию", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "След. месяц", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Пред. месяц", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Удалить категорию", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Изменить категорию", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catOther": "Прочее", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "catNone": "<без категории>", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Неверный ответ API: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Здесь можно включить и отправить журналы отладки. Они плохо влияют на производительность, поэтому не включайте их, если вам не рекомендовано это делать. Отключение регистрации приведет к удалению сохраненного журнала.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Создать почту", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ВНИМАНИЕ: Будет открыт почтовый проект с прикрепленным файлом журнала (в текстовом формате). В журнале может содержаться конфиденциальная информация, например, имя хоста вашего экземпляра Firefly (хотя я стараюсь избегать записи в журнал каких-либо секретов, например, api ключ). Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте журнал и вычеркните из него ту информацию, которой вы не хотите делиться и/или которая не имеет отношения к проблеме, о которой вы хотите сообщить.\n\nПожалуйста, не присылайте логи без предварительного согласия на это по почте/GitHub. Я буду удалять любые журналы, присланные без контекста, из соображений конфиденциальности. Никогда не загружайте журнал без цензуры на GitHub или куда-либо еще.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Отправлять логи по почте", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Отладочные логи", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Выберите язык", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Выберите тему", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Язык", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Экран блокировки", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Требовать аутентификацию при запуске приложения", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, чтобы включить экран блокировки.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Аккаунт по умолчанию", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Добавить приложение", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Нажмите, чтобы добавить приложение для прослушивания. В списке будут отображаться только подходящие приложения.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Сделайте несколько транзакций, в которых Вы должны получить уведомление на телефон, для добавления приложения в этот лист. Если приложение до сих пор не отображается, пожалуйста, сообщите нам на app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Данный сервис позволяет получать данные о транзакциях из входящих push-уведомлений. Кроме того, можно выбрать счет по умолчанию, к которому должна быть отнесена транзакция, - если значение не задано, он пытается извлечь счет из уведомления.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Нажмите для подтверждения.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Разрешение не было получено.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Удалить разрешение?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Чтобы отключить эту службу, кликните на приложение и удалите разрешения на следующем экране.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Заполнить заголовок транзакции, используя заголовок уведомления", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Проверка статуса…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Ошибка проверки статуса: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Сервис запущен.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Статус сервиса", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Сервис остановлен.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Сервис прослушивания уведомлений", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Тема приложения", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Динамические цвета", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Темная} light{Светлая} other{Системная}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Использовать часовой пояс сервера", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Показывать время по часовому поясу сервера. Имитирует веб-интерфейс.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Версия приложения", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "проверка…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Пользовательский SSL сертификат", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Файл сертификата (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Вложения", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту транзакцию?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Удалить вложение", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Вы уверены что хотите удалить это вложение?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Не удалось скачать файл.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Не удалось открыть файл: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Не удалось загрузить файл: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API недоступен", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Обязательное поле.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Неверный URL-адрес", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Минимально требуемая версия Firefly API {requiredVersion}. Пожалуйста, выполните обновление.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Код ошибки: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Неизвестная ошибка.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Помощь", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Вход", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Выход", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Убрать", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Сбросить логин", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Добавить транзакцию", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Попробовать снова", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Аккаунт", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Активы", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Баланс", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Баланс на {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Счет", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Бюджет", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Категория", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Валюта", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "по умолчанию", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Отмена", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Заработано", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Ошибка", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Расходы", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Доходы", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Обязательства", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "множественные", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "никогда", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Согласованный", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Сбросить", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Потрачено", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Сумма", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Цель", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Неизвестно", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select,weekly{еженедельно} monthly{ежемесячно} quarterly{ежеквартально} halfyear{каждые полгода} yearly{ежегодно} other{неизвестно}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Счета на следующую неделю", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} до {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": "С {from} до {to}", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{over} other{left from}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Бюджеты за текущий месяц", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Сведения об аккаунте", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Сводка по категории за текущий месяц", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Среднее за 7 дней", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Ежедневная сводка", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Чистый доход", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Общая средства", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Сохранить/потратить деньги", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Начальная дата: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Целевая дата: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Привязано к {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Копилки не созданы.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Создайте в веб-интерфейсе!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Осталось накопить: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Накоплено: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Целевая сумма: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Балансовая ведомость", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Главная", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Копилки", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Транзакции", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Фильтровать список", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Показать предстоящие транзакции", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Искать термин", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Выбрать фильтры", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Транзакций не найдено.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} категории", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Мне причитается этот долг", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Я в долгу", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Долг", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Заём", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Ипотека", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "Для эффективного использования Waterfly III Вам необходим собственный сервер с установленным Firefly III или аддоном Firefly III для Home Assistant.\n\nПожалуйста, введите полный URL-адрес и персональный ключ доступа (Настройки -> Профиль -> OAuth -> Персональный ключ доступа).", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Действительный ключ API", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "URL-адрес хоста", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Добро пожаловать в Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Вы уверены, что хотите выйти?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Аккаунты", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Категории", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Главное табло", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Настройки", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} из {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Здесь можно включить и отправить журналы отладки. Они плохо влияют на производительность, поэтому не включайте их, если вам не рекомендовано это делать. Отключение регистрации приведет к удалению сохраненного журнала.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Создать почту", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "ВНИМАНИЕ: Будет открыт почтовый проект с прикрепленным файлом журнала (в текстовом формате). В журнале может содержаться конфиденциальная информация, например, имя хоста вашего экземпляра Firefly (хотя я стараюсь избегать записи в журнал каких-либо секретов, например, api ключ). Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте журнал и вычеркните из него ту информацию, которой вы не хотите делиться и/или которая не имеет отношения к проблеме, о которой вы хотите сообщить.\n\nПожалуйста, не присылайте логи без предварительного согласия на это по почте/GitHub. Я буду удалять любые журналы, присланные без контекста, из соображений конфиденциальности. Никогда не загружайте журнал без цензуры на GitHub или куда-либо еще.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Отправлять логи по почте", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Отладочные логи", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Выберите язык", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Выберите тему", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Язык", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Экран блокировки", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Требовать аутентификацию при запуске приложения", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, чтобы включить экран блокировки.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Аккаунт по умолчанию", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Добавить приложение", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Нажмите, чтобы добавить приложение для прослушивания. В списке будут отображаться только подходящие приложения.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Сделайте несколько транзакций, в которых Вы должны получить уведомление на телефон, для добавления приложения в этот лист. Если приложение до сих пор не отображается, пожалуйста, сообщите нам на app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Данный сервис позволяет получать данные о транзакциях из входящих push-уведомлений. Кроме того, можно выбрать счет по умолчанию, к которому должна быть отнесена транзакция, - если значение не задано, он пытается извлечь счет из уведомления.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Нажмите для подтверждения.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Разрешение не было получено.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Удалить разрешение?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Чтобы отключить эту службу, кликните на приложение и удалите разрешения на следующем экране.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Заполнить заголовок транзакции, используя заголовок уведомления", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Проверка статуса…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Ошибка проверки статуса: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Сервис запущен.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Статус сервиса", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Сервис остановлен.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Сервис прослушивания уведомлений", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Тема приложения", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Динамические цвета", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Темная} light{Светлая} other{Системная}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Использовать часовой пояс сервера", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Показывать время по часовому поясу сервера. Имитирует веб-интерфейс.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Версия приложения", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "проверка…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Вложения", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить эту транзакцию?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Удалить вложение", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Вы уверены что хотите удалить это вложение?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Не удалось скачать файл.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Не удалось открыть файл: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Не удалось загрузить файл: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Вложения", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Нет счета", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Ссылка на счет", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Выбор валюты", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Добавить тег", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Искать/Добавить тег", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Выбрать теги", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Дубликат", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Недействительный аккаунт", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Неверный бюджет", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Пожалуйста, укажите заголовок.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Счет назначения", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Внешний счет", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Собственный аккаунт", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Исходный аккаунт", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Примечания", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Теги", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Название транзакции", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Добавить разделенную транзакцию", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Изменить раздельную валюту", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Изменение раздельного целевого счета", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Удалить разделение", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Добавить транзакцию", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Удалить транзакцию", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Редактировать транзакцию", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Депозит", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Перемещение", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Вывод средств", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Вложения", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Нет счета", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Ссылка на счет", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Выбор валюты", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Добавить тег", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Искать/Добавить тег", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Выбрать теги", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Дубликат", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Недействительный аккаунт", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Неверный бюджет", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Пожалуйста, укажите заголовок.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Счет назначения", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Внешний счет", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Собственный аккаунт", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Исходный аккаунт", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Примечания", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Теги", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Название транзакции", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Добавить разделенную транзакцию", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Изменить раздельную валюту", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Изменение раздельного целевого счета", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Удалить разделение", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Добавить транзакцию", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Удалить транзакцию", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Редактировать транзакцию", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Депозит", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Перемещение", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Вывод средств", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb b/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb index 61621566..9a8c7de7 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_sl.arb @@ -1,1118 +1,1084 @@ { - "@@locale": "sl", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Gotovina", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditna kartica", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Privzeti premoženjski račun", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Varčevalni račun", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Skupni račun sredstev", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Računi sredstev", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Računi stroškov", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Obveznosti", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Računi prihodkov", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% obresti {period, select, weekly{tedensko} monthly{mesečno} quarterly{četrtletno} halfyear{polletno} yearly{letno} other{neznano}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "Dodaj novo transakcijo", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Račun se ujema s transakcijami med {minValue} in {maxvalue}. Ponavlja se {frequency, select, weekly{tedensko} monthly{mesečno} quarterly{četrtletno} halfyear{polletno} yearly{letno} other{neznano}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, preskoči čez {skip}}}.", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Spremeni postavitev", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Spremeni vrstni red", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "Postavitev pogleda transakcij", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "Razvrsti seznam po", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "Uredi transakcijo", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "Napaka pri nalaganju transakcij.", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Račun se ujema s transakcijami v vrednosti {value}. Ponavlja se {frequency, select, weekly{tedensko} monthly{mesečno} quarterly{četrtletno} halfyear{polletno} yearly{letno} other{neznano}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, preskoči čez {skip}}}.", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "Predvideno {date}", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Tedensko} monthly{Mesečno} quarterly{Četrtletno} halfyear{Polletno} yearly{Letno} other{Neznano}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Tedensko} monthly{Mesečno} quarterly{Četrtletno} halfyear{Polletno} yearly{Letno} other{Neznano}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, preskoči čez {skip}}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "Neaktiven", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "Transakcija je aktivna", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Transakcije, prikazane v dodeljenih skupinah.", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Skupina", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Transakcije prikazane na seznamu, razvrščenem po določenih kriterijih.", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "Seznam", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "Seznam je trenutno prazen.", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Naslednje pričakovano ujemanje", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "Transakcija ni aktivna", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "Ni pričakovano v tem obdobju", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "Ni najdenih transakcij.", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "Plačano dne {date}", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "Po abecedi", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Po časovnem obdobju", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{Naraščajoče} descending{Padajoče} other{Neznano}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "Pogostost", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "Naziv", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "Nezdruženo", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to kategorijo? Transakcije ne bodo izbrisane, vendar ne bodo imele več kategorije.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Napaka pri nalaganju kategorij.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Vključi v mesečni znesek", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "Ime kategorije", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Naslednji mesec", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Prejšnji mesec", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "izvzeto", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Dodaj kategorijo", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Izbriši kategorijo", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Uredi kategorijo", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "Ostalo", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Neveljaven odgovor API-ja: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API ni na voljo", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "To polje je obvezno.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Neveljavno SSL potrdilo", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Neveljaven URL", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Zahtevana najmanjša različica Firefly API je v{requiredVersion}. Prosimo nadgradite.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Statusna koda: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Neznana napaka.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Pomoč", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Prijava", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Odjava", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Odstrani", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Ponastavi prijavo", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Dodaj transakcijo", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Poskusite znova", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Račun", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Sredstva", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Stanje", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Stanje na {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Račun", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Proračun", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Kategorija", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Valuta", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "privzeto", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Opusti", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Prisluženo", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Napaka", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Stroški", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Prihodek", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Obveznosti", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "več", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "nikoli", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Usklajeno", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Ponastavi", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Porabljeno", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Vsota", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Ciljni", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Neznano", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{tedensko} monthly{mesečno} quarterly{četrtletno} halfyear{polletno} yearly{letno} other{neznano}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Računi za naslednji teden", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} do {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} do {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{čez} other{ostane še}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Proračuni za tekoči mesec", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Povzetek računa", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Povzetek kategorij za tekoči mesec", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Povprečno 7 dni", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Dnevno povprečje", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Neto zaslužek", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Neto vrednost", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Prihranek/poraba denarja", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Začetni datum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Ciljni datum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Povezano z {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Nimate še hranilnikov.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Ustvarite jih v spletnem vmesniku!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Preostalo za varčevanje: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Privarčevano do sedaj: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Ciljni znesek: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Bilanca stanja", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Glavna", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Hranilniki", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transakcije", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Seznam filtrov", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Prikaži bodoče transakcije", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Iskalni pojem", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Izberi filter", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Ni najdenih transakcij.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorij", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Pokaži oznake na seznamu transakcij", - "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { - "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Dolžan sem ta dolg", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "To dolgujem", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Dolg", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Posojilo", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hipoteka", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "Za funkcijsko uporabo Waterfly III potrebujete lasten strežnik z namestitvijo Firefly III ali dodatek Firefly III za Home Assistant.\n\nSpodaj vnesite poln URL in osebni žeton dostopa (Možnosti-> Profil -> OAuth -> Osebni dostopni žetoni).", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Veljaven API ključ", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "URL gostitelja", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Dobrodošli v Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Ali ste prepričani, da se želite odjaviti?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Računi", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "Transakcije", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Kategorije", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Glavna nadzorna plošča", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Nastavitve", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "Ne", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "sl", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Gotovina", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditna kartica", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Privzeti premoženjski račun", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Varčevalni račun", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Skupni račun sredstev", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Računi sredstev", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Računi stroškov", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Obveznosti", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Računi prihodkov", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% obresti {period, select, weekly{tedensko} monthly{mesečno} quarterly{četrtletno} halfyear{polletno} yearly{letno} other{neznano}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} od {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Račun se ujema s transakcijami med {minValue} in {maxvalue}. Ponavlja se {frequency, select, weekly{tedensko} monthly{mesečno} quarterly{četrtletno} halfyear{polletno} yearly{letno} other{neznano}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, preskoči čez {skip}}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Tukaj lahko omogočite in pošljete dnevnike odpravljanja napak. Vklop slabo vpliva na delovanje aplikacije, zato jih ne omogočite, razen če so vam tako svetovali. Če onemogočite beleženje, boste izbrisali shranjeni dnevnik.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Ustvari e-pošto", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "OPOZORILO: Odpre se osnutek pošte s priloženo dnevniško datoteko (v besedilni obliki). Dnevniki lahko vsebujejo občutljive podatke, kot je ime gostitelja vašega primerka Firefly (čeprav se poskušam izogniti zapisovanju kakršnih koli skrivnosti, kot je API ključ). Pozorno preberite dnevnik in cenzurirajte vse informacije, ki jih ne želite deliti in/ali niso pomembne za težavo, ki jo želite prijaviti.\n\nProsimo, ne pošiljajte dnevnikov brez predhodnega dogovora po pošti/GitHubu. Izbrisal bom vse dnevnike, poslane brez konteksta, zaradi zasebnosti. Dnevnika nikoli ne nalagajte necenzuriranega na GitHub ali drugam.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Pošlji dnevnike po e-pošti", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Debug dnevniki", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Izberite jezik", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Izberite temo", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Jezik", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Zaklenjen zaslon", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Zahtevaj preverjanje pristnosti ob zagonu aplikacije", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Preverite pristnost, da omogočite zaklenjeni zaslon.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Privzeti račun", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Dodaj aplikacijo", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Kliknite, če želite dodati aplikacijo za poslušanje. Na seznamu bodo prikazane samo primerne aplikacije.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Izvedite nekaj transakcij, pri katerih prejmete telefonska obvestila za dodajanje aplikacij na ta seznam. Če se aplikacija še vedno ne prikaže, mi prijavite na app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Ta storitev vam omogoča pridobivanje podrobnosti transakcije iz dohodnih potisnih obvestil. Poleg tega lahko izberete privzeti račun, ki naj mu bo dodeljena transakcija - če vrednost ni nastavljena, poskuša iz obvestila izvleči račun.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Pritisnite za odobritev dovoljenja.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Dovoljenje ni odobreno.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Odstrani dovoljenje?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Če želite onemogočiti to storitev, kliknite aplikacijo in na naslednjem zaslonu odstranite dovoljenja.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Vnaprej izpolnite naslov transakcije z naslovom obvestila", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Preverjanje stanja…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Napaka pri preverjanju stanja: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Storitev je zagnana.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Stanje storitve", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Storitev je ustavljena.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Storitev poslušanja obvestil", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Tema aplikacije", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dinamične barve", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Temen način} light{Svetel način} other{Sistemsko privzeto}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Uporabite časovni pas strežnika", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Prikaži vse čase v časovnem pasu strežnika. To posnema vedenje spletnega vmesnika.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Verzija aplikacije", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "preverjam…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Priponke", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to transakcijo?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Izbriši priponko", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to priponko?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Datoteke ni bilo mogoče prenesti.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Ni bilo mogoče odpreti datoteke: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Ni bilo mogoče naložiti datoteke: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Spremeni postavitev", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Spremeni vrstni red", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "Napaka pri nalaganju transakcij.", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Račun se ujema s transakcijami v vrednosti {value}. Ponavlja se {frequency, select, weekly{tedensko} monthly{mesečno} quarterly{četrtletno} halfyear{polletno} yearly{letno} other{neznano}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, preskoči čez {skip}}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "Predvideno {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Tedensko} monthly{Mesečno} quarterly{Četrtletno} halfyear{Polletno} yearly{Letno} other{Neznano}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Tedensko} monthly{Mesečno} quarterly{Četrtletno} halfyear{Polletno} yearly{Letno} other{Neznano}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, preskoči čez {skip}}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "Neaktiven", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "Transakcija je aktivna", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Transakcije, prikazane v dodeljenih skupinah.", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Skupina", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Transakcije prikazane na seznamu, razvrščenem po določenih kriterijih.", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "Seznam", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "Seznam je trenutno prazen.", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Naslednje pričakovano ujemanje", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "Transakcija ni aktivna", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "Ni pričakovano v tem obdobju", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "Ni najdenih transakcij.", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "Plačano dne {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "Po abecedi", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Po časovnem obdobju", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "Pogostost", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "Naziv", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "Nezdruženo", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to kategorijo? Transakcije ne bodo izbrisane, vendar ne bodo imele več kategorije.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Napaka pri nalaganju kategorij.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Vključi v mesečni znesek", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "Ime kategorije", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Naslednji mesec", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Prejšnji mesec", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "izvzeto", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Dodaj kategorijo", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Izbriši kategorijo", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Uredi kategorijo", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "Ostalo", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Neveljaven odgovor API-ja: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API ni na voljo", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "To polje je obvezno.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Neveljaven URL", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Zahtevana najmanjša različica Firefly API je v{requiredVersion}. Prosimo nadgradite.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Statusna koda: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Neznana napaka.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Pomoč", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Prijava", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Odjava", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Odstrani", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Ponastavi prijavo", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Dodaj transakcijo", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Poskusite znova", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Račun", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Sredstva", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Stanje", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Stanje na {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Račun", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Proračun", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Kategorija", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Valuta", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "privzeto", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Opusti", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Prisluženo", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Napaka", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Stroški", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Prihodek", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Obveznosti", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "več", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "nikoli", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Usklajeno", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Ponastavi", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Porabljeno", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Vsota", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Ciljni", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Neznano", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{tedensko} monthly{mesečno} quarterly{četrtletno} halfyear{polletno} yearly{letno} other{neznano}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Računi za naslednji teden", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} do {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} do {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{čez} other{ostane še}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Proračuni za tekoči mesec", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Povzetek računa", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Povzetek kategorij za tekoči mesec", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "Povprečno 7 dni", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Dnevno povprečje", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Neto zaslužek", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Neto vrednost", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Prihranek/poraba denarja", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Začetni datum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Ciljni datum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Povezano z {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Nimate še hranilnikov.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Ustvarite jih v spletnem vmesniku!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Preostalo za varčevanje: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Privarčevano do sedaj: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Ciljni znesek: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Bilanca stanja", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Glavna", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Hranilniki", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transakcije", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Seznam filtrov", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Prikaži bodoče transakcije", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Iskalni pojem", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Izberi filter", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Ni najdenih transakcij.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorij", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "Pokaži oznake na seznamu transakcij", + "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { + "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Dolžan sem ta dolg", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "To dolgujem", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Dolg", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Posojilo", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Hipoteka", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "Za funkcijsko uporabo Waterfly III potrebujete lasten strežnik z namestitvijo Firefly III ali dodatek Firefly III za Home Assistant.\n\nSpodaj vnesite poln URL in osebni žeton dostopa (Možnosti-> Profil -> OAuth -> Osebni dostopni žetoni).", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Veljaven API ključ", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "URL gostitelja", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Dobrodošli v Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Ali ste prepričani, da se želite odjaviti?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Računi", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "Transakcije", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Kategorije", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Glavna nadzorna plošča", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Nastavitve", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "Ne", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} od {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Tukaj lahko omogočite in pošljete dnevnike odpravljanja napak. Vklop slabo vpliva na delovanje aplikacije, zato jih ne omogočite, razen če so vam tako svetovali. Če onemogočite beleženje, boste izbrisali shranjeni dnevnik.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Ustvari e-pošto", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "OPOZORILO: Odpre se osnutek pošte s priloženo dnevniško datoteko (v besedilni obliki). Dnevniki lahko vsebujejo občutljive podatke, kot je ime gostitelja vašega primerka Firefly (čeprav se poskušam izogniti zapisovanju kakršnih koli skrivnosti, kot je API ključ). Pozorno preberite dnevnik in cenzurirajte vse informacije, ki jih ne želite deliti in/ali niso pomembne za težavo, ki jo želite prijaviti.\n\nProsimo, ne pošiljajte dnevnikov brez predhodnega dogovora po pošti/GitHubu. Izbrisal bom vse dnevnike, poslane brez konteksta, zaradi zasebnosti. Dnevnika nikoli ne nalagajte necenzuriranega na GitHub ali drugam.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Pošlji dnevnike po e-pošti", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Debug dnevniki", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Izberite jezik", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Izberite temo", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Jezik", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Zaklenjen zaslon", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Zahtevaj preverjanje pristnosti ob zagonu aplikacije", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Preverite pristnost, da omogočite zaklenjeni zaslon.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Privzeti račun", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Dodaj aplikacijo", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Kliknite, če želite dodati aplikacijo za poslušanje. Na seznamu bodo prikazane samo primerne aplikacije.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Izvedite nekaj transakcij, pri katerih prejmete telefonska obvestila za dodajanje aplikacij na ta seznam. Če se aplikacija še vedno ne prikaže, mi prijavite na app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Ta storitev vam omogoča pridobivanje podrobnosti transakcije iz dohodnih potisnih obvestil. Poleg tega lahko izberete privzeti račun, ki naj mu bo dodeljena transakcija - če vrednost ni nastavljena, poskuša iz obvestila izvleči račun.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Pritisnite za odobritev dovoljenja.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Dovoljenje ni odobreno.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Odstrani dovoljenje?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "Če želite onemogočiti to storitev, kliknite aplikacijo in na naslednjem zaslonu odstranite dovoljenja.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Vnaprej izpolnite naslov transakcije z naslovom obvestila", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Preverjanje stanja…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Napaka pri preverjanju stanja: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Storitev je zagnana.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Stanje storitve", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Storitev je ustavljena.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Storitev poslušanja obvestil", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Tema aplikacije", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dinamične barve", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Temen način} light{Svetel način} other{Sistemsko privzeto}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Uporabite časovni pas strežnika", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Prikaži vse čase v časovnem pasu strežnika. To posnema vedenje spletnega vmesnika.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Verzija aplikacije", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "preverjam…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Priponke", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to transakcijo?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Izbriši priponko", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to priponko?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Datoteke ni bilo mogoče prenesti.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Ni bilo mogoče odpreti datoteke: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Ni bilo mogoče naložiti datoteke: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Priponke", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ni računa", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Poveži z računom", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Izberi valuto", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Dodaj oznako", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Išči/dodaj oznako", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Izberi oznake", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Podvoji", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Neveljaven račun", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Neveljaven proračun", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Prosim navedite naslov.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Ciljni račun", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Tuji račun", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Lastni račun", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Izvorni račun", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Zapiski", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Oznake", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Naslov transakcije", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Dodaj razdeljeno transakcijo", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Spremeni valuto razdelitve", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Spremeni ciljni račun razdelitve", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Izbriši razdelitev", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Dodaj transakcijo", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Izbriši transakcijo", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Uredi transakcijo", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Polog", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Prenos", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Dvig", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Priponke", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ni računa", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Poveži z računom", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Izberi valuto", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Dodaj oznako", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Išči/dodaj oznako", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Izberi oznake", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Podvoji", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Neveljaven račun", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Neveljaven proračun", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Prosim navedite naslov.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Ciljni račun", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Tuji račun", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Lastni račun", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Izvorni račun", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Zapiski", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Oznake", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Naslov transakcije", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Dodaj razdeljeno transakcijo", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Spremeni valuto razdelitve", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Spremeni ciljni račun razdelitve", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Izbriši razdelitev", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Dodaj transakcijo", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Izbriši transakcijo", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Uredi transakcijo", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Polog", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Prenos", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Dvig", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "Da", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb b/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb index 9acbef82..59302c7d 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb @@ -1,1122 +1,1080 @@ { - "@@locale": "sv", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Plånbok", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditkort", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Förvalt tillgångskonto", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Sparkonto", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Delat tillgångskonto", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Tillgångskonton", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Kostnadskonton", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Skulder", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Intäktskonton", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% ränta per {period, select, weekly{vecka} monthly{månad} quarterly{kvartal} halfyear{halvår} yearly{år} other{okänd}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "Lägg till ny räkning", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Räkningen matchar transaktioner mellan {minValue} och {maxvalue}. Upprepas {frequency, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{halvårsvis} yearly{årligen} other{okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}.", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Ändra layout", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Ändra sorteringsordning", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "Layout för räkningsvy", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "Sortera listan efter", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "Ändra räkning", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "Fel vid laddning av räkningar.", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Räkningen matchar transaktioner på {value}. Upprepas {frequency, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{halvårsvis} yearly{årligen} other{okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}.", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "Förväntad {date}", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Veckovis} monthly{Månadsvis} quarterly{Kvartalsvis} halfyear{Halvårsvis} yearly{Årligen} other{Okänt}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Veckovis} monthly{Månadsvis} quarterly{Kvartalsvis} halfyear{Halvårsvis} yearly{Årligen} other{Okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "Inaktiv", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "Räkningen aktiv", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Räkningar visas i sina tilldelade grupper.", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Grupp", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Räkningar visas i en lista sorterad efter vissa kriterier.", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "Lista", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "Den här listan är för närvarande tom.", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Nästa förväntade träff", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "Räkningen är inaktiv", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "Ej förväntat denna period", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "Inga transaktioner hittade.", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "Betald {date}", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alfabetisk", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Efter tidsperiod", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{Stigande} descending{Fallande} other{Okänt}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "Frekvens", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "Namn", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "Ogrupperad", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna kategori? Transaktionerna kommer inte att tas bort, men kommer inte att ha en kategori längre.", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "Fel vid laddning av kategorier.", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Inkludera i månadssumman", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "Kategorinamn", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "Nästa Månad", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "Föregående månad", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "exkluderad", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "Lägg till kategori", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "Ta bort kategori", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "Redigera kategori", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "Övrigt", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Ogiltigt svar från API: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API inte tillgängligt", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Detta fält är obligatoriskt.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Ogiltigt SSL-certifikat", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Ogiltig URL", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minsta Firefly API Version v{requiredVersion} krävs. Vänligen uppdatera Firefly.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Statuskod: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Okänt fel.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Hjälp", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Logga in", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Logga ut", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Ta bort", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Återställ inloggning", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Lägg till transaktion", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Försök igen", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Konto", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Tillgångar", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Balans", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo för {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Räkning", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Budget", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Kategori", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Valuta", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "förvald", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Stäng", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "Intjänat", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "Fel", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Utgifter", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Inkomst", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Skulder", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "multipla", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "aldrig", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Avstämt", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Återställ", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "Spenderat", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "Summa", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Mål", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Okänt", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{årligen} yearly{} other{okänd}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Räkningar inför nästa vecka", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} till {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} till {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{över} other{kvar från}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgetar för den aktuella månaden", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Kontosammanfattning", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategorisammanfattning för aktuell månad", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 dagars genomsnitt", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Daglig sammanfattning", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Nettoinkomst", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettoförmögenhet", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Spara/spendera pengar", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Startdatum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Måldatum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Länkad till {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Inga spargrisar har inrättats.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Skapa några i webbgränssnittet!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Kvar att spara: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Sparat hittills: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Målbelopp: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Balansräkning", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Start", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Spargris", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaktioner", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Filtrera listan", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Visa framtida transaktioner", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Sökord", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Välj filter", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Inga transaktioner hittade.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorier", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Jag är skyldig denna skuld", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Jag har denna skuld", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Skuld", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Lån", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Bolån", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "För att använda Waterfly III på ett produktivt sätt behöver du din egen server med en Firefly III instans eller Firefly III-tillägget för Home Assistant.\n\nAnge hela URL: en samt en personlig åtkomst-token (inställningar -> Profil -> OAuth -> Personlig åtkomst-token) nedan.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Giltig API-nyckel", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "Värd URL", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Välkommen till Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Konton", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "Räkningar", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "Kategorier", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "Kontrollpanel", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Inställningar", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "Nej", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "sv", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Plånbok", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditkort", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Förvalt tillgångskonto", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Sparkonto", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Delat tillgångskonto", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Tillgångskonton", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Kostnadskonton", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Skulder", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Intäktskonton", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% ränta per {period, select, weekly{vecka} monthly{månad} quarterly{kvartal} halfyear{halvår} yearly{år} other{okänd}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} av {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Räkningen matchar transaktioner mellan {minValue} och {maxvalue}. Upprepas {frequency, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{halvårsvis} yearly{årligen} other{okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Du kan aktivera och skicka felsökningsloggar här. Dessa har en dålig inverkan på prestandan, så var snäll och aktivera dem inte om du inte rekommenderas att göra det. Inaktivering av loggning kommer att ta bort den lagrade loggen.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Skapa e-post", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "VARNING: Ett e-postutkast öppnas med loggfilen bifogad (i textformat). Loggarna kan innehålla känslig information, såsom värdnamnet för din Firefly instans (även om jag försöker undvika loggning av några hemligheter, såsom api nyckel). Läs igenom loggen noga och censurera all information som du inte vill dela och/eller inte är relevant för det problem du vill rapportera.\n\nSkicka inte in loggar utan föregående överenskommelse via mail/GitHub. Jag kommer att ta bort alla loggar som skickas utan kontext av sekretessskäl. Ladda aldrig upp loggen ocensurerad till GitHub eller någon annanstans.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Skicka loggar via e-post", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Felsökningsloggar", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Välj språk", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Välj tema", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Språk", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Låsskärm", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Kräv autentisering vid appstart", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Vänligen autentisera för att aktivera låsskärmen.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Förvalt konto", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Lägg till app", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Klicka för att lägga till en app att lyssna efter. Endast kvalificerade appar visas i listan.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Gör några transaktioner där du får telefonaviseringar för att lägga till appar i den här listan. Om appen fortfarande inte dyker upp, vänligen rapportera det till app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Den här tjänsten låter dig hämta transaktionsdetaljer från inkommande pushnotifikationer. Du kan även välja ett förvalt konto som transaktionen ska göras på - om inget värde ges försöker den extrahera kontot från notifikationen.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tryck för att bevilja tillstånd.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Behörighet inte beviljad.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Ta bort behörigheten?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "För att avaktivera den här tjänsten, tryck på appen och ta bort behörigheterna på den nästa skärmen.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Fyll i transaktionstiteln med nofikationstiteln i förväg", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Kontrollerar status…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Fel vid kontroll av status: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Tjänsten körs.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Tjänstestatus", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Tjänsten är stoppad.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Notifikationslyssningstjänst", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Apptema", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamiska färger", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Mörkt läge} light{Ljust läge} other{Systemstandard}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Använd serverns tidszon", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Visa alla tider i serverns tidszon. Detta härmar beteendet hos webbgränssnittet.", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "Appversion", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "kontrollerar…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Anpassat SSL-certifikat", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Certifikatfil (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Bilagor", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker att du vill radera denna transaktion?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Ta bort bifogad fil", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker på att du vill radera bilagan?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Kunde inte ladda ner filen.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Kunde inte öppna filen: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Kunde inte ladda upp filen: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Ändra layout", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Ändra sorteringsordning", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "Fel vid laddning av räkningar.", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Räkningen matchar transaktioner på {value}. Upprepas {frequency, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{halvårsvis} yearly{årligen} other{okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "Förväntad {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Veckovis} monthly{Månadsvis} quarterly{Kvartalsvis} halfyear{Halvårsvis} yearly{Årligen} other{Okänt}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Veckovis} monthly{Månadsvis} quarterly{Kvartalsvis} halfyear{Halvårsvis} yearly{Årligen} other{Okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "Inaktiv", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "Räkningen aktiv", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Räkningar visas i sina tilldelade grupper.", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Grupp", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Räkningar visas i en lista sorterad efter vissa kriterier.", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "Lista", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "Den här listan är för närvarande tom.", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Nästa förväntade träff", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "Räkningen är inaktiv", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "Ej förväntat denna period", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "Inga transaktioner hittade.", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "Betald {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alfabetisk", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Efter tidsperiod", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "Frekvens", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "Namn", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "Ogrupperad", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna kategori? Transaktionerna kommer inte att tas bort, men kommer inte att ha en kategori längre.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Fel vid laddning av kategorier.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Inkludera i månadssumman", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "Kategorinamn", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Nästa Månad", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Föregående månad", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "exkluderad", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Lägg till kategori", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Ta bort kategori", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Redigera kategori", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "Övrigt", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Ogiltigt svar från API: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API inte tillgängligt", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Detta fält är obligatoriskt.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Ogiltig URL", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minsta Firefly API Version v{requiredVersion} krävs. Vänligen uppdatera Firefly.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Statuskod: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Okänt fel.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Hjälp", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Logga in", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Logga ut", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Ta bort", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Återställ inloggning", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Lägg till transaktion", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Försök igen", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Konto", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Tillgångar", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Balans", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo för {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Räkning", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Budget", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Kategori", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Valuta", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "förvald", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Stäng", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Intjänat", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Fel", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Utgifter", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Inkomst", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Skulder", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "multipla", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "aldrig", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Avstämt", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Återställ", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Spenderat", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Summa", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Mål", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Okänt", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{årligen} yearly{} other{okänd}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Räkningar inför nästa vecka", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} till {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} till {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{över} other{kvar från}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgetar för den aktuella månaden", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Kontosammanfattning", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategorisammanfattning för aktuell månad", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 dagars genomsnitt", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Daglig sammanfattning", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Nettoinkomst", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettoförmögenhet", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Spara/spendera pengar", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Startdatum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Måldatum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Länkad till {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Inga spargrisar har inrättats.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Skapa några i webbgränssnittet!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Kvar att spara: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Sparat hittills: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Målbelopp: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Balansräkning", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Start", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Spargris", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaktioner", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Filtrera listan", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Visa framtida transaktioner", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Sökord", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Välj filter", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Inga transaktioner hittade.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorier", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Jag är skyldig denna skuld", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Jag har denna skuld", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Skuld", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Lån", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Bolån", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "För att använda Waterfly III på ett produktivt sätt behöver du din egen server med en Firefly III instans eller Firefly III-tillägget för Home Assistant.\n\nAnge hela URL: en samt en personlig åtkomst-token (inställningar -> Profil -> OAuth -> Personlig åtkomst-token) nedan.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Giltig API-nyckel", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "Värd URL", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Välkommen till Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Konton", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "Räkningar", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Kategorier", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Kontrollpanel", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Inställningar", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "Nej", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} av {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Du kan aktivera och skicka felsökningsloggar här. Dessa har en dålig inverkan på prestandan, så var snäll och aktivera dem inte om du inte rekommenderas att göra det. Inaktivering av loggning kommer att ta bort den lagrade loggen.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Skapa e-post", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "VARNING: Ett e-postutkast öppnas med loggfilen bifogad (i textformat). Loggarna kan innehålla känslig information, såsom värdnamnet för din Firefly instans (även om jag försöker undvika loggning av några hemligheter, såsom api nyckel). Läs igenom loggen noga och censurera all information som du inte vill dela och/eller inte är relevant för det problem du vill rapportera.\n\nSkicka inte in loggar utan föregående överenskommelse via mail/GitHub. Jag kommer att ta bort alla loggar som skickas utan kontext av sekretessskäl. Ladda aldrig upp loggen ocensurerad till GitHub eller någon annanstans.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Skicka loggar via e-post", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Felsökningsloggar", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Välj språk", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Välj tema", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Språk", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Låsskärm", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Kräv autentisering vid appstart", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Vänligen autentisera för att aktivera låsskärmen.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Förvalt konto", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Lägg till app", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Klicka för att lägga till en app att lyssna efter. Endast kvalificerade appar visas i listan.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Gör några transaktioner där du får telefonaviseringar för att lägga till appar i den här listan. Om appen fortfarande inte dyker upp, vänligen rapportera det till app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Den här tjänsten låter dig hämta transaktionsdetaljer från inkommande pushnotifikationer. Du kan även välja ett förvalt konto som transaktionen ska göras på - om inget värde ges försöker den extrahera kontot från notifikationen.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tryck för att bevilja tillstånd.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Behörighet inte beviljad.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Ta bort behörigheten?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "För att avaktivera den här tjänsten, tryck på appen och ta bort behörigheterna på den nästa skärmen.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Fyll i transaktionstiteln med nofikationstiteln i förväg", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Kontrollerar status…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Fel vid kontroll av status: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Tjänsten körs.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Tjänstestatus", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Tjänsten är stoppad.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Notifikationslyssningstjänst", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Apptema", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamiska färger", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Mörkt läge} light{Ljust läge} other{Systemstandard}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Använd serverns tidszon", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Visa alla tider i serverns tidszon. Detta härmar beteendet hos webbgränssnittet.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Appversion", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "kontrollerar…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Bilagor", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker att du vill radera denna transaktion?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Ta bort bifogad fil", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker på att du vill radera bilagan?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Kunde inte ladda ner filen.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Kunde inte öppna filen: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Kunde inte ladda upp filen: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Bilagor", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ingen faktura", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Länk till faktura", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Välj valuta", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Lägg till Tagg", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Sök/Lägg till tagg", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Välj taggar", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Dubblett", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Ogiltigt konto", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Ogiltig budget", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Vänligen ange en titel.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Till konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Mottagarkonto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Källkonto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Källkonto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Anteckningar", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Taggar", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Transaktionstitel", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Lägg till delad transaktion", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Ändra delad valuta", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Ändra delat målkonto", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Ta bort delning", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Lägg till transaktion", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Ta bort transaktion", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Ändra transaktion", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Insättning", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Överföring", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Uttag", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Bilagor", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ingen faktura", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Länk till faktura", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Välj valuta", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Lägg till Tagg", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Sök/Lägg till tagg", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Välj taggar", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Dubblett", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Ogiltigt konto", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Ogiltig budget", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Vänligen ange en titel.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Till konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Mottagarkonto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Källkonto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Källkonto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Anteckningar", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Taggar", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Transaktionstitel", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Lägg till delad transaktion", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Ändra delad valuta", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Ändra delat målkonto", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Ta bort delning", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Lägg till transaktion", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Ta bort transaktion", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Ändra transaktion", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Insättning", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Överföring", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Uttag", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "Ja", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb b/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb index b30466db..06e0d7f8 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_zh.arb @@ -1,1118 +1,1084 @@ { - "@@locale": "zh", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "现金", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "信用卡", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "默认资产账户", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "储蓄账户", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "共用资产账户", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "资产账户", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "支出账户", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "负债", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "收入账户", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{period, select, weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{其它}}的利率为 {interest}%", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsAddNewBill": "添加新帐单", - "@billsAddNewBill": { - "description": "Text for add new bill flows" - }, - "billsAmountAndFrequency": "账单匹配金额在 {minValue} 和 {maxvalue} 之间的交易。{frequency, select, weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{未知}}重复{skip, plural, =0{} other{,跳过 {skip} 次}}。", - "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "minValue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "maxvalue": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$60.50" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "更改布局", - "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { - "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" - }, - "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "更改排序顺序", - "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { - "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" - }, - "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "账单视图布局", - "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" - }, - "billsDialogSortTitle": "列表排序依据", - "@billsDialogSortTitle": { - "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" - }, - "billsEditBill": "编辑账单", - "@billsEditBill": { - "description": "Text for edit bill flows" - }, - "billsErrorLoading": "加载账单时出错。", - "@billsErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "账单匹配金额为 {value} 的交易。{frequency, select, weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{未知}}重复{skip, plural, =0{} other{,跳过 {skip} 次}}。", - "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { - "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", - "placeholders": { - "value": { - "type": "String", - "example": "$50.12" - }, - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsExpectedOn": "预计日期 {date}", - "@billsExpectedOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select,weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{未知}}", - "@billsFrequency": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{未知}}重复{skip, plural, =0{} other{,跳过 {skip} 次}}", - "@billsFrequencySkip": { - "description": "Bill frequency", - "placeholders": { - "frequency": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - }, - "skip": { - "type": "num", - "example": "1" - } - } - }, - "billsInactive": "未启用", - "@billsInactive": { - "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsIsActive": "账单已启用", - "@billsIsActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is active" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "账单显示在指定的组中。", - "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "组", - "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { - "description": "Title text for group layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "账单显示在按特定标准排序的列表中。", - "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" - }, - "billsLayoutListTitle": "列表", - "@billsLayoutListTitle": { - "description": "Title text for list layout option" - }, - "billsListEmpty": "该列表当前为空。", - "@billsListEmpty": { - "description": "Describes that the list is empty" - }, - "billsNextExpectedMatch": "下次预期的支付匹配", - "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { - "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" - }, - "billsNotActive": "账单未启用", - "@billsNotActive": { - "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" - }, - "billsNotExpected": "此周期内没有预期的支付", - "@billsNotExpected": { - "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" - }, - "billsNoTransactions": "未找到交易记录。", - "@billsNoTransactions": { - "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" - }, - "billsPaidOn": "支付日期 {date}", - "@billsPaidOn": { - "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "January 5, 2024" - } - } - }, - "billsSortAlphabetical": "按字母排序", - "@billsSortAlphabetical": { - "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" - }, - "billsSortByTimePeriod": "按时间间隔排序", - "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { - "description": "Text for frequency sort type" - }, - "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{升序} descending{降序} other{未知}}", - "@billsSortDirection": { - "description": "Bill sort direction", - "placeholders": { - "sortDirection": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Ascending" - } - } - }, - "billsSortFrequency": "频率", - "@billsSortFrequency": { - "description": "Text for sort by frequency" - }, - "billsSortName": "名称", - "@billsSortName": { - "description": "Text for sort by name" - }, - "billsUngrouped": "未分组的", - "@billsUngrouped": { - "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" - }, - "categoryDeleteConfirm": "您确定要删除这个分类吗?与该分类关联的账单不会被删除,但该分类将彻底删除。", - "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" - }, - "categoryErrorLoading": "加载分类时出错。", - "@categoryErrorLoading": { - "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" - }, - "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "包括在每月金额", - "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" - }, - "categoryFormLabelName": "分类名称", - "@categoryFormLabelName": { - "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" - }, - "categoryMonthNext": "下个月", - "@categoryMonthNext": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" - }, - "categoryMonthPrev": "上个月", - "@categoryMonthPrev": { - "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" - }, - "categorySumExcluded": "排除", - "@categorySumExcluded": { - "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." - }, - "categoryTitleAdd": "添加分类", - "@categoryTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" - }, - "categoryTitleDelete": "删除分类", - "@categoryTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" - }, - "categoryTitleEdit": "编辑分类", - "@categoryTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" - }, - "catNone": "<未分类>", - "@catNone": { - "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." - }, - "catOther": "其他", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "API 的无效响应: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API不可用", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "此字段是必需项.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "SSL 证书无效", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "地址无效", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "需要最低 Firefly API 版本 v{requiredVersion},请升级。", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "状态代码:{code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "未知错误", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "帮助", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "登录", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "登出", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "移除", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "重置登录", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "添加交易", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "再试一次", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "账户", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "资产", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "金额", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "{date} 的余额", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "账单", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "预算", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "类别", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "货币", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "默认", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "放弃", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalEarned": "收入", - "@generalEarned": { - "description": "(Amount) Earned" - }, - "generalError": "错误", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "支出", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "收入", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "负债", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "多个", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "永不", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "已对账", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "重置", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSpent": "支出", - "@generalSpent": { - "description": "(Amount) Spent" - }, - "generalSum": "总额", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "目标", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "未知", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select,weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{其它}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "下周的账单", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " (从 {from} 至 {to},{period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " (从 {from} 到 {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "总计 {available} {status, select, over{超出} other{剩余}} {current}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "本月预算", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "帐户概览", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "当月类别摘要", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7日均线", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "每日总结", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "净收入", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "净值", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "存钱/花钱", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "开始日期:{date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "付款期限:{date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "关联账号 {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "没有设立存钱罐。", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "在网络界面中创建一些!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "留下来保存: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "到目前为止已保存: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "收费金额: {amount}%", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "资产负债表", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "主要的", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "存钱罐", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "交易记录", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "过滤列表", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "<全部账户>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "<全部账单>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "<未设置账单>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "<全部预算>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "<未设置预算>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "<全部分类>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "<未设置分类>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "<全部货币>", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "显示未来交易", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { - "description": "Setting to show future transactions" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "搜索条件", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "选择筛选项", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "未找到交易记录。", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} 类别", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "在交易列表中显示标签", - "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { - "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "我欠了这笔债务", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "我欠这笔债务", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "债务", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "贷款", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "抵押", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "要生产性地使用 WaterFly III,您需要您自己的服务器与 Fifly III 实例或家庭助手的 Firefly III附加组件。\n\n请输入完整的URL以及个人访问令牌(设置 -> 个人资料-> OAuth -> 个人访问令牌)。", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "无效的 API 密钥", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "主机URL", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "欢迎使用 Firefly III!", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "您确定要退出吗?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "帐户", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationBills": "账单", - "@navigationBills": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" - }, - "navigationCategories": "分类", - "@navigationCategories": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" - }, - "navigationMain": "主仪表盘", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "设置", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "no": "取消", - "@no": { - "description": "The word no" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + "@@locale": "zh", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "现金", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "信用卡", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "默认资产账户", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "储蓄账户", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "共用资产账户", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "资产账户", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "支出账户", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "负债", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "收入账户", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{period, select, weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{其它}}的利率为 {interest}%", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{of} 中的 {perc}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "账单匹配金额在 {minValue} 和 {maxvalue} 之间的交易。{frequency, select, weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{未知}}重复{skip, plural, =0{} other{,跳过 {skip} 次}}。", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "您可以在此启用并发送调试日志。 这些会对性能产生不良影响,所以请不要启用它们,除非你建议这样做。 禁用日志将删除存储的日志。", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "创建电子邮件", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "警告:邮件草稿将与日志文件一起打开(文本格式)。 日志可能包含敏感信息 例如您的 Frefly 实例的主机名 (尽管我试图避免记录任何秘密,如api 密钥)。 请仔细阅读日志并检查您不想分享的任何信息和/或与您想报告的问题无关。\n\n请不要在没有事先同意的情况下通过邮件/GitHub 发送日志。 出于隐私原因,我将删除没有上下文发送的任何日志。永远不要上传不受检查的日志到 GitHub 或其他地方。", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "通过邮件发送日志", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "调试日志", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "选择语言", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "选择主题", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "切换语言", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "锁屏选项", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "应用程序启动时需要进行身份验证", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "请验证以启用锁屏界面。", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "默认账户", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "<自动>", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "添加应用", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "点击添加一个应用来收听。只有合格的应用才会显示在列表中。", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "在您接收手机通知以添加应用程序到此列表的交易中。 如果应用程序仍未显示, 请向app@vogt.pw报告。", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "此服务允许您从传入推送通知中获取交易细节。 此外,您可以选择一个交易应该分配给的默认账户 - 如果没有设置值。 它试图从通知中提取一个帐户。", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "轻触来授予权限。", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "未授予权限", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "移除权限", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "要禁用此服务,请点击应用并删除下一个屏幕中的权限。", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "使用通知标题预填交易标题", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "正在检查状态...", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "检查状态时出错:{error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "服务正在运行", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "服务状态", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "服务已停止", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "提示监听服务", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "应用主题", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "动态取色", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{暗色模式} light{光明模式} other{系统默认}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezone": "使用服务器时区", - "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { - "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." - }, - "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "显示服务器时区中的所有时间。这模拟了 Web 端的行为。", - "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { - "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." - }, - "settingsVersion": "应用版本", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "正在检查…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "附件", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "确定删除此项交易?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "删除附件", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "确认删除此附件?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "无法下载文件。", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "无法打开文件: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "无法打开文件: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "更改布局", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "更改排序顺序", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "加载账单时出错。", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "账单匹配金额为 {value} 的交易。{frequency, select, weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{未知}}重复{skip, plural, =0{} other{,跳过 {skip} 次}}。", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "预计日期 {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select,weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{未知}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{未知}}重复{skip, plural, =0{} other{,跳过 {skip} 次}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "未启用", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "账单已启用", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "账单显示在指定的组中。", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "组", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "账单显示在按特定标准排序的列表中。", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "列表", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "该列表当前为空。", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "下次预期的支付匹配", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "账单未启用", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "此周期内没有预期的支付", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "未找到交易记录。", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "支付日期 {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "按字母排序", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "按时间间隔排序", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "频率", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "名称", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "未分组的", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "您确定要删除这个分类吗?与该分类关联的账单不会被删除,但该分类将彻底删除。", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "加载分类时出错。", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "包括在每月金额", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "分类名称", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "下个月", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "上个月", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "排除", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "添加分类", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "删除分类", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "编辑分类", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "<未分类>", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "其他", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "API 的无效响应: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API不可用", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "此字段是必需项.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "地址无效", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "需要最低 Firefly API 版本 v{requiredVersion},请升级。", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "状态代码:{code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "未知错误", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "帮助", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "登录", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "登出", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "移除", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "重置登录", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "添加交易", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "再试一次", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "账户", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "资产", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "金额", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "{date} 的余额", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "账单", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "预算", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "类别", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "货币", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "默认", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "放弃", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "收入", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "错误", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "支出", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "收入", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "负债", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "多个", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "永不", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "已对账", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "重置", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "支出", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "总额", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "目标", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "未知", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select,weekly{每周} monthly{每月} quarterly{每季度} halfyear{每半年} yearly{每年} other{其它}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "下周的账单", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " (从 {from} 至 {to},{period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " (从 {from} 到 {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "总计 {available} {status, select, over{超出} other{剩余}} {current}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "本月预算", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "帐户概览", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "当月类别摘要", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7日均线", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "每日总结", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "净收入", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "净值", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "存钱/花钱", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "开始日期:{date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "付款期限:{date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "关联账号 {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "没有设立存钱罐。", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "在网络界面中创建一些!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "留下来保存: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "到目前为止已保存: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "收费金额: {amount}%", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "资产负债表", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "主要的", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "存钱罐", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "交易记录", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "过滤列表", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "<全部账户>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "<全部账单>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "<未设置账单>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "<全部预算>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "<未设置预算>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "<全部分类>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "<未设置分类>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "<全部货币>", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "显示未来交易", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "搜索条件", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "选择筛选项", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "未找到交易记录。", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} 类别", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": "在交易列表中显示标签", + "@homeTransactionsSettingsShowTags": { + "description": "Setting label to show tags in transactioon list." + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "我欠了这笔债务", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "我欠这笔债务", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "债务", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "贷款", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "抵押", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "要生产性地使用 WaterFly III,您需要您自己的服务器与 Fifly III 实例或家庭助手的 Firefly III附加组件。\n\n请输入完整的URL以及个人访问令牌(设置 -> 个人资料-> OAuth -> 个人访问令牌)。", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "无效的 API 密钥", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "主机URL", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "欢迎使用 Firefly III!", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "您确定要退出吗?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "帐户", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "账单", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "分类", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "主仪表盘", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "设置", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "取消", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{of} 中的 {perc}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 + } + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "您可以在此启用并发送调试日志。 这些会对性能产生不良影响,所以请不要启用它们,除非你建议这样做。 禁用日志将删除存储的日志。", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "创建电子邮件", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "警告:邮件草稿将与日志文件一起打开(文本格式)。 日志可能包含敏感信息 例如您的 Frefly 实例的主机名 (尽管我试图避免记录任何秘密,如api 密钥)。 请仔细阅读日志并检查您不想分享的任何信息和/或与您想报告的问题无关。\n\n请不要在没有事先同意的情况下通过邮件/GitHub 发送日志。 出于隐私原因,我将删除没有上下文发送的任何日志。永远不要上传不受检查的日志到 GitHub 或其他地方。", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "通过邮件发送日志", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "调试日志", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "选择语言", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "选择主题", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "切换语言", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "锁屏选项", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "应用程序启动时需要进行身份验证", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "请验证以启用锁屏界面。", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "默认账户", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "<自动>", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "添加应用", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "点击添加一个应用来收听。只有合格的应用才会显示在列表中。", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "在您接收手机通知以添加应用程序到此列表的交易中。 如果应用程序仍未显示, 请向app@vogt.pw报告。", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "此服务允许您从传入推送通知中获取交易细节。 此外,您可以选择一个交易应该分配给的默认账户 - 如果没有设置值。 它试图从通知中提取一个帐户。", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "轻触来授予权限。", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "未授予权限", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "移除权限", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "要禁用此服务,请点击应用并删除下一个屏幕中的权限。", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "使用通知标题预填交易标题", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "正在检查状态...", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "检查状态时出错:{error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "服务正在运行", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "服务状态", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "服务已停止", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "提示监听服务", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "应用主题", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "动态取色", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{暗色模式} light{光明模式} other{系统默认}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "使用服务器时区", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "显示服务器时区中的所有时间。这模拟了 Web 端的行为。", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "应用版本", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "正在检查…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "附件", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "确定删除此项交易?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "删除附件", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "确认删除此附件?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "无法下载文件。", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "无法打开文件: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "无法打开文件: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "附件", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "无账单", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "链接账单", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "选择货币种类", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "添加标签", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "按标签搜索", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "选择标签", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "创建副本", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "帐户无效", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "无效的预算", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "请输入标题", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "目标账户", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "外部账户", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "自有账号", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "来源账户", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "备注", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "标签", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "交易名称", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "拆分交易", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "更改基本货币", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "更改拆分目标账户", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "删除拆分", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "添加交易", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "删除交易", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "编辑交易", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "存款", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "转帐", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "取款", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "附件", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "无账单", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "链接账单", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "选择货币种类", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "添加标签", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "按标签搜索", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "选择标签", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "创建副本", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "帐户无效", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "无效的预算", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "请输入标题", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "目标账户", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "外部账户", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "自有账号", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "来源账户", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "备注", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "标签", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "交易名称", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "拆分交易", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "更改基本货币", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "更改拆分目标账户", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "删除拆分", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "添加交易", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "删除交易", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "编辑交易", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "存款", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "转帐", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "取款", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" - }, - "yes": "确定", - "@yes": { - "description": "The word yes" - } -} +} \ No newline at end of file