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pow fixup instruction? #51
I did some experimenting and it's clear that bit 52 modifies the Using the # with bit 52 set
$python3 hwtestbed.py 3a81c0222cc61200 -r-2.0,5.0,0.0,32.0 -b
Thread 0: r0: c2000000 (-32 ), input: -2.0,5.0,0.0,32.0 # without bit 52 set
$ python3 hwtestbed.py 3a81c0222cc60200 -r-2.0,5.0,0.0,32.0 -b
Thread 0: r0: 41b00000 (22 ), input: -2.0,5.0,0.0,32.0 I played around and the logic of (For context, if we are following if a == 1 or b == 0:
d = 1
elif b == 1:
d = a
elif a < 0
if b is not an int:
d = 2143289344 # imaginary result, so error code
elif b is odd:
d = -c
d = c This seems pretty convenient to fix up the I'd be happy to look into this more and update the documentation. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. |
Thanks for looking at it
The rest of the funniness seems to be them not caring about what happens if a or b is NaN but c is not, it acts all goofy in those situations, but you wouldn't encounter it when using the instruction for pow fixup. Testing code(After the first run, it'll generate a metallib in /tmp/. Open it up in a hex editor and modify the fmadd32 to add bit 52, then run it again.) let shader = """
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
struct alignas(16) Info {
packed_uint3 base;
uint counter_size;
packed_uint3 stride;
uint flushDenormals(uint val) {
return val & 0x7f800000 ? val : val & 0x80000000;
kernel void test(uint3 pos [[thread_position_in_grid]], constant Info& info [[buffer(0)]], device atomic_uint& counter [[buffer(1)]], device uint4* output [[buffer(2)]]) {
const uint3 in = pos * info.stride + info.base;
float3 fin = as_type<float3>(in);
uint resA = as_type<uint>(fma(fin.x, fin.y, fin.z));
uint resB = flushDenormals(in.z);
if (fin.x == 1.f || fin.y == 0.f || (fin.x == -1.f && isinf(fin.y))) {
resB = as_type<uint>(1.f);
} else if (fin.y == 1.f) {
resB = flushDenormals(isnan(fin.x) ? in.z : in.x);
} else if (in.x & 0x80000000) {
float iy = floor(fin.y);
if (fin.y != iy && !isnan(fin.y)) {
if (fin.x != 0.f && !isinf(fin.x))
resB = 0x7fc00000;
} else if (floor(iy / 2) != iy / 2 && !isnan(fin.x) && !isnan(fin.y)) {
resB = isnan(fin.z) ? 0x7fc00000 : flushDenormals(in.z ^ 0x80000000);
if (resA != resB) {
uint idx = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&counter, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
if (idx < info.counter_size) {
output[idx] = uint4(in, resA);
import Metal
import simd
typealias V3UInt = SIMD3<UInt32>
typealias V4UInt = SIMD4<UInt32>
func floatBits(_ x: Float) -> UInt32 { return x.bitPattern }
let tests: [(base: V3UInt, stride: V3UInt, size: V3UInt)] = [
(V3UInt(0, 0, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, 0x80000000), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, 1), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, 0x80000001), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, floatBits( 16.5)), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, floatBits(-16.5)), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, floatBits( .infinity)), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, floatBits(-.infinity)), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, floatBits(.nan)), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, 0xffffffff), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 0), V3UInt(65536, 65536, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0x80000000, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, floatBits( 1), floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, floatBits( 2), floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, floatBits(-1), floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, floatBits(-2), floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, floatBits( .infinity), floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, floatBits(-.infinity), floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, floatBits(.nan), floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0xffffffff, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(16, 0, 0), V3UInt(1 << 28, 1, 1)),
(V3UInt(0, 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(0x80000000, 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(floatBits( 1), 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(floatBits( 2), 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(floatBits(-1), 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(floatBits(-2), 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(floatBits( .infinity), 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(floatBits(-.infinity), 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(floatBits(.nan), 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
(V3UInt(0xffffffff, 0, floatBits(16)), V3UInt(0, 16, 0), V3UInt(1, 1 << 28, 1)),
let path = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/PowTest.metallib")
func writeShaderAndExit(lib: MTLLibrary) throws -> Never {
let cdesc = MTLComputePipelineDescriptor()
cdesc.computeFunction = lib.makeFunction(name: "test")!
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: path)
let archive = try lib.device.makeBinaryArchive(descriptor: .init())
try archive.addComputePipelineFunctions(descriptor: cdesc)
try archive.serialize(to: path)
print("Wrote shader to \(path.path). Please modify it for testing and rerun.")
if let gpu = MTLCopyAllDevices().first(where: { $0.supportsFamily(.apple1) }) {
let options = MTLCompileOptions()
options.fastMathEnabled = false
let lib = try gpu.makeLibrary(source: shader, options: options)
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path.path) else {
try writeShaderAndExit(lib: lib)
let pipe: MTLComputePipelineState
do {
let cdesc = MTLComputePipelineDescriptor()
cdesc.computeFunction = lib.makeFunction(name: "test")!
let archiveDesc = MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor()
archiveDesc.url = path
let archive = try gpu.makeBinaryArchive(descriptor: archiveDesc)
cdesc.binaryArchives = [archive]
pipe = try gpu.makeComputePipelineState(descriptor: cdesc, options: .failOnBinaryArchiveMiss).0
} catch {
print("Failed to load shader: \(error.localizedDescription)")
print("Generating new metallib...")
try writeShaderAndExit(lib: lib)
let queue = gpu.makeCommandQueue()!
let outputSize = 128
let counterBuf = gpu.makeBuffer(length: 8)!
let outputBuf = gpu.makeBuffer(length: outputSize * MemoryLayout<SIMD4<UInt32>>.size)!
let optr = outputBuf.contents().bindMemory(to: SIMD4<UInt32>.self, capacity: outputSize)
for test in tests {
counterBuf.contents().storeBytes(of: 0, as: UInt32.self)
let cb = queue.makeCommandBuffer()!
let enc = cb.makeComputeCommandEncoder()!
withUnsafeBytes(of: (V4UInt(test.base, UInt32(outputSize)), V4UInt(test.stride, 0))) { ptr in
enc.setBytes(ptr.baseAddress!, length: ptr.count, index: 0)
enc.setBuffer(counterBuf, offset: 0, index: 1)
enc.setBuffer(outputBuf, offset: 0, index: 2)
var gridsize = MTLSizeMake(Int(test.size.x), Int(test.size.y), Int(test.size.z))
let total = gridsize.width * gridsize.height * gridsize.depth
var tgsize = MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)
for _ in 0..<5 {
if gridsize.width % 2 == 0 {
tgsize.width *= 2
gridsize.width /= 2
} else if gridsize.height % 2 == 0 {
tgsize.height *= 2
gridsize.height /= 2
} else if gridsize.depth % 2 == 0 {
tgsize.depth *= 2
gridsize.depth /= 2
enc.dispatchThreadgroups(gridsize, threadsPerThreadgroup: tgsize)
let end = test.base &+ (test.size &- 1) &* test.stride
print(String(format: "Dispatched %zd threads from (%08x, %08x, %08x) through (%08x, %08x, %08x) by (%d, %d, %d)...", total, test.base.x, test.base.y, test.base.z, end.x, end.y, end.z, test.stride.x, test.stride.y, test.stride.z), terminator: "")
let fails = Int(counterBuf.contents().load(as: UInt32.self))
if fails == 0 {
print(" OK")
} else {
for i in 0..<min(outputSize, fails) {
let fail = optr[i]
let ffail = unsafeBitCast(fail, to: SIMD4<Float>.self)
print(String(format: "\t(%08x, %08x, %08x) -> %08x | (%f, %f, %f) -> %f", fail.x, fail.y, fail.z, fail.w, ffail.x, ffail.y, ffail.z, ffail.w))
} else {
print("No Apple GPU found")
} |
Thanks, I was able to replicate your results. Seems like a couple things need to be done to include the fixup instruction
Anything I'm missing? |
Yeah, that should be it |
Sure. I'll put together a PR |
It seems that the For example: # using 16-bit register
# pow_fixup r0, r1, r2, r3l
$ python3 hwtestbed.py 3A81424224461000 -r-0.0,2.0,5.0,32.0 -b
Thread 0: r0: 42000000 (32 ), input: -0.0,2.0,5.0,32.0
# correct output should be 0 # using 32-bit register
# pow_fixup r0, r1, r2, r3
$ python3 hwtestbed.py 3A81424224461200 -r-0.0,2.0,5.0,32.0 -b
Thread 0: r0: 42000000 (32 ), input: -0.0,2.0,5.0,32.0 As far as I can tell, I'm not sure if this practically matters. Looks like $echo "kernel void test(ushort pos [[thread_position_in_grid]], device float* out, const device half2* in) { out[pos] = metal::pow(in[pos].x, in[pos].y); }" | python3 compiler_explorer.py -
compute shader:
0: 72041004 get_sr r1l, sr80 (thread_position_in_grid.x)
4: 62060000 mov_imm r1h, 0
8: 8500240c00c43000 device_load 0, i16, xy, r0l_r0h, u2_u3, r1, signed, lsl 1
10: 3800 wait 0
12: 8a0980c4 log2 r2.cache, r0l.cache.abs
16: 9a89c4120800 fmul32 r2.cache, r2.discard, r0h.cache
1c: 8a09c4d2 exp2 r2.cache, r2.discard
20: ba80c0100cc41200 pow_fixup r0l.cache, r0l.discard, r0h.discard, r2.discard
28: 2a81c0000002 fadd32 r0, r0l.discard, -0.0
2e: 4501200c00c01200 device_store 0, i32, x, r0, u0_u1, r1, signed, 0
36: 8800 stop Any advice on how to proceed? I could easily just not included test cases with |
I think either option would be fine. If you choose not to handle it, include a comment on the instruction definition mentioning it. |
Found some interesting things in the
functionThe only difference from
(which doesn't handle negative x) is the.abs
on the input and thefmadd32
at the endI don't think adding the product of the inputs will magically fix up the result for negative numbers (and I ran the function to make sure it actually does calculate pow)
The fmadd32 has bit 52 set (which is currently unused in our decoder), so maybe that's what makes it special?
I'm not currently running an OS supported by hwtestbed, so I'll leave actually testing this to someone who is
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