diff --git a/.github/actions/core-cicd/maven-job/action.yml b/.github/actions/core-cicd/maven-job/action.yml
index eade3711b4d9..5b7ea748cd18 100644
--- a/.github/actions/core-cicd/maven-job/action.yml
+++ b/.github/actions/core-cicd/maven-job/action.yml
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@ runs:
name: "build-reports-test-${{ inputs.stage-name }}"
path: |
- **/target/*-reports/TEST-*.xml
\ No newline at end of file
+ **/target/*-reports/*.xml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/filters.yaml b/.github/filters.yaml
index 7c8af5d27894..12bc07f66f43 100644
--- a/.github/filters.yaml
+++ b/.github/filters.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ backend: &backend
- 'core-web/pom.xml'
- 'dotCMS/src/main/webapp/html/**/!(*.{css,js})'
- 'dotcms-postman/**'
+ - 'test-karate/**'
- 'e2e/**'
- 'dotCMS/!(src/main/webapp/html/)**'
- 'dotcms-integration/**'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/cicd_1-pr.yml b/.github/workflows/cicd_1-pr.yml
index ad2fb8dbcedc..a0fe541d77ea 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/cicd_1-pr.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/cicd_1-pr.yml
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ jobs:
jvm_unit_test: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.jvm_unit_test == 'true' }}
integration: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.backend == 'true' }}
postman: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.backend == 'true' }}
+ karate: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.backend == 'true' }}
frontend: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.frontend == 'true' }}
cli: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.cli == 'true' }}
e2e: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.build == 'true' }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/cicd_2-merge-queue.yml b/.github/workflows/cicd_2-merge-queue.yml
index 4251488f1405..1542418ccfe8 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/cicd_2-merge-queue.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/cicd_2-merge-queue.yml
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ jobs:
jvm_unit_test: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.jvm_unit_test == 'true' }}
integration: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.backend == 'true' }}
postman: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.backend == 'true' }}
+ karate: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.backend == 'true' }}
frontend: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.frontend == 'true' }}
cli: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.cli == 'true' }}
e2e: ${{ needs.initialize.outputs.build == 'true' }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/cicd_comp_test-phase.yml b/.github/workflows/cicd_comp_test-phase.yml
index f54fe34a247e..a588be0db236 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/cicd_comp_test-phase.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/cicd_comp_test-phase.yml
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ on:
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
+ karate:
+ required: false
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
required: false
type: boolean
@@ -180,7 +184,38 @@ jobs:
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
artifacts-from: ${{ env.ARTIFACT_RUN_ID }}
cleanup-runner: true
+ # Karate Tests
+ karate-tests:
+ name: Karate Tests - ${{ matrix.suites.name }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
+ if: inputs.karate || inputs.run-all-tests
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ suites:
+ - { name: "Default", pathName: "default", tests: 'KarateCITests#defaults' }
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - uses: ./.github/actions/core-cicd/maven-job
+ with:
+ stage-name: "Karate ${{ matrix.suites.name }}"
+ maven-args: "verify -pl :dotcms-test-karate -Dkarate.test.skip=false -Dit.test=${{ matrix.suites.tests }}"
+ generates-test-results: true
+ dotcms-license: ${{ secrets.DOTCMS_LICENSE }}
+ requires-node: true
+ needs-docker-image: true
+ github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ artifacts-from: ${{ env.ARTIFACT_RUN_ID }}
+ cleanup-runner: true
+ - id: upload-karate-report
+ name: Upload Karate-report
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: karate-reports
+ path: dotCMS/target/karate-reports
# E2E Tests
name: E2E Tests ${{matrix.suites.name}}
diff --git a/e2e/dotcms-e2e-java/pom.xml b/e2e/dotcms-e2e-java/pom.xml
index 140c023ba7a1..bf8e9c108eca 100644
--- a/e2e/dotcms-e2e-java/pom.xml
+++ b/e2e/dotcms-e2e-java/pom.xml
@@ -102,26 +102,6 @@
- org.junit.jupiter
- junit-jupiter-params
- test
- org.junit.platform
- junit-platform-suite
- test
- org.junit.vintage
- junit-vintage-engine
- test
- org.junit.platform
- junit-platform-suite
- test
diff --git a/justfile b/justfile
index 0730a5308de5..881932955386 100644
--- a/justfile
+++ b/justfile
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ build-prod:
# Runs a comprehensive test suite including core integration and postman tests, suitable for final validation
- ./mvnw clean install -Dcoreit.test.skip=false -Dpostman.test.skip=false
+ ./mvnw clean install -Dcoreit.test.skip=false -Dpostman.test.skip=false -Dkarate.test.skip=false
# Builds a specified module without its dependencies, defaulting to the core server (dotcms-core)
build-select-module module="dotcms-core":
@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ dev-tomcat-stop:
test-postman collections='page':
./mvnw -pl :dotcms-postman verify -Dpostman.test.skip=false -Pdebug -Dpostman.collections={{ collections }}
+test-karate collections='KarateCITests#defaults':
+ ./mvnw -pl :dotcms-test-karate verify -Dkarate.test.skip=false -Pdebug -Dit.test={{ collections }}
# Stops Postman-related Docker containers
./mvnw -pl :dotcms-postman -Pdocker-stop -Dpostman.test.skip=false
@@ -121,7 +124,13 @@ build-core-only:
# Prepares the environment for running integration tests in an IDE
- ./mvnw -pl :dotcms-integration pre-integration-test -Dcoreit.test.skip=false
+ ./mvnw -pl :dotcms-integration pre-integration-test -Dcoreit.test.skip=false -Dtomcat.port=8080
+ ./mvnw -pl :dotcms-test-karate pre-integration-test -Dpostman.test.skip=false -Dtomcat.port=8080
+ ./mvnw -pl :dotcms-test-karate pre-integration-test -Dkarate.test.skip=false -Dtomcat.port=8080
# Stops integration test services
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 77fd5695e41e..8d9912d177f2 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ test-karate
diff --git a/test-karate/pom.xml b/test-karate/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a7c64b3aed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ com.dotcms
+ dotcms-parent
+ ${revision}${sha1}${changelist}
+ ../parent/pom.xml
+ jar
+ dotcms-test-karate
+ 21
+ 21
+ 21
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ 8080
+ false
+ 1.5.0
+ true
+ http://localhost:${tomcat.port}
+ KarateCITests#defaults
+ src/test/java
+ **/*.java
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-enforcer-plugin
+ true
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-compiler-plugin
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ true
+ io.fabric8
+ docker-maven-plugin
+ ${karate.test.skip}
+ true
+ true
+ -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal
+ 15
+ false
+ false
+ 600
+ obfuscate_me
+ true
+ http://localhost:${tomcat.port}
+ true
+ true
+ http://wm:8080/c
+ http://wm:${tomcat.port}/i
+ http://wm:${tomcat.port}/e
+ http://wm:${tomcat.port}/m
+ cleanup-at-start
+ stop
+ volume-remove
+ pre-integration-test
+ start
+ start
+ pre-integration-test
+ stop
+ stop
+ verify
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-failsafe-plugin
+ 3.0.0
+ ${karate.test.skip}
+ ${karate.base.url}
+ **/*.java
+ false
+ integration-tests
+ integration-test
+ integration-test
+ verify-tests
+ verify
+ verify
+ org.junit.jupiter
+ junit-jupiter-engine
+ test
+ 5.10.2
+ io.karatelabs
+ karate-junit5
+ ${karate.version}
+ test
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/KarateCITests.java b/test-karate/src/test/java/KarateCITests.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a2a990e0fe84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/KarateCITests.java
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
+import com.intuit.karate.Results;
+import com.intuit.karate.Runner;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+public class KarateCITests {
+ // Note this is a JUnit 5 test compare with @Karate.Test annotated methods.https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65577487/whats-the-purpose-of-karate-junit5-when-you-can-run-tests-without-it
+ @Test
+ void defaults() {
+ Results results = Runner.path("classpath:tests/defaults").tags("~@ignore")
+ .outputHtmlReport(true)
+ .outputJunitXml(true)
+ .outputCucumberJson(true)
+ .parallel(1);
+ assertEquals(0, results.getFailCount(), results.getErrorMessages());
+ }
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/newContent.feature b/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/newContent.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de03b11bddfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/newContent.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Feature: Create content dependencies for tests
+ Background:
+ * def authString = 'admin@dotcms.com:admin'
+ * def encodedAuth = function(s) { return java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(s.getBytes('UTF-8')); }
+ * def baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080'
+ Scenario: SuccessRequest
+ # Adding the content dependencies
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/workflow/actions/default/fire/PUBLISH'
+ #Variables to set timestamp name in the body request
+ * def DateTimeFormatter = Java.type('java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter')
+ * def LocalDateTime = Java.type('java.time.LocalDateTime')
+ * def formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
+ * def now = LocalDateTime.now()
+ * def timestamp = now.format(formatter)
+ * def timestampString = 'SucessRequest' + timestamp
+ And request { "contentlet": { "stInode" : "f4d7c1b8-2c88-4071-abf1-a5328977b07d", "languageId" : 1, "key": "#(timestampString)", "value": "#(timestampString)" } }
+ And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
+ And header Authorization = 'Basic ' + encodedAuth(authString)
+ When method put
+ Then status 200
+ #* print 'Response:', response
+ And match response.errors == []
+ And match response.entity.title contains("#(timestampString)")
+ * def contentId = response.entity.identifier
+ * def contentInode = response.entity.inode
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/turnOffSystemTableProperties.feature b/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/turnOffSystemTableProperties.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41cb944c425e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/turnOffSystemTableProperties.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Feature: Turn off system table properties for default content to default language
+ Background:
+ * def authString = 'admin@dotcms.com:admin'
+ * def encodedAuth = function(s) { return java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(s.getBytes('UTF-8')); }
+ * def baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080'
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/system-table'
+ And request { key: 'DEFAULT_CONTENT_TO_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', value: false }
+ And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
+ And header Authorization = 'Basic ' + encodedAuth(authString)
+ When method POST
+ Then status 200
+ And match response.entity contains("DEFAULT_CONTENT_TO_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE saved/updated")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/turnOnSystemTableProperties.feature b/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/turnOnSystemTableProperties.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38d444bb0c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/dependencyfeatures/turnOnSystemTableProperties.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Feature: turnOnSystemTableProperties
+ Background:
+ * def authString = 'admin@dotcms.com:admin'
+ * def encodedAuth = function(s) { return java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(s.getBytes('UTF-8')); }
+ * def baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080'
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/system-table'
+ And request { key: 'DEFAULT_CONTENT_TO_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', value: true }
+ And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
+ And header Authorization = 'Basic ' + encodedAuth(authString)
+ When method POST
+ Then status 200
+ And match response.entity contains("DEFAULT_CONTENT_TO_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE saved/updated")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/karate-config.js b/test-karate/src/test/java/karate-config.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d28f0028725c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/karate-config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+function fn() {
+ var env = karate.env; // get system property 'karate.env'
+ karate.log('karate.env system property was:', env);
+ if (!env) {
+ env = 'dev';
+ }
+ var config = {
+ env: env,
+ baseUrl: karate.properties['karate.base.url'] || 'http://localhost:8080'
+ }
+ if (env == 'dev') {
+ // customize
+ // e.g. config.foo = 'bar';
+ } else if (env == 'e2e') {
+ // customize
+ }
+ karate.log('Base URL set to:', config.baseUrl);
+ return config;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/logback-test.xml b/test-karate/src/test/java/logback-test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7a07cdecd487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/logback-test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ %d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
+ target/tests.log
+ %d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CheckingJSONAttributes.feature b/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CheckingJSONAttributes.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1937522db2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CheckingJSONAttributes.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+Feature: Checking JSON Attributes
+ Background:
+ * def authString = 'admin@dotcms.com:admin'
+ * def encodedAuth = function(s) { return java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(s.getBytes('UTF-8')); }
+ * def baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080'
+ * def commonHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
+ * commonHeaders['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + encodedAuth(authString)
+ * def extractErrors =
+ """
+ function(response) {
+ var errors = [];
+ var results = response.entity.results;
+ if (results && results.length > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
+ var result = results[i];
+ // Handle both nested error messages and direct error messages
+ for (var key in result) {
+ if (result[key] && result[key].errorMessage) {
+ errors.push(result[key].errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return errors;
+ }
+ """
+ Scenario: Checking Content Audit Attributes
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/workflow/actions/default/fire/PUBLISH'
+ And request
+ """
+ {
+ "contentlet": [
+ {
+ "contentType": "webPageContent",
+ "title": "Test Generic Content",
+ "contentHost": "default",
+ "body": "This is my Test Generic Content"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ """
+ And headers commonHeaders
+ When method post
+ Then status 200
+ * def firstResult = response.entity.results[0]
+ * def contentId = karate.keysOf(firstResult)[0]
+ * def contentIdentifier = firstResult[contentId].identifier
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/content/' + contentIdentifier
+ And headers commonHeaders
+ When method get
+ Then status 200
+ And match response.entity contains
+ """
+ {
+ "contentType": "webPageContent",
+ "title": "Test Generic Content",
+ "hostName": "default",
+ "body": "This is my Test Generic Content",
+ "creationDate": "#notnull",
+ "owner": "#notnull",
+ "ownerName": "#notnull",
+ "modDate": "#notnull",
+ "modUser": "#notnull",
+ "modUserName": "#notnull",
+ "publishDate": "#notnull",
+ "publishUser": "#notnull",
+ "publishUserName": "#notnull"
+ }
+ """
+ Scenario Outline: Testing Content Creation Validation
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/workflow/actions/default/fire/PUBLISH'
+ And request
+ And headers commonHeaders
+ When method post
+ Then status 200
+ * def errors = call extractErrors response
+ * match errors contains
+ Examples:
+ | payload | expectedError |
+ | { "contentlet": [{}] } | 'Content Type does not exist' |
+ | { "contentlet": [{ "contentType": "webPageContent", "contentHost": "default" }] } | 'Contentlet with ID \'Unknown/New\' [\'\'] has invalid/missing field(s). - Fields: [REQUIRED]: Title (title), Body (body)' |
+ | { "contentlet": [{ "contentType": "webPageContent", "title": "", "contentHost": "default" }] } | 'Contentlet with ID \'Unknown/New\' [\'\'] has invalid/missing field(s). - Fields: [REQUIRED]: Title (title), Body (body)' |
+ Scenario: Retrieving Test Generic Content - Wrong ID
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/content/wrongID'
+ And headers commonHeaders
+ When method get
+ Then status 404
+ And match response.message contains 'The contentlet wrongID and language 1 does not exist'
+ Scenario: Creating Test Generic Content - No auth
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/workflow/actions/default/fire/PUBLISH'
+ And request
+ """
+ {
+ "contentlet": [
+ {
+ "contentType": "webPageContent",
+ "title": "Test Generic Content",
+ "contentHost": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ """
+ And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
+ When method post
+ Then status 401
+ And match response contains 'CONTENT_APIS_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS permission exceeded'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CheckingJSONAttributesRunner.java b/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CheckingJSONAttributesRunner.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ea28fdd13a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CheckingJSONAttributesRunner.java
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package tests.defaults;
+import com.intuit.karate.junit5.Karate;
+public class CheckingJSONAttributesRunner {
+ @Karate.Test
+ Karate testCheckingJSONAttributesRunner() {
+ return Karate.run("CheckingJSONAttributes").relativeTo(getClass());
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CreateNewContents.feature b/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CreateNewContents.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2cc807513e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CreateNewContents.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Feature: Content Management API Tests
+ Background:
+ * def authString = 'admin@dotcms.com:admin'
+ * def encodedAuth = function(s) { return java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(s.getBytes('UTF-8')); }
+ * def baseUrl = baseUrl + ''
+ * def authHeader = 'Basic ' + encodedAuth(authString)
+ * def commonHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': '#(authHeader)' }
+ * def newContent = karate.callSingle('classpath:dependencyfeatures/newContent.feature')
+ * def contentId = newContent.contentId
+ * def contentInode = newContent.contentInode
+ @smoke @positive
+ Scenario Outline: Verify content retrieval by with default language
+ # Turn on system properties
+ * call read('classpath:dependencyfeatures/turnOnSystemTableProperties.feature')
+ * configure cookies = null
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/content/' + + '?language=2'
+ And headers commonHeaders
+ When method get
+ Then status 200
+ And match response.entity. ==
+ # Turn off system properties
+ * call read('classpath:dependencyfeatures/turnOffSystemTableProperties.feature')
+ Examples:
+ | type | id | matchField | expectedValue |
+ | identifier | contentId | identifier | contentId |
+ | inode | contentInode | inode | contentInode |
+ @negative @security
+ Scenario Outline: Verify authentication requirements for content update -
+ # Turn off system properties
+ * call read('classpath:dependencyfeatures/turnOffSystemTableProperties.feature')
+ * configure cookies = null
+ Given url baseUrl + '/api/v1/workflow/actions/default/fire/PUBLISH'
+ And request
+ """
+ {
+ "contentlet": {
+ "stInode": "f4d7c1b8-2c88-4071-abf1-a5328977b07d",
+ "languageId": 1,
+ "identifier": '#(contentId)',
+ "key": "UpdatedKey",
+ "value": "Updatedvalue"
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ * def auth = (useAuth == 'true') ? ('Basic ' + encodedAuth(credentials)) : null
+ And header Authorization = auth
+ And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
+ When method put
+ Then status 401
+ And match response contains expectedError
+ Examples:
+ | scenario | useAuth | credentials | expectedError |
+ | No Credentials | false | null | CONTENT_APIS_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS permission exceeded - system set to READ but WRITE was required |
+ | Wrong Credentials | true | 'admin@dotcms.com:admin1' | Authentication credentials are required |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CreateNewContentsRunner.java b/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CreateNewContentsRunner.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22102b060bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-karate/src/test/java/tests/defaults/CreateNewContentsRunner.java
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package tests.defaults;
+import com.intuit.karate.junit5.Karate;
+public class CreateNewContentsRunner {
+ @Karate.Test
+ Karate testCreateNewContentsRunner() {
+ return Karate.run("CreateNewContents").relativeTo(getClass());
+ }
\ No newline at end of file