- Added support for NaamWaarde fields (please see Model\Relatie) for more information.
- Renamed AuthenticatedConnection to V1Connector.
- Added the V2Connector.
- Implemented a new method to see if a SnelstartObject has been hydrated. See
- AuthenticatedConnection: Version bump van v1 to v2.
- VCS: Dropped the 'v' for versions.
- Switched the variadic function arguments to enforce more strict programming.
- BC-BREAK: Added final to all classes.
- BC-BREAK: Requests now depend on ODataRequestDataInterface instead of ODataRequestData
- BC-BREAK: AccessTokenConnection now requires a BearerToken in the constructor.
- All requests needs to be initialized instead of being static
- Added final to all classes
- Requests now depend on ODataRequestDataInterface instead of ODataRequestData
- AccessTokenConnection now requires a BearerToken in the constructor.