Small fix for Issue #6
- Rework is needed
Attention: The next release will include a breaking point.
- The apache user on Debian will be changed to "apache" Also PHP 7.0 will be removed, when PHP 7.3 becomes RC or GA
- Fail2ban
- UFW (for Debian)
- Adding Apache for CentOS
- Fixing Logrotate for Apache
- MariaDB 10.3
- Redis is available again in NC
- If you have any problems please try to reload the NC a few times. If this will not work, open a ticket please
- Removed Redis for now from NC config because of Internal Server error
- Changed the behaviour of subdomain creation
- Added password to Redis
- Other subdomain related fixes
- Add: Apache support (only on Debian for now)
- Add: Support for Nextcloud and Wordpress
- Add: Redis support
- Add: IPv6-Support
- Improvement: Using Ciphers from
- Fix: Path to fpm socket in nginx
- Added Subdomain support
- Rewrite most parts of the script