While running tests from a local machine against cloud instance results can be not accurate because of unstable internet connection or extra latency.
In order to improve results accuracy it is better to run tests in the same data center (region), where cluster is deployed.
Create a new CPU-optimized VM with any Container Optimized OS in the same region where Elastic Stack will be deployed:
Install gcloud cli
Connect to VM:
gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "us-central1-a" "surname-load-testing" --project "<project-id>"
- After connecting to VM create a folder to store project:
mkdir test
- In other terminal window gzip project sources and transfer archive to VM
tar -xzf KibanaLoadTesting.tar.gz .
sudo gcloud compute scp KibanaLoadTesting.tar.gz <user>@surname-load-testing:/home/<user>/test --zone "us-central1-a" --project "project-id"
- Connect to VM and unzip archive
cd test
tar -xzf KibanaLoadTesting.tar.gz
- Start docker image with JDK+Maven and mount
directory on the host machine into a container:
sudo docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/local/git --name java-maven --rm jamesdbloom/docker-java8-maven
folder with project should be available in container, start tests as locally
export API_KEY=<Your API Key>
export cloudDeploy=7.11.0-SNAPSHOT
mvn clean -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true compile
mvn gatling:test -Dgatling.simulationClass=org.kibanaLoadTest.simulation.cloud.DemoJourney
- Stop container on tests finish, results should be available in
- Gzip results
sudo tar -czvf results.tar.gz target/gatling/demojourney-20201118160915491/
- Download archive from local machine
sudo gcloud compute scp <user>@surname-load-testing:/home/<user>/test/results.tar.gz . --zone=us-central1-a