trainer = dlt.Trainer(experiment)
Table with experiment configuration- Main functionality is
. - Automatically creates loss logs, saves model and optimizer state checkpoints.
- Upon resume, automatically continues from previous checkpoint.
- Checkpoints every epoch AND according to
A function trainingCallback(state,batch)
that performs a training step on a batch. state
gives access to the trainer (models, optimizers etc.). Overrides the default training callback set by trainingType
local function train(state,batch)
local net, crit, opt = state.model, state.criterion, state.optimizer
-- If net, crit, opt is a table of models/criteria/optimizers
-- local netG, netD = net.generator, net.discriminator
-- local critG, critD = crit.generator, crit.discriminator
-- local optG, optD = opt.generator, opt.discriminator
-- Do a normal step
-- Note: batch will have the fields set in pointSize
local prediction = net:forward(batch.input)
local loss = crit:forward(prediction, batch.output)
local gradOutput = crit:backward(prediction, batch.output)
opt:updateState(, loss) -- If we need to reduce lr etc..
opt:step( function() return loss,net.gradParameters end, net.parameters )
-- Access to log
A dlt.Loader (Without loader:init()
called before).
experiment.loader = dlt.Mnist{path = '~/data/mnist'}
Table that describes each data point.
-- For class predictions use empty table {}
experiment.pointSize = {input = {1,32,32}, output = {}}
String. Currently supports:
: Iterates training set, minimizes one model given a criterion.'validate'
: Same as simple but goes through validation set too.'GAN'
: Generative adversarial networks (training set only)'WGAN'
: Wasserstein GAN (training set only)'BEGAN'
: Boundary Equilibrium GAN (training set only)
NOTE: 'simple'
and 'validate'
assume that dataPoints have fields input and output while
assume fields input (z goes into generator), sample (x goes into discriminator),
output (y out of discriminator)
Table. Contents depend on trainingType
- For
provide model.create [ and ]. - For
provide tables model.generator and model.discriminator each with .create [ and .name ].
experiment.trainingType = 'simple'
experiment.model = {create = functionThatCreatesModel, name = 'myAwesomeModel'}
-- OR
experiment.trainingType = 'GAN'
experiment.model ={ generator = {create = makeGeneratorFunction, name = 'Generator'},
discriminator = {create = '~/savedModels/discriminatorOnDisk.t7', name = 'Discriminator'} }
An nn.Criterion or anything with correctly defined :forward() :backward() and :type()
- For
provide just the criterion - For
provide a table with model.discriminator and criterion.generator (useful for fancy GAN losses).
experiment.trainingType = 'simple'
experiment.criterion = nn.MSECriterion()
-- OR
experiment.trainingType = 'GAN'
experiment.criterion = {discriminator = nn.CrossEntropyCriterion} -- generator Criterion might not be needed
Note that 'WGAN'
and 'BEGAN'
do not need a criterion.
- For
provide a table with a name (config and hook optional) - For
provide table with optim.discriminator and optim.generator tables
experiment.trainingType = 'simple'
experiment.optim = {name = 'adam', config = {beta1 = 0.5}
-- hook (if provided) must return updated state.
-- Called before each optimizer update ('simple'/'validate' modes)
hook = function(epoch,loss,currentState)
if epoch == 2 then currentState.beta1 = 0.2 end -- Or something that is actually useful
return currentState
-- OR
experiment.trainingType = 'GAN'
experiment.optim = {discriminator = {name = 'rmsprop', config = {learningRate = 5e-5}},
generator = {name = 'rmsprop', config = {learningRate = 1e-5}}}
Hooks for 'GAN'
training, e.g. onGeneratorTrainBegin(state)
Number or function(state)
- If number then represents checkpointing frequency in minutes.
- If function, must return true when a checkpoint is required, otherwise return false.
- Takes one argument
is the trainer. Care must be taken not to change the internal state.
- Takes one argument
to set training schedule forGAN
(from WGAN paper)clampMin
[-0.01] andclampMax
[0.01] FORWGAN
[0.001] andloss
[nn.AbsCriterion()] forBEGAN
File lenet.lua :
local dlt = require('dlt')
-- Train LeNet on MNIST. Yes, LeNet. Again. On MNIST.
local experiment = {
loader = dlt.Mnist{
path = '~/data/mnist',
assignPoint = function(batch,i,img,cls)
batch.output[i] = cls
model = { create = dlt.models.lenet5, name = 'Lenet5' },
trainingType = 'validate',
pointSize = {input = {1,32,32}, output = {}},
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyCriterion(),
optim = {name = 'adadelta'} -- If not given it defaults to adam
Possible run:
# Run on 2 GPUs, load data only on master thread with batch size of 1000
# Save training log, models, optim state and checkpoint.t7 in ~/save/examples/1
th lenet.lua -nGPU 2 -nThreads 0 -batchSize 1000 -savePath ~/save/examples/1
File colornet.lua :
local dlt = require('dlt')
-- Train Colornet on Places2 (aka Places365).
-- Colornet paper:
local experiment = {
loader = dlt.Places{
path = '~/data/places365', type = 'float',
assignPoint = function(batch,i,img,cls)
-- Scale to size used in paper
img = image.scale(img,224,224)
-- Get greyscale image
local grey = image.rgb2y(img)
-- Convert to Lab (also scaled to half width,height)
local lab = image.rgb2lab(image.scale(img,112,112))
lab:add(108):div(208) -- normalize ab to [0,1]
-- Model takes table input with two images (first is size invariant)
-- Output is table with ab predictions and class
batch.output[2][i] = cls
model = { create = function() return dlt.models.colornet(224,224,365,1,2) end, name = 'Colornet' },
trainingType = 'simple',
-- Pointsize supports tables!
pointSize = { input = { {1,224,224} , {1,224,224} } , output = { {2,112,112}, {} } },
criterion = nn.ParallelCriterion():add(nn.MSECriterion()):add(nn.CrossEntropyCriterion(),1/300),
optim = {name = 'adam'}
Possible run:
# Run on GPU no. 2, load data on 8 threads, batch size 4 (In the paper they used 128 on a single K80 core)
# Do not overwrite checkpoints (i.e. keep models and optim states from each checkpoint)
# print timings
th colornet.lua -nGPU 1 -defGPU 2 -nThreads 8 -batchSize 4 -saveAll true -verbose 5
File dcgan.lua :
local dlt = require('dlt')
-- Train DCGAN on MNIST
-- Code adapted from
-- First define model creation (with weight init etc)
local function weights_init(m)
local name = torch.type(m)
if name:find('Convolution') then
m.weight:normal(0.0, 0.02)
elseif name:find('BatchNormalization') then
if m.weight then m.weight:normal(1.0, 0.02) end
if m.bias then m.bias:fill(0) end
local SBN, SConv, SFConv = nn.SpatialBatchNormalization, nn.SpatialConvolution, nn.SpatialFullConvolution
local nc,nz,ndf,ngf = 3, 100, 64, 64
local function makeGenerator()
local netG = nn.Sequential()
netG:add(SFConv(nz, ngf * 8, 4, 4)):add(SBN(ngf * 8)):add(nn.ReLU(true)) -- state size: (ngf*8) x 4 x 4
:add(SFConv(ngf * 8, ngf * 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)):add(SBN(ngf * 4)):add(nn.ReLU(true)) -- state size: (ngf*4) x 8 x 8
:add(SFConv(ngf * 4, ngf * 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)):add(SBN(ngf * 2)):add(nn.ReLU(true)) -- state size: (ngf*2) x 16 x 16
:add(SFConv(ngf * 2, ngf, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)):add(SBN(ngf)):add(nn.ReLU(true)) -- state size: (ngf) x 32 x 32
:add(SFConv(ngf , nc, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)):add(nn.Tanh()) -- state size: (nc) x 64 x 64
return netG
local function makeDiscriminator()
local netD = nn.Sequential() -- input is (nc) x 64 x 64
netD:add(SConv(nc, ndf, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)):add(nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, true)) -- state size: (ndf) x 32 x 32
:add(SConv(ndf, ndf * 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)):add(SBN(ndf * 2)):add(nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, true)) -- state size: (ndf*2) x 16 x 16
:add(SConv(ndf * 2, ndf * 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)):add(SBN(ndf * 4)):add(nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, true)) -- state size: (ndf*4) x 8 x 8
:add(SConv(ndf * 4, ndf * 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1)):add(SBN(ndf * 8)):add(nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, true)) -- state size: (ndf*4) x 4 x 4
:add(SConv(ndf * 8, 1, 4, 4)):add(nn.Sigmoid()) -- state size: 1 x 1 x 1
:add(nn.View(1):setNumInputDims(3)) -- state size: 1
return netD
-- Define and run experiment
local experiment = {
loader = dlt.CelebA{
path = '~/data/celeba',
type = 'float',
assignPoint = function(batch,i,img,cls)
img = image.scale(image.crop(img,'c',178,178),64,64) -- crop and resize
trainingHooks = { getGeneratorInput = function(batch) return batch.input:normal(0,1) end },
model = { discriminator = { create = makeDiscriminator, name = 'Discriminator' },
generator = { create = makeGenerator, name = 'Generator' }},
trainingType = 'GAN',
checkpointCondition = 1, -- Checkpoint every minute
pointSize = { input = {nz} , sample = {nc,64,64}, output = {} },
criterion = {discriminator = nn.BCECriterion()},
optim = {discriminator = {name = 'adam', config = {learningRate = 2e-4, beta1 = 0.5}},
generator = { name = 'adam', config = {learningRate = 2e-4, beta1 = 0.5} } }
Possible run:
# Run on GPU, load data on 4 threads, batch size 8
# Do not overwrite checkpoints (i.e. keep models and optim states from each checkpoint)
th dcgan.lua -nGPU 1 -nThreads 4 -batchSize 8 -saveAll true