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Dennis Maidon edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the WeatherBridgeDataArchive wiki!

Allows users to archive their Weatherbridge/Meteobridge data. Data is written to .CSV files which can be read in Microsoft Excel or a text reader.

Directory layout:



[MMMyyyy].csv (Stores daily data in a single line for each day of the month.)

[MMddyyyy].csv (Stores data by individual updates by day. Update frequency is configurable by user. A single line is written for each update event.)




records[Mdyyyy].png (Snapshot of Records tab is stored every night at midnight)


_ wbda_[Mdyy]-[timesrun]_.log (A separate log file is saved for each time the program is run.)


amb-[Mdyy].json (The data file for the Ambient Weather download.)

Main Screen:


There are four (4) countdown timers located on the status bar at the bottom of the form.

  1. Archive update
  1. Records update
  1. Ambient Weather update
  1. Weatherbridge update

Options Screen:


See Setup Information page for instructions on options.

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