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Dennis Maidon edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the WeatherBridgeDataArchive wiki!

Allows users to archive their Weatherbridge/Meteobridge data. Data is written to .CSV files which can be read in Microsoft Excel or a text reader.

Directory layout:



[MMMyyyy].csv (Stores data by a single line for each day of the month.)

[MMddyyyy].csv (Stores data by individual updates by day. Update frequency is configurable by user. A single line for each update event.)



records[Mdyyyy].png (Snapshot of Records tab is stored every night at midnight)


_ wbda_[Mdyy]-[timesrun]_.log (A separate log file is saved for each time the program is run.)


amb-[Mdyy].json (The data file for the Ambient Weather download.)

Main Screen:

Options Screen:

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