#Di Lu
Video to a demo of the scene. As of right now, the github link doesn't seem to work. This projects runs in 20-30 FPS while I'm not recording through OBS studios: https://vimeo.com/631615248
Video to the inspiration for the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HvrySwhZrQ&ab_channel=umami
In addition to IQ's site:
- https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MlcBDj
- https://weber.itn.liu.se/~stegu/webglshadertutorial/shadertutorial.html
- Gain experience with signed distance functions
- Experiment with animation curves
- Create a presentable portfolio piece
You will copy your implementation of hw02 into your hw03 repository.
- (35 points) Artwork Replication Your raymarched scene should attempt to replicate the appearance of your inspiration (include picture) with clear effort put into the replication.
- (25 points) Materials Your scene should be composed of at least three different materials. We define a material to be a surface reflection model combined with some base surface color; texturing is optional.
- (10 points) Lighting and Shadows Light your scene with at least three light sources. At least one of your light sources must cast shadows, and they should be soft shadows using the penumbra shadows algorithm we discussed in class. Consider following the "Key Light, Fill Light, GI Light" formulation from the in-class example.
- (20 points) Performance The frame rate of your scene must be at least 10FPS.
- (10 points) Following the specifications listed
create your own README.md, renaming this file to INSTRUCTIONS.md. Don't worry
about discussing runtime optimization for this project. Make sure your
README contains the following information:
- Your name and PennKey
- Citation of any external resources you found helpful when implementing this assignment.
- A link to your live github.io demo
- An explanation of the techniques you used to model and animate your scene.
- IQ's Article on SDFs
- IQ's Article on Smooth Blending
- IQ's Article on Useful Functions
- Breakdown of Rendering an SDF Scene
Commit and push to Github, then make a pull request on the hw03 repository with a title containing your name, and a comment containing a link to your live demo.