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Defining Media Analytics Pipelines

| Pipeline Definition Files | Pipeline Discovery | Pipeline Templates | Source Abstraction | Pipeline Parameters | Deep Learning Models |

Media analytics pipelines are directed graphs of audio/video processing, computer vision, and deep learning inference operations. The following sections explain how media analytics pipelines are defined and loaded by Intel(R) Deep Learning Streamer (Intel(R) DL Streamer) Pipeline Server.

Pipeline Definition Files

Pipeline definition files are JSON documents containing a single top-level object with four sections.

Section Value
type Framework type.

Can be either GStreamer* or FFmpeg*
description Brief description of pipeline.
template Pipeline graphs and operations as described in the syntax of the media analytics framework.

For GStreamer this is the PIPELINE-DESCRIPTION syntax supported by gst-launch-1.0. For a brief GStreamer introduction please see the following overview.

For FFmpeg this is the syntax of the ffmpeg command-line tool.
parameters Optional JSON object specifying pipeline parameters that can be customized when the pipeline is launched.

How Pipeline Definition Files are Discovered and Loaded

Pipeline definition files are stored in a hierarchical directory structure that determines their name and version. On startup, the Pipeline Server pipeline_manager searches the configured pipeline directory and loads all pipeline definitions that are found.

The hierarchical directory structure is made up of three levels:


Here is a sample directory listing:

    ├── audio_detection
    │   └── environment
    │       └── pipeline.json
    ├── object_classification
    │   └── vehicle_attributes
    │       └── pipeline.json
    ├── object_detection
    │   └── person_vehicle_bike
    │       └── pipeline.json
    └── object_tracking
        └── person_vehicle_bike
            └── pipeline.json

Note: When a Pipeline Server application needs to support multiple frameworks their pipelines are typically stored in separate top-level directories and built into separate docker images.

Note: While not required, pipeline definition files are named pipeline.json by convention.

Pipeline Templates

The template property within a pipeline definition describes the order and type of operations in the media analytics pipeline. The syntax of the template property is specific to the underlying framework (GStreamer or FFmpeg). Templates use the source, destination and parameters sections of an incoming pipeline request to customize the source, destination and behavior of a pipeline implemented in an underlying framework. The Pipeline Server pipeline_manager and framework specific modules gstreamer_pipeline and ffmpeg_pipeline provide default handling for typical source and destination options.

GStreamer Templates

Note: This section assumes an understanding of the GStreamer framework. Developers new to GStreamer can start with a brief GStreamer overview.

GStreamer templates use the GStreamer Pipeline Description syntax to concatenate elements into a pipeline. The Pipeline Server pipeline_manager and gstreamer_pipeline modules parse the template, configure the source, destination, and appsink elements and then construct the pipeline based on incoming requests.

The source, destination and appsink elements in a pipeline template intentionally avoid assigning explicit media source and destination properties. This enables the properties to be dynamically defined by the calling application.

Object Detection


"template": ["uridecodebin name=source",
            " ! gvadetect model={models[person_vehicle_bike_detection][1][network]} name=detection",
            " ! gvametaconvert name=metaconvert ! gvametapublish name=destination",
            " ! appsink name=appsink"

Source Abstraction

{auto_source} is a virtual source that is updated with the appropriate GStreamer element and properties at request time. The GStreamer element is chosen based on the type specified in the source section of the request (shown below), making pipelines flexible as they can be reused for source media of different types.

Sample video pipeline

"template": ["{auto_source}",
            " ! gvadetect model={models[person_vehicle_bike_detection][1][network]} name=detection",
            " ! gvametaconvert name=metaconvert ! gvametapublish name=destination",
            " ! appsink name=appsink"

Sample audio pipeline

"template": ["{auto_source} ! audioresample ! audioconvert",
            " ! audio/x-raw, channels=1,format=S16LE,rate=16000 ! audiomixer name=audiomixer",
            " ! level name=level",
            " ! gvaaudiodetect model={models[audio_detection][environment][network]} name=detection",
            " ! gvametaconvert name=metaconvert ! gvametapublish name=destination",
            " ! appsink name=appsink"
SourceGStreamer ElementSource section of curl requestSource pipeline snippet
ApplicationappsrcN/A N/A

"source": {
  "uri": "file://path",
  "type": "uri"
urisourcebin uri=file://path name=source

"source": {
  "uri": "rtsp://url",
  "type": "uri",
urisourcebin uri=rtsp://url name=source 

"source": {
    "uri": "https://url",
    "type": "uri"
urisourcebin uri=https://url name=source 
Web camerav4l2src

"source": {
  "device": "/dev/video0",
  "type": "webcam",
v4l2src device=/dev/video0 name=source ! capsfilter caps="image/jpeg"
Custom GStreamer ElementValue specified in "element" field of source request

"source": {
  "element": GStreamer Element name,
  "type": "gst",
Example for microphone for an audio pipeline:

  "source": {
    "element": "alsasrc",
    "type": "gst",
    "properties": {
        "device": "hw:1,0"
alsasrc device=hw:1,0 name=source

Note: For request of type=gst, the container must support the corresponding element.

Source request accepts the following optional fields set via the request:

  • capsfilter if set is applied right after the source element as shown in example below. The default value of capsfilter for webcam is image/jpeg but it can be set via the request to another valid format.
      "source": {
          "device": "/dev/video0",
          "type": "webcam",
          "capsfilter": "video/x-h264"
    The source pipeline resolves to:
    v4l2src device=/dev/video0 name=source ! capsfilter caps=video/x-h264 ! ..
  • postproc if set is applied after the source and capsfilter element (if specified). Below is an example of the use of capsfilter and postproc
      "source": {
          "element": "videotestsrc",
          "type": "gst",
          "capsfilter": "video/x-raw,format=GRAY8",
          "postproc": "rawvideoparse",
          "properties": {
              "pattern": "snow"
    The source pipeline resolves to:
    videotestsrc name=source ! capsfilter caps=video/x-raw,format=GRAY8 ! rawvideoparse ! ..

Element Names

Each element in a GStreamer pipeline has a name that is either generated automatically or set by using the standard element property: name. Using the name property in a template creates an explicit alias for the element that can then be used in the parameters section of a pipeline definition. More details on parameters can be found in the Pipeline Parameters section.

Certain element names also trigger special default handling by the Pipeline Server modules. For example in the object_detection/person_vehicle_bike sample template the special element name source results in the urisourcebin's uri property getting automatically set to the source uri of an incoming request.

Element Properties

Each element in a GStreamer pipeline can be configured through its set of properties.

The object_detection/person_vehicle_bike template demonstrates how to set the gvadetect element's properties to select the deep learning model used to detect objects in a video frame.

gvadetect model={models[person_vehicle_bike_detection][1][network]} model-proc={models[person_vehicle_bike_detection][1][proc]} name=detection

The model and model-proc properties reference file paths to the deep learning model as discovered and populated by the Pipeline Server model_manager module. The model_manager module provides a python dictionary associating model names and versions to their absolute paths enabling pipeline templates to reference them by name. You can use the model-proc property to point to custom model-proc by specifying absolute path. More details are provided in the Deep Learning Models section.

Model Persistance in OpenVINO GStreamer Elements

model-instance-id is an optional property that will hold the model in memory instead of releasing it when the pipeline completes. This improves load time and reduces memory usage when launching the same pipeline multiple times. The model is associated with the given ID to allow subsequent runs to use the same model instance.

It's important to be careful when using this property when running pipelines across multiple hardware targets as models are loaded for a specific device. For example, if a model is loaded on the CPU and is given an instance ID of 'inf0', then that ID must not be used to run the model on the GPU. The same caveat applies to the video formats. The model will be set to the initial image format (e.g. RGBx) during the first pipeline run and any subsequent pipeline runs will error if the image formats differs (e.g a YV12).

When using a pipeline with elements that target different accelerators, the model-instance-id property must be parameterized so that a unique id can be provided for each accelerator. As an example if you have different detection and classification models, they must have different parameter names so that the Pipeline Server can distinguish between them. Here is a pipeline definition snippet showing model-instance-id properties of gvadetect and gvaclassify elements mapped to parameters detection-model-instance-id and classification-model-instance-id respectively.

    "detection-model-instance-id": {
        "element": {
            "name": "detection",
            "property": "model-instance-id"
        "type": "string"
    "classification-model-instance-id": {
        "element": {
            "name": "classification",
            "property": "model-instance-id"
        "type": "string"

Different pipelines may share the same value for model-instance-id as long as the model is the same across all instances using the assigned id, and targets the same hardware device and video format.

More Information

For more information and examples of media analytics pipelines created with Intel(R) DL Streamer please see the Intel(R) DL Streamer tutorial.

FFmpeg Templates

Note: A more full description of FFmpeg pipeline templates will be provided in a later release.

Conceptually FFmpeg templates are similar to GStreamer templates but the gst-launch string syntax is replaced by the FFmpeg Command-Line syntax.

Object Detection


"template": [
	"-i \"{source[uri]}\" ",
	"-vf \"detect=model={models[object_detection][person_vehicle_bike][network]}",
	" -an -y -f metapublish"

More Information

For more information and examples of media analytics pipelines created with FFmpeg Video Analytics please see the FFmpeg Video Analytics getting started guide.

Pipeline Parameters

Pipeline parameters enable developers to customize pipelines based on incoming requests. Parameters are an optional section within a pipeline definition and are used to specify which pipeline properties are configurable and what values are valid. Developers can also specify default values for each parameter or set to read from environment variable.

Defining Parameters as JSON Schema

The parameters section in a pipeline definition provides the JSON schema used to validate the parameters in a request. It can also provide details on how those parameters are interpreted by the gstreamer_pipeline or ffmpeg_pipeline modules.

The parameters section of a pipeline request is a JSON object. The parameters section of a pipeline definition is the JSON schema for that JSON object. For more details on JSON schemas please refer to JSON schema documentation.


The following parameters section contains two parameters: height and width:

"parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "height": {
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": 200,
            "maximum": 400,
            "default": 200
        "width": {
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": 400,
            "maximum": 600,
            "default": 400

Once defined these parameters can be used in a pipeline template by direct substitution.

"template": [   " urisourcebin name=source ! concat name=c ! decodebin ! videoscale",
                " ! video/x-raw,height={parameters[height]},width={parameters[width]}",
                " ! appsink name=appsink"

Special Handling for Media Frameworks

In addition to specifying the type, default and allowed values in JSON schema notation, pipeline parameters can also include properties that determine how they are interpreted by media analytics frameworks.

Parameters and GStreamer Elements

Parameters in GStreamer pipeline definitions can include information on how to associate a parameter with one or more GStreamer element properties.

The JSON schema for a GStreamer pipeline parameter can include an element section in one of the below forms.

  1. Simple String.

    The string indicates the name of an element in the GStreamer pipeline. The property to be set is taken from the parameter name.


    The following snippet defines the parameter inference-interval which sets the inference-interval property of the detection element.

    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
         "inference-interval": {
             "element": "detection",
             "type": "integer",
             "minimum": 0,
             "maximum": 4294967295,
             "default": 1
  2. Object.

    The object indicates the element name, property and format for the parameter. The format is only required in special cases where the property value has to be formatted as a valid JSON document.


    The following snippet defines the parameter interval which sets the inference-interval property of the detection element.

    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
         "interval": {
             "element": {
             "type": "integer",
             "minimum": 0,
             "maximum": 4294967295,
             "default": 1
  3. Array of Objects or Strings.

    An array specifying multiple element properties to be set by the same pipeline parameter.


    The following snippet defines the parameter interval which sets the inference-interval property of the detection element and the inference-interval property of the classification element.

    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
         "interval": {
                 [ {"name":"detection",
             "type": "integer",
             "minimum": 0,
             "maximum": 4294967295,
             "default": 1
  4. Object with dictionary of properties.

    A dictionary specifying properties that apply to a pipeline element by name.


    The following snippet defines detection-properties which can be used to pass GStreamer element properties for the detection element without explicitly defining each one. This can be enabled by setting format as element-properties for the parameter.

    Note: The property names are expected to match the GStreamer properties for the corresponding element.

    "parameters": {
            "type": "object",
            "detection-properties" : {
                "element": {
                    "name": "detection",
                    "format": "element-properties"

    Pipeline Request

    "source": {
        "type": "uri"
    "parameters" : {
        "detection-properties": {
            "threshold": 0.1,
            "device": "CPU"

Parameters and default value

Parameters default value in pipeline definitions can be set in section in one of two forms(setting value or by environment variable) below.

  1. Set default value directly

    A default value can be set for the element property using default key.


    The following snippet defines the parameter detection-device which sets the device property of detection with default value GPU

    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
         "detection-device": {
             "element": {
             "type": "string",
             "default": "GPU"
  2. Read default value from environment variable

    A default value can be set using environment variable for the element property using default key.


    The following snippet defines the parameter detection-device which sets the device property of the detection with default value from environment variable DETECTION_DEVICE. If the environment variable is not set, pipeline server won't set a default and the element's built-in default will be used by the underlying framework.

    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
         "detection-device": {
             "element": {
             "type": "string",
             "default": "{env[DETECTION_DEVICE]}"

    Set DETECTION_DEVICE environment variable at Pipeline Server start.

    ./docker/ -e DETECTION_DEVICE=GPU

Parameters and FFmpeg Filters

Parameters in FFmpeg pipeline definitions can include information on how to associate a parameter with one or more FFmpeg filters.

The JSON schema for a FFmpeg pipeline parameter can include a filter section in one of two forms.

  1. Object.

    The object indicates the filter name, type, property, index and format for the parameter. The format is only required in special cases where the property value has to be formatted as a valid JSON document.


    The following snippet defines the parameter inference-interval which sets the interval property of the first detect filter.

    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
         "inference-interval": {
             "filter": {"name":"detect",
             "type": "integer",
             "minimum": 0,
             "maximum": 4294967295,
             "default": 1
  2. Array of Objects.

    An array specifying multiple filter properties to be set by the same pipeline parameter.


    The following snippet defines the parameter interval which sets the interval property of the detect filter and the interval property of the classify filter.

    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
         "inference-interval": {
             "filter":[ {"name":"detect",
             "type": "integer",
             "minimum": 0,
             "maximum": 4294967295,
             "default": 1

Parameter Resolution in Pipeline Templates

Parameters passed in through a request are resolved in a pipeline template either through direct substitution or through special media framework handling.

Direct Substitution

Wherever a value in a pipeline template is referenced through a key in the parameters object its value is taken from the incoming request. If not supplied in the request it is set to the specified default value.


Pipeline Template:

"template": ["urisourcebin name=source uri={source[uri]} ! concat name=c ! decodebin ! videoscale"
             " ! video/x-raw,height={parameters[height]},width={parameters[width]}"
             " ! appsink name=appsink"

Pipeline Parameters:

"parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "height": {
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": 200,
            "maximum": 400,
            "default": 200
        "width": {
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": 400,
            "maximum": 600,
            "default": 400

Pipeline Request:

  "source": {
  "parameters": {

Parameter Resolution:

"urisourcebin name=source uri=file:///temp.mp4 ! concat name=c ! decodebin ! videoscale" \
" ! video/x-raw,height=300,width=300" \
" ! appsink name=appsink"

Media Framework Handling

When a parameter definition contains details on how to set GStreamer element or FFmpeg filter properties, templates do not need to explicitly reference the parameter.


Pipeline Template:

"template": ["urisourcebin name=source ! concat name=c ! decodebin ! videoscale"
             " ! video/x-raw,height=300,width=300"
             " ! appsink name=appsink"

Pipeline Parameters:

"parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "scale_method": {
            "type": "string",
            "element": {
                "name": "videoscale",
                "property": "method"
            "enum": ["nearest-neighbour","bilinear"],
            "default": "bilinear"

Pipeline Request:

 "source": {
 "parameters": {

Parameter Resolution:

Note: Parameters defined this way are set via the GStreamer Python API. The following pipeline string is provided for illustrative purposes only.

"urisourcebin name=source uri=file:///temp.mp4 ! concat name=c ! decodebin ! videoscale method=nearest-neighbour" \
" ! video/x-raw,height=300,width=300" \
" ! appsink name=appsink"

Reserved Parameters

The following parameters have built-in handling within the Pipeline Server modules and should only be included in pipeline definitions wishing to trigger that handling.


A boolean parameter that can be included in GStreamer pipeline definitions to trigger additional logging for GStreamer bus messages.

If included and set to true, GStreamer bus messages will be logged with log-level info. This is useful for elements which post messages to the bus such as level.


"parameters": {
	  "type": "object",
	  "properties": {
              "bus-messages": {
              "type": "boolean",
              "default": true

Deep Learning Models

OpenVINO Toolkit's Intermediate Representation

The Pipeline Server applications and pipelines use deep learning models in the OpenVINO Toolkit's Intermediate Representation format (IR). A model in the IR format is represented by two files:

  • <model_name>.xml. An XML file describing the model layers, precision and topology.

  • <model_name>.bin. A binary file encoding a trained model's weights.

Converting Models

For more information on converting models from popular frameworks into IR format please see the OpenVINO Toolkit documentation for model optimizer.

Ready To Use Models

For more information on ready to use deep learning models that have been converted into the IR format (or include conversion instructions) please see the the OpenVINO Toolkit documentation for model_downloader and the OpenVINO Toolkit Open Model Zoo.

Model-Proc Files

In addition to the .xml and .bin files that are part of a model's IR format, Intel(R) DL Streamer elements and FFmpeg Video Analytics filters make use of an additional JSON file specifying the input and output processing instructions for a model. Processing instructions include details such as the expected color format and resolution of the input as well labels to associate with a models outputs. The Pipeline Server automatically looks for this file in the path models/model-alias/model-version/*.json. Note that the model manager will fail to load if there are multiple ".json" model-proc files in this directory.

Some models might have a separate .txt file for labels, in addition to or instead of model-proc. If such a file exists, the Pipeline Server automatically looks for this file in the path models/model-alias/model-version/*.txt.

For more details on model proc and labels see Model Proc File

Intel(R) DL Streamer

For more information on Intel(R) DL Streamer model-proc files and samples for common models please see the Intel(R) DL Streamer documentation and samples.

FFmpeg Video Analytics

For model-proc files for use with FFmpeg Video Analytics please see the following samples

How Deep Learning Models are Discovered and Referenced

Model files are stored in a hierarchical directory structure that determines their name, version and precision.

On startup, the Pipeline Server model_manager searches the configured model directory and creates a dictionary storing the location of each model and their associated collateral (i.e. <model-name>.bin, <model-name>.xml, <model-name>.json, <labels>.txt)

The hierarchical directory structure is made up of four levels:


Note: Not all models have a file for labels. In such cases, the labels could be listed in the model-procfile.

Here's a sample directory listing for the yolo-v3-tf model:

└── object_detection                // name
    ├── 1                           // version
    │   ├── yolo-v3-tf.json         // proc file
    │   ├── coco-80cl.txt           // labels file
    │   ├── FP16                    // precision
    │   │   ├── yolo-v3-tf.bin      // bin file
    │   │   ├── yolo-v3-tf.mapping
    │   │   └── yolo-v3-tf.xml      // network file
    │   ├── FP32
    │   │   ├── yolo-v3-tf.bin
    │   │   ├── yolo-v3-tf.mapping
    │   │   └── yolo-v3-tf.xml

Referencing Models in Pipeline Definitions

Pipeline definitions reference models in their templates in a similar way to how they reference parameters. Instead of being resolved by values passed into the pipeline by a request, model paths are resolved by passing in a dictionary containing information for all models that have been discovered by the model_manager module.

Pipeline templates refer to specific model files using a nested dictionary and standard Python dictionary indexing with the following hierarchy: models[model-name][version][precision][file-type].

The default precision for a given model and inference device (CPU:FP32,HDDL:FP16,GPU:FP16,VPU:FP16,MYRIAD:FP16, MULTI:FP16,HETERO:FP16,AUTO:FP16) can also be referenced without specifying the precision: models[model-name][version][file-type].


  • models[object_detection][1][proc] expands to models/object_detection/1/yolo-v3-tf.json
  • models[object_detection][1][labels] expands to models/object_detection/1/coco-80cl.txt
  • If running on CPU models[object_detection][1][network] expands to models/object_detection/1/FP32/yolo-v3-tf.xml
  • Running on GPU models[object_detection][1][network] expands to models/object_detection/1/FP16/yolo-v3-tf.xml
  • models[object_detection][1][FP16][network] expands to models/object_detection/1/FP16/yolo-v3-tf.xml

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.